My Little Sunshine

Chapter 54: Katherine

The breakfast was soon served. As they sat down on the couch, Adam spoke up, "I want to take you somewhere tonight." 

"Hmm." Stella hummed in response as she chewed on her pancakes. "But we have to go to office tomorrow." She spoke after swallowing it down.

"It won't take that long." Adam replied with a wink. "But there's someone I want you to meet first. Actually, Blake does." He continued.

"Who?" She asked giving him a questioning look.

"You will know soon. Now finish up your breakfast. I want your plate to be squeaky-clean." He ordered her with a smirk only to get an eye roll in return.

Soon after they were done with their breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Adam spoke up.

"Hey guys! Sorry if I am interrupting anything important." Blake came in with a mischievous grin on his face. "I heard you enjoyed a lot last night Stella."

"Though I don't remember much, but I must have if you're saying so." She replied giving him a soft smile. 

"Well, I am glad you did. I actually wanted to introduce you to someone. She came a bit late last night so she wasn't able to meet you then." Blake said turning himself around. "You can come in now."

A tall fair skinned girl walked wearing a knee length light turquoise sleeveless dress which hugged her curves perfectly. She had dark brown straight hairs which were cut into a lob and had light golden brown lowlights. She looked no less than a model as she strutted into the room in her golden stilettos.

"You must be Stella." She headed towards her and jumped right on her, engulfing her into a tight hug. "It's so good to finally meet you in person. I have heard so much about you from Blake and of course Adam as well." She squealed in delight as she crushed her.

"She cannot breathe Katherine." Blake scolded her.

"Oops! Sorry. I just got a bit overexcited." She apologized to Stella, finally letting go of her. "By the way, I am Katherine. Katherine Collins." She introduced herself to Stella as she extended her hand towards her.

"Hey, I am Stella. Stella Martin. But looks like you already know that." Stella gave her polite smile as she shook her extended hand.

"Katherine is my baby sister." Blake interrupted them.

"I am just five minutes younger than you. Who the hell are you calling a baby sister?" Katherine lashed out at him.

"You guys are….." Stella suddenly spoke up as she realized something.

"Twins." Adam, who was completely left out of the conversation, completed her sentence. "Fraternal twins to be precise." He continued. 

"Oh! You are here too." Katherine spoke up. "I can totally see why Adam is so smitten by you." She continued turning her concentration back to Stella. 

Stella blushed at her sudden remark.

"You are so much prettier than that haughty bi***. No wonder Adam took a liking to you." Katherine continued to talk to Stella, completely ignoring the other two men in the room who were now sitting on the couch. "Oh, I was talking about that Rachel. I am sure you must have met her by now." She explained looking at Stella's confused expression.

"Yeah! I have." Stella replied.

"She's one of those pesky little flies who always buzz around Adam, wanting to grab his attention, even though he doesn't pay any heed to them." Katherine continued. "Why don't we go downstairs and leave these two men here?" She suggested looking at Stella with her big pleading eyes.

Stella look down at her clothes. She was wearing some casual PJs that Adam had asked someone to bring over. 

"There won't be anyone downstairs at this hour sweetheart." Adam spoke up.

"Alright then." Stella replied looking at Katherine, who jumped up and down like an excited kid, dragging her out of the room.

"Katherine, she isn't one to talk a lot, so don't tire her out and no alcohol for her. She has had her fair share of alcohol last night." Adam warned Katherine as they were heading out of the room to which she replied with an okay sign.

After they left the room, Blake opened a folder that he had brought earlier with him and placed it on the table before Adam. 

Adam looked at the details inside it. The air around him turning chiller as his eyes landed on a photo that was attached with the details. In the picture a man's silhouette can be seen who held a phone to his ear.

"He's our man." Blake broke the silence. "But he was wearing a mask, no one could tell us how he looked like exactly except his built. I have my best men on it. We'll have results soon." He continued looking at his best friend who had a murderous aura surrounding him as his narrowed eyes looked at the picture.

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