My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 55: Miscalculation (small smut)




Yun Jhin slowly approached Mariela, his slow gait only increased her anticipation, Yun Jhin observed her naked body, flawless jade skin, puckered pink lips, a perfect size chest, two mounds like peaches both pink and in full bloom.

Her body was perfect, but Yun Jhin didn't care much about her, even though he admired her beautiful outer exterior, what he wanted was inside her, finally getting near the bed Yun Jhin took off his clothes after he evolved into a dragon caterpillar he gained a gender of his choosing, which was of course male.

His member was stiff and long, Mariela wasn't that experienced when it came to these types of things, after all, she was just a virgin but she tentatively took her small hand and grasped Yun Jhin's member, Yun Jhin nodded at her indicating that she was starting well.

Mariela gave Yun Jhin's member a better look then approached her pink lips towards it giving it a lick, immediately the limp member started to react growing to its full length which was a pretty impressive size, almost scaring Mariela away from it, she muttered slowly to herself:

"Will that fit in?" She looked down at her hole and taking a better glance at the monster in front of her made her pretty unsure.

Yun Jhin gave her a head pat as he said:

"If you aren't ready we can always postpone it."

Mariela shook her head stubbornly as she grabbed Yun Jhin's member with both hands then she used her mouth on it, her technique was sloppy and unsophisticated, she was a newbie after all, after tens of minutes of practicing Yun Jhin finally came for the first time, but once his monster awakened it would be hard to quell!

Yun Jhin taught her another technique as she used her sizeable bosom and took his hard member between her mounds, she started to move up and down rhythmically as her hole started to leak, after coming a second time Yun Jhin's member was a bit weaker than before but it was still hard!

Mariela laid down on the bed as Yun Jhin got closer and closer, he pinned her to the bed as his member closed to her hole, slowly but surely his wet member entered her hole, at first Mariela had a pained expression on her face as a bit of blood leaked out of her hole indicating that she was indeed a virgin.

Yun Jhin let her adjust as he started to move slowly, as he moved her mound started to jump up and down, Yun Jhin took a good grasp of both of them as he sucked on the left while he played with the right, Mariela started to moan in pleasure as she climaxed wetting the sheets under them.

Yun Jhin however didn't give her any resting time as he continued to pound her hole relentlessly, as a nature spirit even though she just came she was alright, when it came to such activities their stamina was quite strong, they were almost like dryads.

Even though at first it looked like his giant member wouldn't fit, most of it was seated in her hole, he stretched her body and hit her womb multiple times during their intercourse making her climax more than a few times.

Yun Jhin himself held strong as his member finally discharged it's shot inside her, as the shot entered her body a deep white light engulfed Mariela as her face started to glow with a special light, some of Yun Jhin's destiny was currently being devoured by her and her cultivation was increasing by a huge degree!

Heavenly Realm 1,2,3...9th stage, Ki cultivating Realm 1,2,3...9th stage, King Realm 1,2,3rd, 5th stage it stopped around the peak 6th stage as the glow disappeared from her, the first bonding was a great success, too much of a success in Yun Jhin's opinion.

Yun Jhin's member slid out of her hole as he clothed himself, Mariela laid on the bed, sweat dripping from her body as she put a big smile on her face and embraced Yun Jhin from behind, she traced her fingers on Yun Jhin's back in circle pattern as she said:

"This was an amazing experience, Jhin, I'm looking forward to the next one."




She identified him as her most loved one and the bonding effort was a huge success, the more sex they would have the higher her cultivation would increase as she seeped Yun Jhin's destiny, Yun Jhin didn't get anything from the first session as she was too weak but he would benefit as well from this, however, the benefits would be insignificant compared to eating her whole.

Yun Jhin went with a gentle and easy approach to not scare her away, which led to great success on his part, however, her cultivation increased a bit too much, this would be the best time to attack her, while she was exhausted both mentally and physically as she hadn't adapted to the changes of her cultivation increase yet.

Yun Jhin turned towards her as he embraced her, Mariela smiled as she returned the hug and whispered in his ear:

"Are you ready for another round?"

She tried to smile sexily towards him as she presented her body again to Yun Jhin, Yun Jhin stood up from the bed as he told her:

"Yes, I'm ready for another round, but this one will be quite different, what do you say?"

Mariela smiled as she traced her fingers on his uncovered chest and purred:

"Teach me whatever you want, I will do my best to comply..."

Mariela was really love-struck, one a nature spirit found her significant other only death would part them, and sometimes even in death the nature spirit would try to follow the same reincarnation path as her former lover.

Yun Jhin slowly got near her and put his hands on her chest, Mariela smiled sweetly at him as she pushed her chest forward in a manner that said, 'do whatever you want, I'm ready'.

The dragon caterpillar in question gave Mariela a big smile as his hand started to close in her mounds, however, his grasp was a bit too strong and it started to hurt her, Mariela's smile turned into a small frown as she looked at Yun Jhin and asked:

"What are you doing dear?"

Yun Jhin gave her another smile, but it was different from the one before, she could feel a deep coldness from it, just like a 500 iceberg, the coldness of his smile made her body freeze, the once-hot body cooled down extremely fast.

Yun Jhin was grasping the left side of her chest as his arm suddenly went inward, a splash of blood appeared on the bedsheets as Yun Jhin directly took her heart out!

Her heart was a deep greenish color as was her blood, there was the world tree pattern on the heart which indicated Mariela's status as a nature spirit, Mariela's eyes were extremely wide as she looked at her own heart, life started to seep out of her body but the life of a nature spirit was very tenacious.

She slumped forward as she crawled slowly to Yun Jhin who jumped backward, she tried to get her heart back, she looked at Yun Jhin with big tears in her eyes, that dripped down on the bloody bedsheets and asked:

"Why? Why would you do this darling?"

Yun Jhin looked at her heart then at her and said:

"I will let you go to the other side happy If I told you why you wouldn't endure it."

A dark aura started to engulf the woman as the hole in her chest closed, however, because her heart was taken she was still going to die no matter, for her to survive and finish her transformation she would need to regain her heart!

Devil horns grew out of her head and a tail out of her spine, her nails increased in length and sharpened as her hair turned into a deep black color, her eyes turned into a deep red demonic color, and her cultivation was breaking through at an insane rate, Emperor Realm 1,2,3 stage... Sage Realm..... God Realm... it stopped at the peak of the 9th stage of the God Realm but her body just stopped afterward, her mouth remained wide open seemingly as if she wanted to say something, but something was blocking her.

Yun Jhin looked at her body as he shook his head and said:

"I told you that I wouldn't want you to transform into this, unfortunately, you didn't listen, you wasted your body as well, what a pity!"

Her body started to turn into ashes as it broke down at a subatomic level, breaking through so many cultivation stages so fast in a single span of less than a few hours while missing her most vital organ made her already unstable soul collapse, without a soul, the injured body started to disintegrate on its own.

Yun Jhin found it to be a big pity that her nutritious body was transforming into dust, but even with her heart, breaking through the God Realm the way she did would have killed her regardless.

Yun Jhin looked at the green heart in his hand, as the last remaining bits of her existence disappeared from the bed, Yun Jhin launched a fireball that destroyed the bed. The last semblance of the existence of the nature spirit was her heart that stood neatly in Yun Jhin's hands.

It was the heart of a middle stages King Realm nature spirit, the benefits he would get for it wouldn't be counted normally, his constitution might even be upgraded to the point his body would be able to reach rank 8,000, however, any future consumption of nature spirits wouldn't do anything for him anymore, the world tree will hate him too after he consumed the heart.

Any time Yun Jhin would come close to the world tree, it would try to destroy his soul and absorb his body, the world tree was a natural wonder of the universe that was born at the God Realm, even though it couldn't move from its place, its soul willpower was extremely wide-reaching.

Fortunately for him, the world tree didn't exist on the dragon planet, nature spirits, and elves spread through the whole universe as the Elves Planet Ligathleen was already overpopulated, so the higher rank planet's would surely have elves and nature spirits on them, no matter how little there was a 100% chance for them to inhabit a high-ranked planet.

Yun Jhin sharp teeth approached the frail heart in his hand, he bit deeply inside of it as a sickly crunch would be heard, some part of Mariela's soul was hidden in her heart and when Yun Jhin bit into it, it finally broke her soul, fully.

Yun Jhin absorbed her soul as the energy from the heart entered into his whole body, pops and cracks could be heard from his bones and internal organs as they were strengthened at an insane speed, his muscles would increase and decrease as well as his height, he was forcefully returned to his true form of a dragon caterpillar instead of the normal human form that he took using his technique.

His looks didn't change but an aura that despised nature started to cling on Yun Jhin's soul, this type of aura was the way the world tree would identify the killers of his darlings.

Yun Jhin could get rid of the aura but he needed to break through to the Emperor Realm first before he could initiate the technique.

He finished the heart as he swallowed the rest of it inside his maw, it directly went to his stomach where it dissolved into more energy beneficial towards his body, and a notification from the system appeared!

[Heart of Nature Spirit Mariela consumed, body rank is forcefully upgraded to the 8000 ranks

body strength at 8000/7500, the system is helping control the host's unnaturally strong body, the host should quickly breakthrough further in his ki cultivation to not explode!]

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as his sealed ki cultivation started to move inside his newly strengthened body, he easily broke through to the 8th stage of the Ki Cultivating Realm and his power increased, his soul took better control of his new body making the system's help useless.

With the excess energy from the heart, he stabilized his 8th stage cultivation to the point that he would just need to accumulate more energy before he was ready for another breakthrough.

Yun Jhin looked at the spot that Mariela's body was destroyed and he started to laugh softly, he bowed towards the spot as he said slowly:

"Your sacrifice won't be forgotten, in the future when I achieve true immortality I will resurrect you to be my play toy once again!"

Yun Jhin said those words in passing, he truly enjoyed the body of a natural spirit, it was a new experience from him as he never had sex with such common goods before, he would always go for the highest constitutions and bloodlines, to him the nature spirits were too dirty to touch, but circumstances changed views, and he took a liking to the body of the nature spirits.

However now that he had no use for them anymore his views changed back, the only exemption would be Mariela, who 'gifted' her heart to Yun Jhin.

Yun Jhin left the cave behind as it collapsed into rubble, his new destination was on his mind and he was moving there at his quickest speeds, he heard that the dragon general, Mijil's father was in town, and he needed someone to take him to the upper continent.

After all, entering the borders of the upper continent by himself would make him like an illegal immigrant and a criminal, he needed someone to vouch for him to enter the upper continents.

And who else would be better than the father of the random woman he killed? Yun Jhin didn't even bother to learn her name.

His flight speed had an obvious increase as he was using his body to fly and not his ki, he could boost himself with ki to fly faster but there was no need since he was already getting near the extremely strong aura that he identified to be almost 100% true dragon!

A big city was in front of him, Yun Jhin descended to the ground before he walked to its entrance and then he followed the owner of the aura stealthily!

But from time to time he would leak his aura, this leak alarmed the other party and Yun Jhin was met with the end of a sword that was pointed at his Adam's apple, the face of a fuming Middle-aged man who wore imperial army decorated robes was scowling at him he didn't even bother to look at Yun Jhin's face as he moved his hand slowly, the sword approached Yun Jhin's adam's apple at a slow pace, almost cutting in his neck and taking his life...

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