My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 42: And so it begins

I didn't really know why I hadn't considered that Nola would probably ask me about Lineth; knowing her personality in this world, I was surprised that her tone was more curious than angry, as she was obviously very overprotective from what I had seen.

I settled back in my seat and looked through the window, watching as we passed a small forest, finding it a little strange that Nola had chosen this route, as it was almost twice as long as the one we usually took. "A friend." I explained, stretching to turn up the volume on the radio.

"A friend, huh." Nola repeated, gently tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as she watched me change the radio station, as if wondering what else to ask, "What was her name?"

"Lineth. "I replied simply, enjoying the fact that I had finally found a radio station that played at least passable music.

Happy not to have to listen to male empowerment music and instead to something slower, almost romantic, I took the cuddly toy Lineth had given me and put it on my lap, and although I said I didn't want to sleep any more, I was actually tempted to, partly for the relaxed atmosphere and partly to avoid the awkward conversation I was having with Nola.

Nola's golden eyes shifted to my lap, she twitched her eyebrow a little, almost like a twitch. "So this Lineth, she bought you this stuffed toy?"

I couldn't help but smile as I nodded. "Yes."

However, in contrast to my happy expression at the fun memories I had spent with Lineth, Nola frowned. "You're not going back to that house." She snorted in annoyance.

I gave her a confused look. "Why?"

"You said you were going out with boys, but you were with a girl, you know very well that you have to ask permission for such things." The frown on her face never went away.

I returned her frown with one of my own at her words. "I'm not a little kid, I can decide who I date or not."

Maybe it wasn't a date as such, but at least I could decide who I wanted to go to the mall with. If my sister thought she could decide every aspect of my life it would be a big problem. At least this time I put my foot down, surely Nola would realize she had to give me some space, or at least that's what I thought would happen.

My sister slowed the car, and turned to look at me with a frown. "No, you mustn't."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a man." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Eh... that's very sexist. I couldn't help but comment in my head.

I got a little angry, sure, I was fine with a little protection and cuddling, hell, I wanted to be protected and cared for as much as I was now in my previous life, but I didn't want to be controlled like this either.

"I can decide where I go and who I go with." I said, a little louder than I wanted to at first.

It's just me, or do I sounded like a rebellious teenager right now?. I cringed inwardly, but I thought this was a necessary conversation at this time to define the boundaries of privacy.

Eventually, frustration began to show on my sister's face. The car's speed slowed to a crawl until it finally came to a halt at the side of the road.

She turned to me, the anger and frustration clear in her golden eyes. "You seem to have forgotten how dangerous women can be, Alex." Nola said in a stern tone.

I stared back at her, not intimidated, although it was actually a bit scary because she could really beat me up. "Sure, I know they're dangerous, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't interact with them, I'll have a girlfriend one day, you know?"

This was a problem my mother had in my previous life, she was very overprotective of my two sisters, and while that may not seem like a bad thing in early adolescence from an adult point of view, it's something that creates what is basically a ticking time bomb that will eventually go off.

Sure, my sisters were smart enough to ask for a bit of space before they did something stupid, but some of my schoolmates weren't so rational.

That's why strangely religious girls end up being sex machines with weird fetishes - or so I've heard - because they had no freedom or space.

That's why the good guy always loses in love triangles. Sure, if the girl was looking for a stable relationship where her position would never be affected, he would be the right choice, but girls are looking for excitement when they have been repressed for so long. If you speed up her heart, you can get in her pants, I've heard.

For example, if you speed up a car with a girl next to you, she may protest that you're a fool for going too fast, but her heartbeat will still speed up and and she will relate that feeling of excitement to you. That's why going to the cinema is actually a good date idea, watching a horror film would achieve the same result without breaking any laws.

I'm not speaking from personal experience, of course, because what I just thought was a rather quick summary of what I learned from reading books on seduction some time ago, when I still thought my ugly looks wouldn't affect my chances that much.

But I digress, the reason for my apparent revelation to my sister's authority was that I wanted to enjoy some freedom in this world, what I didn't expect was that my sister's next move would be to grab my face with one hand and make me look straight into her eyes.

"No," Nola said firmly, her golden eyes serious. "You will have no girlfriend, no lover, no wife." She said clearly, as if speaking more to herself than to me. "You have your family, your friends and... me. Isn't that enough, aren't I enough?"

Swallowing saliva, I moved my hand to the one holding my face and gripped her wrist, trying unsuccessfully to remove her grip. "Y-you don't say what I think."

This gave me a lot of vibes of something dangerous, something that would completely change my vision of the opportunities this world would give me and what I would use them for. But as much as I wanted to stop it, I could do nothing but stare at Nola as she seemed to choose her words carefully.

A slight blush spread across my sister's face as her other hand cupped my thigh and her face moved closer to mine. "I love you Alex, " She revealed, "ever since Peyton rejected me and you comforted me, for so long... I know it's not right, but..." She got lost in her words and brought her face close to mine. I couldn't pull away as she held me tight and my big sister's soft lips made contact with mine.

Nola is kissing me.

I am kissing my sister.

This is fucked up.

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