My Life in Multiverse

Ch 48 – Seabed Temple

Following the voice, both of them came across a young girl about their age, singing on a giant rock. Her beautiful voice combined with the beautiful image of the moon shining behind her, gave them a feeling of watching a fairy.

She glanced at them during her singing and seemed quite happy to see them listening to her songs.

The young girl was quite enthusiastic to meet them as she introduced herself as Kahono to Alex and Noelle.

She is also tremendously cheery, possessing a bubbly demeanor. She was anything but shy as she instantly asked them to become her friends and cheerfully shared her dream of becoming a singing dancing magic using idol.

Hearing her speak about her dream so happily and even shamelessly saying that she wanted to earn money with that made Alex chuckle a bit as he remembered Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats Crew.

Besides her energetic and lively personality, she was also very supportive, as she immediately advised Noelle, who was having trouble mastering her magic.

So, for the next six days, Alex and Kahono cheered and helped Noelle in mastering her spell so she could help her teammates complete the mission.

Aside from helping her at night, Alex spent his time with Vanessa, walking around the beach or finding some chances at the beach to have some fun...

Noelle finally succeeded on the last day as she took a deep breath and extended her hand over her grimoire before speaking calmly.

"Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle!" From under her feet, water manifested into this enormous, smooth sphere of whirling water with a ring of water.

Noelle was able to control it easily before she popped it. She looked around to thank Kahono but she was nowhere to be found.

Kahono was standing on a rock, not too far away from them, smiling at Noelle.

"You've got some good friends, Noelle. And they are the ones who should cheer you on in the end." She turned around and entered the ocean, her voice lingering behind. "Okay, Noelle. I'll be waiting inside the temple."

But the young girl failed to notice two eyes staring at the place where she disappeared and a smile appeared on the face of the man.

After looking around for a few more seconds, Noelle failed to find Kahono so she dropped the idea since she would be able to see her again the next night.

She returned back and activated her spell, bringing all the members of the Black Bulls inside her Sea Dragon's Cradle.

The water sphere then moved forward and went underwater, moving at a decent pace.

Soon, they reached close to the strong magic region. But it wasn't anything significant in Alex's eyes as there was nothing worth mentioning.

But he quickly got irritated by the excited screams of his squad members, shouting at them.

"If you are screaming the entire time, how can Noelle focus and get us through? I wouldn't be surprised if you all die right now."

Alex said, making everyone shut up so Noelle could concentrate.

'What did he mean by 'you all'? Is he saying that he would survive if Noelle's magic failed?'

Once they passed the strong magic region, they were met with calm waters. They saw different types of fish and other creatures that they had never seen before.

They then saw a barrier that had dozens of whirlpools surrounding it which would sweep anyone who approached them into deep water, drowning them.

Alex sensed the power behind the barrier and realized that it was only strong enough to keep normal people out, but Alex wasn't normal. Even Yami could easily slice through it.

"Yami, throw me!" Alex grinned and turned to Yami.

Yami didn't ask much and grabbed his collar. And then he used his mana to enhance his strength so he could throw Alex since Alex was pretty heavy.

Alex took a deep breath and pierced through the water with his Demon Slayer before he sliced through the barrier, creating a small whirlpool of anti-magic, and creating a big hole in it.

He then slowly floated down to the ground and put back the demon slayer back into his grimoire.

After the barrier had a hole, Noelle was able to guide her water bubble inside it before she dispelled it.

Everyone realized that there was air under the barrier and they were able to breathe easily.

When everyone landed on the ocean floor, Alex walked over to Noelle and patted her head. 

"Nicely done, Miss Nobalty. Or else we all will have died."

Noelle's face turned red like a tomato in an instant. Despite the duo having done even more intimate things, Noelle was still quite shy with just a head pat or a simple kiss.

The underwater temple was built inside the underwater stones. Not only the temple but even the resident houses were also carved inside the stones, creating a small village.

The city was illuminated by an unknown source. Under the unknown light source, the structures had a sand color to them.

Captain Yami summoned a desert from out of nowhere and then used it to order Charmy to make a cotton cloud so they could go to the city which she happily obliged.

Stepping off the cotton cloud, the squad approached the temple and was greeted by a bunch of people walking outside. 

The people were surprisingly very enthusiastic about them since they didn't get many visitors from the surface because of the high-density mana zone around their temple.

After getting information on where the high priest was, everyone walked up the stairs to enter the temple.

"Tell us stories when you come back..." A man with a blue shirt said.

"That is... If you come back..." A woman in a red skirt followed, watching the doors closed behind Alex and others.

Alex heard their sentence and a smile traced his face. 'Hehe... It seems the trip is going to be fun after all...'

As they were walking, they came across the spaced area. There, they saw someone, but their attention was redirected to a giant fish-like monster.

But the poor thing got quickly worked up by Luck, Magna, and Gauche who attacked it without hesitation, taking care of it with ease.

Then the old man spoke and said that it was his magic. Most were surprised by how strong it was, but mostly trying to figure out what his magic was.

The old man had wrinkles. Thin, long eyebrows, and had a mustache that extends outwards. He has a long beard that reaches to his waist and long hair that levitates. He wore a large coat with a large collar and a black trim.


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