My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 2041 - perish together

2041 All Together

Seeing the gangsters of his own factions talking, the No. 3 chief looks pretty. Dust? Fate? Literature↘Learn→Web

On the contrary, the Sun family’s face is not very good-looking. They coincided and looked at Long Junling. But Long Junling nodded, and now they want to stop it.

No matter what you do, the hardest part is always the first step.

The little talented girl is also similar. Although she was scared enough before, but after shouting that, it was instantly easier-this step is taken, she no longer has to consider other things, she can only move forward.

Because…even regret, she didn’t look back!

After getting the hint of the No. 3 head, she quickly moved forward and pointed at Zhuge Wuzhen, “My brother Mu Fei had an accident. It was you who caused the plane crash, right?”

As soon as she spoke, many people in the Suns’ family raised their eyebrows, especially Sun Qixing.

At this time, the attention of the little talented girl was all on Zhuge Wuzhen, and her eyes were wide and her body was full of attention, just waiting for the latter’s reaction.

But she was disappointed, Zhugewu really didn’t have any confusion, even a strange expression.

“Sorry, what do you mean, I don’t understand at all.”

Zhuge Wu spread his hands and replied with a smile, “Even if you want to pour sewage on me, I’ll trouble you to make the story more reasonable. Is it okay? You come here to make these based on speculation. You don’t think your behavior , Is it too naive?”

“Do you still deny it? Okay, let me ask you, twenty days ago, the day when my brother Mu Fei happened… Your landing records have been changed, and the monitors at your base have less records of the day. . And it’s not just one, all monitoring lacks records… what’s going on?”

“If you don’t have a ghost in your heart, why change the record? Why delete the surveillance video?” Xiaocai asked.

Mentioning these, Zhuge Wu really passed a flash of surprise in his eyes-of course, he reacted extremely fast, and that little change of talent could not see clearly.

“First, these are what you said, whether they are true or false, I don’t even know.”

“Second, even if what you said is true… I am not responsible for those things, how can I know the reason? Unsure, is the monitoring network broken?”

“So, you said that these are not any evidence at all, can’t prove anything. On the contrary, I want to ask you a sentence…”

Zhuge Wu really looked at the young talented girl with a sneer, “You know so clearly…I’m afraid that it has invaded the military network of the Beihe Military Region? And not only the invasion, but also a lot of data stolen!”

“Monitoring of military heavy areas, as well as those records, are military secrets! Even if the supervisors come down to review the work, they must bring the documents to check it. Are you looking at it? According to your identity, you don’t have it at all. Qualify to see these!”

“And you obviously have no qualifications and permissions. Not only did you read it, but you also invaded and monitored the network… Your current behavior is stealing secrets! You have violated military law, do you know?!” Zhuge Wu’s tone became more and more severe , The sound is getting louder.

Zhuge Wu is really a cultivator, how can a talented girl withstand his momentum and pressure?

That’s why the little girl’s trained face turned red, and she explained in a hurry, “I… I just want to understand these things, I didn’t steal the secrets!”

At this time, the No. 3 chief is sighing and shaking his head-this little girl is clever and not fake, but typical of high IQ and low EQ.

Let her do a research and get a project, no problem, she must have done a great job. But let her play routines and fight with others… She just gave experience.

Just like now, she doesn’t need Zhuge Wuzhen to dig a pit and jump for her. She digs a pit by herself, and as soon as she turns around, she falls in.

Not only the head of No. 3, Luo Xue was also anxious and choked at this time, but she now had to be supported even by standing, she couldn’t even get the hijab on her head, so she had to hurry.

Compared with these two, the Sun family is quite proud at this time.

“I just wanted to get you out, and now it seems…you can’t go if you want to go!”

Sun Fangwu sneered and waved his hand, “Take it!”

“Don’t touch me!”

Just when the two casual soldiers were about to start, the little talented girl shouted again and quickly took out a tablet from her hand bag, “I have virused all the computers of your Sun group, as long as I don’t cancel it, After half an hour, the virus will break out. Not only will all the data be deleted, but even the computer will be burned! You can do it!”

As soon as she said this, the two soldiers did not dare to do it again.

The people around, especially those related to this project, also changed their complexions. Head No. 3 and Long Junling had even more ugly expressions.

Chief No. 3’s face was ugly because he was worried. What he was worried about happened. He only admitted that the little talented girl was his soldier. The little talented girl came out with such a hand… This time there will be trouble, and he can’t blame it! !

He believes that the talented girl is capable and can do what she said!

Even if the little girl is just a bluff, he will inevitably have a “disciplined” fault.

As for Long Junling’s ugly face, he didn’t expect that the yellow-haired girl was so bold that she dared to threaten it. You should know that the Sun family’s projects have a lot to do with him.

No doubt, the talented little girl offended everyone present.

“Quick, let go of my sister Luo Xue, now, immediately! Cancel the wedding for me! Otherwise, I will let the virus break out now!” The little girl took the tablet and her finger was on a key.

Days of great joy, but was threatened by such a yellow-haired girl, let alone the Sun family how angry.

But having said that, how could the Sun family be so frightened.

On the contrary, instead of being scared, he was rather angry.

“The days when my grandson was overjoyed, not only did you make troubles twice, but did you dare to threaten me in person?”

Sun Fangwu Tieqing waved his face, “Take it down! Take care of it! I see what she really wants!”

The soldier shot again, holding her firmly from left to right, grabbing her and going out—it was still taking care of the No. 3 chief’s face, and he didn’t do it. Otherwise, she might have been knocked down by a punch.

“Well, your last name is Sun, are you still upset?”

The little girl shouted in her throat, “Don’t blame me and tear your face! Do you think your grandfathers do those ugly things, no one knows?”

“Sen third son, don’t you forget the name Jia Moulu? She is your mistress. She holds your conviction to force you to divorce and marry her. You disagree, and she will be strangled and burned to death for fear of exposure, right? “

“Sun Lusheng, your son drunk while driving, and killed a sanitation worker. You found someone to scapegoat to get him out. Her family refused to be spared, your son actually put his wife and son into a mental hospital, but not yet Come out, does this matter?”

“And Sun Hewu, in the past three years, you have used your rights to withdraw your cards dozens of times, and charged those small and medium-sized enterprises the benefit fees. The amount is up to one million. Do you dare to admit it?”


The little girl seemed to go mad, shouting out everything about the Sun family one by one.

The faces of the Sun family changed greatly.

Moreover, not only the Sun family, but also the surrounding people began to discuss, and the environment suddenly became lively.

In fact, in this circle, similar things are not uncommon. It can even be said that it is commonplace and common in every family. These people are all well-informed, but they just keep silent. This is a tacit understanding.

However, these people did not expect that the Sun family had so many things, and did much more than they thought.

Especially these things are made public in front of so many people… This is quite a face-slapping, quite shameful.

“Nonsense! Nonsense! You shut me up!” Sun Baowen’s old face was flushed, his hands trembling, and he scolded.

“Did I talk nonsense and you know it yourself!” The little talented girl was not willing to be outdone, and also shouted in return.

Afterwards, the young talented girl sneered, and the madness in her eyes worsened, “But the most daring is you, the boss of the Sun family. You introduced a batch of materials illegally on a project of China Airlines four years ago and received a rebate of 900. Yu Wan.”

“But later this batch of materials was found to be good after filling, and nearly half of them failed. China Airlines lost nearly one billion as a result!!”

“That’s one billion! One billion! Boss Sun, you are really tolerant. Is your own money money, isn’t the country’s money, the people’s money?” the little talented girl shouted.

At this time, how ugly Sun family’s face is.

“Take it away! Take her away to me!!” Sun Jing shouted in a sharp and corrupt manner – in fact, this is not allowed by the environment. If the situation changes, he can’t wait to kill the talented woman with a single shot.

“Do you think this is over? The beauty you think! I have sent your criminal evidence to five thousand computers at home and abroad. As long as I don’t cancel, they will be sent to dozens of portals in two hours. On the front page! The one with the surname Sun, don’t cancel the wedding, you are waiting to be disappointed.

For the murderous eyes of the Sun family, the little talented girl is not afraid at all. On the contrary, now I can’t help but want to laugh, and there is a feeling of revenge and joy.

“Don’t you just want to kill my brother Mu to capture his achievements? The beauty of thinking! You dream!”

“We die, I will not make you happy! I let you get nothing! I want to die with you! Hahahaha…”

“Brother Mu Fei, I did it! I said I will not let you die in vain, I will definitely get justice for you! I did it, really did it, oooooo…”

The little talented girl was crying and laughing, her crazy eyes showing a crazy light.

“Shut up her mouth! Don’t let her do nothing again! Blood-spitting people!” Sun Fangwu roared.

And at the same time as he spoke, Sun Lao and Sun Hewu made a “hands-on” gesture to the two soldiers.

“To shut up!”

A soldier slaps on the face of the talented girl, covers her mouth and drags it out…

; Look at the word app in the next app.;

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