My Doomsday Women's Army

Page 23

The rain of bullets "cracked" the car body, Liu Xiaomo suddenly stood up and raised his left hand, a 10-meter-wide and 10-meter-high cube air wall suddenly blocked the way of hundreds of soldiers!

The firepower was suppressed, and hundreds of soldiers of the Slaughter Legion surrounded the sleeper car while fighting and half bowing. Who would have thought that such a large wall of air would suddenly appear in front of them!

Almost subconsciously, all the automatic rifles went silent, and the soldiers looked up... At the same time, Ye Rui let out a coquettish cry, her slender body jumped more than two meters high, and the automatic rifles in her hands fired wildly!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

With the sound of bullets piercing the air, in the blink of an eye, more than ten soldiers fell down in shock, "Don't worry about what that is! Fire me!" The commander behind him yelled, and the soldiers woke up like a dream!Withdraw your gaze and continue to suppress firepower!

Ye Rui fired a round of bullets, and leaned against the milky white air wall to unload the magazine. She could faintly guess that this was also one of the team leader's skills!

Panting violently, she casually pulled out a magazine from her slender waist, and just about to put it in, suddenly there were two hazel figures on the left and right sides of the white wall, two stone-skinned figures!

The two rushed through the air wall, turned their heads and locked on Ye Rui, and aimed at her with two automatic rifles at the same time, spitting two fire snakes crazily!


Cursing in a low voice, the automatic rifle in her hand fell to the ground. Ye Rui quickly lowered her head and covered her eyes with her hands. Within a few seconds, her arms were suddenly split apart alive!

Two male stone-skinned men rushed to Ye Rui's body, opened Ye Rui's arms one from the left and one from the right, one of them held a long screwdriver, raised his arm, and was about to plunge it into her eyes in the next second!

Almost desperate!A terrible scream!Ye Rui exerted all her strength, but the tip of the screwdriver went from far to near...


A hoarse piercing sound, Ye Rui didn't know what happened, she already had the consciousness of death, but it was only in that 0.01 second!

The tip of the screwdriver in front of me deviated slightly to the left by 1 cm... There was a "bang", and the light brown halo at the corner of the eye fluctuated slightly...

The last place where the tip of the knife landed was the corner of her left eye, and a few millimeters to the right, the fragrance disappeared!

"Putong", "Putong" two and a half corpses fell down one after another, about the place where the "BCG" was stuck, and were cut off in a straight line...

Just now, the two of them were holding on to Ye Rui's wrist tightly, and the two upper bodies, which were shaking their heads, were hanging on Ye Rui's arms at this moment, and they hadn't let go yet.

The light brown body protection stone skin skill is gradually fading away...

He was the one who saved me, but when did our stone skin man's so vulnerable?

Ye Rui was still in a daze at the sudden stop before the death line... But Liu Xiaomo didn't give her time to think wildly!He rushed forward with a brisk step, grabbed the belt of her leather pants with his backhand, and lifted her up, tucking her slender body under his armpit, "Quickly retreat!"

She shook her body vigorously, and her two shoulders and her head were thrown aside!

With Ye Rui under the armpit, the other hand swept the two-meter air blade, and the three soldiers, with the automatic rifles in their hands, split into two parts!

There was no firepower for the time being, Wu Nan turned the car around, opened the door, Liu Xiaomo held Ye Rui between her arms, jumped two meters ahead, stepped on the first step with her right foot, and Ye Rui's head hit the ground with a "bang" the car wall!Liu Xiaomo quickly turned around, grabbed her slender waist with both hands and straightened her upright, facing him face to face, and the bullet rain hit him again!

Fortunately, Ye Rui's body protection and stone skin skills are still there, and she has become Liu Xiaomo's human shield!

"Close the car door quickly!"

Facing Ye Rui, holding her waist with both hands, Liu Xiaomo leaned back and stepped out of the car door, Wu Nan hurriedly closed the car door upon hearing this!

The sleeper car made an emergency U-turn, the bullet hit the wall of the car "ping ping pong pong", Liu Xiaomo lay on his back on the steps of the car door, Ye Rui was on his body, his two faces were facing each other...

It's not like in the TV series, the two people don't have mouth to mouth, no accidental kiss, just face to face...

Ye Rui's face was flushed, and she tried to get up with her arms in a hurry. At this moment, Wu Nan shouted softly, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel wildly, and the sleeper car drifted to the left urgently!

Ye Rui's body that had just been propped up was instantly relieved by the centrifugal force, and a beautiful face fell down again... This time, finally, a TV drama happened, and the four lips kissed together fiercely... …

The mind went blank, maybe this is the feeling of kissing in the legend... In an instant, all the muscles in Ye Rui's body tensed up!

If Liu Xiaomo was on the top, Ye Rui might become annoyed, thinking that he was taking the opportunity to kiss her, but now she is on her body!

Even if the first kiss went away like this, she, she has nothing to say...


Wu Nan wanted to make sure that Liu Xiaomo was safe, so she glanced down and saw the two of them kissing each other. In a critical moment, she didn't care about professional dignity, "Can't you guys wait a while before going in person?"

While talking, the sleeper car had completely turned its head around, and the rain of bullets was still crackling behind the car. Fortunately, the rear windshield was also sealed with a steel plate!Wu Nan stepped on the accelerator and beeped 3 times in a row, signaling the big truck to charge!

Liu Xiaomo was also a witness to that sudden kiss, but he reacted quickly, grabbed Ye Rui's upturned leather buttocks with both hands, lifted it up, and rubbed his elastic body up against him... It felt like a girl in a red-light district They are doing chest presses.

Liu Xiaomo stepped on the second step with his heels, and stood up stiffly holding Ye Rui, "Hurry up and retreat first, as far as you can!"

Slaughter Legion!I have written down this account!

Chapter 24: Find the place

"They didn't come after them."

The two cars escaped for 20 kilometers and stopped on the side of the road. The rear was clear at a glance, and there was no sign of the Slaughter Legion.

"Check the car for damage and give me a casualty report."

Liu Xiaomo got out of the car, his eyes were on fire!Keep an eye on the direction of the toll booth!

Ke Xinyi looked over with Liu Xiaomo's gaze, feeling a little suspicious, "Head, they didn't come after them. Logically speaking, they should be chasing after him."

"It's really not like the style of the Slaughtering Legion." Ye Rui also took a slight step forward and stood on the other side of Liu Xiaomo. An imperceptible blush.

"Three female team members were shot, and the driver Xueli..." Gu Wenxia's voice was choked up. Today was supposed to be her shift. When she got up in the morning, her stomach was not very comfortable. Xueli took the initiative to replace her. Unexpectedly, even the last one No farewell.

There were at least a dozen bullet holes on her body, and two female team members were carrying Shirley's body, "Leader, I want to ask the regiment to bury her."

The female team members were about to throw Shirley's body into the grass under the national highway. After hearing Gu Wenxia's words, the two female team members paused and looked at Liu Xiaomo.

"Wu Nan, go find someone..."

"I understand." Shirley was also the driver Wu Nan personally found, and they had known each other for a while. Wu Nan greeted the female team members, turned over and jumped out of the highway guardrail, found a relatively flat place, and dug a hole. Shirley The dead body was carefully put in and filled with soil...

After smoking a cigarette, Liu Xiaomo calmed down. Since he woke up half a year ago, he has never been so useless!It is rumored that there are more than 1000 members of the Slaughter Legion, and no less than 50 special awakened people, who specialize in burning, killing and looting.

Although I only saw more than 100 people just now, the team can't take risks, and I don't know where their real strength is.

I won't confront you now, let's talk about it tonight!I will definitely teach you a bloody lesson tonight!

Liu Xiaomo has this kind of personality. If you are bullied, you must find your way back. Even if you die, I will tear a big piece of your body even if you die!Never die!

In the last days without legal constraints, no matter how useless your life is, it will be meaningless to live!

Liu Xiaomo stared at the map for ten minutes, and clicked a location on the map, "The whole group is here first today, Funiu Village, Qin Xuan, have you prepared any antibiotics?"

"Ready." Qin Xuan nodded slightly.

"Send it to the injured team members. The whole regiment is ready to go. We won't go anywhere today. We will make adjustments in Funiu Village."

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