My Hero Harem Was Cucked


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We followed the guild master through the bustling main hall where we received many glances as the chatter seemed to die down before we reached a quieter hallway leading to what I could only assume were multiple private rooms. The guild master looked back making sure we were with him before he knocked on one of the doors and opened it without waiting for a response, He stepped aside to let us in.

The room was very nicely decorated with pale yellow colored walls that were trimmed with black. Two couch's set facing each other and a large window looked off into the city, My gaze instantly landed on a figure sitting down. He was a dark-skinned man with a toned body and deep hazel eyes stood up as we entered showing that he was slightly taller than me. His appearance though left much to be desired and was slightly rough, reminiscent of those typical thugs that I've had to deal with in the bad parts of the city every now and then, but his respectful demeanor as he greeted us suggested otherwise.

"I'll wait outside" The guild master bowed once more and left while closing the door behind him leaving only three in the room.

"It's an honor to meet you, Hero, Duchess," The dark skin man said while bowing slightly with his deep voice carrying a tone of both respect and confidence.

"Thank you," I replied calmly used to such greeting while studying him closely. 

"What's your name?" There was a certain aura about him that spoke of strength and experience making me think that he was an experienced adventurer. 

"My name is Leon," He answered with a smile while straightening up slightly.

After looking him over I took a seat on the couch in front of him before I glanced back at the Duchess. She still seemed hesitant and stood behind me with her hands behind her back. Turning back to Leon, I decided to get straight to the point.

 "The guild has informed us that you possess an EX rank skill. Is that true?" I asked leaning forward and cupping my hands under my chin.

"Yes, it's true" Leon smiled apparently noticing my excitement and he had a hint of pride in his eyes. 

"It's very impressive even for me it's hard to get such a high level skill" I admitted with a sigh before finally deciding to get to the main point.

"May you disclose what your skill is?" I asked and I saw Leon smile before taking a seat on the couch across from me once more.

"Of course hero" He took a deep breath as he put his hands on his legs meeting my intense gaze without flinching.

"My EX rank skill, 'Eros Enhancement,' boosts the abilities of any woman I share an intimate connection with. Their strength, speed, magical power—everything improves significantly." He said simply as I stared at him with mouth slightly agape struggling to process what he had just said.

 "You're saying that… if your intimate with a women and you make them stronger?" I asked sitting back against the couch after a couple seconds of silence.

"Exactly. It's not the type of skill I dreamed about having but it's proven it's effectiveness already and it could possibly increase our chances against the demons" Leon said with a steady nod and I could hear a hint of disgust in his tone as he said the word demon. 

"it's true?" I turned to the Duchess, seeking confirmation as she sighed while nodding slowly.

 "What he's saying is true. The guild verified his claims under controlled conditions. Several female adventurers volunteered to test it, and they reported substantial boosts in their combat abilities." She spoke holding out a folder toward me which I didn't even see where she got it from.

"They say that the volunteers experienced almost a thirty percent increase in their abilities" The duchesses voice was calm as she spoke such unbelievable words.

"Thirty?" I asked subconsciously with shock as she nodded in confirmation before I grabbed the folder and opened it.

Inside were four separate papers neatly organized with information, I scanned through them and the room was silent. I read than multiple times making sure I didn't miss anything before closing it and letting out a sigh.

"Incredible" I said and I saw Leon make a proud look while the duchess glanced down at me.

"Yes but keep in mind that all the volunteers were low ranked adventures" She hesitated as I looked back at her before continuing.

"So the question would be what if the skill were to be used one someone….Stronger" The duchess seemed to gauge my reaction and I felt my heart turn heavy as I started to understand what she was implying.

'The party' After all three of the strongest women alive were currently my companions in our journey to defeat the demon king. 

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