My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 14 - Separate again

   Luo Er went back to the terraced fields, and there was a pile of fresh fruits and vegetables in his arms. After asking the neighbors to help with cooking, he took Anya and Keli to take a walk around the mountains.

   looked at the beautiful small waterfall in the mountain, picked some really delicious mushrooms, and was lucky enough to find a little bear that got lost.

   The little bear is furry and chubby. It should have not been long since he was born. He has short limbs and runs very slowly, so he was picked up by Rohr.

   “Scared ~ so cute!”

   Anya took the little bear from Roer and stroked her fondly.

   “Haha, it seems that I have honey to eat today. Sister Anya, I told you that the wild honey in the mountains is sweet!”

   Keli also scratched bear’s ears with excitement.

   Why is there honey to eat?

   Anya didn’t understand at first, but by noon, she understood.

   Two strong and fat brown bears that look very dangerous, with two beehives in their mouths, blocked the door of the village, and from time to time, there were bursts of anxious growl in the throat.

   Although he looked very anxious, he didn’t dare to enter the village, so he could only wander under the old tree with crooked neck.

  The villagers passing by were also quite familiar with this, passing by them with a calm expression, and shouted in a high voice:

   “Whose honey has arrived?”

  Roll hurriedly took the little bear out and exchanged it for the beehive from the big bear’s mouth.

   “Goodbye, remember to play again next time.”

   Keli waved her hand reluctantly from the side.

   The little bear was held in his mouth by the big bear.

   Anya was stunned by watching her next to her, and she didn’t expect that there would be such a way for people and wild animals to get along with each other.

   A pleasant day passed quickly, and when it was time for dinner, Ke Li said a cruel bad news.


  Rol’s eyes widened.

   “I’m leaving tomorrow? So anxious? I’ve only been back a few days…”

   Only then did he know that his daughter was going home this time and was just dropping in. He was originally planning to go to Newlyn Province to the south, so he spared a bit of the way and went home first.

  , Anya hurriedly explained that this is a very valuable opportunity for social practice. It is led by a well-known scholar and a well-known professor. There are many benefits to attending.

I still didn’t lie. There is indeed a social practice component in this trip. A series of field investigations will be conducted to evaluate the defense situation of Newlyn Province. It is also indeed led by professors and scholars. Keli used to play a role in the town. about.

   But the real goal is to thoroughly clean up and investigate the local monsters.

   Newlyn is the industrial center of the empire. Nothing is to be missed. It is worth a trip to a new empire like Keli and a little bit of qualifications by the way.

  Roll barely squeezed a smile on his face after listening to Anya’s explanation.

   “Well, I understand, this is indeed a rare opportunity, daughter, you have to take it!”

   The following night, he was a little unhappy.

   Keli had noticed it a long time ago. When Dad was helping her comb her hair, she took his right hand and placed it on her cheek, and said softly:

   “Dad, it’s okay, I will come back to stay with you for a while after the job is over there.”

   “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s still important to study. You haven’t come back in the past two years, haven’t I been used to it?”

  Roll gently rubbed his daughter’s cheek, and said softly.

   “Daddy tell me a story, right?”


  Roll took his daughter back to the cot, wrapped it into a silkworm baby in a blanket, and asked:

   “What kind of story do you want to hear?”

   Keli blinked her big eyes, thought about it, and replied:

   “Talk about something warm and healing, right?”

  Roll searched his memory for a while and picked a story that met the requirements.

   “The story takes place in another faraway world, where people live on floating islands floating in the sky. Among them is an island full of orcs. On this day, an elf-like girl…”

   “The girl’s badge was stolen by the kitten, and she rushed to chase, and accidentally fell from upstairs. Fortunately, she was caught by a kind man…”

   “The two wandered in this market called Scarborough, enjoying the scenery and beautiful scenery here…”

   “…In this way, after a series of events, the two gradually fell in love and knew each other, and vowed to give each other happiness…”

   “…Finally, with everyone’s hard work, they successfully repelled the monsters and saved the world. The girl also came together with the man and became the happiest girl in the world.”

  The story was finished like this. Keli was very satisfied with it. She squinted her eyes slightly, and her little hand stretched out from the restraint of the blanket, gently holding her father’s thumb.

   “This story is really good.”

   Roer smiled:

   “Yeah, that’s great.”

   He actually can’t remember the original appearance of the story, only a rough outline is left in his mind, but the ending is definitely correct. This is the most reasonable ending.

“Good night, baby.”

  Roll got up and kissed his daughter lightly on the forehead.

   “Good night Dad.”

The next day, Keli got up early, UU Reading changed her home dress and the first college student uniform, with a slim plaid shirt on top and a black pleated skirt underneath. There are white knee-high stockings on her legs, which wrap her legs tightly and roundly. Between the socks and the skirt, there is still an absolute area that is fascinating.

   Putting on this one, Keli finally has the temperament that a student should have, but she is more like a junior high school student than a college student from the first college.

  Roer carefully helped her tie her ponytails and tied two beautiful bows with purple ribbons.

   “Dad, we are gone.”

   Anya and the housekeeper also followed to say goodbye, thanking Rolle for his hospitality over the past two days.

   “Be careful on the road!”

   “Miss Anya, Mr. Butler, my daughter hopes you can take care of her.”

“please do not worry…”

   Just like that, Keli turned her head a few steps and slowly disappeared from Rohr’s field of vision.

   As soon as his daughter left, he felt like his heart was hollowed out again, showing exhaustion and decadence on his face, sitting back under the crooked neck tree at the entrance of the village, just like the previous two years, and began to look forward to the appearance of a postman.

   After five days in a muddle-headed manner, the postman didn’t show up, but the fat man who went down the mountain to purchase came back.

   He bought a lot of things for the village with the money that Roer divided.

   “Huh? Keli left in such a hurry? I even helped her pick a present specially.”

   The fat man said regretfully, and pulled out a lady’s sun hat from a large pile of packages.

  The style is neither new nor beautiful. It is rustic, but it is already the best style you can buy in this remote area.

   He followed the proposal and said:

   “If you really don’t feel relieved, can you just follow along and have a look? By the way, help me bring the gift to her.”

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