My wife Im found out that I resurrected Roger!

Chapter 174

After the last"friendly" exchange with Dover,

Roya learned that the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons, the ancient weapon, the Heavenly King, might be the sacred tree in Naruto.

So during this period of time, Roya has been worried about this matter.

Because his wife has too many similarities with the leader of the Celestial Dragons, Im.

Every similarity makes Roya more worried.

If his wife is really the Im mentioned by Dover, whose status is still above the Five Elders, then all the previous doubts, such as the Navy's attention to his big brother Roya is no less than that of the Celestial Dragons, and the life assistant arranged by his wife last time, who is not an ordinary office worker at first glance.

All can be explained.

In that case, things will be funny.

His wife is the boss of the Celestial Dragons.

And he not only resurrected the Pirate King Roger, became the largest force among pirates, and became the biggest enemy of the World Government, his vest Saitama, the subordinates of the Akatsuki organization, and even eroded the Navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea bit by bit.

This is a kind of funny feeling that the enemies on both sides fought for a long time, and at first glance, they found that they were friendly forces.

If Im is really the head of the World Government, the Otsutsuki clan that controls the king among the Celestial Dragons, then while gaining the highest power in the world, it also brings a huge danger.

That is, the patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan in each generation of Celestial Dragons is the container for the resurrection of the pure-blooded Otsutsuki clan who originally landed on this planet.

Roya is very worried about the body of his wife, who will become the container of the Otsutsuki ancestor.

Although compared with pure strength, Roya is confident that he can definitely kill the Otsutsuki clan in seconds after activating the Saitama template, but the pure-blooded Otsutsuki clan often also possess special abilities such as opening portals to different time and space and souls boarding the body.

Simply destroying the body will not kill the pure-blooded Otsutsuki clan at all.

Instead, they will be left with the mark of the wedge, be boarded by it, and become the container for its resurrection.

This time when he goes to Marijoa, he must find out everything and test whether the so-called leader of the Celestial Dragons is his wife.

"Well... maybe we can arrange something to test it out, like causing trouble."

Luo Ya suddenly had an idea in his mind.

If he simply visited his wife's company, it would be absolutely impossible to find out all the information.

But what if someone made trouble or attacked?

That would inevitably expose Mary Joa's trump card.

It just so happened that he had just received a dragon-level monster centipede elder, and it was time to let this monster appear.

However, everything must be done to ensure the safety of his wife as the first priority. Anyway, he must be with his wife Im at that time. As long as he is with Im, if something unexpected happens, he can just show his cards with Saitama's vest, or directly summon many Hokage subordinates from Konoha to protect him, so that Im will not be injured by anything.

In Luo Ya's eyes, his wife is a porcelain doll, which is cute and vulnerable.

Protecting his wife is also the original intention of him constantly opening vests and expanding his power outside.

If his wife is really the leader of the Celestial Dragons, Im, even if Saitama's vest is exposed, Luo Ya will destroy the sacred tree and find out the Otsutsuki ancestor behind the scenes.

Protect his wife from any harm.

Even killing the Otsutsuki ancestor and being hosted by his soul is not a problem.

"What are you thinking about?"

Im asked when he saw that Luoya was silent.

"It's nothing. I'm just happy to think about visiting your company and getting to know more about you."

Luo Ya naturally wouldn't say what he was thinking, but pretended to be happy.

Yim could feel that her husband was not lying, but she also felt that Luo Ya was deeply worried.

Although she didn't know what the worry was for, it was real.

The smile on Luo Ya's face didn't disappear until Yim left.

Because she had to go to Yim's company, Luo Ya didn't go anywhere for the past two days.

She stayed at home honestly, waiting for the warship.

After Yim and Luo Ya separated and returned to Marijoa, she kept thinking about how to hide her identity from Luo Ya.

When Yim thought that her husband's vest had resurrected Roger, she felt a headache.

Husband Roya may not know the secrets of the Celestial Dragons, but Roger knows a lot.

Roger not only knows the Five Elders, but Roya may also know that the Celestial Dragons have a leader like him.

When Im thought that her identity might be exposed because of Roger, she was so angry that she wanted to burn Roger to ashes.

She knew very well that her husband hated the Celestial Dragons.

Her identity as a Celestial Dragon must not be exposed.

The Sabaody Archipelago is the territory of the Celestial Dragons, and she can ask the navy of the Sabaody Archipelago, or even the headquarters of the navy to send people to protect Roya.

This also makes it easy for Roya to doubt his own identity.

After all, he is just the president of a company in Marijoa. How can he be so powerful? Can she command the navy?

These details will need to be covered up at that time.

Others say that telling a lie requires a hundred lies to make up for it.

Now it is not a hundred, but tens of thousands.

But as long as it is for her husband, Im feels that doing anything is worth it.

When she thought of her husband, Im couldn't help but began to miss him.

It has been almost a day since we separated. How is Roya at home?

Has he used a vest to tease other women, such as the Pirate Queen and other women besides the Mermaid Princess?

For Im, every separation from Roya is a torture.

The only thing that can soothe this torture is the delicious food made by Roya.

But to deal with his husband... What the public needs most is an Im who is not himself.

How the company is doing is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to prove that the leader of the Celestial Dragons, Im, is not himself.

But in this case, a puppet is needed to replace himself.

Only when he and the puppet are present at the same time can he prove that he is not the leader of the Celestial Dragons.

Then let the Five Elders act out a play with him, and all the problems will be solved.

The general plan was thought out, and Im filled in the remaining details in his mind one by one.

Having lived with Luoya for such a long time, Im knew very well that her husband had a very sharp vision.

Many places need to be so realistic that they can be mistaken for real ones, otherwise it will be easy for Luoya to find the flaws.

"Oh, and I have to arrange a big scene for my husband to see the leader of the Celestial Dragons."

When my husband comes, I will ask the Five Elders to do something so that the puppet who replaces me in the Pangu City Flower Room will unexpectedly appear in front of my husband.

Yimu muttered, and a complete plan has been conceived.

All that remains is to implement his plan one by one.

No rubbing!

No rubbing!

The Five Elders received Yimu's contact.

"I want you to cooperate with me, or to be more precise, to be my puppets, and act out a play.……"

After calling the Den Den Mushi of the Five Elders, Im began to tell them his plan.

As the leader of the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders naturally obeyed Im's orders completely without any questions.

Although I don't know what the meaning of Im's doing this is,

I just have to do it according to the plan.

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