My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 164 East Star Spot

I didn't say anything. Zhang Qicheng said as if nothing happened.

In fact, looking at Xiang Yang's suspicious expression, Zhang Qicheng wanted to kick Xiang Yang off the boat.

on purpose.

This aggressiveness was intentional.

Oh, then I'll continue fishing. Xiang Yang smiled and continued to put bait on the hook.

Zhang Qicheng was extremely depressed. Why did he catch two fish in a row so quickly with an obviously unprofessional technique?

If it is once, it can be said to be luck.

But two times in a row, this luck is too good, right?

Did he fall into a fish nest?

Or is he actually a hidden master of fishing?

Zhang Qicheng looked at Xiang Yang for a while, and the sea surface for a while, feeling extremely suspicious in his heart.

Xiang Yang put on the bait again and pretended to throw the rod, but actually searched carefully on the sea.

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in Xiang Yang's eyes.

It's up to you. Xiang Yang threw the fishing line hard, and the hook landed right next to the target's mouth.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Zhang Qicheng's heart. This time he stared at Xiang Yang's every movement the whole time, only to find that it was exactly the same as the previous two times. The fishhook was still only thrown more than 30 meters away. The technique seems to be correct, but he obviously doesn't know how to grasp the strength, otherwise it would be impossible to throw the sea pole and the fishhook only for such a small distance.

It seems that he is a really blind cat who met a dead mouse and got shit luck. Zhang Qicheng thought to himself.

As a result, Zhang Qicheng's eyes widened in the next moment, and he was so frightened that he almost threw the fishing rod in his hand.

What did he see?

He saw Xiang Yang throw the baited fishhook to the bottom of the water, and the night cursor sank suddenly after less than two seconds of stillness on the water surface, and then moved quickly at the bottom of the water.

Fuck! Zhang Qicheng finally couldn't help but swear, Are you cheating? Are your crew members hiding under the sea, and when they see you hooking, they immediately swim to hang a fish on your hook?

The more Zhang Qicheng thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Zhang Qicheng, who was full of inner drama, suddenly realized. It turns out that this is the case. No wonder Xiang Yang only throws the rod so far every time. There must be a crew member wearing a diving suit and hiding under their boat plank with fish in advance for Xiang Yang. The fish was hung on the hook, the reason why Xiang Yang didn't throw the hook far was not because he couldn't throw the hook far, but to make it easier for the underwater crew to swim over and hang the fish.

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, Brother Zhang, isn't your imagination too rich?

You really didn't cheat? Zhang Qicheng asked suspiciously.

Of course Xiang Yang cheated, but no one can imitate his cheating methods. Who told Xiang Yang to be able to see things as usual in the dark seabed?

Brother Zhang, if you don't believe me, you can go down and have a look. Xiang Yang smiled.

Of course it was impossible for Zhang Qicheng to go to the sea to see it himself, he blinked, Why do I not believe it?

At this time, Xiang Yang's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: Come and help me, I think this fish is probably bigger from the feel of the hand, and it will take a long time if I slip by myself, come and help me to catch it together. Pull up.

He Mingde quickly picked up the fish basket.

Zhang Qicheng watched Xiang Yang put out and take up the thread from time to time, the thread wheel was spinning fast like a small motor, and hurriedly ran forward to help, ignoring his thoughts.

Xiang Yang and Zhang Qicheng worked hard together and finally dragged the big fish out of the water, but the fish only made a huge wave on the water surface before sinking into the water again.

Xiang Yang and Zhang Qicheng hurriedly continued to exert force.

He Mingde, who was about to reel the fish, only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the fish disappeared immediately. Finally, he immediately shouted: Damn it, this fish ran away.

I can't run. Xiang Yang continued to put out the line, and his feet were firmly planted on the ship's plank.

It's so big. Zhang Qicheng exclaimed. He only saw a black shadow of the fish that flashed in the pan just now, but the black shadow was definitely more than half a meter by visual inspection.

I'll help too. He Mingde quickly put down the fish basket, and also came forward to help.

No need. Xiang Yang hurriedly called He Mingde, You just prepare the net fish there, it's enough for me and brother Zhang here, we have to use up its strength first, otherwise it's impossible for more people to come Fish it up, and if you fish it forcefully, it may even break the fishing line.

He Mingde nodded quickly, holding the net with both hands and staring at the sea.

In this way, the two men and the fish struggled above and below the water for more than ten minutes before the big fish was exhausted.

It's now, pull. Xiang Yang shouted, quickly raised the rod, and at the same time began to draw in the fishing line continuously.

This time was much easier than last time, Xiang Yang and Zhang Qicheng easily pulled the big fish out of the sea, and He Mingde, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately caught the big fish with a net.

The three of them worked together to get the big fish onto the boat, and He Mingde smiled happily while hugging the big fish, It's a grouper, and it's a rare species of grouper, Dongxingban.

There are many types of grouper, among which Dongxing grouper is second only to mouse grouper.

The name of Dongxing spot is established by its appearance and main place of origin. Its body is covered with small white spots, which look very like stars in the sky from a distance. It is also produced in the Dongsha Islands in eastern my country, so it is called Dongxing spot.

Eastern star spot is a carnivorous fish that is very fierce. Like mouse spot, they will eat any living thing that they can swallow in one bite.

Eastern star grouper body is thinner and longer than ordinary grouper, and its head is also smaller. Their body colors are various, such as red, brown, yellow and blue, etc. They are very beautiful in seawater tanks.

The quality of Dongxingspot can be judged by the difference in the surface color of Dongxingspot.

The best Dongxing spots are light red all over the body or have red spots on the body, followed by the reddish-black, darker Dongxing spots, slightly pinkish Dongxing spots, and the last one is the whole body Black or East star spot with black spots on the body, the former is said to be a rare ornamental fish species, while the latter is a delicacy on the table.

The Dongxing spot caught by Xiang Yang weighs more than ten catties, and its body is covered with bright black spots. It is a very rare top food in the market.

Brother Xiang. Zhang Qicheng looked at the Dong Xingban with the same smile on his face, Just sell this Dong Xingban to me too, how about it?

Xiang Yang licked his lips, shook his head and said, I want to take this fish back and make it a halal grouper.

In the past, Xiang Yang has always heard that the halal grouper made from Dongxing grouper is the best among the grouper. Its meat is tender and smooth, with less spines and more meat, and it tastes very delicious.

Now that he has managed to catch a Dong Xingban, Xiang Yang is not willing to transfer it to Zhang Qicheng, he can't wait to go back to the shore to enjoy it now.

Zhang Qicheng had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, Then I want to eat too.

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