My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 474 The cooperation between Wang Mo and Xilou, the impact of music and literature!

on the stage.

Wang Mo closed his eyes and thought for a while.

Everyone thought he was adjusting his breathing, but in fact he was looking for suitable stories and music in the system mall.

Stories like this are easy to find.

In less than a minute, Wang Mo opened his eyes and looked at the staff next to him: "Guzheng!"


The staff nodded quickly and began to prepare to lift the guzheng up.

at this time.

Wang Mo spoke to the audience again: "Next, I will play a guzheng piece. This piece is also based on a story written by Xi Lou."

"Come on, tell me, what story?"

"Can you tell a story first? Listening to music this way will make it more immersive."

"Ahhh, looking forward to it."

"Yes, tell the story first, then listen to the music."

"There are stories and music... Brothers, let me go get some drinks first. This night is perfect."

Wang Mo glanced at the referee next to him, and after receiving an affirmative look, he smiled and said: "Since everyone wants to hear a story, I will tell it. This story is called 'Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai'."

Off stage.

The celebrities gradually became quiet, their eyes fixed on him.

In the live broadcast room, netizens also showed curious expressions.

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai?"

"What a strange-sounding name."

"This is my first time hearing Chinese stories."

"I don't know how."

Wang Mo has already begun to tell the story: "During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhu Yuan's wife in Zhujiazhuang had a daughter named Zhu Yingtai. She was fond of poetry and literature since she was a child, and she wanted to study abroad..."

He spoke in English. After all, his purpose this time was to make the international public fall in love with Chinese music. If he spoke Mandarin, it would naturally create an additional barrier for people who do not understand Chinese.

As for the Chinese compatriots who cannot understand English?

There are simultaneous interpreters in the live broadcast room, so don't panic.

When telling stories, he superimposed a BUFF on himself: literati temperament.

In the eyes of everyone, he suddenly changed into a reserved demeanor that was polite, gentle, and knowledgeable on the stage. The story came from his mouth, and many people quickly became fascinated by it.

When they heard that Liang Shanbo didn't know that Zhu Yingtai was a woman, many people went crazy with anxiety.

When they heard that Zhu Yingtai was forcibly betrothed to the prefect's son by his father, everyone was even more excited.

Until later...

The two elope.

Liang Shanbo died in the confrontation and pursuit, and Zhu Yingtai died in love and jumped into the grave.

After hearing this, both the audience and netizens burst into tears.

But they didn't expect what happened next to make everyone feel sad: the sky was violently windy and there were thunderstorms. When the thunderstorm stopped, two dancing butterflies appeared in front of the tomb, as if they were the incarnations of Yingtai and Shanbo. This pair of infatuated lovers finally reunited after death, and turned into butterflies, dancing in the world, never to be separated.

Wang Mo's voice was not loud, but it was like a huge bell crashing into the depths of everyone's hearts.

When they heard that the two of them turned into butterflies and would never be separated, countless emotionally fragile girls burst into tears and soaked their clothes with tears. Even many men's eyes were slightly red.

The advent of what love is?

Directly teaching life and death?

The barrage has almost disappeared, and most netizens are immersed in this sad story and deeply touched.

Only a few netizens are sighing:

"What a poignant love story."

"Oh my God, the two of them turned into butterflies in the end. Isn't it so touching?"

"It breaks my heart just thinking about that image."

"Wow, why do you let me hear such a touching love story?"

"Faithful love."

"Xi Lou is still Xi Lou. Only he can write such a poignant and touching love story."

"Isn't Xilou a fairy tale writer? How can he write love stories so well? Oh my god, that pair of lovers really touched my heart."


Just when everyone's hearts are ups and downs.

"Ding ding ding~~~"

A guzheng melody broke the silence.

It is so beautiful that many people were immediately attracted by the playing of the guzheng before they could recover from the shock of the story.

Wang Mo had already played the guzheng gently.

An eternal Chinese famous song, known as the pinnacle of guzheng music: "Butterfly Lovers"!

The timbre of the guzheng is soft and mellow, like a tender woman speaking her heart, like the shyness and innocence of first love.

The audience seemed to hear the scene of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai meeting for the first time in the academy.

Their eyes intertwined.

At that moment, the young girl Zhu Yingtai developed a deep affection for Liang Shanbo.

This artistic conception makes many people mesmerized.

This is why Wang Mo tells the story first. If he directly plays the guzheng song "Butterfly Lovers", not to mention the European and American audiences, even the Chinese people will not be able to hear the story from the melody. Apart from the fact that this guzheng music is beautiful, I have no other feelings.

But it's different now.

After listening to the poignant love story of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

Hearing Wang Mo's performance at this moment, almost everyone naturally put themselves into that heartbreaking eternal love.

"This feels amazing."

"Breaking beautiful."

"Oh my God, Wang Mo really wrote that poignant story into music?"

"The key is that it sounds so beautiful."


Zhao Shu sat in the audience.

At this moment, countless people looked at him, some were shocked, some were envious, and some were in disbelief.

These people even include music masters such as Simon and Romando. They didn't expect Wang Mo to be so evil, to actually write a poignant story into music, and to write it so appropriately.

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhao Shu spread his hands and said that he didn't know anything.

Yes, he had no idea at all, and even others were confused at this moment.

Because there was no such story and music in the previous planning, but I didn’t expect that after Wang Mo was called to the stage by everyone, such a big event would happen.

How much music does this guy have in his head?

He was certain that the guzheng song "Butterfly Lovers" was not included in the huge backpack carried by Hao Mingxing. So there is a high probability that Wang Mo took it out of his mind temporarily.

Fortunately, others don't know, otherwise it might cause another turmoil.

But what is certain is that Wang Mo's approach has achieved good results.

Because Zhao Shu saw the shocked expressions of the celebrities present and their inner shock and admiration for Chinese music.

"If you knew that Wang Mo and Xilou were the same person, you would probably be even more shocked."

Zhao Shu thought to himself.

On the stage, Wang Mo was still playing with all his heart.

The music at this moment began to become more exciting, like a waterfall whizzing down the mountains, majestic.

Obviously this is describing the process of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai getting to know each other and falling in love. The jumping and excitement of the melody shows their passionate and unrestrained emotions, their enthusiasm and pursuit of love.

Some people were fascinated by it.

Some people were filled with emotion.

Someone secretly praised: "It's so beautiful that it's so mesmerizing, especially the timbre of the guzheng instrument, which fits the artistic conception so well."


The melody of the third section began to sound, becoming low and sad, as desolate as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The audience nodded secretly, and their hearts became melancholy.

They knew that this section played about the pain of two people encountering difficulties and being forced to separate. The playing of the guzheng became heavy and sad, and every note seemed like a tear falling, telling endless sadness.


"I cried."

"I cried too."


The poignant melody became deeper and deeper, making people seem to see the scene of Zhu Yingtai bidding farewell to Liang Shanbo. The pain in his heart was released along with the music, and the entire opera house was filled with sadness.

The story is touching.

Music is crushing.

When story and music are combined, the impact on people is almost doubled.

At this time, the melody suddenly became louder again, like a phoenix reborn from nirvana.

Wang Mo's performance also seemed to be filled with all emotions, and the moving melody almost overwhelmed everyone's mind.

In a daze, everyone seemed to see the scene of a pair of lovers turning into butterflies and flying together, never to be separated.

The melody flowing from Wang Mo's fingertips became louder and louder, seeming to cheer for their love, and was moved by the ending of the pair experiencing life and death, and finally turning into butterflies to accompany each other.

at the end of the music.

The melody fell slowly and dissipated like the sunset, leaving people with endless reverie.

The melody of the guzheng was also soft and long, and then gradually disappeared into the void.

The whole song ends!

Wang Mo took off the fake nails on his hands and just stood up when he heard roaring applause from the audience.

Even Zhao Shu.

Even if he is a member of the Chinese Music Delegation.

Tears filled my eyes at this moment. While applauding, I looked at Wang Mo's figure on the stage, his eyes filled with light.

"sounds amazing!"

"Brother Mo is so amazing."

"The story of Xilou is well written, and Wang Mo's music is wonderfully composed. The combination of the two is a myth."

"It's no worse than the story of 'Alvin and Isabella'."

"Yes, it is definitely comparable to the story of 'Alvin and Isabella'."

Alvin and Isabella are a pair of lovers spread in the West. They come from the work "The Twist" by the great writer Vincent. Their influence on Blue Star is almost equivalent to Romeo and Juliet on Earth.

Therefore, comparing the couple Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai with Ai Wen and Isabella is enough to show how shocked European and American netizens are.

Even Simon praised: "Amazing! From the instrument to the performer, and from the story to the music, everything is perfect. The timbre of the guzheng is no worse than that of the piano, and coupled with its unique oriental characteristics, it makes it sound great when played. The melody naturally has a special oriental ancient charm, which is memorable. And this song "Butterfly Lovers" vividly interprets the love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Each melody is like a carefully designed scene, which makes us It’s as if you’re in a story. You’re experiencing the joys, sorrows, and sorrows with the people in the story. So it’s no exaggeration to say that when stories and music are combined, the charm they bloom is almost irresistible.”

Very high rating.

The ultimate praise.

It can be said that based on Simon's words, China's guzheng will definitely become famous internationally in the future. Even if it cannot be compared with the piano, it can at least become famous internationally.

Wang Mo gave Simon a grateful look.

He knew that based on Simon's words, he owed the other party a favor.

But just playing a song of "Butterfly Lovers" will obviously not satisfy the audience.

Immediately, another loud shout erupted from the scene.

"Keep playing!"

"Keep telling the story!"

"I still want to listen, Master Wang Mo, are there any more stories? Are there any more music?"


See the lively scene in the audience.

Of course Wang Mo struck while the iron was hot and loudly said: "Yes!"


"really have!"

"too excited."

"Master Wang Mo is the one who is more exciting. What I dislike the most is the step-by-step performance. Master Wang Mo's way of playing is interesting."


After the cheers in the audience subsided a little, Wang Mo smiled and suddenly asked a question: "In our lives, which friends do you think are the most important?"

Immediately, a group of people spoke up.

"A close friend."

"A loyal friend."

"A friend who can help you solve your problems."

"A friend who knows how to be grateful."


Everyone has their own answer.

Wang Mo nodded: "You are actually right. But in the eyes of us musicians, what kind of friends are the most important? I think most musicians have one answer: confidants.

Yes, confidants are the most important.

If there is such a person, he knows the music well, can understand his own mood when playing, and can empathize with each of his works. As long as you play some music, the other party will immediately be able to hear what you are thinking in the music. I would like to ask, do you want such a close friend? "

The celebrities who came to the scene today are basically celebrities who like music.

Plus music delegations from various countries.

So it can be said that except for some staff and reporters, everyone else is basically a musician.

After hearing Wang Mo's words, many people's eyes lit up.

Especially the group of people who make a living from music have become even more enthusiastic.

"Can we still have such a friend?"

"If there is one person in my life who can fully understand my thoughts, death would be enough."

"Such a confidant cannot exist in the world, right?"

Even people like Simon and Romando have yearning in their eyes: "It is impossible for such a person to have a confidant who can hear what he is thinking about from the music he plays, right? If there is such a confidant, it is definitely a musician like me The most desired friend in life.”

There was a pause.

Simon's expression suddenly froze: "Mr. Wang Mo, do you have any deep meaning when you say such a thing?"

Old boy Simon is still on the way!

Wang Mo fell in love with this old man more and more.

He snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "It just so happens that Xilou told such a story about a confidant a while ago."


"Say it!"

"what story?"

Wang Mo took a deep breath and turned to look at the staff: "Guqin!"


The staff understood the situation and immediately went to the stage to remove the guzheng and at the same time moved another guzheng up.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Mo has already started his story: "This is a story called 'Bo Ya and Zi Qi'."

His voice became rich and magnetic: "Bo Ya is an excellent piano player. His piano sound is melodious and beautiful, and can express various emotions and scenes. However, deep down in his heart, he has always longed to find someone who can truly understand The close friend of his music..."

"Finally, one day he met Ziqi."

"Bo Ya's ambition to play the drum and harp was high in the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said: 'It's so good. It's as high as Mount Tai.'"

"Bo Ya set his sights on flowing water, and Zhong Ziqi said: 'How good it is, it's as vast as a river.'"

Hear this.

Ordinary people are not particularly impressed.

But all the musicians could feel yearning in their eyes. Are there really people in the world who understand their own hearts like this?

If so, what a thrill that would be!

"In this way, the two became friends of life and death. But during the war, the two were forced to separate. After a long time, Boya went to visit Ziqi, but learned that Ziqi had died of illness. Boya heard this Distraught, he rushed to Ziqi's grave and played a piece of music full of nostalgia and sadness. After the song, Boya cut the strings, threw the beloved harp out, and swore never to play the harp again for the rest of his life. Because he I feel like no one in the world understands his music anymore..."

Wang Mo's story telling rhythm is very good.

The eloquent story made everyone at the scene very fascinated.

When they finally heard that Boya had broken the strings because of Zi Qi and would never touch the piano again, many people felt a little bit in their hearts and their expressions became complicated.

"This is a true confidant, right?"

"How happy it is to have a close friend, but how painful it is to have a close friend leave!"

"Another unforgettable story."

"If I could have such a close friend, my whole life would be content."


Many people heard this with emotion.

The story is over.

Wang Mo had already sat in front of the guqin and said softly: "This song 'Mountains and Flowing Water' is about the friendship between Boya and Ziqi. Please listen..."

The sound of the guqin sounded.

When facing the challenge of the eleven countries, Wang Mo didn't even play "High Mountains and Flowing Waters". He felt that using songs such as "Fishing Boat Sings Late" and "House of Flying Daggers" would be enough to kill the opponent in an instant.

As for "Mountains and Flowing Waters", which is the number one music piece in China, there is no need to bring it out at all.

But today, in this world-class palace music night.

In order to promote China's music heritage, Wang Mo finally started Wang Zha!

Yes, for him, this Guqin music is a king-like existence that can crush everything.

Although many people cannot tell the difference between guzheng and guqin.

But the two instruments are actually very different.

One: Guzheng requires artificial nails, but Guqin does not.

Second: the sound of guzheng is clear and loud, while the sound of guzheng is simple and elegant.

Third: Guqin only has 7 strings, while guzheng has more than 20 strings.

At this moment, as the simple and gentle melody of the guqin sounded, everyone was immediately attracted by its distant and elegant artistic conception.

"Huh? Is this the Chinese guqin?"

"It looks more like guzheng, but the artistic conception is completely different."

"Yes, guzheng seems to be more suitable for nobility, but guzheng is more reserved."

"Shouldn't the key be this piece of music? It's so beautiful!"


Yes, in the ears of many people who have studied music, they immediately noticed that this song "Mountains and Flowing Water" is unusual, quiet but not profound, elegant and not ostentatious.

In Chinese history, Guqin was generally played for self-entertainment, while Guzheng was played for external performances. Therefore, Guqin is usually played by oneself or among friends.

At this moment, Wang Mo's performance almost completely expressed this artistic conception.

In a trance.

There was an old man playing the piano, and a woodcutter next to him was praising it.

One person plays, another person enjoys it.

Bosom friend.


This artistic conception has made many musicians obsessed with it.

"The artistic conception is incredible."

"It seems even better than the Butterfly Lovers just now."

"Oh my god, this kind of music, combined with the story just now, really makes me feel trembling all over."

"This song sounds so comfortable."


In fact, the story Wang Mo told is only secondary. His main purpose is to make people fall in love with Guqin and Chinese music.

over time.

He starts showing off his skills!

Various fingering techniques such as overtone, roll, whisk, Chuo, note, up and down, etc., vividly displayed the artistic conception of mountains and flowing water, and everyone was stunned by his superb strength.

The beautiful sound of the piano seems to have turned into a waterfall between the mountains, flowing down from the deep mountains, passing through the silent forest, and looming among the high mountains, and the thunderous sound penetrated the forest. But in the end it flowed into a deep pool and turned into a silent spring, slowly disappearing into the distance along the stream.

Music professionals have long been conquered by the powerful artistic conception of this piece. Recalling the story of a close friend that Wang Mo told before, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

As for ordinary people, at this moment, they have completely followed the sound of the piano and entered a state of forgetfulness. Many people closed their eyes with intoxicated expressions on their faces, obviously enjoying themselves very much.

There are countless barrages in the live broadcast room.

"I like the sound of the guqin."

"I fell in love with the guzheng just now, and now I'm in love with the guzheng again."

"It turns out that China has so many good musical instruments. Oh my god, I'm going to be obsessed with this country."

"Buy, buy, buy! Buy them all."


It wasn't until Wang Mo stopped playing that everyone showed a disappointed expression.

Especially for people in the music industry, this time is an eye-opener.

It turns out that the combination of music and literature can produce such incredible appeal.

Two stories, two pieces of music, the chemical reaction produced by their combination far exceeds the impact of simply playing the music.

Feeling the poignant love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, listening to the close friendship between Boya and Ziqi, and then listening to two pieces of music, the throbbing in their hearts was something they had never felt before.

"It's an eye-opener."

“I never thought that the combination of literature and music would be so wonderful.”

"Wang Mo has created a new way of playing and listening to music."

"I'm sure: this kind of story + music performance will appear in every International Music Hall Night in the future."

"Does this need to be said? It must be possible!"

"Such a combination is really too lethal. I feel that when I see a pair of butterflies flying in the future, I will think of the poor lovers Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

Even the referees seemed shocked.

In fact, telling stories at music festivals is not in compliance with the regulations. It's just that Wang Mo's prestige is too high now, so they agreed to the other party's request, but they didn't expect that a mistake made Wang Mo open up a new path in performance.

"Perhaps, the next music festival can consider adding this kind of performance..."

Several referees listened to the discussion in the audience, looked at each other, and had an idea in their minds.

At this moment, Wang Mo was also thinking about one thing: he had occupied the stage for almost half an hour and could not stay any longer.

He has accomplished his mission.

Presumably many audiences around the world will fall in love with Chinese music because of its stories and songs.

This is enough.

Therefore, he does not need to continue performing.

He wants to give more time to the subsequent performances.

Because according to the current performance, Huaxia's performance on a single instrument is enough, and only large-scale performances are left.

Large-scale performances are the final factor that truly determines whether China can become the "hometown of music".

In this case!

Then get ready for the big show! (End of chapter)

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