My brother is an Idol

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Feeling nervous, Hyoyoung’s hands started to move faster again. Thankfully, there weren’t many dishes left, so they were done within a few minutes.

Kiwook said to her, “Let’s leave these here so they dry. We’ll be practicing for another hour or two, so why don’t you stay here and watch us? We can go home together. Going home by yourself in the middle of the night isn’t safe for you.”

Hyoyoung nodded without a word, and she was about to leave the kitchen when Kiwook suddenly pulled her from behind into a back hug.

He whispered, “Don’t run away from me, Hyoyoung.”

Kiwook’s cold hands touched her neck. His hands were cold, but his breath was hot. Kiwook continued to whisper in her ear, “I’m not asking for you to come to me. All I’m asking is for you to not run away from me. I will be patient, so please…”

Hyoyoung’s heart was about to burst. After a brief hesitation, Hyoyoung gently placed her hand on top of his.


Their hug lasted only a short time, but to them, it felt like a lifetime.

When Hyoyoung touched his hand, Kiwook pulled her tighter to him. His lips were so close to her ear that Hyoyoung could feel his every breath.

She whispered to him, “I-I won’t run away, but…”

Kiwook let her go finally and replied, “That’s all I’m asking. That’s enough for me.”

Hyoyoung turned around and found Kiwook’s eyes filled with tears. If he was alone, it was likely that he would’ve cried out loud.

Looking at his reddened eyes, Hyoyoung’s heart ached.

Kiwook grinned and patted her head. He announced casually, “I’m gonna go out first, my lady. Your face is going to give away what happened here and everyone is going to find out.”

When he left, Hyoyoung sighed deeply.


Her legs gave in and she ended up on the floor. She needed time to figure out what had just happened. She asked herself, ‘So… am I now going out with Kiwook Oppa?’

She thought for a second before answering herself, ‘Yes, that’s right. You are now dating Kiwook Oppa.’

Hyoyoung continued to talk to herself silently, ‘If Hyojun Oppa finds out, he is going to lose it, right?’

‘Yup. It’s gonna be a blood fest.’

‘However, my brother… he isn’t really my biological brother. And he likes me. Gosh, I don’t even want to think about it.’

‘But wait a minute! Hyojun Oppa doesn’t know that I know I’m not his biological sister. Man, this is too complicated. At least, he doesn’t know that I know everything, so I guess I don’t have to worry about it at this point… not yet anyway.’

‘By the way, Kiwook Oppa isn’t just a normal guy, is he? He is… Purple M.’

‘GYAA!!! What if we get caught by the paparazzi?? His fans are going to kill me! Actually, Mikyung will kill me first.’

‘Wait a minute! Kiwook Oppa and I live in the same house. This is going to be strange… will it even be possible?’

‘Oh… no… Hyoyoung Ahn… what have you done? Oh, my heart! Do you even know what you’ve done?’

It took over ten minutes for Hyoyoung to organize her thoughts and finally leave the kitchen. When she entered the practice room, there was fast-paced music playing.

The M members were working on their choreography and practicing as they went. The song wasn’t complete, but it was still amazing.

-If I can’t love, it’s only because I’m not with you.

-If this isn’t love, it’s because you don’t exist.

-Yes, to me, you are everything. It has to be you, and only you.

-Please don’t run away from me.

-Please don’t push me away.

-I will be patient.

-I will go to you.

-I will carry this love for you.

Hyoyoung smiled as she listened to the lyrics. She could tell that this was written by Kiwook and suddenly she felt surer of herself. She could finally make sense of everything.

Hyoyoung realized that there was no need for her to figure out anything. She just had to accept the truth.

Accept her feelings.

The music continued and the lyrics sounded like Kiwook’s heart.

Every member of The M looked amazing as they danced. Hyoyoung sat in the back and watched as the guys practiced over and over again. She watched each one of them, but always her eyes ended up on one person.


He also seemed to feel her eyes because from time to time, he would look at the mirror to meet her eyes. He smiled every time their eyes met.

-If you smiled for me, it would mean everything.

-Even if you don’t love me, it’s ok.

-It is still you, and that is all that matters.

-You mean everything to me, and I want you to find the answer in me.

-Please don’t let my hand go.

-Please don’t turn away from me.

-Please come to me and smile for me.

-Let’s do this together.

-This love.

To Hyoyoung, every word sounded like a love confession from Kiwook. She could feel his emotions through the song, and it moved her.

She was so engrossed in the music that she jumped when Jiwoo suddenly appeared in front of her face.

He exclaimed, “Wow, Hyoyoung! You look like you are enjoying our music. Do you like the song?”


When she looked up, she realized that the practice was over, and the members were already dressed and ready to leave. They were standing in front of her, waiting.

“Oh, when did you guys finish…?”

She stood up and Hyojun replied coldly, “It must’ve been a huge treat for you, little girl. Man, I had no idea that my little sister had such a good memory. You were singing along; you practically memorized it all. You were singing so excitedly that we let you be for a few minutes. But you just wouldn’t stop and notice that we have been ready to leave for a while now, so we woke you up from your daydream. Get ready. We’re going home.”

Embarrassed, Hyoyoung quietly packed the dishes and followed the members. Hyojun was already in the car parked nearby, and Kiwook and Hyoyoung were the last ones to leave. Kiwook locked up and asked her as they walked down the stairs,

“Do you like the song?”

He touched her hand gently and Hyoyoung nodded. Then, he tried to take her bags from her.

“Give them to me, Hyoyoung. I can carry them for you.”

“Uhm… it’s ok. I can carry them.”

“You are so very precious to me.”

“Pardon? Oh, ha… hahaha.”

Kiwook took her bags and also her hand. Before she could protest, he kissed the back of her hand and winked. Hyoyoung looked at him in shock, and with a quick laugh, Kiwook continued to walk down as he said to her, “Next time I kiss you, it won’t be on your hand!”

Hyoyoung’s heart was pounding fast and her face was red. She followed him down and towards the car. Kiwook got in first and she was about to get into the van as well when suddenly, someone called out to her from behind.

“Huh? Hyoyoung?”

Jumping in shock, Hyoyoung turned around to find her classmate, Aran.

“Oh, Aran… What are you doing here?”

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