My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.44: Beef Burrito

Steph led me to a little patio on top of a building but it was in between two taller buildings, creating shade over the spot. There was a few stone benches with flower beds with red, blue and pink flowers and the view of the street wasn’t half bad. You could easily see the large mountain range behind my school and looking down you could see the street’s stripy brick design, it kind of looked like a yellow tail? My eyes widened at that.

“Just realized why it’s called Gato’s tail?” Steph asked with a knowing grin. I turned with my eyes almost budging in shock. “Heheheh~! You get a lot of people that don’t realize it and your face was pretty…” She let the word hang in the air as she stared at me. “Oblivious.” She said with a smirk.

“Damn, there goes my air of mystery.” I said in mock frustration.

“Hmm. So what do ya think of the place?” She asked playfully.

“Not bad, nice digs. I didn’t think you’d find such a peaceful place. I could read or take a nap here.” I said while stretching my wings and waving my tail in W motion.

“Pfft, HAHAHAHA!” she couldn’t help but break into laughter as I gave a weird face.

“What?” I asked almost getting caught up in her laughter. “What’s so funny?”

“HAHAHAHA. You-you pfft Hehehehe. W-why why are you, hehe, farting?” she asked almost losing her breath.

I gave the most confused, ‘wwwwhhhhhaaaaat?’ face. “I-I was trying to say it’s beautiful!” I said as my cheeks started heating up. I couldn’t look at her, this-THIS! I covered my face with my hands, ignoring that I poked myself with claws, the pain wasn’t anything compared to the mental impact I just suffered.

“Heheheh-HAHAAHHAHAHHAha- Whoa!” Seeing my reaction didn’t help things as Steph broke into so much laughter that she fell off the bench. “I really did break you’re mystery, hehe, m-m-m mist. If you’re this weak!” She cheered on the floor, waving her arms up.

“It wasn’t that bad!” I said trying to defend myself. “I’m plenty mysterious!” I pouted.

“Ssssuuurrreee~” She teased. That made my mind fume.

“Am.” I argued with my best fact.

“Not!” She shot back with a perfect counter.

“I’m uh just going to take the moral high ground and uh? Finish these lonely tacos.” I said as I quickly shoved one into my mouth, making my cheeks puff up like a hamster.

“SO CUTE! HEHE!” She pointed at my face as I turned a darker shade of yellow.

I chose to ignore her and focus on my tacos, which tasted pretty good actually. The meat was tender and savory and the chili sauce had the best mix of mellowness and bite that once I reached down for another one, my hand was met with an empty plate. Looking down I realized that I finished all my tacos, maybe I should go get mor-

The air wavered like a heatwave, pushing up and outward before a soft hissing sound followed by a crumbling and cracking noise started to ring. Looking down I saw people walking on the street, hearing the cracking sound I turned my eyes to a corner street a few blocks away from us. The street was pushing up like a bubble before pressing down, creating a ripple that threw bricks everywhere, shattering windows or hitting nearby people. That’s when a single stream of light shot up, rapidly eating everything.









All I could see was a bright beam of light as everything shook and rumbled wildly. Everything was spinning, wait where’s the benc-






Why is it so hard to move? Almost like that fight earlier! My eyes popped open, seeing pieces of stone, smoke and the bench we were sitting on torn into pieces. Looking around I spotted a buildings missing large sections as if someone ripped apart blocks of cheese, scanning the area I saw a yellow tail sprawled motionle- Without further thought I tore myself out of the wall behind me as I rushed to the tail. What Happened! DON”T BE! You HAVE TO BE OK! PLEASE!

There buried under some ruble I found only her tail poking out. Quickly I lifted the chunks of debris off her, tossing each piece aside like it was nothing. Clawing at anything stubborn I found her under a bent lamp post that seemed to be holding up the mess. I scanned her body for any bleeding, anything that might’ve pierced her or a limb twisted out of place.

‘Cough, cough’ A moment later she started moving. “Ahhh!” she cried in pain the moment her arm turned, trembling.

“Don’t move! Your arm might be broken.” I said while I quickly examined her arm. Hopefully there wasn’t any bone stabbing through her. Luckily there didn’t seem like a lot of damage and nothing twisted or bent in the wrong way. But how could this happen?! Was that some kind of bomb or some fuel line exploded? Who could’ve let something like this happen!




“Mommy! Where are you!”

 Came the horrid screams of people from the street below us. They didn’t sound any better, their pain and shouts only made my blood boil becoming a wild storm of anger.

“WHO DID THIS!” I shouted in rage. “I’ll-“

“Oliver…” Steph grabbed my with her good hand, making me snap my attention back to her. No, not yet… I have to get her to safety first. Then find out what happened.

“Hey is she al- um does she need help?” Came a skittish voice. Looking up I saw a large bat winged man wearing dark blue and red clothes with a red X on their shoulders.

“Are you a Doctor?” I asked quickly. He nodded. “I think her right arm is broken. Is there anywhere I can take her?” I asked firmly.

“We’re setting up a relief station on the west side of here!” He instantly changed and rushed over to check Steph. After a quick cheek he pulled a small black box out. “Found an injured lamia with a broken arm. Seems dazed, might be mild shock, possible concussion. Need evac to Site B” He said into the box. “Don’t worry. I have people coming to take her and make sure she’s treated.” He said trying to keep me calm with steady eyes. I gave an understanding but angry nod before looking back at Steph.

The sounds of several sirens blaring, getting closer to the street rang out and the sound of several people running.



At some point a few more medics came with a wide stretcher, one was an armored beetle woman and two were minotaurs. They gently helped Steph on to the stretcher, but before they could take her, she grabbed me again. “Oliver… Nana. Please help…. Her.” She begged between breaths and clenched teeth. Her eyes were filled with worry and fear.

I held her arm, gently squeezing it. “I’ll find her.” I gave her a firm look before the medics took her away.


Pushing off the floor, I began running to the nearest set of stairs only to find them reduced to a pile of rubble. MOVE! As I ran towards the stairs, I bent my legs, slowing down for a second before jumping down and over the debris. Feet and claws slammed into the floor, sending ripples up my scales. Quickly looking around, I saw several people laying on the floor, the beautiful brick street was full of craters and several buildings and windows were full of holes. FUCK YOU! FUCK EVERY ONE THAT LET THIS HAPPEN! Finally finding the right direction I took off again, I had to find her! No one deserves this!

As I ran for her shop I saw the faces of those caught in that blast. Eyes frozen in fear, jaws locked in anger, several were filled with tears. Some were screaming names and digging at debris that fell from nearby buildings while others sat with wide eyes and shaking bodies. WHAT THE HELL”S HEPPENING!? My blood burned like acid and my muscles strained against each other as I kept running. I hated rushing past these people but I had to make sure Nangerine was fine!


Finding her shop with the door smashed to pieces and the surrounding walls were badly damaged.  Quickly rushing over I suddenly stopped when I heard someone talking inside.

“Come along lady! If you cooperate, you’ll be able to see a brighter tomorrow.” Said the stranger in a jovial tone. Peeking in I saw a weird coyote standing on its hind legs and pointing a knife at Nangerine.

“Your actions are a pure waste. You shouldn’t even have caused that explosion.” She spat on the floor. “Tearing apart a community, how unsightful, how pitiful.” What? This guy did this?

“You’re pretty smart cookie. But hey. It’s their fault for leaving those wires open for anyone to come by and switch things up.” He chuckled. I SEE. COME, LET ME HELP YOU SEE PAIN AND LOSS.

His hair shivered, raising on end. “HEY NOW, you don’t go using your magic or else things will get complicated.” He warned her.

Nangerine raised a brow. “It is not me you should be worried about.”

I was right behind him raising my arms. YOU WHO SEEK PAIN. I WELCOME YOUR REMOSE! His ears lowered as he turned around.


“AHHHHH-“ He began screaming before I grabbed his head and smashed it into a nearby metal shelf. Raising my claws to feed him more punishment.

“I believe that’s more than enough. Any more and the police may question who the attacker is.” She said touching my arm.

“No. This is only the beginning.” I said coldly, eyes glued to his neck and spine.

“I said you weren’t ready.” She said annoyed before snapping her fingers. Purple mist began surrounding me, wrapping around my form until….


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