My Enigmatic Life

Day After The First Mission, Part Two

    It’s been about four days, but Hisakawa-san is making some form of progress. Her English letters actually look like what they’re supposed to. She’s still having a slight issue with Q, but I’m sure that she’ll get over that soon enough. I’m having her spell a few words right now to see just how far ahead she is.

‘We’ve come for the sake of our religion. Do not pester us.’

Religion, eh? Just what did they mean by that? More importantly, who were they? When we told Commissioner Watanabe about it, he just brushed it off as a bunch of dingbats talking a bunch of hogwash. But that’s obviously not true, at least not entirely.

They spoke English, had high amounts of mana and were wearing medieval attire. And that crest…. A giant green tree with deep, long roots. It’s all so strange.

“I’m done, Colen-san.”

“Hmph? Ah, okay.”

I take the worksheet from her and skim over it. She’s starting to get the hang of it, that’s for certain.

“You still have a few mis-spellings, but you’re making good progress.”, I commend her. “Just what you would expect from 'The Crown Jewel of Class 3-A'.”

“Well, it’s just the benefits of hard work.”, Hisakawa-san says.

Suddenly she’s even more proud than usual, donning a big smile. Is she the type of person who likes praise?

“So, why are you so interested in learning English, Hisakawa-san?”

She pauses for a bit, she seems a little sheepish all of a sudden.

“Well, when I was younger chichi-ue and jii-chan would praise me a lot when I got good scores. So I always like to get top scores so that’ll keep happening…”

And since she’s horrid at English, she believes that she can’t get maximum levels of praise. Honestly, I can’t help but chuckle a little.

“I knew you’d laugh at something so childish.”, Hisakawa-san says.

“No, don’t misunderstand me.”, I amend. “I’m only laughing because I can empathise with something like that. It’s good to have a goal, no matter how small it is.”

Hisakawa gives me an odd look, as if she’s sizing me up or something. I would ask what’s wrong but it’s time for me to go-


Someone flies the door open recklessly and charges me. It’s a little lad.

“Streaming Tiger Blade!”

He swings his bamboo sword at my head, but I just snatch it away from him. I then grab him by the scruff of his collar and hoist him up.

“Let me go, you big jerk!”

“Who’s this, Hisakawa-san?”, I ask casually.

“Take-chan! What’re you doing?!”

Take-chan? He must be Hisakawa-san’s younger brother. He sure is energetic, and that move he just tried to use…

“I’ve come to rescue you, ane-ue!”

“You’re off to a great start, Take.”, I say.

“Shut up, you bully!”

“Colen-san, may you please let him go?”, Hisakawa asks, clearly exasperated by her brother’s behaviour.

Naturally, I gingerly rest him back on his feet. He quickly dashes behind his older sister, scowling at me all the while. I thought he came here to save her.

“Well, I’ll be off. I’ll see myself out, Hisakawa-san. I’ll see you ‘morrow.”

“Don’t come back!”

“Quiet, Take-chan.”

Seems like I’ve made a new enemy, that's wonderful.

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