My O Got Pregnant After Dressing Like a Scum

Chapter 58

Chapter 41:

There is a straight ladder to the top floor of the shopping mall, which is not consistent with the direction of Mrs. Qi’s shopping.

It is a kind of fear and panic etched in the bones.

Even her eyes and smiles will keep appearing in my mind.

After a while, Xu Qingzhu whispered, “Let’s go.”

Liang Shi sighed lightly, closed his eyes to adjust his state, then stood up and walked towards the elevator, holding the bell tightly.

The bell is also very cute.

Her palms lightly stroked Liang Shi’s palms, “Aunt, your palms are so sweaty.”

“It’s fine.” Liang Shi’s mood was a little down, but he didn’t want to show it in front of the children, so he forced a smile, “Because it’s too hot.”

The bell is right.

Xu Qingzhu’s palm is very cold, which is different from her hot flashes.

And the bell ran to her other side and took her other hand, “Auntie, I and Auntie are protecting you.”

Liang Shi was dumbfounded by her, but her heart was warm.

Xu Qingzhu suddenly held her hand tightly.

Liang Shi looked over in confusion.

Xu Qingzhu smiled calmly, “Help me warm my hands.”


Xu Qingzhu took care of Liang Shi’s face, and didn’t ask Mrs. Qi and Qi Jiao anything outside.

Because Bell had etiquette classes on Saturday, they sent Bell back to the old house after lunch, and asked her to strictly keep her encounter with Grandma Qi and Aunt Qi Jiao in the shopping mall. .

Bell raised his hand to zip his mouth, “Okay.”

Because she felt that the old house was too gloomy, Liang Shi only sent the bell in and excused herself from leaving.

Qiu Zimin hurried out when she heard the news of her return, but only saw the rear of the car.

Liang Shi saw her and Sun Meirou in the rearview mirror, not knowing what she was talking about.

It shouldn’t be a happy word, after all, Qiu Zimin frowned the whole time.

After returning home, Liang Shi was ready to talk to Xu Qingzhu about Mrs. Qi.

But Xu Qingzhu didn’t mention it for a while, just went to the study to read.

Liang Shi didn’t even think about it, so he went back to his room to rest.

Since she met Mrs. Qi, there seemed to be a tension in her heart.

That string made her mood drop, very sad.

She has never liked her state very much, so she adjusts it by exercising or sleeping.

The autumn in Haizhou City is rainy, as long as it starts to rain, it will be lingering and continuous.

The sunny day in the morning soon became cloudy, the black clouds moved quickly in the sky, the sky darkened suddenly, and it didn’t take long for the rain to fall on the earth.

Like Liang Shi’s mood at the moment.

She sank into the soft bed, watching the raindrops on the glass, the turquoise branches being blown by the wind.

Such an environment is like a huge and gentle cocoon, raindrops fall in random patterns, and the wind plays a symphony.

It is a rhythm that is easy to hypnotize.

Liang Shi slowly closed his eyes.

And then it was a long, heavy dream that I couldn’t wake up from.

Dream is the same dark color as always, not even a ray of sunlight can come in in the small room, only a night light hanging on the wall.

The lights were dim, and the little girl in the room crouched in the corner.

Mrs. Qi walked in wearing a blue cheongsam, which glowed faintly under the dark light, she smiled, but her scalp was tingling.

And behind her was a little girl, Mrs. Qi called her, “Jiaojiao, aren’t you the best at teaching children?”

Mrs. Qi lit a cigarette in this dark room, “Go and teach my sister what to do at home in the future.”

The little girl called Qi Jiao was wearing a princess dress, with a big dent on her forehead, and the corner of her mouth was bruised. She walked over slowly, crouched down and looked at the little girl in the corner, “You have to listen to your mother’s words. Children who don’t listen to their mother’s words will be beaten.”

Her voice resembles a child’s voice in a horror movie.

In addition to confined spaces, you can even hear echoes.

There was no light in her eyes, only dullness and subtle fear remained.

Mrs. Qi exhaled a smoke ring, and the blue-gray smoke spread out in front of her eyes.

Then looked down at Qi Jiao, “Jiaojiao, let my sister speak.”

Qi Jiao said: “You speak, you say you will listen to your mother.”

The little girl said: “I always listen to my mother, I want to go home, I don’t want to stay here.”

Mrs. Qi chuckled: “But your mother told you to stay here, she said you were disobedient.”

Said she squatted down, “Did you break your mother’s lipstick last time?”

The little girl nodded in horror, “But I didn’t mean to, I apologized to my mother.”

“Will you be forgiven if you apologize?” Mrs. Qi smiled: “Just like my Jiaojiao.”

“Jiaojiao, didn’t my mother tell you to let my sister listen to you? But why does she want to talk back to me?” Mrs. Qi said.

Qi Jiao immediately said, “Mom, I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

“But I’m sorry, will it be okay to exchange it?” Mrs. Qi said, and suddenly pressed the still burning cigarette **** on Qi Jiao’s princess dress, the smell of burning fabric instantly wafted in the air, Qi Jiao burst into tears in pain. She wanted to cry out in pain but held back, she knelt on the ground, “Mom, I’m sorry.”

“I should say sorry to you.” Mrs. Qi said, “Mom’s Jiaojiao, I’m sorry, can you tell me it’s okay?”

“Mom, it’s okay…it’s okay.” Qi Jiao said sobbing.

“Jiaojiao is so strong, how can she cry?” Mrs. Qi said, pressing the unextinguished cigarette **** towards the little girl again.

The little girl wailed loudly.

“I want to go home,” said the little girl.

Mrs. Qi smiled, “I won’t think about it after a while.”

The voice was like a demon whispering: “When you become good, you can go home.”

The dim environment once again zooms out, rewinds, and rotates.


Liang Shi suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand to touch his forehead, and was sweating again.

The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and there is a trend of heavy rain.

Unconsciously, Liang Shi slept for an afternoon.

It’s just that I slept like a ghost on a bed, and I was exhausted.

She turned on her phone and glanced at it, only the voice sent by Bell using Sun Meirou’s account, asked her if she was home?

She replied: [Arrived, just fell asleep. 】

Sun Meirou: [Are you tired with the bell? Trouble you. 】

Liang Shi: [No, the bell is very good, I like to sleep when I am idle. 】

Sun Meirou: [Okay. 】

We chatted with Sun Meirou for a while before it was over.

Liang Shi pressed his head against the pillow, tried to suffocate himself, and then released it.

She often thinks about things in this way.

After hesitating, she dug out Qi Jiao’s phone from the address book, took a deep breath and dialed it.

The phone rang for a long time before the other party picked up, still the same as the previous time, in a very gentle female voice, “Hello.”

“Mr. Qi, do you remember me? I’m Liang Shi.” Liang Shi introduced himself, “I learned your number from Rainbow last time, and we met once in kindergarten.”

Qi Jiao froze suddenly, with a clear sound of swallowing saliva.

I could hear her nervousness through the screen, “Hello, what’s the matter?”

“I want to ask you a more personal question.” Liang Shi asked: “Have you met me before?”

Qi Jiao: “…No, no.”

Her stumbling speaks volumes.

Liang Shi immediately asked: “Really not? When we were very young, in a dim room, you and I both experienced…”

“Jiaojiao, eating is eating.” A serious female voice came, “Is there anything else to say after dinner, have you forgotten what mom taught you?”

Qi Jiao said nervously, “Remember, I’ll hang up right away.”

Then said into the receiver: “I’m sorry, I want to eat, I’ll talk about it on Monday.”

After speaking, I hung up.

Liang Shi looked at the phone and fell into deep thought.

Qi Jiao… Maybe she remembered those things when she was a child?

The pain seemed to be something she had experienced.

Such a strong sense of substitution and empathy.

Even that scary room.

It is also limited to fear.

But Mrs. Qi made her terrified, just hearing her voice made her scalp tingle.

Liang Shi sent a text message to Qi Jiao: [Mr. Qi, see you on Monday. 】

She still has to figure this out, Qi Jiao is the best breakthrough.

Just after sending the text message, the familiar mechanical sound entered her mind: [Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the additional task: crafting with Xu Qingzhu. Xiaotong is very pleased this time, but it is a pity that the host failed to complete the task of accumulating 60 lucky points in a short period of time and giving away five lucky points, but you are really close, host! You barely touch the hope of victory, sigh. But it’s a big improvement compared to before. 】

PS: In less than a month, you have already accumulated half of your lucky points! Proud of you, if only you could progress faster. 】

Liang Shi: “…”

She’s not slowing down!

【Ding Dong! Due to the good performance of the host, he was given the opportunity to ask Xiaotong a question once, so don’t miss it again! 】

Liang Shi didn’t even think about it, and asked directly, “Did I come here when I was a child? Why am I so familiar with Mrs. Qi?”

System: […]

After two seconds of silence, the strange mechanical voice said: [Sorry host, the secret cannot be revealed. 】

Liang Shi: “…?”

“Didn’t you say I can ask?” Liang Shi was speechless.

System: [I didn’t say I would answer. 】

Liang Shi: “Then what can you answer?”

System: […For example, the plot line may be a little broken now. 】

Liang Shi was surprised: “What?”

Isn’t it that it will not collapse?

System: [Forget it, I have a showdown. 】

Liang Shi: “?”

System: [I just want to remind you kindly that the real daughter of the Liang family is about to find relatives. 】

Liang Shi: “…”

Tired and destroyed.

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