My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 190:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Detected

[[[Gyuu Gyuu Gyuu! Gyuu Gyuu Gyuu!]]]

Monday, 9:30 AM.

While cuddling in bed, discussing whether it's time to get up and eat something, a sudden emergency alarm blares. Four communication devices connected to chargers start ringing loudly all at once.

The first to move is Nana. Quickly reaching for the communication device, she reads through the information with a serious expression.

"Another Stampede! And it's a big one!!"

"What!? Again!?"

Next, Serai-san searches for the remote control and turns on the TV. Meanwhile, Nina-san continues to operate the communication devices, probably checking the status of their assets.


"It's okay, Ruu. We discussed this thoroughly for when something like this happens again. Let's stick to the plan. Now, get up."

Encouraging Ruka, who wears an anxious expression, to get up. Without them moving, I can't get up either.

(Well, it finally came.)

I had anticipated it. In a sense, it felt like a certainty.

Because the opponent is a dungeon. I had always thought it wouldn't end with just a few monsters from the shallow floors coming out.

But after the previous Stampede ended up milder than expected, opinions worldwide were sharply divided.

Immediately after, while every country remained highly vigilant for another Stampede, as time passed without any incidents, the level of vigilance gradually decreased to the point where countries even began filling up dungeons. In Japan, several dungeons were filled experimentally.

However, these filled dungeons eventually produced new entrances over time, making sealing them difficult. From then on, every country engaged in a game of thinning out monsters from the dungeons to prevent them from emerging. Furthermore, new dungeons were getting discovered left and right, keeping every country's military busy dealing with them. While extermination was possible, their numbers kept increasing.

"Oh no…"

Serai-san, watching the TV, lets out a disgusted sigh.

Displayed on the screen is footage from a security camera placed at the entrance of a dungeon somewhere. From its pitch-black depths, monsters overflow like commuters disembarking from a rush-hour train.

Though it's not Serai-san's sentiment exactly, it's undoubtedly an ‘oh no.' moment, a situation of ‘what do we do now?'

"Everyone, wash your faces and have a quick meal, then let's put on our suits immediately. I'll go check the status of the Refrigerator Dungeon."

We have a dungeon at home, so we can't afford to be careless.

Although we regularly thin out monsters, we don't know how they'll be affected by the Stampede. So, quickly changing into our Bug King Suits, I head underground.

"The Refrigerator seems okay, but… huh!? The crabs are multiplying…!"

There are noticeably more crabs roaming the 1st floor, and they seem more aggressive.

(Not good. The Crab Dungeon has been affected by the Stampede.)


"Oh, sorry."

Hurriedly returning to report, I find Serai-san in the antechamber, still chewing on a cut apple while taking off her shorts.

"No worries. So, is something wrong since you're in a rush?"

"Yeah, the Crab Dungeon seems problematic. We've been minimizing thinning out to catch crabs, and that's led to the Stampede's influence."

"Influenced… Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've prepared for this. I'm going to go and burn them down now."

While explaining, I took four red-painted jerry cans from the Bug Container Box and headed back to the 1st floor.

A jerry can refer to a metal fuel container. Its name originated during the North African campaign of World War II when British soldiers derogatorily referred to German soldiers' 20L fuel cans as ‘Jerry'.

Inside these fuel containers is, of course, gasoline at full capacity.

This is our emergency measure during a Stampede. It's like saying, ‘if worse comes to worst, we'll scatter gasoline and burn it down!' Of course, it would be best if we could handle it without resorting to such measures, but we need to leave immediately.

That's because we have repeatedly discussed ‘what to do if another Dungeon Stampede occurs?'.

There are three promises.

First, ‘prioritize the reunion of the four of us.'

Second, ‘cooperate in rescuing each other's friends and relatives'.

Third, ‘decide together'.

It's a simple set of rules, but the four of us have sworn to it.

So, at this point, with all four of us together at home, the first promise is fulfilled.

Since we had only afternoon lectures today, it was fortunate that we were taking it easy. Next, the second promise, ‘cooperating in rescuing each other's friends and relatives', becomes a priority. So, we're going to help Ruu's parents and Shark. Of course, after agreeing on the third promise, ‘decide together', but we've already outlined the action plan in such situations.

Thus, as we enter the first underground level of the Crab Dungeon, we encounter a vast group of giant clams growing densely like sword mountains.

"Damn it, they've grown densely again when I left them for a bit. You'll taste the flames of this chemical! Take this!!"

I hurl the jerry can, and with a ‘clang!' or a ‘thud!', the sound of containers breaking resonates, followed by flames from the fire wand.


The dark scenery of the dungeon is momentarily dyed red. As the gasoline flames leap and dance. These giant clams, weak to fire, stand no chance against this blaze.

"Oh… they burn quite nicely. Alright, no other combustibles around! Once the gasoline burns out, the fire will die. Okay, let's hurry back."


Returning to the dungeon antechamber, Ruka and the others are already dressed in their suits, waiting for me.

"I'm back. Are we all set?"

"Just need to inject the suits."

"I see. How about our assets?"

"We've cut losses on the risky ones… and hedged with double inverses, so… hmm, we should be fine."

In a previous Dungeon Stampede, Nina-san had been pushed to the brink mentally due to a major market crash. I was worried and talked to her first, but she managed to take effective measures. Even so, the stock prices must have dropped significantly, resulting in losses. However, I felt relieved seeing Nana calmly responding, including to that.

"Ruu, since we're going in order. First, we'll head to Shark's school. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for being selfish and asking to stop by my dad's workplace…"

"It'll be alright. I've checked the routes thoroughly. However, given the circumstances, we'll have to travel on foot. So let's proceed carefully to avoid any injuries."

"Please do."

As we inject mucus into our suits, I check on each person's mental condition. With training in the dungeon and experiencing a Stampede for the second time, Ruka seems much calmer than before.

"Ugh…! It feels weird to think about fighting on the surface. It's like! My senses are all messed up…"

"Yeah, I understand… But when a Stampede happens, normalcy gets shattered, and the extraordinary swiftly engulfs the world. Rules we usually follow might change completely. But everyone has grown stronger. Serai-san, you'll be fine if you stay calm and composed."

"I-I understand…! It's just that I can't stop shaking… Strange, isn't it? M-Maybe it's battle tremors!?"

"Let's calm down and focus on our breathing… Inhale through the nose… exhale through the mouth… That's it… Long… and slow… It's a meditation breathing technique. You'll be okay, remember a state of calmness in your mind…"

In the peculiar situation of going out into the city where the Dungeon Stampede occurred, Serai-san was unusually nervous. The tension of not only being protected but also having to fight seemed to be causing it. This might be what they call ‘rookie fever'. But since there were no signs of hyperventilation or mental confusion, calming the breath and mind with meditation breathing should help settle her down.

"Suuu… Haaa…!"

"Let's all calm ourselves with a bit of meditation breathing. Suuu… Haaa…"

"Suuu… Haaa…"

Even in this extraordinary situation, we're advancing through the monster-infested surface to protect our families and friends. We might encounter any dangerous monsters. Considering that, it would be odd not to be nervous.

Speaking from a very personal standpoint, I really wish they wouldn't go outside where it's dangerous and stay home quietly. But even so, they've decided to go outside. To protect their families and friends. So, I'll support them with all I've got.

"Everyone's got their shields? Okay, then I'll go out first. Just in case, I'll adjust to the 1st floor."


As Ruu and the others leave the antechamber, I head to the first underground level and summon three creatures: a monkey, a frog, and a slug.


"My friends… You will guard this entrance to the 1st floor. Although it's already been taken care of, if any Stampede monsters try to pass through here, cooperate to eliminate them."




"Alright! You're free to do anything else. I'm counting on you to watch over things while we're gone."

And so, we set out to the transformed city, now a hell infested with monsters.

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