My Vampire

Chapter 64: At the hotel

“Marc, I know exactly how you feel. We don’t either. We won’t let him get away with this.”

There they were, the smiling faces of my dependable brothers.

“Tomorrow. I'm going to church. Before they give me the drugs!”

Everyone nodded. Mikey adds,

"Until then, you stay in the hotel and relax. We’ll be fine here.”

Liza says, "Let’s do that! The beauty salon here is really good. Yuki. Would you like to come with me?”

"But…….are you sure?”

She glanced at me.

“Go ahead. The spa and beauty treatments here are really great.”

“Well then! I’ll go! Please excuse me!”

After answering Liza, Yuki and the others headed straight for the spa.

“......Marc. You said that that dependent there used to be Marie's dependent. What are you going to do now, Kazuya? Marc is also your master.” Mikey looked at Kazuya and said.

“For me, my master is the one I adore, Marcus-sama. And of course, his brothers, Marie's sons, who are here with us."

“I see. So you have already made up your mind.”

“That person left Marie-sama to die…I cannot forgive them”

Kazuya's face contorted with anger.

"... left her to die. Or rather, made it so. I’m sure you’re right.”

Mikey said quietly. I wasn't too sure on what to make of that.

"But why? I don't understand why he'd do that!" I said as I stood up.

"Tomorrow. I guess we'll have to ask him directly."

I looked down.

"... I never thought that person hated us, on the contrary, he adored me... And yet... why did this happen?"

“Tomorrow. You will know the answer. So take it easy. Yuki or whatever you called her, go have fun with your dependent.”

Mikey and Kamil grinned. Even they had their favorite dependents...... I blushed.

“What’s the matter, kid? Still getting used to it? How cute.”

"Don’t treat me like a child!”

Kazuya was looking to the side. His shoulders were shaking……. This guy……he’s… he’s laughing!

“....... Yuki is my beloved and precious partner."

“Marcus-sama. Let me show you your room. Please wait there for Yuki-sama. I'm sure she'll be polished up like never before with Liza-sama in the room with her."

“Right. I remember Liza used to transform women because he liked that kind of thing. I wonder how she will change?”

I found myself being a little excited. There was a knock at the door. I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Um... Liza-san told me to wear this dress... I tried it on, but... the back is too open, isn't it? It's a little embarrassing."

Liza’s grinning face was frustrating, but…… Yuki.

*She’s beautiful.*"

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