My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 11 - Duel

When    Keli heard the word ‘dual practice’, her face stretched suddenly and she looked a little nervous.

   She knows that her father is a very serious and pragmatic person. He said that it was a pair of training, that is, it is a serious and true pair of training, not just laughing and playing, nor is it just the same kind of tricks and tricks.

   Every time during a duel practice, Dad would become very serious and fierce, making her a little scared…

   “Go ahead, treat me as a real enemy, don’t keep your hands, and go all out!”

   Roer said while standing a hundred meters away.

  Only a truly serious pair training will have the desired effect.

   “Then… Dad, be careful.”

   Keli took a long sigh of relief, holding the sabre in her left hand, maintaining a moderate strength, holding it in the most comfortable position.

   “Yes, I chose this trick. It is a correct judgment. If it is just the basic techniques, it can’t threaten me.”

   “Just so, let me see how you master this trick.”

   Luo Er looked at her starting pose, commented, and then reminded two important points:

   “Calm down, concentrate, and find the best balance between relaxation and tension…”

   “Adjust your stance and footsteps, there will be some unnecessary loss when you exert force like this…”

   Keli nodded, and slowly closed her eyes.

   The butler in the distance had already turned and left, but suddenly stopped, turned his head slightly, and whispered in his mouth:

   “The wind has changed?”

   “No…no! This is… coercion?!”

   Coercion is a kind of unusual power fluctuation, which can only be formed when an extraordinary person accumulates the power of the whole body and launches a fatal blow.

   “But why is this coercion so clear?”

   is also a legendary powerhouse, and of course the butler will release coercion when he goes all out. He has also seen the coercion of many other powerhouses.

   Keli’s coercion is not stronger than theirs, but it is more special.

   is very clear and very obvious, just like the substance.

   And there is a unique rhythm hidden in it.

   “With my rich experience and experience, I can’t tell what kind of swordsmanship this is? Wait…”

   “Miss Keli intends to shoot with all her strength?”

   This is obviously beyond the scope of normal morning exercises.

   The butler’s expression suddenly became more solemn, and he turned and looked at the small wood where the father and daughter were.

   Keli closed her eyes, slightly facing Roer, her right hand hung on the hilt of her sword, squeezed into a cute little fist, but she lifted a little finger alone.

   Then, her little finger tapped on the hilt of the sword lightly.

   The butler in the distance suddenly felt a stronger pressure rushing towards him, making his heartbeat slightly choked.

   Keli’s little finger then tapped lightly on the hilt a second time.

   The pressure spreading from her body is already in reality, as if a strong wind is hanging on the other side, and the surrounding grass and leaves have bowed their heads.

   can face this coercive Rohr, but nodded in satisfaction, and simply praised:

“not bad!”

   Keli raised her little finger for the third time, her closed eyes opened slightly, and she whispered:

   “It said… it’s ready to go.”

   After that, her little finger hit the hilt for the third time.

   The aura that had been brewing for a long time broke out in an instant.

   Traces of cracks appeared on the ground under her feet. The soil and weeds were lifted up one after another, and then they were blown away.

   In the next second, Keli’s figure disappeared in place.

When    appeared, he had already come to Rohr.

   The saber in her hand disappeared directly, turning into a silver flash, with an aura that seemed to be able to cut through the world, and drew towards the metal prosthetic arm of Roer holding the sword.

  Roll, as if he hadn’t reacted yet, stood still on the spot.

   got it?

   Keli’s heart jumped slightly.

   The sword light in her hand was faster than her thoughts, and it had already pierced Roel.

  Roll’s figure flickered slightly, and then disappeared.

  Remnant image?

   Keli was startled, and turned around instinctively.

   Then, she saw a father who was like a mountain, with an overwhelming vibe, leaning toward herself.

   He is so tall that he can connect with the world, and he can only shiver under the shadow of him.

   The long-lost despair and powerlessness echoed in her heart.

   Then, she felt a chill on her back, and her feet became lighter, and her petite body was picked up by Rohr’s sword with her clothes, like a kitten pinched by the neck.

   Keli dropped her sword first, struggling in mid-air with her teeth and dancing claws for a while. After finding that she was in vain, her little nose twitched, and the tears that had been poised for a long time burst out, and she started to cry.


   “Dad stinks! Dad is bad! I will never be the best and the best with you again!”

   felt even more wronged in his heart. This was the result of each pair training. Once practiced, he was scared and cried once.

   But Rolle laughed heartlessly:

   “Hahaha, such a lovely daughter, don’t bully, I always feel that something is missing…”

   “This is what you should bear at your age.”

   said, he took his daughter into his arms and let her sit on his arms, UU reading lowered his head and rubbed her fragrant and soft face, and comforted:

   “Okay, okay, being bullied by me is better than being bullied by others in the future, right?”

   Kelly ignored him bulgingly, her cheeks bulged, her small face was round, and she rubbed Roer carelessly, and quickly rushed from her arms to her back.

   With her little feet wrapped around Roer’s neck, her hands hugged her father’s head, her mouth roared fiercely:


   Then he bit on Roer’s head with one bite.

   “Oh oh oh, it hurts to die, it hurts to die! Baby, please forgive me!”

   Rolle smiled and begged for mercy.

   Kelly just opened her mouth and rubbed her head a little distressedly for her father, and then put her pointed chin on the top of Rolle’s head and rubbed it a few times.

  Roll was itchy by her, reached out his hand to take his daughter off, put it back on his arm, helped her wipe the tears from her face, and said softly:

   “Actually, if you aim at my chest instead of my hand, the effect will definitely be much better.”

   “Afraid of hurting me?”

   Keli pouted her mouth and nodded.

   She is not proficient in this trick, and her understanding is also very superficial, far from reaching the point of being able to move freely, otherwise she would not have to spend so much time brewing up.

   After leaving her hometown, she never used this trick again, so she would naturally look rusty.

   After all, I haven’t encountered an enemy that can let her use this trick.

   This trick is the one of the profound meaning of family swordsmanship.

  ’S name is “一”

   Originally, Rohr gave this trick a lot of names, like ‘Fantasy Great Sword·Devil’s Fall’, ‘Qi Blade Striking’, ‘Secret Sword·Shining Starlight’ or something.

   Later, I got older and felt too ashamed, so I changed it again.

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