My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 159: Chance Being Grim Reaper?

Chance had to take this step as he wishes to kill Edwin as soon as possible. He can't let Edwin be on Carol's side for any more time. He had to kill him before Carol's feelings deepens. He needs to protect her from another heart break. So, he came up with this plan on-spot. He also has another plan to protect Carol but he was not sure how well that plan would work.

"About Carol?" David worriedly asked him as what plan he had in mind for Carol.

When Chance shared his plan, David was very happy as it might definitely work given the current scenario.

"I am impressed, Chance" David was happy with what Chance had in mind to protect Carol.

"Hmm, we need to be very careful" Chance commented.

"What about Samantha?" David asked him.

"What about her?" Chance raised his eyebrows.

"I am sure, Edwin already told her Lucas is Carol's brother which means she knows Carol's brother is an assassin. If she joined all the dots, there is a good chance she would be doubting we three men, right now" David voiced his worries.

Chance smiled at him, not that Chance already didn't deduce this. He did.

That's why he already had another plan in his mind to handle Samantha.

"Not we three but you two, you and Jack" Chance confidently said and added, "If I am not wrong you are the one, she actually doubts" Chance laughed after completing his statement.

"What the fuck? Why would she doubt me? And why the hell are you laughing?"

"You are the one present in both Hawaii and Austin. How can I not laugh? Imagining you as the Grim Reaper is enough for me to laugh like this." Chance made fun of David.

"Dude, how can you take this situation lightly? She is doubting us all and especially me. What if she kills me?" David was terrified with this thought as he knows how much she hates Grim Reaper.

"Dave, Chill! She won't kill you until it is confirmed you are indeed the Grim Reaper. By Wednesday, all her doubts will be cleared, don't worry" Chance assured him and it was evident Chance already have a plan in place for that too.

"What have you planned?" David asked him suspiciously.

"You will know"

David didn't insist as he understood Chance doesn't wish to share this plan with him.

The two men headed out and saw Mia, who was still showing the place to Samantha.

"I had no idea my house is this big" David sarcastically commented as Mia was still touring Samantha around their home.

Chance laughed and joined the two women, "How is your touring going on?"

"This house is beautiful" Samantha sincerely commented.

"Hmm, we are in Real Estate Business, our houses should look beautiful" Chance joked and after a while he and Samantha bid them adieu and left for their home as they all planned to meet for dinner again.

On the way, Chance and Samantha were quiet for a while as Samantha was still not sure if all of this was really a coincidence.

Since she saw Edwin here, her mind had been a mess and when he told her Carol's brother is an assassin, she started questioning everything.

The coincidences of how she met with Chance, bothered her once but when she realized she is the one lying to him and not the other way around, she stopped questioning everything.

But now, after knowing Grim Reaper is someone closer to Chance, she couldn't help but question everything around her.

Her deduction until now told her, it is David, who is the Grim Reaper.

'But David doesn't look confident and shameless enough to be the Grim Reaper. I always thought Grim Reaper is someone cool, confident and brave.' Samantha thought to herself and suddenly she turned to her left and looked at Chance, who was driving the car seriously.

Samantha's eyes travelled to properly check him out, she noticed he has a great body.

'Assassins need to stay fit and Chance is perfectly fit' Her mind was observing stuff, which she really wished it wouldn't.

Her heart was telling her Chance being Grim Reaper is a big joke but her mind was saying – REALLY???

"Am I that good looking?" Chance questioned her, his attention still on the road ahead but he could sense her eyes on him.

"You doubt?" Samantha questioned him back, instead.

"What are you thinking?" Chance was sure whatever is going on in her mind right now, was something he won't like.

"I am thinking are you truly the person, you say you are" 


Chance suddenly pressed on the brakes as he was taken aback at her question.

Until now he was confident, she won't doubt him but he underestimated her and overestimated himself. 

Samantha's brainy mind was not letting her eliminate the possibility of Chance too being the Grim Reaper.

Right now, she still doesn't doubt him seriously. It is David, whom she doubts but she couldn't help but think of the possibility of Chance too being the Grim Reaper.

"Why do you look so shocked?" Samantha asked him as Chance looked clearly scared.

"You suddenly said something weird, obviously I am taken aback" Chance composed himself before responding to her calmly.

"What was weird about it?" Samantha asked him as his reaction made her feel a bit more suspicious about him.

"If I am truly the person, I claim to be? What kind of a question is that?" Chance raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm, are you truly what you say you are?" Samantha again asked him, she was not sure why but now she was even more sure of asking him this question.

"Be more specific, your question is vague." Chance didn't back down, he looked straight into her eyes and asked her for clarification. He was trying to shake her confidence.

Chance believed if one hesitates or looks vulnerable while lying, they get caught easily, so he was casual and frank.

Samantha was quiet. When he asked her to be more specific, she was not sure what to say as even she is not sure what she is asking him or what she wishes to know.

"Sam, you alright?" Chance stroked her head as he could see he perfectly confused her.

"I… I don't know." Samantha was not sure what to say, right now she was not in the state of mind to differentiate between anything else.

'Just be quiet and don't talk' she told herself.

"Sam, come here" Chance pulled her closer to him and hugged her gently. He could understand she too was going through a tough time now as it was a shock for her too to know Grim Reaper was closer to them right now and above it, he was confusing her even more to protect himself. He felt bad for her.

"What happened? You missing home?" Chance stroked her head lovingly.

"Hmm" Samantha just hummed and tightly hugged him. She was feeling much better in his arms.

"I am sorry, we came up with this impromptu plan to throw a party, extending our trip. If you wish to go back…"

"No, I want to be here with you. I am glad I tagged along with you." Samantha honestly told him.

"What about your florist shop?"

"I have already informed Andy about selling off my business, so she is selling the last stock of flowers by declaring a discount sale." Samantha informed him, still resting her head on his shoulder.

"Are you feeling better now?" Chance asked her as she seemed to have calmed down.

"Hmm, but I want to stay like this" Samantha hugged him closer and Chance could understand what she must be going through right now.

"Chance?" She softly called his name.


"How scared you are of murderers?" Samantha was still not able to be at peace. Until and unless she asks him, what she wishes to, she won't be at peace.

"Honestly, it is not like how you get scared when you see some animal. If a murderer is standing in front of me, I won't be scared but if I witness a murder, then I'll go into a state of panic." Chance patiently explained the lie, which he told to the psychiatrist too, who treated him when he murdered his servant and portrayed himself as a witness.

"What exactly happened that you developed this fear?" Samantha looked at him.

They never talked about this before. So, today Samantha decided to talk to him about his fear clearly.

"When I was around 8, a thief entered my home. He got caught by my father so he threatened to kill us, if we don't keep our mouth shuts, then we found out there were more people in the house. Dad managed to hide me in a closet. I was in there for a long time, I was frightened. I was waiting for mom and dad to come and take me out but no one came back..."

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