My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 54:

Chapter 54

There was no need to ask. The moment he saw those iconic amber eyes, Qi Weiran knew exactly who this strange creature was with its ears and big butterfly bow.

Beside him, Qi Xinian poked his head out curiously: "..."

What is this, hello Weiran?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yi Qingju asked: "Sir, does it not resemble?"

【This is Master Yi's masterpiece. Ordinary people usually aren't worthy of me lifting my pen for.】

Hearing that she had drawn it herself, Qi Weiran didn't know if it was his imagination, but after looking at it some more, he felt it was rather cute.

"It resembles," he replied.

Before Feng Yisheng could snoop his head over sneakily, he closed the box again, even perfectly imitating how the ribbon was tied.

It'll be on my office desk tomorrow.

Seeing this, Yi Qingju revealed a genuine smile.

The bright and moving smile left Qi Weiran momentarily dazed.

Feng Yisheng muttered: "Stingy, can't even look once."

Then he picked up a shrimp for Qi Xinian and asked: "Dumpling, what did your auntie give your little uncle?"

Qi Xinian picked up the shrimp with his chopsticks and popped it into his mouth. Then he smiled sweetly at Feng Yisheng: "Don't know, I was blind just now."

Yi Qingju: 【Pfft hahahaha】

Feng Yisheng: "When you grow up like this, you won't be able to find a girlfriend."

Qi Xinian looked utterly unconcerned: "Then I'll find a boyfriend."

Everyone: "!!!"

Yi Qingju even threw her persona aside to exclaim: "Dumpling!?"

【This won't do! Your future wife is still waiting for you! Wake up, this is the romance channel!】

Qi Weiran also put down his chopsticks, an expression on his face like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to start.

Auntie Zhang's hands even started shaking, her mind filled with the agonizing prospect of having no face to see their ancestors after death.

As for Feng Yisheng, even more so: F*ck, the Qi family line will end here!

Not expecting his casual words to cause such a big reaction in everyone, Qi Xinian put down his fruit juice: "I was joking..."

Yi Qingju heaved a sigh of relief.

【You scared me to death, don't make jokes like this!】

Qi Weiran stroked his head, his tone complicated: "Although I will support whatever you do, you have to leave the most important decisions until after you grow up."

Like sexual orientation.

Yi Qingju took a big gulp of red wine to calm herself.

【Yes, yes, yes, your little uncle is right. You're the Qi family's only seedling, you absolutely can't let the line end with you!】

Just then, Qi Weiran suddenly glanced at her.

Yi Qingju: ?

He withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, thinking to himself, that's not necessarily true.

Halfway through the meal, at Yi Qingju's questioning, Qi Xinian began telling everyone what he had done the past two days he spent playing at An Zuoran's home.

"Then I said Yi Qingju totally can't cook, but her speed at showing off food is unmatched. An Zuoran's parents both laughed."

Yi Qingju: "......"

【What is this pinpoint attack humiliation】

【So you built your happiness on laughing at me?】

Amidst Feng Yisheng's raucous laughter, Qi Weiran spoke up: "Don't say things like this next time. You can't take embarrassing family matters outside."

Yi Qingju: 【Very good, Qi Weiran, I admit my voice was too loud towards you before.】

"But you can tell us privately."

He said solemnly.

Qi Xinian's brows unfurled as he smiled: "I'll remember."

Feng Yisheng threw his head back laughing: "Hahahahaha!"

Yi Qingju: ? Are you okay?

The usually soft-spoken Auntie Zhang's face creased into laughter. Perhaps it was her age, but she did like getting sentimental.

She remembered at the master's birthday banquet last year, at that time Young Master was still living outside, and Young Master Feng hadn't returned to the country either. The master's attitude towards the madam wasn't as gentle as it was now.

The atmosphere was terribly depressing, making eating a meal feel like the last supper. It was truly unbearable to watch.

How wonderful it was now instead! Everyone was merry and lively, while the relationship between master and madam was no longer like before either.

Catching sight of Auntie Zhang's smiling face out of the corner of her eye, Yi Qingju suddenly said: "Auntie Zhang, how about playing us a song on the new violin?"

The new violin Yi Qingju had gifted her arrived a few days ago, winning the heart of Auntie Zhang who loved the violin more than her own life.

Hearing this, Feng Yisheng clapped his hands together: "Good idea, I haven't heard Auntie Zhang play in a long time!"

Qi Weiran and Qi Xinian uncle and nephew looked over as well.

With the atmosphere brought up to this point, Auntie Zhang also felt it was fitting and stood up: "Then I'll play a song."

The clever servant had already rushed upstairs to retrieve Auntie Zhang's violin from the music room when Yi Qingju opened her mouth earlier.

Auntie Zhang of ordinary countenance underwent a tremendous aura transformation the instant she picked up her violin. It was as if she had turned into an elegant performer on stage at the Moscow Royal Theater, dressed in an evening gown.

As she moved, a light and quick, tenderly sentimental and smooth melody flowed out from under her bow.

Feng Yisheng relaxed his body and leaned back, narrowing his eyes: "It's Elgar's Salut d'amour."

"So beautiful..." Yi Qingju sighed feelingly, one hand swinging the clear red wine while occasionally taking a sip, watching Auntie Zhang's performance.

Yet she didn't know that even as she appreciated others, she herself was a sight of beauty to them as well.

Qi Weiran's gaze lingered on her flushed cheeks and crimson lips.

Only when the tune concluded did he retract his eyes, clapping along with Qi Xinian's applause beside him.

On the other side, Yi Qingju had unknowingly finished an entire bottle of red wine.

When dinner ended, little Dumpling ran over, waving his hand in front of the somewhat unfocused Yi Qingju: "Hey, still sober?"

Yi Qingju smiled and pulled Dumpling into her embrace: "Very sober, a little wine like this can't get me drunk at all."

Qi Xinian's eyes widened. She actually had quite the alcohol tolerance, contrary to appearances.

Behind the two, he grabbed Yi Qingju's hanging hand and asked: "Then recite the Orchid Pavilion Preface*."

[*famous literary work]

Qi Weiran approvingly glanced down at him.

At such a young age, he already knew of the Orchid Pavilion Preface*, not bad.

The self-proclaimed sober Yi Qingju cleared her throat and began to recite——

"The previous emperor founded his undertaking but died midway...I don't really feel like continuing either."

"End of Orchid Pavilion Preface*."

Then she even provocatively looked at Qi Weiran as if in challenge.

Qi Xinian: "......"

Qi Weiran picked her up and said to him: "Sometimes, you can't just look at the essence of things."

With an expression like his worldview had been shaken, Qi Xinian replied: "I've learned."

Then he followed behind the two, grabbing Yi Qingju's hanging hand to ask: "Then recite the Inscription for My Humble Abode*."

[*famous work by Dongpo, poetic giant]

Qi Weiran approvingly looked down at him again.

At such a tender age, yet he knew of Inscription for My Humble Abode*. Not bad.

The muddled Yi Qingju nestled into Qi Weiran's embrace, finding the most comfortable position in his arms and smelling his fragrance, seeming even more drunk.

Then she recited indistinctly:

"The mountain's height matters not, but becomes famous if immortals reside there*."

"The depth of waters matters not, but turns spiritual if dragons inhabit it*."

"This is my humble abode, fifty thousand per ping**."

[*play on lines from Inscription]

[**Chinese unit of area]

"End of Inscription for My Humble Abode*."

Qi Xinian exclaimed in wonder: "So expensive, the housing price!"

Qi Weiran: "......"

Keep him away from Yi Qingju regarding learning matters from now on.

Yi Qingju sniffed and put her arm around the man before her, craning her head closer to Qi Weiran: "You smell so nice....."

The corner of Qi Weiran's mouth quirked up. Single-handedly holding her, his other hand went to cover Qi Xinian's eyes.

Don't look now. What comes next might not be suitable for minors.

But Yi Qingju immediately followed up: "Stewed pork trotters in white wine, so flavorful~"

Qi Weiran silently retracted his hand.

If this continued, he was going to turn black*.

[*go to dark side]

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