Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 20 - Transition and discussion about 3 dogs

Early the next morning, Ryan yawned and went to the auditorium for breakfast. I was too excited yesterday, so I didn’t sleep well at night.

However, despite his physical fatigue, Ryan was still very excited in spirit. He even smiled occasionally even at dinner.

This behavior attracted the eyes of Hermione eating next to her. “What the **** did you do this weekend? After a while, I was confused and inexplicably dazed, and smirked from time to time. Are you really okay?”

Hermione let her go after Ryan repeatedly assured herself that there was no problem. After that, I went to the library to study myself.

The days are back on track. Ryan is also quietly and normally in class. He feels that it is not suitable to travel to other worlds until he fully masters the two abilities of the current new learning. After all, if you want to learn new powers, you must first apply the powers you already master before you talk about it.

In addition, he showed interest in magical plants in the herbal medicine class on Wednesday. Even willing to stay and help clean up after class, just to stay with those magical plants for a while, after all, only by touching these plants, Ryan can absorb the knowledge of crazy Dave in his own practice.

Seeing that Ryan clearly showed his love for these plants, Professor Sprout was very happy. After all, as a teacher, the courses he taught had students’ heartfelt likes that made them feel very accomplished.

So Professor Sprout told Ryan that he can go directly to her office to ask questions when they have questions about these magical plants.

So, besides improving his ability, Ryan found himself brushing his face with the professor. This is a surprise.

However, the mechanical ability is difficult to practice, because there is a very unreasonable repair spell in the wizarding world, so that it has no place to practice hands. Fortunately, the thing does not have much effect in the wizarding world. When will there be a chance? You can practice again.

After writing homework in the evening, I found many people crowded by the fireplace in the common room. The Weasley twins seemed to be demonstrating new things there.

Ryan just planned to stand up to see the excitement, the door of the common room opened, and Hermione crawled in from outside.

She came in and looked around the lounge, then walked towards Ryan, it seemed that there was something to find him.

Lean returned to his seat again, and soon Hermione sat opposite him, then looked around a little nervously. Most people in the lounge were attracted by the new tricks of Weasley twins, and no one noticed this corner.

Hermione put down her schoolbag and pulled out a thick book from inside.

This book looks old, with a reptile skin on it. The name of the book is written in faded lacquer on the cover: “Rare Europa Magic Animal”

Hermione said, “Look, I found this.”

She opened the book and turned to one of the pages. A three-headed dog was painted on it. It seems that the original author’s painter was good. The three-headed dog was drawn to life and kept changing its posture as if it were alive.

Lane saw at a glance that the three-headed dog on the picture was almost the same as the three-headed dog they met in the room on the fourth floor that day they were not allowed to be close.

The description of this animal is written at the bottom of the picture: three-headed dog, a magical creature with regional biological ancestry. It is a relic of the age of mythology. Because of its three heads, it has inherent advantages in the ability to detect, resist coma, panic, and coma.

This animal has powerful night vision, and its paws and teeth are poisonous. It can cause difficult healing for its opponents. Multiple heads can take turns to rest, so it is difficult to attack it. The lineage of mythical creatures makes him extremely resistant to magic and physical attacks.

“Why do you show me this?” Ryan asked, and then he seemed to think of something: “I swear I will never be as adventurous as last time. After all, this terrible creature can still withdraw from the whole body. Fortunately, we ca n’t expect to be able to look after me forever. And I accidentally involved you last time. I apologize to you again. “

“It’s a good thing for you to have this kind of thinking, but I don’t mean to show you this book, you look at this paragraph.” Ryan followed Hermione’s finger and found a row under the footer that he just skipped. Small print: The three-headed dog can be tamed by the powerful owner. Once tamed, it only follows the owner’s instructions, and is the most suitable and loyal guard.

“We were in that room that day and saw a trapdoor at the foot of the three-headed dog, which just shows that the three-headed dog is there to protect something. What do you think is what will make the school take a certain risk? Such a dangerous animal in the school? “

When did Hermione have this curiosity? In the original text, she wasn’t making friends with Harry and Ron. Are you concerned about this issue?

Lean thought about Hermione’s changes, and then figured it out: As a school bully, Hermione must have great curiosity about the unknown. Not to mention escaping from the mouth of such a big three-headed dog. It would be a strange thing not to be curious about that animal. If it were n’t for Ryan who already knew the answer, he must be looking for information about the dog.

It’s just that in the original world, Hermione was not very popular in Gryffindor. UU reading could not find someone to discuss, so at most think about it in your heart.

Hermione saw that Ryan seemed to be dazed again, so she asked: “I don’t believe you have any curiosity about the three-headed dog and trapdoor. Tell me what did you think of?”

Lane knew the secret under the trap door, but he couldn’t say it straight. (Otherwise I ca n’t explain it)

After thinking about it, Ryan said: “After reading the information you gave today, the only thing I can be sure of is what the dog is guarding, and that thing must be very important, otherwise it will not be used to look at the door with this animal. . “

“However.” Ryan turned his words: “I find it strange that Hogwarts is just a school, not a vault. How could it be used to store babies?”

“Wait, vault, I seem to have thought of something.” Hermione continued: “I have been ordering the” Prophet Daily “. I remember the newspaper saying that someone had invaded Gu Ling Pavilion during the summer vacation, but a Gu Ling Pavilion spokesman said, The invaded vault is empty, and the contents have been extracted earlier in the day. Do you say that the things hidden in Hogwarts are the ones that were taken away? “

A good reasoning, and he could actually guess the truth. Ryan looked at Hermione in surprise, then found that she was a little sick, coughed and said: “I think you guessed it very well, because the wizarding world can be better than Gu Ling Ge. The only safe place is Hogwarts, where the great Dumbledore is. But those who dare to rob Gu Lingge may dare to come to Hogwarts to rob. “

“So, what should I do?” Hermione said nervously.

Lean waved his hand and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, we have the greatest white wizard of this century as the principal. Even if there is any situation, it is not our two first-year students to worry about it.”

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