My Life Changed with the Unlimited System

Chapter Seventeen: The Right Fit

Ethan stepped out of the property agency, his hands trembling slightly. The confrontation had left him feeling shaken.

“Phew. That was intense.”

He also felt anger and fear. His confidence while standing up to the agents was unfamiliar to him.

He wasn't accustomed to asserting himself, and the fading adrenaline left him unsettled and annoyed.

'I'm not ready to act like a rich man,' he thought. Then, suddenly, he burst into laughter.

The whole situation seemed absurd, and he couldn't help but laugh at how out of place he had felt.

A few people passing by gave him curious looks. Realizing how strange he must have seemed, Ethan quickly stopped laughing and walked away, embarrassed.

"Alright, I’ve got to do better next time," he muttered as he headed to a nearby coffee shop.

He needed to relax and plan his next step. Despite his reluctance to admit it, he wasn't fully adjusted to his new lifestyle yet.

Sitting in a booth with a hot cup of coffee, Ethan took out his phone and started looking for another property agency.

The first attempt failed, but he wouldn't let that stop him. He acknowledged that he still had much to learn about navigating and understanding the world, particularly people. 

He knew that first impressions and how he presented himself were crucial.

Ethan also realized he should have left the moment he felt judged. If people would only respect him after discovering his wealth, then their attention wasn't worth his time.

‘Guess I really am not ready for the reality of the world yet.’

But he decided not to dwell on it too much. He needed to focus on the more immediate issue.

After browsing a few options, one agency caught his attention.

'This one seems promising,' he thought as he clicked on the listing. The agency had good reviews and catered to both high-end clients and startups.

He decided to try it, hoping for a better experience than the last.

Ethan chose not to change his appearance yet. Before completely altering his style, he wanted to see if he could meet some genuine people.

"At least I must convince myself that good people still exist." Ethan knew he was wasting his time but still chose to do so.

After finishing his coffee, he took a deep breath. He headed to the new agency, determined to find the perfect office space for NovaTech Innovations.

Ethan entered the sleek, modern building of Metropolitan Realty with trepidation.

The last time he’d tried this, it hadn’t gone well, and he half-expected to be ignored again because of his casual attire.

Wearing his university sports gear, he didn’t look like a potential millionaire client.

But this time, the experience was different. Almost immediately upon entering, a friendly young woman, likely in her mid-twenties, approached him with a welcoming smile. Her name tag read Jessica Lee.

"Hi there! Welcome to Metropolitan Realty. My name is Jessica. How can I help you today?" she asked, her voice genuine and inviting.

Ethan was pleasantly surprised by the warm reception. It starkly contrasted his previous experiences, and he felt a sense of relief. "Hello. I’m Ethan.”

“I’m looking for an office space for my startup," he said, a bit more cautiously than before.

Jessica's eyes sparkled with interest.

"That’s fantastic! Do you have any specific requirements? How many employees are you planning to hire? What kind of office environment are you looking for?" she inquired, showing genuine interest in his needs.

Her questions were thoughtful, and she seemed genuinely eager to understand what Ethan was looking for without any judgment based on his appearance.

Ethan felt a wave of gratitude. He hadn’t anticipated such a positive interaction, especially considering his earlier experiences.

Jessica was clearly a different kind of agent. She was sincere and keen to assist, making Ethan feel she wanted to find the right space for him.

Ethan didn’t know that Jessica had only been working in real estate for a few months. She had a background in marketing and had joined Metropolitan Realty, hoping to establish herself in the field.

However, the reality was harsher than she expected. Most high-paying clients already had their go-to agents, leaving her with smaller, less lucrative deals.

Some more experienced agents even mocked her, calling her "desperate" for clients. But Jessica didn’t let this discourage her. Her determination and drive pushed her forward, even when times were tough.

Besides, she did not care whether the clients were high-end or regular. Who knew that they would become successful in the future and return to her or recommend her to wealthier others?

Today, Jessica didn't just see Ethan as another student looking for a small rental. She saw potential in him. Unlike others, she was prepared to go all out, no matter the sale size.

"Actually, yes," Ethan started, feeling more at ease. "I plan to hire about twenty people, but I'm looking for a space to grow with us. We're a tech startup, so we need a modern and open office to encourage teamwork. It must also be centrally located and accessible by public transport."

Jessica listened intently, swiftly typing on her tablet. "That sounds great. I have a few places in mind that could be a good fit," she said, then asked, "Can I know more about your company?"

"We're called NovaTech Innovations," Ethan explained. "We develop apps and digital solutions for businesses. I hope to significantly impact locally and expand from there."

"That's really exciting!" Jessica responded, her excitement evident. "Let's find you a space that suits your current needs and allows for growth."

Ethan appreciated Jessica's thoroughness. She didn't judge him by his appearance like others had. She was professional, kind, and genuinely wanted to help.

They decided to check out some properties. "If you're free, we can visit a few office spaces right now," Jessica suggested. "They're just a short walk from here."

"Sure, let's do it," Ethan agreed, feeling more confident.

They toured three locations in an hour, but none were suitable for NovaTech. The spaces were either too small, too formal, or lacked the unique character Ethan wanted for his startup.

After visiting three properties, Jessica seemed slightly down but was still hopeful. "There's one more option," she said with some hesitation. "It's a bit out there, and I wasn't sure if I should bring it up, but... it's an entire building. Three floors, cutting-edge design, absolutely stunning."

Ethan was intrigued. "Why didn't you mention it before?"

Jessica paused. "It's... very expensive. The asking price is about $12,000,000. It was designed by the world-renowned architect Luca Moretti.”

She continued, “The building hasn't sold because it's pricey, and most people think the cost will go down if it sits on the market long enough. But…”

Ethan encouraged her to go on. “Moretti insists on the price and wants a buyer who values the design and agrees to his terms."

“I understand… The price isn't a problem for me,” Ethan said.

“R-r-really?!” Jessica was taken aback. She wondered if Ethan was just saying that to impress her, especially since he hadn’t shown any romantic interest in her from the start.

The moment Jessica described the building, Ethan was thrilled. It was exactly the type of place he had been looking for—distinctive and perfect for his expanding business.

"Let's check it out," Ethan stated confidently.

Jessica was surprised. "Are you sure? It's a big decision, and the cost is—"

"Money isn't an issue," Ethan interrupted, smiling.

Jessica looked at him, trying to figure out if he was serious. Rowing around $12,000,000 wasn't expected, and she didn't know if Ethan could afford it. However, his serious demeanor convinced her he wasn't joking.

"Alright then," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty yet resolved to move forward. "I’ll contact Mr. Moretti’s office to see if we can set up a viewing."

As they approached the building, Ethan couldn’t contain his excitement. This quest wasn’t merely about securing an office space; it was a pivotal step in forging the future of NovaTech.

He sought a place that mirrored his lofty aspirations, and from the sound of it, this building was the perfect embodiment. He also felt confident that this venture would pay off handsomely.

The moment they arrived, Ethan was in awe. The building was breathtaking—its sleek, futuristic design stood out as a masterpiece, a true testament to modern architecture.

Jessica observed Ethan’s reaction with keen interest. "Just so you know," she spoke gently, "the cost is quite high, given its designer and the statement it makes. Moretti’s creations are celebrated worldwide, and owning one of his buildings says a lot."

Utterly enchanted by the sight, Ethan managed to say, "This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for."

Jessica, somewhat taken aback, noted that she had presented this building to many. Still, none had shown the decisiveness Ethan displayed.

"The price is $12,000,000," she cautioned him. "Are you certain?"

With a confident smile, Ethan reached for his phone. "As I said, money isn’t a concern... and I don't need you to help me apply for a loan. Can I just transfer it?"

Ethan remembered Charles' advice. There was no need to carry the money around; wiring it was an option.

Jessica’s skepticism lingered, but the potential of closing the biggest deal of her career spurred her to action. She promptly called Moretti’s office to initiate the purchase process.

Standing before NovaTech's potential new home, Ethan felt a profound sense of purpose. He knew this was only the start of something monumental.

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