Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 702 - Underground mine

After hiding the tent with magic, Ryan and Baru waved goodbye to their respective destinations. This place is a mining-oriented town built around the mines in the canyon, so the drop in the whole town is very large. And the mine pit where they were going to collect flying stones was at the bottom of the canyon.

“This drop is too high.” Hermione sighed after standing on the mountain and looking under the deep canyon. “I really don’t know how those people in the past could endure such a day can only see the sun for an hour or two. Living? “

“Do n’t forget, the mine below was collected from flying stone ore 700 years ago.” Lane pointed to the dirt road that was cut out on the edge of the cliff and the rails on the bridge made of wood. “I think people at that time There are enough flying stones to easily climb up and down from this cliff, not the way of the current way through the rough railway or dirt road. “

“You are right.” Hermione said after carefully observing the wreckage of these roads and buildings in the valley. “Look at the buildings at the bottom. It should be the people who used the original facilities in the pit to mine the various minerals that were not mined when the flying stones were mined. But after the associated mines were mined, People naturally gave up these mines and buildings. The buildings that are in use today are, without exception, located halfway up the valley and above. “

“Then how do we go down?” The rose crystal hidden in Ryan’s backpack asked, “You can only go down the hillside down the road, and there is no way down. How do you plan to go to the bottom mine?” Go inside? “

“Of course it’s flying down. The cornflower home broom I bought can hold the three of us down together. Flying slower should not be a problem for now.” Ryan said. A flying broom was pulled out of the space pocket.

“Actually, you don’t have to be so troublesome.” Hermione said to Ryan a little embarrassedly. “You have learned the magic that uses magical energy to form wings to fly. I can fly by myself.”

“Sounds good,” Ryan said strangely. “But why do I rarely see you practice flying? To know that flying is not just a matter of swimming in theory, you can fly successfully. You need to do some practice.”

“I practiced.” Hermione refuted Ryan’s statement. “It’s just that I haven’t practiced in front of you. In order to practice, I also went to teacher Luo Zhen to learn from the mercury lamp how to use wings to fly.”

After two people stood on the edge of the cliff and stretched their wings, Ryan didn’t know why Hermione avoided her practice flight. After mobilizing the energy in the body, Hermione blew out two groups of blood from her back. These blood seemed to have life, and slowly stretched out with her back as the core, just like the trees continued to grow, and finally formed a pair of red Skeleton-like wings.

After the wings were fully extended, they flicked gently. With the flapping of the wings, a cloud of black mist emerged from the **** skeleton and began to spread along the skeleton, just like the film of the dragon wing. Completely fill the gap in the skeleton. After shaking her wings a little, Hermione’s feet flew off the ground.

Ryan figured out why Hermione was reluctant to practice flying in front of herself, because the wings were full of evil and darkness. Especially for women who have a love for beauty, the black and red wings are really awful.

“This pair of wings looks pretty cool.” As a person who has experienced the cultural baptism of the 21st century in his previous life, Ryan doesn’t think that this wing has anything unsightly, but feels a special beauty.

“Really? That’s great.” Hermione felt Ryan’s heartfelt compliment through the soul connection of the two people, and the whole person became a lot happier at once. “Let’s go now. If we move faster, we might go back for lunch.”

After speaking, Hermione came to the edge of the cliff to add a phantom body curse to herself, then stretched her wings and swooped down. Ryan and Rose Crystal also glanced down from the cliff follower Hermione after casting an invisibility spell on their bodies.

This pit is at the very bottom of the canyon. It took three people some time to fly into the pit. This mine is a sky pit, the entrance is not very big, but it is very deep. After they descended to the bottom of the pit, there was almost no light at all, and they could only vaguely watch the sky above the head that was now the size of a ping pong ball.

“It feels like the underground level in our first grade, it is also deep underground.” After stepping on the ground, Hermione folded her wings and looked at the small piece of light above her head with emotion, “Unconsciously In the past, time has passed so long. “

“Yeah, as if everything happened just yesterday.” Ryan folded his wings and also sighed, fortunately, the two people had a good dark vision after the body strengthened many times, at least at a distance of twenty or thirty meters You can still see clearly inside.

According to the previous adventure experience, it is best not to light the lights in this dark and unknown situation, otherwise it will easily become the target of the enemy hidden in the dark. So in the darkness, four people set off.

After reaching the bottom of the pit, Jill took the initiative to come from Rose Crystal’s body and volunteered to walk to the forefront to explore the way. According to her statement, in this complex environment, as a hero, she is more suitable to act here, while being able to At any time, her incarnation is more likely to survive the raid.

After walking out for a while, Lane discovered that there were a lot of traces of human activity around him. Such as the traces excavated by various metal tools on the stone wall, and some wooden support columns that have begun to decay. Even on the ground you can find metal tracks that have been covered with thick dust.

“Which direction are we heading now?” Said Hermione, holding her magic wand, looking a little confused, because the pits in this area are well-connected, and some of them were left during the earliest excavation flight, and more are some people who later excavated other minerals. From the time left ~ ~ Because of the enrichment of minerals here, people have been digging in this direction for hundreds of years, and now a cave system like a complex spider web is left underground.

Therefore, Hermione stopped when she came to the bifurcated road with exits up, down, left, and right in front of her. She didn’t know which direction to go next.

“I have a way.” Ryan said and took out a slap-sized gold compass and tapped it with a magic wand, and soon the pointer in the center of the gold plate pointed to a tunnel entrance.

“Let’s go this way.” Lane pointed to a tunnel to the left. “I asked Baru yesterday, he told me that this place produces only a variety of metal ores in addition to flying stones, and those ordinary metal ores will not have a strong magic reaction. Therefore, we only need to pass this compass Just find the place with the strongest magical response in this area. “

Guided by the compass, the four people came to an open space by the underground river in only two hours. But they found that they were not the first to come here, because there was a light of kerosene lamps in the open space, and a figure that was not tall seemed to pack something beside the light.

In this quiet underground space, footsteps can travel far and far. So when Ryan walked 50 to 60 meters away from the figure, they saw the man standing and asked. “Who is there?”

“Relax, sir.” From afar, Ryan saw that the man in front of him had a big beard that was thicker than President Dumbledore, but he looked a lot shorter, giving the impression that he was a dwarf. “We are just tourists from afar, come here to visit the mine where the flying stones were mined.”

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