My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

One Guy, Five Models (I)

There's a breeze down near my privates.

Wha? I'm naked?

I slightly groan and lift myself off the bed.

A sliver of moonlight escapes from the blinds casting a dim light over the room.

This is definitely my room.

And this is definitely my bed.

But the clothes on the floor, namely the two sets of bra and panties are certainly not mine.

At that moment I realize that I'm not alone on my bed.

I couldn't tell as they were being so quiet and happened to be in a spot too dark to see clearly.

But there are definitely two figures to my left and right that are snoring away softly.

And one of them is Eve.


< Several Hours Earlier >

I was walking towards my room when I began to hear the loud giggles.

I assumed they were coming from the room next door.

We weren't expecting guests and Eve had said that we would meet the others somewhere later tonight.

I opened the door and walked in.

Out of habit I threw down my bag and began changing out of my clothes in a hurry.

Now you might be wondering what kind of person would walk into the house they shared with their sister and immediately strip.

Well Eve had said that she would meet me at the venue the other night. 

I assumed the house would be completely empty and was planning on rushing immediately to change. 

Alas, Eve was there. Sitting in the living room.

Along with four other women.

They were all looking at me with varying degrees of curiosity, hostility, or embarrassment.


It came to my realization that I was in quite the indecent fashion in front of these women and quickly covered up, before running towards my room.

As I was closing the door, I heard one of them say, "I didn't know you got us a stripper Eve!"

There were some awkward chuckles that came after that.

After that stunt, I came out of the room with a forced smile and different clothes.

I coughed and stepped up before them.

"Uh sorry you had to see that. I didn't think we would have guests over. You must be Eve's friends? I'm her brother. Thank you for taking care of her."

"Ehhhh? You're her brother? I thought he would be a lot smaller than that!"

A woman with light brown hair and slightly tanned skin said with an accent.

She had on a one-piece dress with slits exposing her long legs.

She gave me a wink and introduced herself. "I'm Carol Oliveira but you can call me Carol."

The woman to her right, a tall, blonde girl went next. She gave me a slight nod before curtly speaking. "Valentine."

She pulled at the sleeves of her tight leather jacket.

"Hey Val be nicer to the guy. He's not that bad I'm sure he didn't mean it!"

An energetic girl around Eve's age with straight brown hair reached over to me and shook my hand.

Her baggy cargo pants rustled with her movements.

"I'm Lindsey! Don't worry about Val, it's nothing personal she just has a bad history with men."

Valentine glares at her. "Don't go saying things like that! And you! Just because your Eve's brother doesn't mean you're not a pervert"

I somehow caught a stray even though Lindsey was the one antagonizing her.

I looked to Eve for help but she was pouting.

She was looking at me, or more specifically, my hand.

I realized I was still holding Lindsey's.

I quickly separated from her.

I then gave my attention to the woman who had yet to introduce herself.

"Shut up both of you you're hurting my ears."

The last woman, with her fiery reddish-brown hair hanging down her perfect face, leaned back and looked over at me.

Like the rest of them, she was also breathtakingly beautiful. However, she gave off the most professional aura out of them. One look at her and you would instantly know she was a model. Her hoop earrings clanged every time she moved her head and she had a white scarf around her neck.

She closed one of her blue eyes and opened her mouth. "Those scars real?"

I didn't really know how to answer that.

I was just about to say something stupid when Eve finally spoke up.

She sighed.

"This is Rachel Dawn. Our group's leader. She's the most experienced out of us all."

"Haaah? You sound like you're calling me old! I'm only twenty-six!"

All traces of her maturity instantly disappeared when she started whining.

I laughed slightly at the sudden change in character.

After our first impressions, we still had some time to kill.

So we continued to make small talk.

While Valentine only watched us with a disdainful expression, the others became very curious about the "man" Eve was always talking about.

Apparently, she would only talk about me whenever they had free time.

They asked me things like my job and whether I had a girlfriend.

Eve stiffened up at that question.

Eventually, I got to know them a little better.

I learned that Carol liked to cheat her diet and piss off the directors.

I learned that Lindsey was a big fan of horror movies.

I learned that Rachel volunteered at a local orphanage during her free days.

I learned that Valentine also worked as an actress on the side.

Sure they were a little weird.

But as I talked with them more, I knew they weren't bad people.

I'm no expert at human interactions but even I could see that they truly did care for each other.

It made me feel a little better knowing that Eve wouldn't be all alone.

She still had her guard up around them, but she was slowly loosening up.

Though she would still give them the stink-eye if they got closer to me.


We made quite the scene going to the nightclub.

A single man being escorted by five world-class beauties?

This was New York City and its denizens were used to the whims of the rich and powerful.

But this!

This was a stretch!

I garnered the jealous gazes of pretty much every adult male, even the ones walking with their lovers or wives.

We finally made it to the club and the bouncer didn't even bother checking our identification.

He just waved us in after seeing the women.

He did raise his eyebrow at me, but after Eve had taken my arm he just let us go.

Defying a supermodel was apparently above his paygrade.

This was my first time at a nightclub and I was immediately hit with dizziness at the pounding music.

It felt like the walls were vibrating and the girls laughed at my reaction.

Several hostesses tried to take me away, but Eve stared daggers at them causing them to back off.

Eve grabbed my hand and immediately took me to the main floor.

It was quite packed but we somehow made space.

Eve was emitting an aura that seemed to make everyone avoid getting within six feet of her. 

As the lights flickered in a fluorescent pattern, Even began moving to the music.

At first, it was just some simple sensual dances but quickly degenerated to just jumping while staring at me with a gleeful expression.

It was clear that she wanted me to join her.

I waved off a person holding a tray of shot glasses and half-heartedly began moving with her.

I wasn't jumping as I felt a little self-conscious.

Instead, it was more of like a shuffle.

I was clearly not having a good time, which someone noticed.

I felt a hand grab my butt and involuntarily jumped.

I looked behind me with a bereaved expression on my face.

Carol was grinning mischievously and pushed me towards Eve.

Thankfully Eve had blinked at just the right time and was instead focused with me stumbling into her modest chest.

She hadn't seen Carol's indiscretion.

I stepped back while saying sorry but Eve wrapped her arms around my neck.

Then she started brushing up against me.

Yeah, I could see everyone else was doing practically the same thing, but really?

"We really shouldn't do this here..."



She gave me a coquettish gaze. "Oh? But you don't seem to be against it down here?"

I slapped her hand away from my privates. 

Instead, I half-dragged her into a private room, much to the annoyance of the people I was pushing through. 

"Watch it asshole!"

Someone's drink spilled on my shirt but I didn't care.

We finally made it out of the crowd and coincidentally ended up in the same room as the other girls.

Somehow Carol had slipped away earlier than us and was busy drinking from a shot glass.

Rachel looked up at our arrival.

"You two seemed like you were having fun on the dance floor. If I didn't know better I would've thought you were lovers."

Lindsey smirked.

They had seen us? How?

I looked over at Carol who was pointedly looking away. 

She must have said something.

Valentine still had that expression on her face, like she was looking at a pile of garbage. Though it was more subdued because of the alcohol. 

I didn't feel like drinking and was instead watching Eve down glass after glass while glaring at me.

She kept tapping her foot on the ground and looking at the dancefloor then back at me.

I coughed and excused myself and walked out.

I said I needed a breath of fresh air.


I left the club and leaned back against a lamp-pole. 

It hadn't even been long and I was already this exhausted. 

I unbuttoned a part of my shirt and ran my fingers through my hair.


I heard a voice and turned.

It was Carol.

Her face was blushed from the alcohol and she was giving me a cocky grin.

"And here I thought you were gonna go jerk it in the bathroom or something. Ya know people come to clubs to loosen up. You're not supposed to make such a serious expression."

"Is Eve alright?"

"Before I left she was grumbling about you before passing out. I'll say, that girl has such a low tolerance."

"I see."

"Hey." She leaned back on the opposite side of the lamp pole.

"You're not gay or anything are you?"

"Haaah?" I whipped my head around. "What in the hell makes you think that?"

"I don't know! Not to brag or anything but you're hanging out with four super hot girls! What kinda straight man wouldn't have even the slightest reaction to that! You've been way too normal!"

"It's not like that! It's just, I've already got someone I'm sure I'm in love with. No offense, but to me, she'll always be the prettiest."

I could see her nod.

"It's Eve isn't it?"

It was my turn to be surprised.

I didn't even have the chance to respond.

"Look, I won't judge you or anything. Truth is, this isn't the first time I met Eve."


"Yeah. She used to be my roommate, for a month back when I was with Ford. I know the shit they make you go through and I was one of the luckier ones. I didn't have any debt or shit and just signed a stupid contract."

Well this was news to me.

"Eve never mentioned seeing you before."

"That makes sense," Carol bitterly laughed. "Thing is I doubt she noticed anything other than her own room. She would always get home with her head hanging low. The one time I saw her eyes, they were the saddest things ever. There was this dead look in there. You know, the ones that say they've given up on everything. I left the place not too long after because I had somehow been lucky to notice a legal issue on their end. They let me go without a fuss as long as I swore not to take legal action."

Eve had only told me about how Ford had overworked her.

Just how little did I know about my own sister?

I stayed silent and Carol kept speaking.

"What do you know, that depressed roommate somehow becomes America's next top model and even joins my group of Angels. But she was so obviously different. Happier. I thought she got a boyfriend or something. Who would've thought it was you? You know, she's a sweet girl who's absolutely head over heels for you. I've gotten a liking for her so you better not make her sad. I'll totally kill you if you do."

I wanted to break something.

I was smart enough to know that I couldn't do jack shit. 

What was a waiter supposed to do against a giant like Ford?

I guess this was my turning point. 

If I could choose a singular moment that changed my life, it probably would've been the night that I went clubbing for the first time. 


A.N. Decision has been made.

Adam will be creating a talent agency that happens to have a side business of "taking care of the trash."

The kind that usually results in extra food for the fish in the Atlantic...

As a supermodel there's quite a few issues that might come up (think rich guy saying ooh she fine-fine i should forcibly kidnap her).

This might just be my inner batman self speaking. I did watch the new movie and sweet mama selina kyle can step on my face any day. So yeah that's influencing the whole vigilante idea. 

Anywho, this set of chapters will be the last parts of the "prologue volume" and it'll move faster with actual plot instead of background info.

Smut and r-18 will be occasional. Might just remove the smut tag as I've changed my mind to not make it completely r-18 oriented. Sure there'll be quite a bit of sex and off-screen sex but it's not really the main focus.

As for Eve's friends? I'll keep them in the floaty list for "harem." I've only got like four permanent ones in mind while the others will be floating around in the "lovers, friends with benefits, or one-night stand" zone. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.