Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 708 - Secrets in the long river of history

According to the analysis, they believed that the ancient Laputa people should have discovered the manufacturing method of the flying stone crystal in an accident, and then created a flourishing civilization based on the flying stone crystal.

However, because of the technical level mismatch, there were many problems after the establishment of the floating city, and finally the Laputa people had to give up the floating city and choose to return to the ground to live.

One of the most important one is the problem of magic energy radiation. As Ryan analyzed before, the utilization rate of crystalline energy of pumice stone by ancient Laputa people is extremely low, so that a large amount of magic energy is released in vain. Into the surrounding environment.

This high-intensity magic energy has no small harm for the Lapda people who cannot master the magic. For those living in the floating city, they will find that if they spend too long in the sky city, There will be some malignant lesions on the body, especially for the next generation born in the floating city. Because they receive more radiation, the malignant lesions on the body will become more and more serious.

In the end, the Lapda people who could not solve these problems could only give up the floating city of their crystallization of wisdom and put it back on the ground, while consciously blocking all the techniques of crystallization of the city of the sky and the flying stone, so as to avoid future generations repeating the same mistakes.

But just like the vitality around Chernobyl, although this radiation will cause damage to humans, it will not cause damage to plants, and even promote the evolution of plants. The small ecological circle like the primitive jungle on the upper level of the sky city and the huge tree without any friends can illustrate this problem.

In addition, after the big tree wraps the crystal of this fast-flying stone with its roots, part of the energy passes through the filtering of the big tree and reaches the upper layer of Laputa, the city of the sky, which nourishes the growth of the upper layer. This is the most important reason why the upper-level ecosystem, which is neither large nor perfect, can last for a long 700 years.

After Ryan told everyone everything he had analyzed, the entire main control room was quiet. It took several minutes for Hida to wake up from the shock of receiving the news.

“Now I understand the reason why Laputa died out.” Hida said with emotion, “Just in the valley of Kendia, my hometown, an ancient ballad has been popular for 700 years. Its The lyrics are sung like this, rooted in the soil, survived with the wind, spent the winter with the bamboo, and sang the spring with the birds. I think this should be the admonition of our ancestors to future generations. “

“You’re right, it’s like this big tree has pointed out a great development direction for the city of the sky.” Ryan said after gently patting a tree root that was thicker than himself. “High-intensity magic energy will indeed hurt people nearby, but the magic energy filtered by this tree will not only harm the surrounding creatures, but even promote the benign evolution of surrounding creatures.”

“Yes, it is.” Hermione nodded and added that she had also discovered a secret in the special energy cycle formed by this huge flying stone crystal and the big tree just by her own methods. . “I think if the plant filtration program was adopted in the beginning, 700 years would be enough for your generations of evolution to finally master the power of magic.”

When he said this, Hermione thought of the difference between a wizard and a Muggle in his hometown. She now has enough evidence to prove that the ancestors of wizards and many magical creatures were living in a magically stimulated environment by coincidence, and then they evolved the ability to use magic and passed it on from generation to generation.

Even Hermione suspected that the ancestors of the goblins, giants or elves were actually humans at this time, except that they had changed their appearance by the magic radiation different from that of the wizards. In this way, it can explain why they are far from humans in appearance, but they are not reproductively isolated from humans.

Of course, it is better to do research on these important topics in my spare time. Now they need to find a way to hide this sky city.

“At least Laputa’s own power cannot hide the city.” Ryan and Hermione were busy for five or six hours, and until the time came at night, they looked helpless to the two little ones who were close together and were fast asleep. The guy said.

“Aren’t we seeing a huge storm surrounding this sky city before we came?” Baru asked a little puzzled. “It’s not enough to call the storm out again.”

“It would be nice if it was so simple.” Ryan said helplessly. “You need to know that the energy and difficulty required to re-start a storm in a calm sky and maintain a storm are completely different, and now that many systems in the Sky City are damaged, once the storm is re-rolled, we basically Unable to control the size and direction of the storm, in case the storm turns on land— “

“You are right.” Xida nodded. “Even if all the organs along the way we came in were able to operate normally, but think about such thick tree roots that can reach this originally sealed space, this city of sky should be very much compared with 700 years ago. Big changes. I believe that in places we ca n’t see, many things may not be able to function correctly as before. ”

“We just found that the weapon system of the entire sky city can function normally. As the floating city at the core of ancient civilization, the overall state of the pure military systems of Laputa is much better than other systems. For example, we can use this The city fired devastating lightning or manipulated nearly 10,000 war robots to sweep everything around. ”Hermione said, spread her hands. “But it doesn’t make sense to us, because for a flying warship to destroy as long as our spaceship is enough, no amount of force now makes sense to us.”

“So what should we do now?” Baru squatted depressed and scratched his hair with both hands. “There is not enough time to hide this sky city with magic, and the sky city itself is not powerful enough to hide itself as it used to.”

“Brother Ryan, Sister Hermione.” Hida suddenly stood up and looked at Ryan. They said, “Did you say that you have your own country in other worlds?”

“Yeah ~ ~ Ryan nodded,” To be precise, we have our own countries in several worlds. It ’s just that all countries are not very peaceful and always face wars of one kind or another— “

After he and Hermione, you gave me a brief introduction to several worlds, and finally concluded: “So we have a purpose to find information everywhere, that is, we hope to obtain enough technology to defeat those enemies and for those. Those who follow us because of believing will live a better life. “

“That’s it!” Hida nodded and suddenly said something surprising. “So can you bring this city of sky to your world?”

“What?” Baru turned his head in surprise at Xida. “Why do you do this?”

“It’s simple.” Xida looked at the big guy and said, “On the one hand, we can’t hide Lapuda for now. Once this flying city falls into the hands of the ambitions, then our world will be The flames are full, and peace will never return. “

“On the other hand, even if we hide Laputa this time, but with the development of flight technology, I believe that one day we will still find this floating city. In this case, only the city that made the sky Only hiding in other worlds can guarantee safety. “

“Okay, I think we can hide this city of sky in other worlds. But what do you do then?” Ryan asked with some worry now. “After all, your identity has been exposed now, unless you can hide in no one else, otherwise those ambitions have been hunting you.”

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