Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 694 - talk

In Hogwarts’ principal’s office, Lane promised principal Dumbledore that he could quickly recover some of the resources produced by the British magic world and make up for the loss of production capacity caused by his own destruction.

This is not perfunctory or obscured. After integrating several world technologies, Ryan has created a new type of plantation that can be operated with a small amount of labor. It’s just that because these manors are likely to have fierce competition with those pure-blood manors, Ryan has not taken these things out.

However, although these things have not been brought up in this world, as an experiment and in order to obtain sufficient resources, Lane has established three such cultivations in the world of “The Lord of the Rings” and the world of “Song of Ice and Fire”. garden. After nearly a year of operation, Lane can confirm that all of these can be run smoothly for a long time.

In addition to the six plantations in these two worlds, a little hamster-like hobbyist and well-resourced Lane also prepared six sets of all the necessary equipment and raw materials for the plantation, which can be used in a short time. Six new estates were built. This time, Ryan planned to take out three of them and set up three manor houses in his own control area.

“It seems that you have considered a lot of things in advance.” Dumbledore said slowly, staring at Ryan, and their blue eyes became like deep lake water. “I hope you can honestly answer my last question, why did you choose to split the British magic world.”

“We didn’t–” Hermione wanted to argue, but Ryan put up a hand to stop her, and then asked Professor Dumbledore. “We admit that we are consciously dividing the magic world, but we are here to make the end of this war a truly peaceful start, not a truce less than 20 years away.”

Dumbledore was able to see his own layout, which was what Lane expected. Before, whether he was an attack on a pure-blood wizard and a vassal, or introduced an independent financial institution, even by destroying and rebuilding those magic resource production bases. The transfer of overall industry dominance. All of this clearly shows Ryan’s intention to re-establish a magic society.

As a centenarian who has experienced so many things, Headmaster Dumbledore could not have seen Ryan’s rear hand. What makes Ryan a little strange is that Professor Dumbledore hasn’t talked about this with himself until now, which is a little late in some ways.

“I hope you will know that the purpose of war is for peace.” Dumbledore solemnly said. “And everything you do is actually tearing up the British wizarding society, and it will seriously intensify the conflict between pure blood, mixed blood and Muggle family wizards.”

“Of course I know this.” Lane nodded. “But now the British wizarding world has actually split. Since the mysterious man established the London Ministry of Magic with his help from the pure blood family, the British wizarding world has split openly into two hostile groups. Part. And all of this stems from mistakes after the last war. “

“Oh? Where do you think the mistake is.” Dumbledore looked at Ryan with interest. “After the last war, we walked out of the shadow of the war at the fastest speed and continued to maintain the position of the British wizards in the world, allowing the British wizarding world to resume prosperity in the shortest time. In my It seems that this is already a good result. “

“But it also lays the roots of the current war.” Ryan pointed out bluntly, “The last war was more provoked than the mysterious man’s ambitions. It was better after the previous secrecy law was revised. After the number of hemp seeds and mixed-race wizards has greatly increased, the pure-blood families who feel that their interests have been violated have made a counterattack. “

“And after the defeat of the mysterious man and the Death Eaters, the British magic world did not seriously liquidate those who provoked the war. A large number of Death Eaters who held extremely serious lineage discrimination and participated in the last war were not tried. , They still retain their ideas, their status, and their wealth and resources. “

Speaking of this, Ryan looked at Dumbledore very seriously. “You might think that after the last compromise, the wizards of these pure-blood families should be grateful, should repent, and should correct their deep-rooted prejudices, but you are wrong. At least from this rapid fall of the Ministry of Magic And in the series of battles that followed, we can see that those people did not repent at all. Instead, they buried those hatreds in their hearts, ready to break out at any time, and once again invest in their so-called clean **** cause. “

“I think even if the mysterious man didn’t resurrect, the war will break out.” Finally, Ryan pointed out a cruel conclusion inferred by him. “As soon as I went to school, I heard a popular word from Slytherin: mud type. At the Quidditch World Cup, I saw a meeting of former Death Eaters. This represents some kind of dirty and dangerous thinking. It has been circulating in the minds of many people. Last time your kindness only exchanged for their weak mocking of you and preparation for the next war. “

“You are right, boy. You are right.” Professor Dumbledore looked exhausted. He did not justify himself as Ryan imagined. Because the current situation is what Ryan said, the enemies in the last war are back this time, and the war is waged again for the same reason.

“At that time, I just hoped that more people in the British magic world would survive to minimize the loss of the British magic world.” Professor Dumbledore began to tell Ryan about the past. “When I was young, I experienced a brutal wizard war that spread across Europe. A large number of people died in that war, and since then, I have hoped to minimize the loss in dealing with the problem.”

“Your idea is good, professor. I think the only purpose of a reasonable war is to stop the war.” Hermione said after listening to it for a long time, “but I have to say that last time Grindelwald provoked In that war, the pure-blood families that had dominated the whole of Europe except the United Kingdom were hit hard. In this way, they could just complete the integration after the war to make up for the contradiction between pure-blooded hybrids and hemp seed wizards. “

“But the United Kingdom does not have ~ ~ Under your protection, Grindelwald ’s power has never been to the United Kingdom. The British wizards still retain the oldest social structure and more deadly old ideas. As the society goes further Development, hemp seed and mixed-breed wizards are increasing, but stubborn pure-blood wizards occupy almost all resources. In this case, war will break out one day, the only difference is who will start first. “

After reading a large number of books recommended by Ryan, especially those related to politics and history and practiced in several worlds. Hermione had a deeper understanding of the causes of several wizarding wars. One of the most important understandings is when the power of a group of people is not directly proportional to their status. These wars in the wizarding world are inevitable.

“And professor, you have also experienced two world wars in the Muggle world before.” Ryan went on to say, “The different development directions of Germany after the two wars have already explained the problem, so we think that this time only Liquidate those lineageists comprehensively. Only in the next time will we achieve truly long-lasting peace, and everything we do now is to achieve this goal. “

“Yes,” Hermione nodded, then gave a slightly awkward smile to Principal Dumbledore. “You know, we are still young. So we really don’t want to be at war or preparing for war in our lives.”

“Okay, okay, this time you will do what you want.” After Dumbledore finished speaking, the whole person leaned on the back of the chair, as if exhausted. “But you must not forget your original intentions in the war.”

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