My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1132 Editorial department

The next day, when Shen Xin woke up, it was almost eight o’clock. After washing up, he called Wang Wenhong and found out that two people and six assistants were eating in the restaurant. [New! Thinking! Road! Chinese website www.sLzWW]

Shen Xin and Xi Muhan came to the restaurant, but they saw several assistants around Wang Wenhong, as if they were doing something.

“What’s the matter?” Shen Xin looked at Wang Wenhong puzzledly after sitting down.

“The picture of the teacher attending the annual meeting yesterday was spread. In short, are the readers in District 11 discussing it?”


Seeing Wang Wenhong’s smile, Shen Xin didn’t know how to answer, and shook his head helplessly.

Xi Muhan became interested, and said, “What’s going on?”

“Surprised, surprised… Many people thought you were forty or fifty years old, but they didn’t expect you to be so young.” Yan Fei took the words.

It has been more than ten years since “Hire of Chess” has been serialized in “Young Leap”. At that time, “The Gate of Eternal Life” was serialized only a few years ago.

“Who passed it on?” Shen Xin asked.

“More than one, think about it. Before, you haven’t shown up in District 11. Suddenly uploading your photos can easily attract comic friends. Moreover, “dunk” is the hottest comic in District 11, and those cartoonists pass it on to you. The photos of the group photos, in a sense, are also to keep the heat away. This kind of thing…should you see it often?” Wang Wenhong spread his hands.

“I just think this kind of heat is a bit inexplicable. When can I take a photo with me, can it become heat?” Shen Xin said helplessly.

Although he is not the original “dunk”, he is also very happy to see that comic friends in this world like this comic. However, he still hopes that everyone will focus on the work rather than him.

“Of course it’s very popular, but you don’t know it. Then, many bookstores and publishing houses want to invite you to sign the book, but I turned it off.” Wang Wenhong triumphed.

“Why?” Shen Xin asked puzzled.

“Do you remember what happened when you signed the book this time?” Wang Wenhong asked rhetorically.

Signed book sale…

Shen Xin has a black line.

The signing of the book sale brought extremely serious consequences to Shen Xin. He almost fell from the building in order to save Zuo Yuan.

Although his life was worry-free, he had to rest for two or three months because of a sprained left arm.

For a cartoonist, this is a very serious matter, almost a bet on his career.

“I think it’s okay? If it weren’t for the autograph session, Mr. Zuo Yuan might have gone. Now, Mr. Zuo Yuan is in charge of cute cartoons. His cartoons are also very popular in China. I think it’s very good.” Shen Xin smiled.

Wang Wenhong said dumbly that only a series of things happened that day, and it did change the fate of some people. Thinking about it this way, Shen Xin did nothing wrong.

Xi Muhan secretly pulled Shen Xin’s clothes, and muttered: “Brother, I will never do this in the future. Do you have family members now?”

“I don’t go out very much now.” Shen Xin looked innocent and ordered a bowl of udon noodles, “Okay, after eating, hurry up to the editorial department of “Young Leap”, and, you guys… ”

Shen Xin’s eyes flashed and landed on Gao Hang’s six bodies, scaring several people into a clever look.

“A few of you don’t speak the language, so stay in the hotel today and wait for us to come back… don’t get lost.”


The other six people didn’t know how to refute, and nodded. It seemed even more wrong to shake their heads. They could only lower their heads and eat the noodles in front of them.

Originally, Gu Qianming wanted to drive to pick up Shen Xin, but Shen Xin refused.

The editorial office of “Junior Leap” is not a place, just find a taxi, but the taxi is for 4 people, except for the driver, 3 people can still sit, and they are 4 people and can only find two taxis.

“Youth Leap” is located in a relatively prosperous part of Beijing. The entire building belongs to the group. Looking down, the entire building is thirty or forty stories high.

Four people came to the front desk on the first floor, and Wang Wenhong filled out the visitor card. The front desk contacted the editorial department of “Young Leap”, and within a minute, Gu Qianna got out of the elevator.

“Mr. Shen, you have come so early.” Before Gu Qianming came over, he stretched out his hands and prepared to shake hands with Shen Xin.

“It’s not too early? It’s 1 o’clock the horse.” Shen Xin smiled, “Is Mr. Uematsu there?”

“No, it’s still on the way. To make up for today’s work, Mr. Uematsu probably stayed up all night.” After Tan Qianna shook hands with the four people one by one, he invited the four people into the elevator and pressed the 18th floor. “Me too. It’s just hearsay, after all, I am not the editor responsible for Uematsu.”

“I think… it’s possible?” Shen Xin recalled “The Gate of Eternal Life” and said sincerely, “Teacher Uematsu really worked hard.”

“The Gate of Eternal Life” is inferior to “Dunk” and “Waste Hunter” in the fighting scene, but it also has its own uniqueness. First, it is set up, especially involving the reversal of the true and false “sacred door”, which surprised many readers; second, it is estimated to be stable, and now it has been serialized for the past few years, it has a tendency to collapse. This is extremely rare; in the end, the background of the manga scenes, especially the spreads, are drawn very well, which is very time-consuming, and it also proves Uematsuno’s seriousness.

But it is exactly the case that “The Gate of Eternal Life” has so many readers.

The elevator door opened, and four people followed Gu Qianna out of the elevator.

Xi Muhan couldn’t help letting out a surprise when he saw both sides of the corridor. Shen Xin moved his head and couldn’t help but glance at it a few more times.

Some comic magazines are accustomed to putting up some posters on both sides of the corridor to create a comic atmosphere for the magazine, not “ifuture”, even “nerld” also posted a lot of posters.

“Youth Leap” is not a poster, but a b4 manuscript. The scales on both sides of the original manuscript are clearly visible, and even the pages are drawn on the manuscript paper.

In these manuscripts, Shen Xin not only saw the original paintings of “The Strongest Pitcher” and “The Gate of Eternal Life”, but even saw the nae of “The Young Exorcist”.

The nae of “Young Exorcist” is not very detailed, and compared with the original, it is a bit worse.

However, Shen Xin can also understand that different cartoonists have different preferences, just take “Job Hunter”. The comics are in the later stage, and there is even a full-page description, and readers have to doubt read it for yourself It’s not a comic, but it’s still the original, and the storyboard on that page is probably even more helpless.

Each page of the manuscript is pressed against the film, and it can be wiped directly with a towel after it is dirty, so as not to damage the manuscript.

Compared with those propaganda posters, these sketches and nae are the most generous.

“These are the original drawings?” Shen Xin asked in surprise.

“Some are the manuscripts of the first edition of the cartoonist, but they just feel that they are flawed and choose to give up. Some are imitations of the assistant’s quality. The real manuscripts are in the collection, and we can’t directly put the manuscripts here. Shen Teacher, if you look carefully, you can find that these manuscripts are different from the manuscripts.” Gu Qianming pointed to the drawing.

Shen Xin carefully observed a few of them, and it was true. Some of the drawings showed signs of change, and some did not have any paper attached, but most of the drawings were complete and of good quality. Some of the drawings were even compared with the original. Not inferior.

Although these sketches are not published and printed manuscripts, they are enough to see the intentions of “Young Leap” when they are posted here.

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