My crazy Little Sister

Chapter 1: The Reunion

I'm Tatsuya Mikado. I'm now a first year student as i repeated my grade. No i didn't fail because i was bad at academics but because of my part-time jobs.

Yes, i am a poor student. I was abandoned by my parents as i started to work when i was at grade school. Because of my age, i had to take some odd jobs to survive. The world was unfair to me as i strive to live. It was now the entrance ceremony as the new batch of students started to head towards the gym. Since i'm a repeater, i didn't follow them as i head to the school building.

Then, i saw a beautiful girl walked by as the gazes of students went towards her. Beautiful black hair that glittered in the sun as her gem-like purple eyes gave off some dignified aura. Her body porportions were well delevoped as the gazes of students were filled with awe. She was like a perfect lady for us as she headed towards the gym.

Her eyes were locked into mine as she was filled with a smile. My heart started to race as i quickly headed to the building. If i could date a girl like her, it would be a dream. As i passed by the corridors, the teacher spotted me as he was feel with pity when he saw me. He grab on to my shoulder as he spoke.

"Please don't exert yourself."

He said that with worry. Because of my part-time jobs, i became ill on the exams, causing me to repeat a grade. He cried as i didn't even drop ouf of school even with my circumstances. I smiled at him as i headed to class. I knew that he was still my homeroom teacher when i was here.

As the ceremony ended, the freshmen had come to the classroom as the teacher smiled. The girl from the morning was also in this class. I became even more happy as i get to be with her for the entire school year.

"Welcome to class 1-A. I want you to get along as one. The school..."

As the teacher started to talk about the rules, my eyes were glued to the girl. She had a dignified aura as she silently listen to class. I feel blessed as she was here in the class. When she took a glace at me, she smiled as my heart raced. I never thought that i was like by a beautiful girl.

The teacher continued to talk until he said something that entered to my ears.

"As you may know, we were given a huge donation by the Raizokure Enterprices. They suppported..."

As he said that, my anger started to swell up as it reminded me of the past. I could never forgive that person who threw me away but the one i will never forget was that girl...

I have to strive in order to live. I suffered from many jobs and some that would kill me so long as i have enought money to survive. I could never forgive them who threw me away. The teacher had ended the class as he walked out of the room. Then, the room became noisy as the people crowded the the girl. Since she was pretty, she would get popular. As my phone began to vibrate, i took it out and read the contents. It was my part-time job as i closed my phone.

Then, the girl walked up to me as she smiled.

"Umm.. you were the person this morning right?"


S-she talked fo me? Wow! I never thought that she would started to talked to me. This is my...

"Please to met you, my name's Ayaka Raizokure."

...worst day ever.

As i looked at her, she resemble the girl who was my little sister. The one who made my life a living hell.

I stood from my seat as the gazes turned to me. Ayaka became worried as i stood up.

"I want you to never associate with me."

My lovestruck gaze had turn into anger as i recalled my nightmare. As she saw my anger, she realise who i am.


As i headed outside, i didn't looked to see her smile at me. My heart started to hurt as my mind couldn't process the painful memories of my childhood. She would ruined my life again like she made our father abandoned me. I had to suffer because of her. As i head to the roof, i bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry."


As i looked at the girl who bumped into me, she was my old classmate, Akina Tomoyo. We would always hang out until i repeated my grade. She was a tomboyish girl who loves competition. We would always compete but i never once lost to her in any challenges. But after i repeated a grade, we slowly distance ourselves as she became lonely.

"Oh, hey Akina-sempai."


She became angry as i teased her but it was kind of sad that i repeated a grade. She started to gloom as she saw me. It was because we were now seperated in one room. I regreted that i failed to take the exams. But since we talked, i'm kind of glad that she is still the same.


Then, the girl that i ran away from, clung onto me. Ayaka change into a lively girl as she wouldn't let go of me. Akina became confused as she couldn't comprehend what was happening. My anger staryed to swell as i forcefully remove her. As i did that, many glares stared to point at me. Since i remove a beautiful girl's advances, they would start to hate me as they envy me. I turned to look at her with scorn.

"I told you to never associate with me."

"But Onii-"

"I am not your brother."

I glare at her as she started to cry. The boys became enrage as they grab on to my collar.

"The fucks wrong with you?"

Their anger had made me pissed. They wouldn't know my circumstances and treated me like a bad guy. Seeing my cold look, that guy raise his fist as he punch me to the ground. This is once of the past that i will never forget. I would get ignored while my sister felt love. As he knew what he did, i stood up and grab his collar.

"You don't even know my circumstances and you treated me like some bad guy?"

As i said that, that guy became doubtful but he still held his ground as he glared at me.

"But she's a girl, why would you do that."


I laughed as he said that. He thought i gone crazy until i stopped. I glared at Ayaka as she flinched. The boys tried to hide her as i wiped off the blood.

"This is what happens when i'm with you."

I started to walk away as she began to follow me. The boys tried to stop her but she still followed me. I turn my head as i looked at her.

"And tell that fucking asshole of a father to fucking die."

The boys were shocked as i said that. They would start to spead rumours about me hurting a girl. My school life is now ruined because of her...

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