My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 469 Epic music!

In the solemn and grand Metropolitan Opera House.

The majestic music was like the sound of a giant drum, penetrating the stage and the void, like an invisible giant wave suddenly crashing into the depths of everyone's soul.

Four powerful notes, they struck everyone's hearts like a hammer.

These four notes are like the knocking of the God of Destiny, which is incredibly shocking.

The entire audience was stunned by the sudden impact.

The exclamations kept coming and going.

At this moment, the China Symphony Orchestra is playing the first movement of "Symphony of Destiny".

It opens with the short-short-short-long rhythmic motif in music. Beethoven once said that the motivation of these four notes is interpreted as "the god of fate is knocking on the door", which dominates the entire first movement and plays a very important role in the entire symphony. That's why I felt such a big impact.

Many people at the scene had their mouths open.

There was a sluggishness.

As for the live broadcast room, the barrage was full of exclamations.

"My mother!"

"The impact almost made me lose my temper."

"Just these few strokes conquered me."

As time goes by, the members of the Huaxia Orchestra on the stage have gradually become better, bringing everyone into a tense atmosphere. The melody gallops, as if a fierce battle is going on.

All parts of the band work closely together, and the loudness of the brass instruments and the softness of the woodwind instruments are intertwined, creating a unique musical effect. The string section drives the entire piece forward with a strong rhythm.

The movement is filled with majestic energy.

The audience has already been fascinated by it.

Some people nodded up and down along with the rhythm, looking excited.

Someone banged their hands on the seat.

Someone clasped their hands.

Some people closed their eyes, as if they were in this musical war.

"Oh my God, it's so shocking."

"Unparalleled shock!"

"I originally thought that the previous "Radesky March" was passionate enough, but at this moment I realized what the real blood rolling is like."

"Destiny! Destiny! I seem to really hear the roar of fate!"


The cold, majestic, and overbearing melody crushed everything. They blew the horn of charge with a powerful rhythm, as if hot flames were sweeping across the distance. In the flames, some people were shouting and some were crying. , Some people are fighting hard, it seems that some people are using all their strength to fight against all this, and against the fate that crushes them.

Strong beliefs are taking root in their hearts, allowing them to dispel the fear and timidity deep in their hearts.

This is fate!

This is destiny!

Fate is not something to be resigned to, nor is it to muddle along!

Rather, in the current environment, we should meet all challenges with the best state and the best mentality. Since you are suffering from bad luck, let them be destroyed!

Overcome all difficulties on the road ahead and stamp out all misfortunes under your feet.

I control my own life!

I decide my destiny!

The powerful melody was still roaring. In the daze of everyone, it seemed that someone came out, tired and hurt, but they had bright smiles on their faces, and their eyes were firm and powerful!

When the performance comes to this point.

The scene had already become dead silent, and except for the playing team, no one made any sound.

Everyone just stared at the stage blankly, their pupils trembling.

Simon, Romando, Stephen and others were already stunned.

These masters had just judged the extraordinaryness of "Symphony of Destiny" from the score, but they still underestimated the greatness of this piece.

At this moment, feeling the impact of waves of strong melodies, their whole bodies were already numb, and their bodies were shaking as if they had been hit by electricity.

"What kind of symphony is this?"

“God, who can tell me how good this piece is?”

"Oh my God."

Unbelievable thoughts came to their minds one after another.

Such a tune.

Such a mood.

It has already gone far beyond what they could imagine.


The performance at this moment has just ended the first movement.

When the second movement sounded, the music became obviously gentler, as if someone had broken through the shackles of fate and started a new life of his own.

So the melody at this moment is beautiful and moving.

The combination of woodwind instruments and string instruments complemented each other, creating a warm and peaceful scene, which allowed many people to calm down a little bit after being shocked by the numbness.

"catch my breath."

"The climax is at the beginning, I can't stand it."

"It should be over, right?"

However, they thought wrong.

This tranquility did not last long.

Soon, the third movement began, and the music returned to the tense atmosphere just now, and even became more grand and vast.

The hearts of everyone who had just taken a breath were suddenly high again, and their pupils were trembling.


"More passionate?"

"my God!"

The melody of this movement has also become more complex and varied, and all parts of the band have demonstrated superb playing skills.

The loudness of the brass instruments and the shock of the percussion instruments intersperse with each other, pushing the melody of the entire piece of music to a more peak level.

The strong musical impact made many viewers tremble all over.

Someone's eyes widened.

Someone opened their mouth.

It was as if they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing.


It’s not over yet!

Even the melody of the third movement is shocking enough.

But when the music entered the fourth movement, it reached the climax of the entire symphony!

String section.

Copper tube set.

Wood pipe group.

Percussion section.

All the members of the symphony orchestra were already red-faced. They unleashed all their enthusiasm, exerted the maximum energy of the instruments in their hands, and played the most exciting melody.


It was like thunder rolling, and like lightning piercing the sky.

The kind of wave after wave of impact made it difficult for many viewers to control their inner shocks.

Some people stood up with tears in their eyes.

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then, people stood up one after another, with tears in their eyes and blood surging in their bodies. The bodies controlled by the music made them forget everything, and they just subconsciously vented their inner excitement.

It was an unparalleled shock.

At this moment, all doubts had disappeared without a trace.

Simon's lips were trembling as he murmured to himself: "Epic music! God! This is epic music."

Next to him, Romando's eyes were also complicated, and he repeated a sentence: "A god-like piece of music. I think another great symphony has been born in the history of Blue Star Music."

As for international netizens, they have long been dumbfounded.

"Is this Wang Mo's "Symphony of Destiny"?"

"How did he write it? Oh my God!"

"How could he, a young man in his twenties, compose such a magnificent symphony?"

"Yes, he has no such experience at all!"

"Impossible! I don't believe it!"


Only Chinese netizens did not question it.

Many of Wang Mo's fans already had tears in their eyes at this moment.


He doesn't have such experience?

Do not believe?

It doesn't matter!

They believe it!

They even knew why Wang Mo wrote such a symphony of destiny.

One fan burst into tears: "Why do those European and American netizens question Brother Mo? How do they know what Brother Mo has experienced in these years?!"

Another fan also posted: "They know nothing! If they know what Brother Mo has experienced in these years, they will definitely know why Brother Mo was able to write "Symphony of Destiny". Even in my opinion, Brother Mo wrote Such a song is natural. He has experienced the most glorious time in his life, and also experienced the darkness of being reviled by the entire Internet. He was once 'sentenced to lifelong loneliness by love', and he also longed for 'freedom like a dream'.

Perhaps only those of us fans who firmly stand by Brother Mo can understand how much he has experienced over the years. In just a few years, he has endured storms, waves, ups and downs that others cannot experience in a lifetime. Those so-called piano masters and music masters seem to have rich experience, but in terms of the storms they have endured, I don’t think any of them can compare with Mogo! "

These words have won the recognition of almost all Chinese netizens.

The more they thought about the scene when Wang Mo was reviled by the entire Internet, hidden by the company, and almost banned by the entire Internet, the more they could understand why he created "Symphony of Destiny".

"It's natural for Brother Mo to write such a symphony."

"Yes, and only he knows best why we should fight against fate and control our own destiny."

"In my opinion, "Symphony of Destiny" is the true reflection of Mo Ge's heart."

"That's right! Only someone who has experienced ups and downs like him can create such a magnificent piece of music."


The more Chinese netizens listen to this symphony, the more they can relate to it.

They even gave countless reasons why Wang Mo could create this symphony.

It's a pity that Wang Mo doesn't know this at this moment, otherwise he would secretly admire: You people are really my good helpers!

He didn't think that deeply when he took out "Symphony of Destiny", but who would have thought that these netizens would give such a perfect reason!

If you think about it carefully, it really fits perfectly.

on site.

The magnificent music still shook the whole audience.

Although more than ten minutes had passed at this moment, which was far longer than the previous performances by several countries, no one was impatient.

Because everyone has already sunk into the artistic conception.

It was an indescribable shock and excitement, and I even longed to keep playing this music.

At this time, everyone already knew why China sent such a huge symphony orchestra. It was not to show off the large number of people, nor was it the so-called formalism, but that only so many people could perform music of this level. Show its magnificence! Play it to its shock and greatness!

When the first and second movements are finished playing.

The climax began.

Because from the beginning of the third movement to the end of the fourth movement, the melodies in this process are almost all passionate and rising step by step.

The majestic melody and powerful music, especially the majestic, majestic and solemn sound of the orchestral instruments, are almost like rolling waves drowning everyone's hearts, playing the horn of charge, and following the sharp sound flow of the violin, they merge And it condensed into an invincible force that could overcome misfortunes and difficulties, crushing them all the way forward with an unstoppable momentum.

This is fate!


It should be said that this is mastering destiny!

Who says destiny is doomed? Only with strong belief and indomitable momentum can we get rid of our fate of being shackled and then control our future life!


Fight for your brilliant future!

Everyone stands up!

Tears in my eyes!

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens also stood up, their bodies trembling.

"Unparalleled shock!"

"Isn't this music too magnificent?"

"Destiny? Oh my God! I really heard the greatest call of destiny ever."


Especially some people who are struggling in the darkness at this moment, surrounded by suffering and difficulties, after hearing such an inspiring melody, their originally gloomy eyes were rekindled with hope.

They saw hope of victory.

They saw the possibility of breaking free from their chains.

Everyone was affected by strong emotions at this moment, and then became part of the music scene. Even their breathing and heartbeat rose and fell with the melody.

They heard Doom being struck down.

They heard the cracking of the chains of fate.

They saw that hope lay ahead.

This is the great meaning of this symphony!

It not only allows people to appreciate the beauty of music, it also allows people to strengthen their beliefs, kill difficulties, and welcome the light.


The intense melody turns into a triumphant triumph.

we won!

We defeated fate!

The victory movement began to play, and in a trance, there was a scene of cheers and excitement celebrating victory. The victorious army marched to the rhythm and ushered in victory.

On stage.

Robin's waving arms became more sonorous and powerful. Under his conductor, all members of the huge China Symphony Orchestra played a chapter of success with great passion.

In the hall.

Even many celebrities who have experienced the storm have tears in their eyes when they hear it.

Perhaps this "Symphony of Destiny" has touched them more than many ordinary netizens. Because many of them have climbed up from the bottom step by step and have experienced too much darkness and hardship, they can empathize even more.

When hearing the melody of the music, from the initial struggle, to the tenderness in the middle, to the climax struggle, many people's hearts were trembling. It was not until this moment that they heard the trumpet of victory that everyone felt the joy of finally seeing the rainbow. .

"We won!"

"Yes, victory over fate."

"No matter how great the difficulties are, they still cannot make us give in."

"We finally take control of our destiny!"


Tears welled up in my eyes.

So excited.

This is a kind of soul throbbing, and even the calmest celebrity can't restrain his eyes from turning red at this moment.


When the final melody sounds, when the glorious melody sweeps away all the darkness in an overwhelming form, allowing everyone to see the sunshine of victory.


I saw Luo Bin standing on the podium making a beautiful gesture.

Dozens of members of the symphony orchestra stopped moving in the same way.

The performance is over!

The 33-minute symphony performance finally officially came to an end.

On stage.

Luo Bin's eyes were bright. After half an hour of conducting, he did not show any signs of fatigue. Instead, he felt energetic and high-spirited.

He bowed deeply to the audience, signifying the completion of this performance.

As for the members of the orchestra, half an hour of high-intensity playing had already left them mentally exhausted and even had finger cramps. But no one showed any discomfort on their face, and they still had a bright smile.

They want to put their best foot forward in front of a global audience.

At this moment they don't know how big of a response their performance will have, but they know that they have played their best!

Next, we are waiting for the judgment of the judges and the audience.

Although they also saw celebrities and even masters standing in the audience, they were still worried before making the final comments.

But the next second.


The applause suddenly sounded like thunder, making everyone's ears numb.

one second.

Two seconds.

The warm applause lasted for almost several minutes before slowly stopping. This was the most lasting applause ever heard since the opening of this International Music Hall night.

Without it!

In fact, everyone felt that the only way to express their inner shock was by applauding at this moment. Although the performance has ended and the applause is booming, the music just played is still lingering in many people's minds, and it is difficult to calm down for a long time.




Many people's brains are still buzzing at this moment. While they were applauding, they tried to think of a few words to describe this symphony, but found that any words pale in front of this "Symphony of Destiny" because No words can describe its greatness.

Destiny... In the history of mankind, no matter whether they are as lowly as a pariah or as noble as a royal family, no one can escape the shackles of fate and can only live their whole lives under the shackles of fate.

This is why even someone as powerful as Simon doesn’t dare to compose a song about fate.

Fate was really too powerful, and even he didn't dare to contend with it.

But now, Wang Mo, a young man from the East who is only in his twenties, has perfectly explained the meaning of fate in a symphony and given it vitality, using music to inspire people to get rid of fate and take control of their destiny.

What a great significance is this? !


After the applause died down a bit.

In front of the camera, Romando sighed: "Although I know what is said next is a bit shocking, I still want to say: This "Symphony of Destiny" should be the most magnificent piece of music I have ever heard in my life! There is no one! It It made me know that such mysterious things as fate can also be interpreted by music. Before this, I never dreamed that a piece of music could make me feel the impact of the torrent of fate, and feel the shackles and shackles of fate. Now, I heard it. Thanks to Mr. Wang Mo... No, it should be thanks to Master Wang Mo. You made all of us hear the voice of fate for the first time."


Simon also sighed: "Perfect symphony, perfect performance. Master Romando is right, this is the best symphony I have ever heard in my life, even the best music. A song that can play our destiny chapter, how could it not be great? At least at this moment, I still can’t calm down. In fact, in the past ten or twenty years, I have been thinking about playing the melody of fate with a piece of music. However, I I couldn't create it at all. I even thought that only God deserved to hear such music. But today I found out that I was wrong. It turns out that there are really people who can interpret fate in music, and they can not just surrender to fate, but let us go Defeat misfortune and control your destiny!”

Stephen also praised: "I won't say any more, I will only say one thing: This is a great song that no one can refuse!"

Of course, some reporters also pointed the microphone in front of Aida.

Asked: "Mr. Aangda, what do you think of Mr. Wang Mo's "Symphony of Destiny"?"

Aida was confused: "How can he light a cigarette? This is impossible! It's impossible!"


Jiro Miyata: "???"

Everyone: "???"

on stage.

When Luo Bin and the Huaxia Symphony Orchestra heard comments from several music masters, they knew their performance was a success!

Many people finally felt relieved and smiled brightly.



It means a lot to any of them to be recognized by some of the best musicians in the world today.

Of course, these top musicians can hear the greatness of "Symphony of Destiny" in one sitting.

But for ordinary netizens, their level of appreciation has not yet reached such a high level, and the comments of these people also represent the inner feelings of most of the audience.

"I don't know what fate is. I only know that after listening to this symphony, I feel a strong throbbing in my heart. No matter what difficulties are in front of me, I can rush through it."

"Thank you Wang Mo and the Huaxia Orchestra. This music allows me to see hope in life. Since my fate is so bitter, I must get rid of the shackles of fate and let myself control the future!"

"I think I know the meaning of my efforts now, which is to work hard to control my destiny in the future."

"It was the first time I listened to a piece of music that lasted for half an hour with full concentration. But I didn't feel impatient at all. Instead, I felt like my heart had been cleansed."

"As Master Stephen said: This is music that no one can refuse."


Many netizens were filled with emotion.

This is very different from the discussion after the performance of other symphonies.

In the past, after symphony orchestras from other countries finished their performances, there were only good or bad sounds in the comment area.

But at this moment, many netizens expressed their feelings in the comment area.

This is the greatest thing about "Symphony of Destiny".

It not only allows everyone to feel the charm of music, but also makes everyone feel the power and passion contained in the music, allowing them to be more determined and confident in their future life.

This is why Simon and the others are generous with their praise.

What about Wang Mo?

At this moment, Wang Mo was still sitting quietly in the audience, looking at the uproar caused by everyone around him because of his symphony, but his heart drifted to other places: "To gain the reputation of the 'Hometown of Music', I have to... What are you going to do?"


National music inheritance!

Only by finally demonstrating the country's musical heritage that conquers people all over the world can we aspire to be the hometown of music! (End of chapter)

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