My New Life as a Catgirl

Chapter 30

I switched perk to trait as it made more sense. Thanks for the suggestion, Pyrrhic!

I laid on the ground, staring at the sky, my lower body still exhausted from last night. It was not just my lower body was in pain though, my back ached as well. This is why you don’t sleep on the ground.

Did I really do that with Elaina last night? It almost felt like a dream. And what were with those system messages at the end.

I flicked my hand up as I willed my status to appear.

Name: Kitty
Race: Beastkin
Gender: Female
Class: Sex Slave
Rank: E+
Strength: 1
Endurance: 7
Finesse: 18
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 68
[Cleaning] - Level 4
[Cunninglingus] - Level 5
[Cooking] - Level 3
[Anal] - Level 2
[Blowjob] - Level 1
[Charm] - Level 1
[Light Magic] - Level 1
[Loyal] - If ally is in danger, all stats +10
[Adorable] - Charisma +20
[Perfect Skin] - Finesse +5, Charisma +5
[Masochist] - Some pain will be converted into pleasure

How did I get the light magic skill? Wait…there had been a status message yesterday. Something about an aspect of love…

“Finally awake?”

My thoughts were interrupted by the nearby elf. Elaina was sitting against a nearby tree, her chin resting on her hand.

“W-What happened last night?” I asked, still a little confused.

“Well, you jumped on me and then we had a couple rounds of sex in the forest,” she responded casually, completely unfazed by the ordeal.

“Y-you seduced me!”

“Really? You were the one who kisses me fist. I think it was you that seduced me. Even now you’re trying to get me going,” she said as pointed down at my chest.

I glanced down and flushed red. My dress was still pulled down from last night, exposing my bare chest. My mind had been groggy from waking up, allowing it to go unnoticed.

My arms quickly went to cover my breasts as I sent a glare Elaina’s way, but she didn’t seem to care.

“More importantly than the sex was what happened afterwards though. Not only did I rank up to D-Rank from having sex which makes no sense, I also gained a new trait,” she said as she scratched her head as she told me about her Status.

“The trait is [Perfect Skin]. Now my skin is all silky and smooth which feels nice. But I don’t understand why the system would give me a trait like this?”

[Perfect Skin]? Wasn’t that my trait? It couldn’t be a coincidence…

“I-I also ranked up and got [Light Magic] which is your skill. Before I got the skill though, it said the aspect of love activated,” I said. “Oh, my [Obedient] trait also changed to [Loyal].”

“How interesting. Aspect of love? Since I didn’t get the message, it must be a special power that you have. It seems like it allowed us to swap something. And it doesn’t seem to be restricted to either traits or skills. I wonder if it is temporary or permanent?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure. Nothing like this happened before when I was forced to…”

“Maybe it has something to do with what that little bitch said. Something about we are special, part of a group of nine. Or maybe we just don’t know enough about the system and how it works.”

I nodded my head in agreement. We still had very little knowledge on the system itself.

“Not only that, but it seems we somehow copied each others trait and skill. I gave you [Light Magic] while you gave me [Perfect Skin]…”

“The system told me the aspect of love activated before I got {Light Magic]. I don’t know what an aspect is though, I’ve never heard it before.”

“Aspect of love? Well it doesn’t matter. All we can do is keep experimenting.”

I glanced over at her. What did she mean by that?

But before I could ask, she had already spoken. “You should go wash up in the river. We should be heading out soon.”


It was another couple hours of walking through the humongous forest before we finally met with something.

A loud roar shook the trees, making my cat ears and tail stand straight up with the sound. Even Elaina could hear it as she quickly pulled out the sword she stole from the guard she killed and hid behind a tree.

“What was that?” I asked, giving Elaina a worried glance.

“Hurry, turn invisible and get behind something!”

Flustered, I quickly hurried to obey as I slipped the tight bracelet around my wrist and scurried behind the nearest tree. It was not that I didn’t want to fight, but that I still did not have the options or strength to do so.

My first suggestion would have been to run, but I could tell that the beast that had made that roar was traveling quite fast. We would never have been able to outrun it.

Suddenly, from out of the bushes came a humanoid monster twice as tall as any human I had ever seen. The bulging muscles of his arms were proof of his incredible strength, the biceps twice as thick as my waist.

The monster’s head was disproportionately large and very ugly, resembling the Demon Lord of Gluttony who was an orc. Except he was somehow even more ugly. His skin was a dark green and two tusks came out from his mouth.

I could already guess what he was. The monster was an ogre.

What was interesting though was that the ogre was suffering from various injuries. A nasty slash crossed his face, taking out his left eye. His right hand was also gone, chopped completely off as it left a trail of blood behind him. A number of arrows were sticking out from his back and shallow cuts covered most of his lower body. The injuries were fresh too as they were still heavily bleeding.

The ogre didn’t seem to notice us as it ran right by me. I had thought an ogre would be slow, but it was actually running quite fast. Much faster than I could at least.

Neither Elaina or I moved a muscle as the ogre passed us. We did not have the strength to take him out anyway.

But it didn’t matter.

I heard the sound of the arrow just before it struck the ogre in the neck. His steps fumbled a bit before another arrow penetrated his neck again. Unable to withstand, the ogre fell over with a thud, faceplanting into the ground.

Coming from the direction of the arrow were three men riding giant wolves. The riders were all wearing steel black armour that covered their entire body, including a helm that hid their face. The one in front, the leader I presumed, was carrying a large bow while the other two both held spears. The middle one and the one on the right were large, while the one on the left was smaller in stature.

They climbed off their mounts to approach the fallen monster. The wolves seemed tamed as they stayed put.

But suddenly, one of the followers turned our way and shouted to the others.

The armored men surrounded Elaina from all sides, cornering her against the tree. Fortunately, they did not notice the invisible me but I was still worried about Elaina.

“Who are you?” The one in the front with the bow asked. Her voice was hoarse but distinctly female.

“M-My name is Alice. I was part of a merchant caravan that was attacked just north of here. It happened two days ago…My parents…they’re gone. ” She made up a completely nonsensical story as she cried some fake tears. Her performance was really awful and I couldn’t help but cringe in embarrassment.

The attackers however did not suspect a thing. “Attacked? By what?”

“Ummm….an ogre?”

Who would believe that? Elaina really needed to practise her acting like I did!

“I’m sorry, that must have been terrible.” The woman took off her helmet revealing her face. The other two followed her. The female leader and the man on her right were both orcs while the man on the left was a middle-aged human with a tired look on his face.

“May I ask why you three are out here hunting ogres?”

“We just ran into this guy accidentally. We’re actually searching these woods looking for someone.”

“Accidentally? Wasn’t it you who hunted him…” The human muttered between his teeth. I was probably the only one who could hear him as the others ignored the human.

“Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help.”

The female orc scratched her head as she thought for a bit. Eventually, she turned to the man on her right. “Torg, tell her who we’re looking for.”

“We’re hunting a pink cat, captain. A girl cat too.” The orc confidently grunted in response. “And the cat is accompanied by a goblin I think.”

The human on the left sighed. “It’s a female cat beastkin with pink hair that we’re looking for, not an actual cat. And they’re accompanied by an elf, not a goblin.”

Hey, isn’t that me? Don’t tell me they’re already searching for me out here!

“You heard the man. A pink cat beastkin that’s not an actual cat. You aren’t a beastkin by any chance, are you?”

“Nooo? I’m a human…” Even Elaina was confused at this point.

Elaina had covered her pointy ears with her long, golden hair. Although she was quite slender, she could at least pass for a human unless someone examined her more closely.

“Oh. I see.” She nodded her head as if confirming the fact.

“Ummm…do you know any nearby towns I can head to?”

She grunted. “Of course. We’re guards for the town of Red Peak. One of us can escort you back, it’s just east of here. Or was it west?”

“It’s south, captain.”

The leader nodded. “Of course, just south of here.”

And like that, we followed the male orc as he lead us back on foot, leaving his wolf behind with the two others. The human was unwilling to leave the captain alone so he remained. I myself stayed invisible with the bracelet even as we approached the town.

It wasn’t a long walk. It only took an hour before the town itself came into view as we left the cover of the dense forest.

The town itself was nothing special. Surrounded by walls of stone with a single metal gateway, its size was not very impressive. It was what stood behind the walls that managed to shock me.

Giant mountains blocked the horizon, spreading as far as wide as the eye could see and reaching past even the clouds. The town itself looked tiny as the shadows of the mountains loomed over it.

We had finally reached them. The Chaos Peaks.

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