Long distance relationship and mix with an open relationship is really difficult combination to manages for because it's really needed that big afford from you to manages the relationship because you never one to be in this kind of things anymore but because you love him so much you force yourself to be in this position again.
Because i am promise to myself even we are in open relationship i still consider that we are not and i know it's going to be hard for me and i really needed big afford on it because we never know how he manages that but i don't care as long as i love him and as long as he have the same feeling to me i mean doesn't mean i don't care about he having fun with someone else but if its only for fun not more than that i am trying to be fine even its a lil bit bother me.
I love him so much until i want to be giving another try and put myself in this condition again which i never though that i want to be on it anymore but i can't do anything about it because i love him so much and i just want him on my life so i just going to give another shot and see what happens.