My Sister The Villainess: Alternate Volume 2

Chapter 13

Gentlemen were everywhere.

Young, shy-looking ones in the latest fashion Middle-aged balding ones who stood with drinks in hand as protruding bellies strained their waistcoats.

Standing at the entrance of the assembly room Linia Beleruse took a deep breath. She was bad with crowds. They made her feel trapped, anxious.

Especially crowds like this. However, a heavenly scent had tickled her nose from afar as she was wandering her gardens and soon she found herself in the ballroom. As soon as she stepped through the door, the scent assaulted her.

Thick, heady, and....seductive...

Her attention was instantly drawn to a broad-shouldered young man in the center of the room. He stood tall amongst a crowd of females, dark-haired and violet-eyed. Like sex given form, he almost seemed to be calling for her

Linia found herself staring. And the more she did, the stronger the scent became. Her hands, folded tight at her waist, struggled to stay in place. Her womanhood felt moist, throbbing with desire. It was all she could do to keep from touching herself.

"Mesmerizing, isn't he, my Lady?" A voice suddenly broke in.

Startled, Linia turned and found a fair-haired woman in a blue gown to her left. She shared a glance with Linia for a moment before going back to openly eyeing the man.

Coughing a bit to hide her embarrassment. she asked, "Who is he?"

"Marquis Claybrook's son, Lord Damien," The woman replied.

The name caused Linia's eyes to widen in surprise. "The guest of honor? That Damien? But...he's only fifteen!"

The other woman laughed. "I know. But his lineage is said to be a bit...special. Maybe that has something to do with it?" She speculated. "Anyway, what does it matter? Look at him..." Her expression turned hungry.

Linia swallowed. Damien Claybrook...

There were many mixed rumors about him. Some were flattering, others less so. There were those who painted him as a young talent with uncanny skill in music and drawing. Polite, even perhaps a touch erudite. Someone tolerant and kind.

Others, popular among the upper ranks of society, called him eccentric and cruel. Quick to anger, lustful.

They called him the Violet...well, Linia won't repeat such language.

Curious, she took another look.

With that lush, velvety hair that fell in careless waves just past his ears, he looked every bit a hero from fairy tales. Certainly not some villain.

Linia took in the rest of him. His thick arms and strong, surely-calloused hands that looked as if made solely to cup a woman's groin...

...No, not a hero.

Knights, princes, heroes, such things were the fantasies of young girls. They were perfect gentlemen, pure and valiant.

This man before her wasn't a girl's fantasy, he was a woman's. There was something dark about him, something vulgar in the best of ways.

He was so beautiful, so

Linia's face turned red immediately, her heart pounding in her chest.

What are you getting excited for, she chided herself. You're married, with children....Even your youngest is older than him...

It's been ages since she and Evered married. Nearly twenty-three years now. It'd been a happy marriage for the most part, and Evered was a good man who never made her want for anything.

She'd never even looked another man's way--until now. It made her feel wild guilt.

Just then, he found her. From across the room, his gaze cut through the throngs of people between them and settled on her with an almost physical intensity. A slow smile curled at his lips within seconds. His eyes flashed.

It was as if he had chosen her

Linia quickly averted her gaze.

Meanwhile, the woman beside her gave a nudge. "Its alright, my Lady. Its only looking. Here, have some," She offered Linia a drink. "I don't know the vintage, but it's divine."

"Ah, yes...thank you," Linia replied softly, reaching to accept the drink. Only for it to be intercepted before she could even touch the glass.

"I think not," A smooth, sexy timbre cut in. "I like my women lucid."


Linia marveled at the sight of him. He was even larger close-up, every inch of him screaming of a powerful male.

And right now, all that masculine energy was directed right at her.

"Lord Claybrook," Linia stuttered in surprise like some young schoolgirl.

"My Lord," The other woman greeted as well, blushing and suddenly abashed.

Perhaps he'd have responded to her at any other time. But right now, all his attention was elsewhere.

"I saw you staring, my Lady." He towered over her, bringing with him that same heady musk that had attracted her here to begin with. "Is the view better now?" His voice dipped just then, becoming a low, husky whisper. "Or should I get...closer?"

He took a step forward, their bodies mere centimeters apart. Seemingly entirely oblivious, or uncaring, towards the various glances and murmurs around them.

"M-married," Linia stammered out, mouth dry.

A soft rumble vibrated from his chest. "To Count Evered. Yes, I know." He responded coolly, catching her off-guard. An arched brow came next."So?" Damien asked as if it didn't matter to him in the slightest. "He's no worry. Right now you only need to concern yourself over one thing."

The question bubbled up unbidden. "And that is ?"

He said nothing for a moment. Instead, he leaned down and took her palm. Warm lips brushed against the back of her hand, causing all kinds of delicious little shivers to run down her spine.

"How many orgasms you can beg from me before I give you back." He smiled, decidedly wicked.


Linia's face had never burned so bright

"Where the fuck did they go?!" Evered roared hysterically. He pushed through the throngs of men and women for a solid five minutes by then, utterly enraged. "Who saw them? Out with it, you bastards!" He demanded from his guests.

But while they did fear Evered's ire, this was Marquis Claybrook's heir. Not to mention, it was that Damien. No one wanted that sort of trouble. This was a matter they needn't involve themselves in.

And so they all politely denied any knowledge on the direction the two had left.

The look the young Lord Damien had given while so openly leading the Countess into the inner rooms clearly promised unfortunate ends if they dared do otherwise.

"Traitorous fucks," He cursed at them loudly.

"Father." Abrahm jogged over with a serious air. "Something's wrong. The guards stationed around the estate are knocked out."

Evered stopped and rounded on the man. "What!?"

"We need to shut the banquet down," His son replied. "N-"

All of a sudden, Evered's vision swam. A strange heat came to his face. Then, right before his eyes, glowing orbs seemed to come to life.

"Fairies...." Evered muttered in awe.

He stared at them in rapt attention. They were naked and beautiful, breasts plump. Glowing bright like stars in every color of nature while their wings gave off silvery dust in their wake

So pretty....

"Father?" Abrahm frowned. He noticed the older man's dazed, far-off eyes and grew immediately concerned. "Are you okay? Father?" He snapped his fingers in his face. "Father, what's wrong?"

But Evered only stared at him blankly. Then he promptly lurched forward, shouting, "No, come back!"

Abrahm didn't panic. Instead, he held down his struggling father and felt for a pulse. It was erratic and his temperature was raised higher than normal. 

Abrahm felt suspicion grow in his heart as he looked into his father's eyes. The irises were dilated.

"Drugged," He cursed. "Fuck." Alright. Now he was starting to get anxious. "Somone summon the physician!" He called out, only to find his order ignored.

Turning, Abrahm was met by a disturbing sight. All around him men am women were acting strangely.

Some muttered to themselves. Others pranced about in chase of something. But a majority started disrobing, claiming they were too hot.

With reddened faces, they had expressions of euphoria and lust. Already, several couples had begun locking lips and grinding against one another.

The change had come so fast and sudden Abrahm had difficulty understanding what was going on.

The servants had no idea what to do. They stood back in horror, looking to Abraham for orders.

"Abe... the wine..." Tomas came from out of nowhere, cradling his head and walking unsteadily.

Thanks to years of drug abuse, he'd built a tolerance and so wasn't as affected. But he was sure. It was the wine. As soon as he felt the high, he knew someone had spiked the drinks.

Abrahm, who abhorred alcohol, was unaffected. He quickly realized what was going on.

That fucker, he thought.

"So that's why he came," He growled. He called for one of the servers. "Carry my father to his chambers." He ordered.

Then he addressed his brother. "You good?"

"Fuck." The man took a breath. "No. Yes. Well, no. Shit, whatever was in there is strong stuff." The man slurred a bit. "I haven't felt this good in ages!"

"Tom, focus. I need you to--"

"Find a woman?" The man grinned. "My thoughts exactly, brother."

Abrahm then watched as he, too, started to undress. His brother's swollen member stood proudy up at him within seconds.


Abrahm remembered just then. "Wait. Tom, where's Lani?"

The man swept his gaze around the room. "Oh, her? She ran off somewhere, probably looking for mother." Came the almost absent reply.

By now, almost everyone was in the throes of either euphoric madness or passion.

"Fucking genius," He laughed, enjoying every moment of this. "I change my mind, I like the crazy bastard." A wild smirk came to his lips as he spread out his hands and raised them. In his mind, the entire night sky was hovering above his head. Dark, dangerous, and beautifully seductive in nature.

"A motherfucking surprise orgy!" He cackled madly. " I love it! Don't you love it, Abe?" He sucked in a breath, a strange smoke started to fill the room that made Abrahm cover his face.

"I can taste the air," His brother exclaimed. "I feel like I'm getting a blowjob from a fucking rainbow!"

As his brother descended further into his high, Abrahm couldn't stop the smoke from entering his lungs.

He coughed violently, feeling his grip on reality loosen. Before he knew it, his vision turned...odd. Like colors were brighter and shadows longer.

He looked down at his hands.

And laughed.

Were hands always so...funny? Look at those fingers. So wiggly. Like tadpoles. 

The thought caused another laugh to bubble up.

He took a glance around. A few feet away, a young couple was writhing against each other. And just like that, the nonsensical thoughts were gone.

Now Abrahm felt his chest tighten as he watched.

The entire room was just filled with so much life. He could feel the subtle pulse of depravity pervading every corner, as if something had grabbed hold of them all.

It was a hot, sweet, wholly corrupted energy that teased his cock and made it ache.

He felt a hand brush his shoulder. Female, something in his mind whispered.

And his dick jumped eagerly in response. "My Lord" The woman, a slightly older Lady with dark tresses cooed. A pair of hands roamed over his pectorals. Sliding under his shirt, groping at him shamelessly.

He could smell her arousal somehow. And his own. Some mysterious force heightening his senses, his libido, like never before.

It was as if he was alive for the first time in forever.

Another woman, a blonde beauty with doe eyes, emerged and peered up at him with undisguised lust. It might be just the effect of the strange smoke, but they both also seemed to shine with a very faint purple hue.

A violet hue. Almost like...

Then soft, tender lips met his own and the thought vanished. His shirt was abruptly ripped and their dresses were torn. Smooth alabaster skin was exposed.

Faintly, he was aware some other male had come up behind one of the women.


It hardly mattered.


By the time Evered came to, he felt sluggish. Yet feverish.

Numb, but sensitive. It was a strange feeling, but he recognized it as some kind of drug effect.

He stirred, eyes blurry, and found himself sitting against a wall. He recognized the hallway leading towards his chambers.

Confused, he heard a nearby moan and saw a burly male servant, entirely naked, thrusting into a panting Noble lady.

Shocked, Evered rose unsteadily to his feet and smelled something in the air. Ignoring it for now, he shouted angrily at the two.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He snarled at them but neither paid him any attention at all.

Being ignored so thoroughly roused his anger, prompting him to lunge toward the two and kick the servant's side with force. The male was knocked out of the woman and dropped to the floor.

Evered readied to beat him but just that one move made him feel weak. He staggered, holding onto the wall for support. Just then, he inhaled and noticed the air tasted funny.

Just then, the fairies returned.  He instantly forgot about the couple, not seeing the violet light around their eyes or how they seemed to burn with an all-encompassing lust.

"Come," The pretty, ethereal creatures beckoned. No words sounded, but it was as if he could hear them in his head. Such soft and attractive voices, he couldn't refuse them anything.

And so he followed.  Leaning against the wall, he mindlessly trudged forward until the tiny women bathed in light led him to a familiar door. It seemed somehow ominous at that moment, towering over him with malice.

He didn't want to go in. But the fairies disappeared through the door and he had no choice.

He pushed it open and looked in. The room was exceptionally well-lit, much more so than normal.

A man sat upon the middle of his bed propped up by layers of luxurious pillows. He leaned back comfortably as a set of women serviced him.

They sat to either side of him, breasts naked and smothering his bare cock. Moving up and down in a slow, sensuous manner. Kissing the head of his long, girthy penis as if completely enamored.

"Is this good? Are we doing it right?"

One of them asked.

The male rubbed their hair as if praising them. "It's great. Keep going just like that."

The familiar voices caused Evered to feel like the world was shaking beneath his feet.

"Lani?" His voice cracked in disbelief.

Startled, his daughter straightened her back in fright and looked towards the entrance in shock. "Father!" She exclaimed in utmost horror, moving the bedsheets to cover herself.

The fairies had fled, and in their wake was a cold, sober clarity.

Now that Lani had moved, the other woman's face was now unobscured.

"Lin..." His voice was a hoarse whisper. ""

His words and entrance, which had surely been noticed by all parties by now, didn't seem to concern his wife at all.

She merely continued her service. With Lani having backed out, it was as if there was no longer any competition or need to share and so her pink little tongue roamed along the man's shaft with greed, savoring every inch. Her soft, quiet moans told she was wholly focused on nothing but the male's cock.

Damien opened one eye and noticed the intruder was Evered.

It didn't worry him. "Lani. You're lagging."

Panic entered Lani's eyes at the words. "What? No, that's not fair!"

"Is it?" His lips curved. "But your mother's so dedicated. Look, she hasn't even noticed him." He put a hand to the woman's cheek and gently tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. "You should learn from her example."

Lani puffed her cheeks, clearly sulking. She turned back to her father and angrily threw a pillow at him. "Dad, get out! You're distracting me! Go!"

Damien spanked her ass, making her yelp in a sweet voice Evered had never imagined hearing from his daughter's lips.

Pain blossomed in his chest, an agony far greater than any he'd felt before. 

Seeing his wife and daughter performing such lewd acts together caused his entire psyche to collapse. 

Meanwhile, Damien gave not one fuck.

"Don't blame him for your lack of focus," He chided. Then looked out the night sky. "Well, its about time we took things to the next level anyway." He smirked.

He hit the now catatonic Evered with a bright smile. "Hey, come on. What's with the shattered look? Tonight's supposed to be about fun! Don't tell me you're going to quit now? We have so much left to do."

With that, he pushed Linia away for a moment and jumped off the bed. He got not even a foot away before a pair of tender arms coiled around him. "No, don't go." Linia begged.

He kissed her hand. "I won't be gone long, sweet." He comforted.

Linia whimpered pitifully, but nodded shyly. Then, summoning all her courage, asked, "If I be patient, can that thing with your tongue again? Please?"

Damien turned and saw her glancing up at him, head buried in his shoulder.

Finding her cute, he stroked her hair. "Oh, we can do far more exciting things than that." He promised.

"Do you have to go?" Lani pouted. "I hate it!"

Damien planted a hand between her thighs to quiet her. She was so sensitive and wet, any small touch sending her into ecstasy

"Why don't you two play amongst yourselves until I get back?" He offered. "Don't worry, I'll help you two experience the joys of womanhood all you want when I return."

Kissing their foreheads, he walked towards the balcony, asking, " Is it done?"

Mary, standing in wait to the side, answered. "The married women and children have been sent home successfully." She frowned. "It was annoying having to filter them. Was it really necessary?"

Damien rolled his eyes. "Of course," He replied as if it was obvious. " I'm not going to start a three-day stint of debauchery with married women and children present. I have some standards. How can I just let another man's wife get fucked by random strangers?"

Vera emerged from the other corner of the balcony, saying,  "You just got done training another man's wife and daughter how to felate you."

"So? He keeps mistresses and allows all kinds of corruption to flow freely within his city.  I'm just the karma the Gods sent to punish him." He grinned. "See? Standards."

Vera leered at him. Not at all because he was standing there naked and fully erect, which made her cheeks burn. Rather, because of the nonsense coming out of his mouth right now

"I thought you were an atheist."

"I deface a few statues and people think  I'm a godless heathen," He shook his head with a sigh. "No, my dearest Vee. I wholeheartedly believe the Gods exist. I  just also believe they're vile cunts who need to be taught who can be touched and who cannot."

His thoughts drifted to Dolly and the bad endings she experience in the game.

He hadn't forgotten that. Things just got a bit out of hand.

But with his mother causing a war, things were progressing into the events of later games in the series. 

Well, it was a change enough to where he didn't worry about her falling into despair. She and Alex, the Prince, had barely even talked since they had been sent to school.

Speaking of, Alex should have attended Baumeister with him. Originally,  Alex attended a couple months late due to him first being sent to he Dry Lands for training. But he never showed,  which was odd.

The entire capital city was also supposed to be entirely destroyed, triggering the war. Damien knew that was supposed to happen much later,  so he didn't concern himself over it. Then his mother came and did something nearly as bad, which was not part of the history he knew. And so the war came far earlier than it was supposed to.

How that affected things, he didn't know. Dolly also never attended Haythem, though. Things were very twisted.

He considered certain things better than the original plotline. but he should still keep in mind the ramifications. 

The Heroine hadn't snowed either. As long as she was alive, she and Dolly would probably bump heads eventually.

Maybe they'd end up friends, though? Damien wasn't the type of person to think everything was preordained.

Just because they had the role of enemies in the game, didn't mean it had to still happen now. He just had to watch how things turned out and act accordingly.

For now, he didn't want to be involved at all. He planned to live his life apart from that nonsense, taking Dolly when she came back from her exchange program and just living apart from their parents.

Still, best to be ready to just kill the Heroine and Hero if they became a problem. He had enough to deal with in his own family, after all.

He didn't need Dolly becoming a villain or harem member, so if she could avoid them both that'd be great.

"So, what's next?" Mary asked wearily. Honestly,  serving Damien was probably worse than serving his mother. At least she didn't need to slip drugs into wine glasses or place piles of burning psychedelic herbs anywhere when with Muriel.

...or have a hand in orgies.

Damien glanced at her. "Why do you sound so tired? The night is still young." He approached with the kind of slow, stalking gait of a predator.

When he finally stood before her, his cock pressed against her stomach. It was so hot she could feel it through her dress. Its hardness, its heat. They beckoned to her.

Mary breathed in. More than the narcotic smoke, she smelled him. Such a thick, manly musk that it made her body responsible almost against her will. Even now, her nipples were so sensitive that she was soaked just from them brushing against her clothes.

But she wasn't a normal woman. Even though all her acute senses made her even more susceptible to his being, she held herself back.

"It's okay to relax every once in a while." He spoke low.

Mary felt her fingers curl tightly, trying desperately to resist his subtle offer. 

"I can feel it, you know," He raised her head to meet him. "Your arousal." His hands drifted down her sides, palms resting at her hips. His cock poked her belly, causing her womanhood to throb. 

She so wanted to give in. To let him have her. But her body wasn't in line with her heart.

"I still love him," She forced out.

Damien snorted. "What's the point of being loyal to someone who won't love you back?" He asked. Then shook his head. "Whatever. Be stubborn." He stepped back.

"You know, I really won't wait around forever," He looked at them.

Vera averted her gaze, not wanting to hear this.

Maty stood unmoved, not showing a hint of emotion.

Damien scoffed at them. "If you guys don't want me, that's fine, " He growled. "But don't keep wasting my time. If you aren't interested, then just leave. I never asked either of you to put up with me. From now on, you can do whatever you want. I'm better off on my own anyway."

He only held back because of Vera. He wanted to punish her for keep being dishonest with him. He thought he could wait it out however long it took,  but to be honest that wasn't in his nature.

He'd still accept her at any time. But he was growing tired of this shit. He didn't want to keep making her feel bad, but she refused to give in. And Mary was stuck on someone who obviously didn't give her the same consideration.

Why didn't they just let him spoil them?  He wouldn't be such a manwhore if they did.

But neither of them seemed interested. Rather, they resisted and made every excuse in the book for why they couldn't be with him.

He was more than willing to be patient and work through all their hesitations, but they had to actually tell him that's what they wanted.

Damien wouldn't force anything, wouldn't selfishly make them accept him.

But he couldn't keep holding himself back for their sake either. 

Damien was not a good person. But he could act like one if given sufficient reason to.  All he needed was a good wife or two. Then he could be content.

Not with those like Linia, who could only fall in love with his cock. No, he needed someone who could at least care about himself as a person. Who could see his potential as a loving husband and father.

So far, only Mary and Vera fit the bill. And he liked them. They were the first choice. Why wouldn't he want them?

But if that couldn't happen, he'd be fine with just fucking every pretty woman in his path and having orgies like this everywhere he went.

There was no reason not to in such a case.

Vera can just fall for someone else who she doesn't need to find excuses to stay away from....Mary can keep pining.

As for Damien, even if he was fated to just be a loveless male slut all his life, well...that wasn't bad either.

Believing so, he started walking back into the room where another mother-daughter pair awaited him. At least they were honest with him. In his drug-addled state, such careless thoughts had blossomed. 


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