My Landlord Can’t Stop M********ing!! (18+)

Chapter 6: Slimes (Bai)

Vieno was on top of Bai, who looked up at him with a completely satisfied look. He took in the full image of her covered in sweat and cum. Her breathing was subdued and peaceful with just a hint of embarrassment. With a quick scan of the room, it was apparent it was a complete mess.

“Well, it looks like a couple hours turned into several.” He joked, but taking the image of corruption made his cock grow hard again. A small hand began stroking it. When he turned his attention back to Bai, he saw a knowing and sly look.

He cuddled up next to her, while she continued to move her hand in small and gentle motions. He grunted lightly but didn’t reach an orgam. Instead, he moved Bai’s hand away, gave her a quick hug, and then began getting up.

“Where are you going?”

“Making up lost time.” He grinned. When he turned back on notifications, he was bombarded with dozens of error messages talking about the incoming monster horde. He was actually quite curious to see what the outside looked like. 

Bai tried to stand but wobbled and Vieno had to catch her. “I’m coming.”

“You already came enough.” He smirked. She hit him, but this time she allowed her to land a few soft blows.

“Idiot…I still want to show you how I’ve grown.”

“Oh…” He looked her up and down.

“Not like that…idiot.” 

“Alright. Alright.” He stared intently at her with his next words. “Then get dressed then.”

Bai frowned and covered her breasts. “Pervert...”

Vieno had a prideful look on his face in response; it was that stirring feeling of defilement again. Even if she acted embarrassed now it didn’t change the last two hours of passionate sex they experienced together. His dick twitched in memory of the events.

Bai’s eyes focused on his private area and didn’t miss this movement. 

“It takes two, my queen.”

Vieno snapped his finger and the room fixed itself and became spotless. A wave of energy also washed over Bai. Any evidence of their naughty endeavors was washed away. Even Bai’s skin had a soft radiance and sparkle afterwards. She gave a small moan as heat coursed through her body. It restored her to peak form.

With his gaze on her, she slowly and with her previous calm gone put one article of clothing on after the other. Vieno stroked himself during this process, and when she was finally fully clothed 

He brought his cock to her face. “I’m about a cum.”

Bai had a docile look on her face and crouched down. Her soft lips covered the head of his penis. Her tongue got to work causing him to groan slightly. He put his hands on the back of her head and kept it there as he released a stream of cum inside her mouth. 

She swallowed it all without an ounce of dissatisfaction and even licked it clean afterwards. She finished off by getting up from her crouched position and bringing a handkerchief to her mouth and daintily wiping her lips. There was an air of nobility as if she had just dined on fine cuisine and was cleaning up afterwards.

Vieno didn’t say anything nor tease her, but instead got dressed. He noticed the heat coming off Bai but ignored it. 

The image outside was one of debauchery and depravity. Various parties of adventurers had to watch on as their party members were pleasured before them. There was a female knight who reached under her clothes and fingered herself as she watched the female mage of her party moaning. A plant with various tentacles was wrapping its appendages across her body. 

“It’s my turn.” She shouted.

“Get…your…ah…own.” Her exposed breasts bounced outside her robe as she arched her back as something crawled deeper inside her. Vieno thought the image would have been more enticing if instead of being able to see the woman’s pink nipples, he was instead greeted with a mosaic or god rays. It simply would have felt more wrong and allow his imagination to run wild. But still he figured he might as well admire the supple breasts while he could.

The mage seemed to be aware of Vieno, which seemed to make her pleasure increase. He gave her a wave and she gave herself over to sensual delight, orgasming while watching the bulge in Vieno’s pants.

Bai frowned and via her leash pulled Vieno away. Similar sights played out all around the city, but there was no need to worry. There was an inherent protection feature for patrons of Asterisk, so everyone was a willing participant in the sexual ventures that unfolded.

Various fantasies were simply being played out. There were even various premium services provided like the hero in shining armor fantasy or being kidnapped by the demon king, etc.

Nonetheless, Bai and Vieno didn’t participate in such services but instead made their way to the plains outside the city. Bai released her ice magic on the various monsters, but it was really Vieno’s praises that cooled her down.

Bai bent down and picked up some pink object that was covered in a mosaic. “Why do all the monsters drop such items…you're not thinking of giving this type of stuff to your landlord are you.”

“I think she will enjoy it.”

“Pervert…” Vieno couldn’t refute it. He did find the image of Reiko using various toys on herself, while he fucked various women next door to be an exhilarating thought. But it's not like that were his only thoughts; he had much more serious things he wanted to acquire. The toys were just the icing on the cake, but he wouldn’t tell Bai that. Seeing the look of disapproval she gave him was exciting in its own right. 

Suddenly, a pink tentacle knocked a distracted Bai off her feet. It dragged her into the air and held her upside down as several more tentacles were launched at her. Her skirt fell and her panties were revealed. Somehow after seeing her bare for a couple hours, made the panties more erotic. 

But Bai merely released a wave of coldness that instantly froze the slime's body. The tentacle holding her was cracked, but she somersaulted and landed on her two feet. “Why are all monsters like this…”

Before she could offer another complaint, a horde of slimes began rushing her. She weaved in and out of their attacks and retaliated with ice magic. She fired icicles that pierced the target, she released a cone of frost that froze everything in front of her, and she also punched the monsters as her fists shined in a blue hue. But the slimes didn’t stop coming; it seemed they had marked her as their target and were relentless in their pursuit.

“Why aren’t you helping?” Bai shouted while she was being dangled again. 

“I thought you wanted to show off. Plus it's a nice view” Vieno acted like it wasn’t his problem, but he was honestly impressed by Bai. She had dealt with countless high level monsters with ease.

She cut herself down and pouted. “Why are they ignoring you?”

“Because they know they have no hope of touching me.” Vieno tilted his head. “By the way, it seems you really angered the little guys.”

Bai turned around and saw a bunch of slimes extend tentacle-like appendages towards her. They seemed to be pointing at her, and an utterly enormous slime with a crown on its head seemed to nod its head as if listening to their grievances. 

It opened its mouth and all the slimes jumped in, causing it to burp from the massive amount of energy it just consumed.  It began transforming into a giant mecha form.

Bai gulped. “Isn’t this sort of bullshit?”

The slime aura was stronger than a true dragon. The slimes that weren’t consumed seemed to cheer on their boss as it approached Bai. 

Bai took a deep breath but didn’t complain. Instead her face became serious as she uttered out loud, “Domain: World of Ice.” 

Vieno watched as everything in the area became under Bai’s control. It was the first time she had shown the decorum of a branch manager of the Wanderlust Inn. 

Within moments, the plains froze over. The cheering slimes turned into ice statues without realizing what happened and the boss slime tried to run as frost creeped up on it. It was unable to escape.

Bai took a deep breath and a white mist danced around her lips. She had a haughty expression that seemed expectant of praise. “So how was I?” 

“Decent.” Vieno flicked his wrists and the domain was canceled. A wave of heat shot out and turned everything back to normal. He made his way to the corpse of the boss and smiled. He picked up an exotic pair of lingerie.

“Isn’t this something you would usually wear? Maybe that is why they were so focused on you.”

“How would you know?”

“...I just saw your panties as you dangled upside down not to mention….”

She interrupted. “Okay, but do you have any proof.”

Vieno just pointed at her, and she looked down only to realize that her maid costume had apparently melted into small pieces. She ran at Vieno and it was actually quite terrifying. The powers of Asterisk seemed to deem Bai worthy and sent a stream of power her way. It was even more than before. It was like an actual raid boss had descended.

Still, she couldn’t catch Vieno and various icicles failed to hit him, but that was when his own powers betrayed him. After several minutes of running, he slipped.  He couldn’t help but feel ashamed at having slipped. Bai crawled on top of him and pinned him down with a heated face.

She panted. “I think the slime had some kind of aphrodisiac poison.”

With a slightly fearful expression, Vieno offered, “Let me check…I can probably fix it.”

She seemed to pout, but then said in surprise. “It didn’t work.” She started pulling on his clothes. 

“Then you are just genuinely horny.”

“Is that so…” She touched herself and felt how wet it was.

“I warned you what kind of place this was….do you want to…”

“Ugh… just give me a moment… and don’t look….and plug your ears.” She went behind a tree and within moments stifled pleasurable sounds could be heard. 

“Are you done yet?”

“Just shut up!”

“Want help?”

“No….I think…ugh… I’m done…” She gave a loud moan and then a shy voice followed after a bit of silence. “No…wait…I’m still horny.”

After Vieno helped her relieve her built up frustration, the two continued on their journey.

“Why is there even a place like this?”

“It’s an adult entertainment world away from judgement.” Vieno gave a teasing smile, “I mean even a tsundere like you can be honest here.” 


“And masturbate in public.”



Bai seemed ashamed. “I’m horny again...please bonk me.” Her whole body seemed to be steaming. Her black lingerie was on full display as the maid costume was completely gone at this point. The only thing that remained were her metal gauntlets and boots that were powerful magical artifacts.

Vieno sighed but pulled her panties to the side and got to work. Moans filled the valley until dark. Luckily, Bai had prepared them with various toys to play with.


Error: System error detected. Raid Boss event accelerated. 

Bai orgasmed but Vieno wasn't stopping. “What…is…ahh…ahh…this.”

Vieno gave a large thrust and moved his head away from her breasts. Her face was overheating. He came inside her while admiring her face.

“Well, I’m glad I brought you.” Vieno parted from her and panted a little while licking his lips. Even he was slightly winded from the various events. Of course, the main reason for this was that his other body was being wrung dry while Lux did unspeaking things to it non stop.

“I wouldn’t mind coming again….” She blushed. But the mood was anything but romantic. Various moans filled the plains near them followed by even more intense screams in the distance.

Error: Raid Boss event initiated. 

The slime took on a human shape and advanced towards the city. Countless tombstones and caskets could be seen behind the slime. It whipped anyone that approached and didn’t even slow down. 

A large group of magicians wearing maid costumes, cat ears, and the like was instantly decimated. The rear archers didn’t fare much better. It was mainly composed of the elf escorts, and while they were talented, the slime unleashed its whip like a whirlwind, knocking all projectiles out of the sky. 

A formation of nerdy swordsmen charged in and accomplished nothing. It was obvious they were all trying to look cool with dual swordsmanship. Another formation followed behind them, but it didn’t seem like they even wanted to help. It was a group of masochistic knights that were equally useless. It was perhaps even worse because of their cringeworthy moans that ruined their heroic image. Some even had awe inspiring lines but it didn’t matter if the person that said it was panting in arousal. 

Bai watched the whole thing between the fingers of her hands. “You think you can take it on.”

“That is why I’m here. The Yin-Yang slime.”

“Then shouldn’t you snatch it before anyone else.”

“Ah, don’t worry. It is equivalent to an Upper Demon King.”

“But look, there is a group…of experts.” After seeing their appearance she hesitated to continue. 

Various individuals that had their eyes hidden approached the slime. They basically looked like hentai protagonists. Their powers were indeed great, but they also only lasted moments before the slime. 

It was then that the slime began sniffing the air. Vieno felt something ominous when it looked his way. 

“Daddy!” It teleported in front of Vieno and Bai. It had an innocent smile that turned crooked as it appraised Bai. “Who is this bitch?” 

“It talks?” Bai muttered. “Wait, Vieno, you told me you were never married!”

Vieno tilted his head and was lost in thought and then it hit him. “Ah. I see.”

“I see…my ass….” Bai was dodging a flurry of attacks. “Tell…her to stop.”

Vieno waved his hand with a sigh and instantly the slime was pushed into the ground. Gravitational magic locked her in place. 

“Daddy…it tickles.”

“Don’t call me daddy but master, and she is a friend so behave yourself.” Vieno frowned, but undid his gravitational magic. 

The slime, now smaller, dived into Vieno’s arm. It continued to sniff him. “Yes, daddy…” She had a naughty glint in her eyes. “I mean yes master.”

Bai looked at him with disgust. 

“She is only in this form because of my gravitational magic…also isn’t she the same height as you.”

“I’m obviously taller.” She stood on her tippy toes, her petite breasts pushed into the slime, as she tried to tower over the slime girl to no avail. The slime girl giggled and stuck her tongue out. 

Bai clicked her tongue in response and nestled in on Vieno’s left side, forcing the slime to Vieno’s right side. 

"Error….error…error…event over…fucking Vieno."

The crowd watched the whole thing happen and slowly they began clapping.

“That must be Vieno?”

“That shameless bastard is back?

“Who else could it be?”

A man pushed up his glasses. “I saw the notification just now. It is indeed him” 

Vieno sighed and took off his mask. He also wiggled his pants until they fell to the floor. He unleashed a true god ray upon them. 

A man grabbed his face. “My EYES!”

“It burns!” A man rolled on the floor. 

“This isn’t fair…” The man puked blood.

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