My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 2, Ch.19: Interesting topic of conversation.

Small content warning. Not bad, but probably don't read in public.

Mizuki turned wary as he glanced up at me. No doubt that my temptation to tickling more reactions out of him was showing on my face.

“Don’t you dare!”, he hissed, his voice still shaking and without any real power. Not very convincing.

“Absolutely can’t?”
I whined. All my hesitation had gone out of the window with the sound of his voice.

He hesitated visibly. Hesitated, I’m telling you, ah!

Do you know what it means for him to hesitate about something like this! That’s not wondering whether he’s okay with it or not, that’s just wondering whether his pride can take it! That’s basically agreeing if I can find a way for him to get out of the issue of his pride!

“Just a bit?” I continued to whine, giving him my sad puppy face. “I’ll owe you?”

Kinda ridiculous, telling my boyfriend I’ll owe him if he lets me tease him but eh, who cares about logic. Of course he knew I was talking bullshit, but whatever-

He turned his head away from me with a grim look and let his arm sink.

Imaginary wagging dog-tail.

I tugged him back up and leaned forward at the same time, brushing my lips against his ear again. He quivered when my warm breath tickled his skin.

The quiver turned into a full-fledged shudder as I parted my lips to bite the red-blushing tip of his ear, nibbling on it. Mizuki hiccuped when my teeth scratched the sensitive area and he struggled a bit, not having expected that.

I reveled in his reaction, involuntarily humming.

His shoulders were tense, his breath uneven and sometimes halting when he shut his mouth to keep any sounds from leaking. I tightened my right arm around his waist, keeping him closely pressed to me.

Like, I like him too much.

All of this, I want to be the first and only person to see it, so I wanted nothing but to steal away all of it before anyone else had the chance. Wanted to have more of him letting me go past any lines he set up.

Maybe it was possessive, but isn't it natural to want to keep the one you like to yourself?

Mizuki being submissive like that was more within my hopes than expectations. He let me take the lead with everything, even now not actually struggling when I was doing something like this.

Somehow, it seemed to have been established that I was going to be the dominant one, which suited my preferences just fine, although it had indeed been a bit questionable with how our usual characters were.

With the heat in my body rising and washing away any restraint, I let my tongue slide over the side of his ear, leaving a wet trail behind.

The soft moan that escaped Mizuki between two breaths was my sign for stopping.

The sound was pure seduction, asking for more and betraying that he enjoyed what I was doing. My heart throbbed, all of the heat in my face falling down into my lower body.

Yikes. Nope.

I turned my head away and buried my face deep in his shoulder, not even breathing for several seconds, just listening to the raging heartbeat in my ears.

Mizuki was completely frozen, stunned from the sound of his own voice. Possibly having the same problem of raging heat inside his body as I was having.... hopefully.

We just didn’t move, even though the position was a bit uncomfortable. Moving would probably be bad.
He was sitting on my lap after all.

The laptop beeped happily to announce the finished download and I cleared my throat.

“Uh, let’s start the game”, I forced out, my voice slightly hoarse. Mizuki didn’t even reply. I had a feeling he didn’t trust his own voice right now.

Nervous, I glanced over quickly, worried that I had overdone it. The sides of his lips were pulled down, one corner sucked in and moving as he bit on it. The beautiful blush on his face had bloomed all the way to the tip of his nose and his eyes were shining as if he was about to cry.

He didn’t look angry, he looked troubled and dazed.

Hm, I think that is an okay mood for him to be in right now…

I could hear and feel him take in a deep breath.

“No. Not playing yet. We’ll make rules”, he growled through gritted teeth, not looking very dangerous with how his face still flushed red. Rules? Rules for what? 

He raised his finger at me, still shivering a bit.

“Kissing and cuddling is fine”, he started.
Oh, I like that beginning. Go on.

He waited until I nodded before continuing.

“This”, he halted, making a vague motion with his hand, “kind of thing-... only when I allow it and not in fucking broad daylight! And give me some time to adjust!”

Oooh, this is what he means by rules… Alright, it does kinda make sense, considering I just completely lost it and-
Welp. Back to the topic.

As the person who is my darling sweetheart that I love the most, sure, it makes sense for you to tell me when you’re comfortable. And I know I’ve hurried way too much for a first relationship.

“Sorry, I was tempted”, I admitted with my head hanging low. He acknowledged my apology with a hmpf.

“Lastly… Anything beyond that is off-limits for now so don’t even try it!”
He was snarling that sentence at me with his glowing red face. My head bobbed up and down continuously.

“Understand, I understand. But where exactly is the line between ‘Can try when you allow’ and ‘Off-limits’?”

I mean, were we talking about just sex or other stuff before that? That would be kinda good to know, since I, myself, was surprised at how easily my hesitation had vanished when presented with a defenseless him. And the motion he had made wasn't exactly very descriptive of what was still within limits.

Mizuki’s opened his mouth and shut it again, then let his chin sink to his chest and leaned back against me. Not that easy a question, I guess.

“No sex or anything… of similar nature.”

Translation: Hands off my ass until I’m used to all of this. Gotcha.

He tugged at his collar and frowned, then glared up at me again.
“And anything that ends with me having no clothes.”

Thaaat is like his sense of shame...? So I can touch, but he wants to keep his clothes on to feel safer.

“Also, everything only when I’ve got something to bite on.”

The sound escaped me before I could stop myself. The temperature of his eyes dropped another two degrees. I cleared my throat and laughed to hide my embarrassment.
“Uh, your voice is really cute…”

My volume dropped considerably with every word, as did the temperature around us. Mizuki was snarling.

But but but, I really want to hear him when we do that kind of stuff! I can understand why it’s embarrassing for him, and I’d feel the same, but I still want to hear it! That one sound was really cute, you know!

“Do I have to tell you why?”, he growled and I winced.

Okay, he’s a guy. Not even one that is gay and a bottom by nature, but just someone who I was lucky enough to have like me. That he was taking on the role of the bottom just like that was a fortunate thing for me.

Still, that didn’t mean he’d want to hear his own voice turn into that high-pitched, feminine tone that was oozing temptation. 

“No, I understand…” I fiddled with my fingers. “But you understand my point, too?”

We stared at each other for a while until his face turned a bit more neutral. “...Do. I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep quiet completely in the first place, so be happy with what you get.”

I don’t know what it’s like to have a girlfriend. I know that Daichi often lamented how hard it is to guess what his girlfriend is fine with or not. 

Even if I don’t have anything to compare, I just gotta say: Halleluja, my boyfriend says everything outright. No troublesome misunderstandings.

“Hm, hm!”
More nodding to assure him I wasn’t going to complain any longer.

Uhm, since he said it was fine…

I quickly turned him in my arms so that his head faced me, then bent down to place a quick kiss on his lips, quick enough that my hesitation couldn’t keep up with the still remaining heat.

The foolish grin on my face turned my eyes into slit moons.

I redirected my eyes to pretty much anywhere other than his face, avoiding his glare.

“What happened to you being all nervous?”
“All men are wolves?”

He snorted, then dragged me down for a deeper kiss. I widened my eyes in surprise. His lips pressed against mine almost painfully, like a mute warning to not treat him as a girl, hot and passionate.

He ended the kiss - that I would have loved to drag out for another while - with biting my lower lip hard enough to make me cry out before retreating and nestling himself into my embrace, pointing at his screen.


Notes that I feel are very important to say and that I will say again:
- This is fiction. Absolutely anything sexual here is based on my imagination and reading experience. We're not here to have a completely realistic porn story, are we?
- Riku is a total herbivore, but he does grow some teeth when it's about Mizuki. Expect more about that. And Mizuki just straight-out saying things, because that's how their relationship works.
- If anyone here is thinking that Riku is pushing Mizuki to do stuff... Believe me, Mizuki is going to show when he's unhappy very clearly lol

Random facts I feel like telling:
- If Yuji was gay, his boyfriend would be someone no one ever saw or heard about. A chill guy. Would be a reversible couple.
- If Prez was gay/got a boyfriend, the boy would be a cute, shy little thing
- If the idiots were gay... They'd go out with each other and no one would ever notice until they mention it randomly, because they'd act just the same as before and everyone would be thinking they were joking even if it got more intimate.

Mizuki's theater:

Riku: "Don't you find talking like that... embarrassing?"
Mizuki: "Less embarrassing than you trying to go too far and me having to push you away. Each time."
Riku: "...Fair enough."

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