My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 710 Seizing the Weakness


The raging tide not only surged forward, but also spread in two directions except behind him.

"It's full of water!"

"The groundwater is gushing out again!"

"Good-bye! This is Boscodora's surfing!"

While the crowd was retreating wildly to avoid the tide, they did not forget to quarrel.

In recent years, apart from the rescue organization's defeat of the third-generation Shadow Team, the most vivid memory among the citizens of Silica City is the sudden gush of groundwater.

This special phenomenon, which was beyond the common sense of oasis residents, flooded three streets before receding.

At that time, many people said that before the underground water erupted, a very scary black bird flew from the sky, but not many people paid attention to it.

Not to mention whether there are wild creatures other than humans in the Ourei area, big black birds as big as houses?

Be dazzled!

In short, the surfing of Super Boss Cordora really reminded them of that day, when the turbid water flooded everything.

Zhengyi was also shocked.

Is your Boscodora water-type? I didn’t see you using the water in the ditch!

"Dig a hole!"

"My throat is shaking!"

Without the trainer having to say anything, the water-fearing Sand Mountain King had already dug into the ground beneath his feet and tried his best to make the tunnel complex enough to prevent it from being swallowed by water.

After all, it had been hit by a freezing beam, and the traces of frost still left on its back were definitely not in its heyday. Even when it was unscathed, it did not dare to fight against such a big wave!

Having been to Viola Harbor with its trainer, it even thought of the roaring tide. It could never forget how it shivered in front of the magnificent sea, and was even laughed at by other companions because of it.

Realizing that there was water pouring in behind him, Chuanshan King hurriedly continued to dig forward.

It prepared to attack from the side of the fierce guy.

But before it could dig a few times, the trainer's vague and anxious voice came faintly, as if he was trying to hide.

The trembling sensation caused by the water flowing into the hole suddenly became intense——


The direction of the shock was from the top of the head!

The Sand King suddenly raised its head, and what greeted it was a silver claw that shattered the rock above it. The hard quartzite was like melted chocolate in front of it, and the hazy light also invaded the underground world.

"My throat is shaking!"

It subconsciously waved its sharp claws lingering in the earth-yellow light to fight back. It never thought that the long spear-like claws it was so proud of could not leave any traces on that guy's white and silver armor!

Not even a white spot!

On the contrary, because of its attack this time, the opponent grabbed its claws and pulled it out of the ground like a carrot!


Chuanshan King's eyes flashed as he first heard the thunderous roar, and then met a pair of aqua blue eyes.

But before it could clearly see the emotion in the other person's eyes, its attention fell to the top of its head as the body rotated, where a dark cloud was swirling and taking shape.

"Become round!"

Zhengyi’s shout-out is very timely.

But the speed of King Chuanshan's attacks could not keep up with the rhythm of his orders.

When it just curled up into a ball, countless irregular ice crystals the size of a human head mixed with white snow rumbled down from the dark clouds, just like the moment when the snow mountain collapsed——


Use it after being attacked by the opponent and causing damage, and the power will be doubled!

Although the physical strength lost by Super Boss Cordora after being hit by the hole may not be as much as the amount of exercise it took for a while, but since it has sustained the damage.

The power of emotions turns Avalanche into an ice-type physical move whose power alone exceeds that of Blizzard!

Rumble——! !

The Chuanshan King was instantly buried in the heavy snow, and the majestic white mist and flying snow spread wantonly to the surroundings. The remaining sandstorm was completely cleared, and together with the cold mist, it rushed towards the onlookers far away from the venue.

In an instant.

They felt a chill that penetrated their hearts. Many people were surprised to find that their soaked trousers were frozen due to surf waves, leaving large traces of frosty white.

Many people subconsciously crossed their arms and trembled, and some even stamped their feet in an attempt to remove the frost from their legs.

"It's so cold."

"Could this be what the outside world calls winter?"

"Dad is snow! That's snow, right? This is my first time seeing snow!"

The crowd became noisy, and countless eyes looked at Super Boss Cordora filled with awe.

Although there were only two moves before and after, everyone could see that the attacks released by Pokémon such as Lucky Egg before were not at the same level as it.

Surfing, avalanche, every move is extremely appropriate.

Can Chuanshan King still persist in the face of such an offensive?

the answer is negative.

Even Masayoshi himself knew it was impossible, and what surprised him even more was that the special attack ability displayed by Super Boss Cordora in the finals of the tournament should not have been to this extent.

Becoming stronger?

It’s only been a month!

Zhengyi himself couldn't believe that he could make such obvious progress in one month - tactical changes were not included. In the past six months, he had frequently challenged Battle Mountain Master Bartras from basically losing all to losing more and winning less, which had already made him lose a lot. Very proud of myself.

His former teacher told him that raising Pokémon is an extremely long journey, which can be said to be no different from long-distance running.

But Kashiwagi has made significant progress in one month!

Are you flying a plane?

"King Chuanshan..."

Zhengyi spat out three words through clenched teeth. He had already seen his partner who had turned into a ball in the snowdrift and moved around.

He took out the elf ball and put it back, "Thank you for your hard work."

Seeing this, Kashiwagi also took the initiative to release the super evolutionary state with Bosco Dora. The feeling of spiritual disconnection was like unplugging the mobile phone charger from the socket and clicking it.

In the light, Boscodora changed back to its original shape, turned to look at the trainer, "Gooho~"

Is this the end?

I didn't expect that one day it would come forward to put an end to the enemy. In the past, this kind of battle was usually done by three evil dragons.

The trump card must remain strong.

"I want to see the super evolution, and the big-mouthed baby just got a make-up. You don't want to see its stinky face all day, right?" Kashiwagi patted its metal arm.

Boscodora nodded subconsciously when he heard this.

at the same time.

Zhengyi walked around the snowdrift and walked over from the opposite side. The expression on his face was a little disappointed, but more exciting. He praised: "Oure's rough jade! Well-deserved! The power of super evolution amazes me!"

He held out his hand.

"I'm ashamed of myself. Mr. Masayoshi is also very powerful." Kashiwagi shook hands with him. These words were indeed sincere. In his opinion, Masayoshi was not much worse than Alice at the conference.

What a surprise.

But who gave himself this nickname?

It sounds better than Yao Mu or something like that, but no matter what, he can't be considered a jade, right?

If you don’t become a champion, you won’t become a “Jade”?

Zhengyi said with a familiar smile: "No, sorry, I originally planned to drink orange juice, but now it seems I can only drink peach juice. Oh, that's right! I personally hate peach fruit and like orange fruit..."

"a ha ha ha……"

Kashiwagi smiled awkwardly as he listened to him explain his preferences and self-motivation methods, and suddenly interrupted him, "Does Mr. Masayoshi often make challenges to powerful trainers?"


Zhengyi nodded, clenched his right fist and his eyes were bright: "I have always believed that if you want Pokémon to continue to grow, you must challenge as many powerful enemies as possible. Winning can prove my strength, and losing can guide me. New path!"

Not a bad idea!

Kashiwagi secretly praised, and then asked: "With all due respect, how many impressive opponents have you encountered during your challenge? I hope you will give me some advice."

Zhengyi obviously has a better understanding of the circle of Ole trainers than he does, and he can probably get the information he wants from him.


He heard the subtext of Kashiwagi and asked curiously: "You want to challenge them? That's right. A trainer like you has achieved results in the outside world. When he comes back, he will definitely defeat the local trainers and make himself famous!

"But you asked me to say it for a while. It may be difficult for me to remember in detail. It's getting late. Let's find a place to sit down and have something to eat?"

Facing Zhengyi's invitation, Kashiwagi glanced at his watch and said with regret: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Zhengyi, I have important matters to attend to, so I have to rush back to Huangtie Town as soon as possible. I don't know if you can be here at Pokéline." superior……"

"That's it...that's okay!"

There was regret on Zhengyi's face, and he said: "I thought you would live in Silica City for a while, what a pity. But it's okay! I will come to Huangtie Town to find you in the future!"

Kashiwagi was slightly startled: "Huh?"

"You can come to Silica City when you are free. Let's make an appointment for the next battle!" Zhengyi obviously does not intend to fight him just once. This guy with a clear goal of becoming stronger and extremely motivated seems to intend to challenge Kashiwagi for a long time. Ask for advice.

Just like how he frequently challenged Bartras.

Kashiwagi would not refuse, "Okay..."


He realized something and said to Zhengyi: "Mr. Zhengyi, as the owner of the training center and the owner of the arena, you must have many trainer students?"

"That's natural. What, you want to challenge them?"

"No, I recently took over the Yellow Iron Arena. I think it's too monotonous for just the two of us to fight. Why don't we let each other's students fight together?"

"good idea!"

Zhengyi's eyes lit up, and he wanted to grab Kashiwagi's shoulders to show his excitement, but he was dodged by the other party. He said excitedly without caring: "Only when we can grow by fighting and communicating together, brother Kashiwagi's idea is wonderful. ah!"

Kashiwagi replied: "You can just call me Kashiwagi."

"Then you should just call me by my name instead of yours. I'm not used to being polite. Let's go! I'll treat you to a drink of juice! Don't tell me that I don't even have time to drink juice!"

Zhengyi laughed and invited him very happily.

Kashiwagi responded, much to the regret of several outside trainers around him who wanted to fight him.

Even in the outside world, there are not many opportunities to fight against powerful trainers. When people like the Four Heavenly Kings and Champions appear, let alone ordinary street battles.

Occasionally, trainers who want to challenge them will even have to compete in a match before they can qualify to fight against them.

This is what Kona, the former Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, did when he appeared on the Orange Islands.

The crowd dispersed still unfinished.

The stall owner heard that the two people were coming to the stall to drink juice, so he ran back first. When the two approached, they saw him sweating profusely.

Zhengyi asked curiously: "Why are you so sweaty?"

"Hehehe, it's hot."

The stall owner wiped the sweat off his head with a towel, picked up a thick stirrer and started smashing a few peaches into the iron bowl.

It’s actually hand-made juice!

Kashiwagi was surprised, the juicer shouldn't be expensive - well, the sign here says hand-made.

He looked at the slightly crude sign, took the ice-cold peach juice from Zhengyi, thanked him and drank it in one gulp.

Silica City is no cooler than Huangtie Town. The plants surrounding the city obviously cannot lower the overall temperature of the area.


With Lugia's continuous rainfall, the temperature in Ouray will drop sooner or later.

Maybe like other areas, there will be special areas covered by ice and snow all year round?

Kashiwagi smiled, feeling like he was imagining things.

He chatted with Zhengyi for a while and agreed to say goodbye after the first Silberium City and Huangtie Town Trainer Exchange Competition will be held at the Huangtie Arena next week.


Big monster mountain.

When Kashiwagi returned, he happened to catch up with the wild Pokémon having dinner. As soon as he showed up, he was surrounded by wild Pokémon of all sizes.

But after learning that he had nothing to eat, they all left him.

"It's too realistic, you guys!"

Kashiwagi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As usual, he practiced the super evolution of the big steel snake. Different from yesterday's lying in the nest, this time it vented towards the open space in order to better guide the attribute energy.

It frightened the mane rock werewolf leader who was always paying attention to them. It originally wanted to come over and ask him if it could go to that place again to bite people's butts and get delicious food, but now it didn't dare.

Until he was discovered by Doron Baruto and informed Kashiwagi.

"You still want to go?"

He was surprised by the attitude of the leader of the Mane Rock werewolf. Yesterday, this guy looked like he wanted to bite him to death. Now he wants to "work" with him today?


Kashiwagi quickly got the answer from other maned rock wolves.

This guy's child loves to eat Poké Cubes, and the leader of the Mane Rock Werewolf dotes on it, so he puts aside his previous prejudices.

Of course, this has to do with Kashiwagi always showing goodwill and showing great strength to overwhelm all wild Pokémon.

"Why do you feel like you are facing a middle-aged social beast?"

He looked helplessly at the playful Mane Rock werewolves. To be honest, he just wanted them to help, but now it was as if he was grabbing their "weakness".

He's not some kind of devil.

That being the case.

Kashiwagi thought for a while and decided to conduct a Pokémon knowledge education class for arena trainers in the afternoon.

With such a low literacy rate, it is difficult for them to learn on their own. There are so many Pokémon here, and using examples as lesson plans is always easier to understand than talking to ppts.


Kashiwagi drove back to Huangtie Town.

When passing by the construction site where the underground city was being excavated, he found that the place was surrounded by people. He couldn't help but stop the car and stepped forward and asked, "What happened here?"


"Boss Kashiwagi!"

Those people all knew him, so they hurriedly said hello and said: "I heard that a few people fainted immediately after going down and couldn't get up. Those who went down to rescue also fainted. Many people fainted in a row! It's very weird!"

"A lot of people fainted?"

Kashiwagi was slightly startled, and took out the Poké Ball where Dragon Baruto was.

He remembered She Dinosaur told him that wandering souls would not cause harm to living people!

Is it possible——

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