My Enigmatic Life

Volume Four, Chapter Three: The Seniors

(Gege's POV)

        Following dad's directions, we make our way back down the hall. 

"So, we're going to meet our upperclassmen, eh? I wonder what they're like.", Daisuke says.

"Hopefully, they'll welcome us with open arms. I'm always nervous around new people.", Akai adds.

"Yeah, me too, Onii-chan.", Akane-san nods.

Naoya waves off their concerns dismissively.

"Come on, now. There's no need to fret, yeah? Gege is probably already familiar with them, so he can act as a in-between for us, right mate?"


"That didn't sound very confident, Mr.Gege.", Renford-san says doubtfully.

Well, that's because their leader is....a pain. Just thinking about him makes me tired. Finally, we make it to the door, which I lightly rap on.

"Yeah, yeah, come in, damn you."

Yeah...This'll be a pain. Haruhi, who's standing next to me, grimaces.

"Do I know that voice?", Yoko-san mutters.

Opening the door, we're greeted by a guy in his early twenties with flat white hair. His name is Yonaguni Nariki.

"Well, whaddya want Sleepy-Head? Hmm?"

Yonaguni, The Colens and Akane-san stare at each other for a while, mouths agape, before he, Daisuke and Naoya point each other.


Judging by those reactions, they already know each other. And it doesn't seem like their relationship is on good terms either.

"This bastard is OUR SENPAI?!", Naoya yells.

"First he's our teacher, and now he's our senior....Wonderful...", Daisuke says defeatedly.

Akane-san locks arms with Daisuke and pulls him into her tightly, giving Yonaguni a strange look. But, teacher?

"Master? You work here?", Yoko-san asks.

"That's right, Yoko-chan!", Yonaguni beams, "Aren't I incredible?"

"No.", Daisuke and Naoya say in unison.


Yonaguni sees my little sister and makes a bee-line for her. Before I can block his path, Daisuke does so for me.

"Oi, Yonaguni, you nonce. Why are you flirting with a first-year highschooler?", He frowns, annoyed, "Aren't you thirty-five or something?"

Naoya laughs boisterously at Daisuke's rebuking. The rest of try to hold back our amusement, and fail. Much to Yonaguni's fury.


"Geez. Why are you so loud all of a sudden, Nariki?"

A dark-skinned, tall guy with long, wiry, orange hair and teal eyes comes from the other room. I know this guy, of course.

"Tai, did you know about this?", Yonaguni asks suspiciously.

"I'm afraid not, but I guessing that you all are new recruits. I'm Miyamura Taichi, it's a pleasure."

Miyamura-senpai bows to us, and we do the same. Then two more people join us.

"Nariki, are you doing something stupid again, you idiot?"

"No, I'm not!"

A young woman with violet coloured hair tied in a bun and green eyes glowers at Yonaguni. Stood behind her a a guy who's even taller than Akai with straight brown hair and eyes wearing a stoic, disinterested expression.

"Yeah, right. You're always-Ah, pardon me, I didn't see you all. My name's Shirogane Tsubaki, it's nice to meet you. And this is Ninomiya Kazuya."

Shirogane-senpai introduces herself and Ninomiya-senpai. Naturally, I know them as well. Introductions are done again before Daisuke explains the situation. 

"Dammmnnnn!", Yonaguni whines, "You mean I have to see you two losers twice as much now?!"

"The feeling is mutual.", Daisuke sighs, giving him a side-ways glance.

"Who cares about you, Nariki?!", Shirogane-senpai says sharply, "Daisuke-kun here is in serious trouble!"

Miyamura-senpai nods feverently.

"Tsubaki is right. But first, follow us. We want to see what you all are made of, if you don't mind."

Sounds like some sort of menial labour, glad I'm not going to be apart of that.



*Inko means gloomy child. So you can guess why he's calling Daisuke that.








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