Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 688 - Encounter

Remember in a second 【】

“Introduce yourself, and why did you appear here.” After rushing to eat breakfast, Ryan began to inquire about the two caught goblins. “If I remember correctly, you usually count gold in Gu Ling Pavilion or collect various ores in your underground mines to make magic props. So I am curious why I met you here at this place.”

“My name is Gonuk, and the one next to me is pull ring. Seriously, we do n’t want to do this either. For us, whether it ’s listening to the tumbling collision of gold coins in the vault or standing by the hot fire It’s better than wandering in the wild like this. “Said the goblin with a loud voice. “But now, we are in danger of life, so we have to wander around like this.”

“Life is dangerous, what a joke?” Said an guerrilla spectator next to him. “If I remember correctly, the goblin generally supports the mysterious man. Just like now, your Guling Pavilion has basically stopped. For our services. From the fact that Gu Ling Pavilion has now become a financial institution exclusively for the mysterious person. “

“Your impression is wrong,” said the goblin in a low voice. “We are not on which side. This is the war of the wizards.”

“But why do you actually stand on the side of the mysterious man?” Dirk asked. “According to my previous experience, you used to be not as biased as you said. But now from a factual point of view, your Gu Ling Pavilion has indeed become an accomplice of the mysterious man and the Ministry of Magic in London.”

“It’s just a part of the goblin.” Said the goblin called Gonuk, who also looked very angry. “I rejected some kind of request that I thought was rude, and naturally my personal safety is in danger. But even if it is so, I will stick to my point of view.”

“Unreasonable demand.” Ryan asked somewhat curiously. “What kind of request will make you refuse so firmly?”

“Things that are not commensurate with my ethnic dignity,” the goblin replied, his voice rougher and less human-like, “I’m not a house elf, and I will not bow down to the wizard and obey.”

“Then pull the ring, how about you?” Ryan turned to look at another goblin after listening to Gonuk. Although he hadn’t seen the goblin, he knew that the goblin should have taken Harry to get it. The magic stone, who wanted to be able to go to the vault with the highest level of confidentiality at that time, should also be a senior staff member with not a low level in the Gu Ling Pavilion, and may even be the core staff of the Gu Ling Pavilion.

“Similar reasons,” said Lahuan, “Guling Pavilion is no longer controlled solely by my race. I don’t admit that the wizard is my master. In this way, it will naturally be hunted down. There are some members of my family besides the disciples. “

“Yes, without those guys who disagree with us, we can even live peacefully in the Goblin Crypt instead of wandering around like this now.” Gonuk looked angry. “Know that even if the goblins were the worst, no one could break into the goblin crypt.”

“That is to say, the London Ministry of Magic, Death Eaters or Mysteries now have control of the Gulling Pavilion in Britain.” Hermione quickly sorted out an important message from the words of the two goblins. “And most goblins have already chosen to cooperate, and people like you who are not willing to cooperate can only go into exile.”

“Hermione is right, although you may not want to hear others say this.” Ryan stretched out his hand and interrupted as the goblin wanted to say something. “If it weren’t for the goblins who advocated cooperation with the group of Death Eaters, you wouldn’t need to go into exile now.”

“People with magic wands, you don’t understand some things.” Lahuan said angrily. “For us, maintaining independence and freedom is the most important thing. There are always sacrifices in the process. Although I hate those The fairies who drove us out, but I also know why they did it. “

Ryan knew what the group of British goblins thought. Gulingge did not want Hardtop Voldemort to suffer heavy losses, but they also did not want to give the outside world a feeling that the goblin was weak and bully.

In this case, it is a last resort for them to maintain control of the Guling Pavilion at the expense of some goblins. Of course, the goblins dare to do this also firmly believe that the group of Death Eaters is not enough in a short time The power and knowledge to take over the complex business of Gu Ling Ge. For the goblins, no matter who is on stage to run the Gulinge Fairies, they are indispensable.

And this time it was the extremists in the Gu Ling Pavilion who were thrown by the fairies as scapegoats. Their previous contempt for the wizards made them successfully on the clearance list of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

After all, according to the usual habits of Death Eaters, this non-human intelligent creature itself is at the bottom of their contempt chain. And this kind of goblin who refused to kneel and lick their toes must be the object of priority removal.

Gu Ling Ge will naturally not cause everyone to be in trouble because of some people, so it will naturally kick this group of extremists. Even in order to show that they have nothing to do with them, some goblins were sent to chase them down.

“People with wands, what does that mean?” A guerrilla asked as Ryan thought. At the same time, the guerrillas around them all showed a listening expression. After all, most of the wizards here are grown in the Muggle world or mixed race, and they do n’t really understand some common sense in the wizarding world. Not to mention that most people who grew up in the wizarding world at this knowledge point don’t even know it.

“Right with a magic wand,” the goblin does not seem to be shy about sharing the meaning of the word with others. He said softly, “The wizard and the goblin have been fighting for a long time.”

“Accurately speaking, the wizards and goblins in the European cultural circle have been fighting for a long time.” Hermione added

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】

It is sufficient to say, “As far as I know, African wizards do not use magic wands, and the intelligent creatures on the other side of the heaven often have their own spellcasting props.”

“In addition to that, the goblin can cast spells without a wand.” Someone next to him said, “Without a wand at this point will not hinder your life.”

“Don’t mention this matter.” Griphook looked angry. “Only wizards in Europe and America will refuse to let other magical creatures share the secrets of wand learning, and will not allow us to expand our influence!”

“When it comes to secrets, isn’t the blockade of knowledge mutual?” Ryan asked. “In the heavens, the intelligent creatures and the human wizards gained the knowledge of human spells and the secrets of how to make the props through knowledge exchange, and you fairies. Well, I do n’t want to pay anything and just want to get it for free. “

“Yeah, the goblin wouldn’t disclose his magic.” Said Dirk Cresway, former director of the goblin liaison office. “They also never told us how to make swords and armor. The special method of fairy forging metal, even the casting method of Jialong. Be aware that those panda people in the heavens were very generous to share with us immediately after the establishment of the bank. The manufacturing method of Singalong. “

“Shut up,” the anger in Taban’s eyes now seems to be burning the entire tent. “What’s the difference between you and the Dark Lord? They are both trying to be more solid than us. UU reads and seizes our stuff at the same time.”

“Oh, your stuff–” Dirk looked angry too. “The proper owner of any thing is its maker, not the purchaser. Anything made by the goblin, in the eyes of the goblin, deserves to belong to them. Even if the wizard has paid, the goblins will think it is The payer rented it. It is believed that after the death of the original purchaser, the thing should be returned to the goblin. And the wizard passed it to the wizard and no longer paid, which is no better than stealing. “

A whispering noise immediately sounded in the tent. Although most of the wizards here did not use leprechauns as luxury goods in the wizarding world, they generally felt that the goblins’ definition of their own things was unacceptable to them.

Just as the two fairies were about to explode, Rose Crystal flew in from outside, and she held several newspapers in her hand. Soon she bypassed the others and came to Lane’s ear and whispered a few words.

Ryan opened his eyes instantly, then took a closer look at the newspaper. After reading the newspaper, he looked up at the two flushed goblins in front of him and said, “Just now you were talking about the independence and freedom of reading goblins, but now it seems that this is not the case.”

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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