My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 10 - fish hunting

Yuyou has successively contacted flower, bird and fish clubs in several countries and reached preliminary cooperation intentions. They will send a senior member to serve as a judge and rate the rare flowers, birds and fish on display. The host of the event will be responsible for the cost of room and board for referees during the event.

Naturally, such an activity could not be done by her alone. She also hired a lawyer and a planning team to draw up a contract and standardize the details of the activity.

There is no need to pay any fees to participate in the event, as long as you follow the order, exhibit ornamental species according to regulations, and give appropriate discounts, you can register. A prominent event sign will be hung on the door of all participating stores. This kind of activity that can increase popularity and revenue, and increase exposure, shop owners are willing to join.

More importantly, Yuyou grew up here, and there is no shop owner who doesn’t know her. In the few years she inherited the maintenance shop, there was hardly a single sick fish in the aquarium shop here, unless it was a newly introduced fry. The shopkeepers may not know the specific reasons, but Yuyou often visits their shop. After each visit, she will buy seriously ill fish, and those with minor problems will quickly recover, so many The shopkeepers regard her as the mascot of the flower, bird and fish market.

This event was planned by her, and all the shop owners responded accordingly and cooperated very well.

After reaching an agreement with the shopkeepers, Yuyou brought a plan and was about to seek sponsorship. Before he acted, he got news from a lawyer. Dozens of manufacturers of equipment manufacturing, landscape design, toy production, fishing grounds and other companies took the initiative to come to the door. The total amount of zero and zero provided sponsorship fees of five or six million. I don’t know who helped to contact, it really saved her a lot of time.

A few days later, Mr. Xie, as an honorary member of the Aquarium Association as a guarantee, helped Yuyou to submit the application for the event, which was approved the next day and officially received official certification and funding.

The preparatory work for the event was successfully completed with the assistance and support of all parties. All that’s left are the time-consuming tasks of designing event logos, printing voting cards and exhibit catalogs, sending out invitations, store renovations, and more. These can be handed over to the planning team, and Yuyou only needs to be responsible for overall planning and final inspection.

These things, although tedious, are not the hardest part. The real test of strength is the grade of flowers, birds and fish that will be exhibited soon. If you can’t create a certain sensational effect, you won’t be able to achieve Yuyou’s expected goal. The demolition still has to be demolished, so it will be a waste of time.

Yuyou counted the rare species in the entire flower, bird and fish market. There are only 24 kinds of top-grade species, half of which are precious flowers, and there are only seven kinds of ornamental fish. There are quite a few middle-grade ones, but none of the top-grade ones.

For an ordinary event, this lineup is not bad, but I am afraid it is not enough to make the Lanzhou City Flower, Bird and Fish Market a blockbuster.

Of course, there must be many shopkeepers who have not released the real treasures. In order to stand out, they will definitely do their best, but the best products can be found and cannot be bought with money.

Sitting on a sea, Yuyou can find any grade of fish she wants, but she won’t go to the bottom of the sea to fish. Most of these ornamental fish are artificially bred and have long been accustomed to the current life, but the wild fish on the seabed are different. Put them in a narrow tank, and I’m afraid it won’t take long for them to die.

Since you don’t want to fish on the bottom of the sea, then go to other cities to buy it.

Yuyou looked at the electronic map on the screen, which marked the flower, bird and fish markets in dozens of coastal cities.

She can traverse any sea area, but the sea area must be within the range she can sense. The sea is like a transit station, and the distance from the land cannot be more than 5 kilometers, otherwise she will not be able to teleport there. But as long as you enter the sea, it is only a matter of minutes to travel thousands of miles.

Taking ordinary transportation is too time-consuming, so Yuyou decided to go directly by sea and go to other coastal cities to collect rare species. If it goes well, there will be about 20 days left, enough for her to cultivate a few top-quality breeds.

In order to prevent the demolition, she, who has always been gentle, really fought hard this time.

It was just dawn, Yuyou put on a swimsuit, put on a waterproof backpack, and with one step, the whole person disappeared into the room like a mist. In the next second, it appeared in the sea 5 kilometers southwest. Immediately, like a swordfish, it shot away, leaving only a silvery white water mark.

Ten minutes later, Yuyou came to the first location – Yanyun.

Choosing an uninhabited coast, Yuyou flashed and teleported behind a reef. Stepping on the beach with bare feet, Yuyou put down the waterproof backpack, took out the towel from it, wiped the body, put on dry clothes and shoes and socks, put on the backpack again, took out Grandpa Turtle’s mobile phone, and opened the Gaode map.

About 7 kilometers away from the nearest aquarium store, Yuyou called a taxi and went straight to the destination.

Yanyun’s flower, bird and fish market is much more prosperous than Lanzhou City. Every year, vigorous publicity is carried out. Douyu, birds, flowers and insects, all of them are fighting, players gather, and the atmosphere is warm. Compared with Lanzhou City, it is completely free-ranging, and the number and quality of ornamental species are far inferior.

This viewing meeting facilitated by Yuyou has already spread in the circle, but most of the non-local merchants and aquarists are not very optimistic.

Is there a well-known flower, bird and fish market in Lanzhou City? Have you participated in international competitions? Have you ever produced something great? Is there a master in charge? Nothing at all! Are they too embarrassed to hold an international viewing exchange? It’s hilarious!

After getting off the rental, Yuyou walked through a pedestrian street and walked into the bustling flower, bird and fish market.

The moment she approached, all the freshwater fish, saltwater fish, ornamental turtles and amphibious reptiles in the aquarium shop all had a feeling, gathered and looked up.

Yuyou’s eyes quickly glanced around the market, and then went straight to one of the large-scale aquarium shops.

At this time, in front of an aquarium in the store, there were a lot of customers around, and they were amazed at the ornamental fish in the tank.

Yuyou glanced at it with a probe, it was a fairy with a yellow belly, with bright colors and excellent appearance. By her standards, it’s probably a 5.5. Artificially raised ornamental fish, if it exceeds 5 points, it is considered to be the best.

It is a pity that Yuyou has limited funds and cannot buy too expensive species, and angelfish is a relatively expensive species of seawater ornamental fish. In order to introduce as many new products as possible, she can only find a way to “picked up”.

For others, picking up leaks is naturally very difficult, but for Yuyou, it is easy. Many fish have less obvious body surface characteristics before maturity, and it is difficult to see its grade.

What Yuyou is looking for is this kind of superb product that has not yet been revealed.

Crossing the crowd of onlookers, Yuyou came to an aquarium on the left, and there was a red velvet parrot fish. This is a kind of wrasse fish. It is not difficult to raise. hundreds or more. It has a wonderful property, the color of the body will change with the mood changes, especially in courtship, the color is especially gorgeous.

The red velvet parrot in front of him should have just emerged, with a slender body, dark color and slow swimming speed, showing the characteristics of not adapting to the environment. Facing Yuyou outside the fish tank, he gently wiggled his tail.

“Beauty, do you want to buy fish?” A tall and handsome young man came over and greeted with a smile, “This red velvet parrot is good, it just arrived not long ago, if the beauty likes it, hurry up, or it will be soon stolen by someone else.”

“How to sell?” Yuyou asked.

“This is the first time for a beauty to visit our store, right? I’ll give you a discount, how about 1488?”

The fish was silent. The prices of Yanyun and Lanzhou City are indeed different. A small fish that does not perform well will be charged thousands of dollars.

“Boss, there must be something wrong with this red velvet when it was put into the tank. It didn’t open smoothly, resulting in inactive eating and very weak body. It is estimated that it won’t last long when I buy it back.” Yuyou said “it won’t last long” mainly because For novice and regular players. Because of inexperience, it is often stumped at the first step.

“Oh, it turned out to be an expert.” The young boss laughed dryly, looked at the red velvet, and said, “Well, I’ll give you a hard discount, 1,000 yuan. If you agree, take it away.”

“500.” Yuyou gave him a single digit directly.

“That won’t work, the cost price is more than that.” The young boss waved his hands again and again.

Yuyou knew the cost of all kinds of ornamental fish, and naturally knew that this young man was fooling people. However, she did not dismantle it, but turned to look at the fairy with a yellow belly that was being watched. Several guests were vying to bid and want to buy it.

The price of angelfish fluctuates a lot, and some of the top-quality gods do not have a fixed price, usually the highest price. There was once a very high-quality red mint fairy, which sold for the price of an RV, which was called the nobleman among the nobles.

These guests came here so early, presumably just to grab this fairy with a yellow belly when there were few people.

“That yellow belly fairy is not bad.” Yu You commented.

“Are you interested? It’s a pity that it is the treasure of our store, not for sale.” The young boss was a little proud.

The so-called “not for sale” is just an excuse to bid too low. The seawater ornamental fish is different from the feng shui fish in country Z. It does not have special symbolic meaning, nor is it a superb product. The second, the third, and more.

While Yu You was contemplating, the bidding over there became more and more intense.

“20000!” a red-skinned middle-aged man shouted.

“20100.” The elegant uncle next to him increased the price.



“The surname is Yang, are you deliberately teasing me?” A red-skinned middle-aged man said angrily at the elegant uncle next to him, “Every time I make a bid, you will add 100, disgusting or not?”

The elegant uncle spreads his hands: “I’m just bidding rationally.”

“You mean I’m irrational?”

Uncle Ruya didn’t speak, just gave him an inscrutable smile.

The red-skinned middle-aged man had itchy teeth, and fiercely shouted a high price: “50,000!”

The young boss’s eyes lit up, he held back his excitement and watched the changes.

At this time, a calm voice suddenly floated from the side: “That yellow belly fairy is really good, but it’s only worth 10,000 yuan at most.”

The voice was not loud, only the young boss beside him could hear it. He turned his head and looked at Yu You badly: “What did you say?”

“Your yellow-bellied fairy is flat and round in shape, pure in color, elegant in posture, and good in appearance, but in order to make it look more dazzling, you have set the lights too high, kept people onlookers for a long time, and did not take proper protection. Measures. I’m sure it will get sick in less than three days. The high price of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan is definitely not for the purpose of buying back a precious sick fish. “

The young boss’s expression changed slightly, and he quickly glanced at the two who were bidding. Seeing that they were not paying attention, he was slightly relieved.

“What do you want?” the young boss asked in a low voice.

“400, I want that red velvet.” Yuyou smiled and reported her conditions.

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