Multiverse Sect System

CH1: Hello Mark

American Flag 200 Zenni from the system shop. He hung it over a gold-plated bald eagle in the center of his dojo. Even if it was expensive, it reminded him of home. That’s what he needed knowing his time was limited. But, with his current strength, there was no hope.


Vergil’s shoes creaked on the wooden floor as he continued decorating his dojo in the iconography of his home country. That meant eagles, flags, and posters of porn stars. In less than two decades, the world would be destroyed. But, unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it with the current state of his sect.


He was a cultivator barely at the peak of the first realm in three categories. That made him kind of powerful, but power in the dragon ball world was graded on a curve. The earth would blow up. That was a fact, and who was to say the world flowed like it was supposed to.


He couldn’t leave his sect until he gained sect elders or branched out to other worlds. He needed 100 sect points to branch out, which could only be gained by sect disciples' accomplishments. That stuck him in the dragon world when Goku left for his journey.


Being stuck in a world where the flick of a tyrant’s finger could obliterate planets didn’t feel good. He could struggle to learn the ki techniques of dragon ball, but he couldn’t begin to learn them without a teacher trapped in his own dojo.


It had already been a week, and no one had come by to check his place out. That was a week of him looking outside his dojo, hoping anyone would show up.


He heard his doorbell ring and turned around to see a skinny teen with an afro, a long face, and the beginnings of a mustache. He was also covered in bruises with a swollen eye.


“Hello, my name is Mark. I read the sign that you teach martial arts. I really want to learn.” Mark said.


This was Mr. Hercule Satan before he ever learned martial arts. If he could rope the guy in as a disciple, he could buy so many golden eagles after the guy became the world champ. Not only that, the guy would practically pour sect points in with his accomplishments.


Vergil raised his hand, and the door behind the man closed and locked. It was time to put on a show.


“What do you want to know? Have you heard that the great Vergil can teach you how to fly?” Vergil said.


He flew up and hovered over three feet off the ground. Mark’s eye widened for a moment before it narrowed. “Are you trying to trick me into wasting my money learning tricks?” Mark asked.


Vergil lightly dropped to the ground. “Tricks are for kids, and you seem to be on your way to manhood, young eaglet,” Vergil said.


Mark reached for the door, but it wouldn’t open.


“Here, take this,” Vergil said.


He handed a steel ingot to the man. Mark held it in his hand and inspected it. “What does this have to do with martial arts?”


Vergil took the steel ingot back and bent it with his bare hands before ripping it in half. “That is simple; once you master what I have to teach you, ripping apart steel and even flight will be within reach. Then, like an eagle, you will soar, and your hands will be like powerful talons capable of ripping even steel apart.” Vergil said.


“I have two questions. Can eagles rip steel apart? Do I have to wear feathers or have a bird motif if I join?” Mark asked.


Vergil thought about throttling the bastard and ripping apart the timeline even more; instead, he breathed and calmed down.


“No, I don’t believe they can, and I’m not wearing them, so I won’t make you do it. Alright, let me be straight with you.” Vergil said.


Mark nodded like he had been waiting for this the whole time. “I need a disciple soon, or this place will go under. So I’m not going to waste your time. If you’re willing, I will give you a crash course in martial arts. I want you to take my teachings, whoop some ass, and tell people where you learned your cool moves. Do you get me?” Vergil said.


“I think I understand. What should I call you?”


“Since you’re my only disciple, sensei will be fine,” Vergil said.


“Do I need to pay you anything for the lessons?” Mark said.


“What are you talking about? I just hired you as my advertising agent? So your compensation is martial arts.” Vergil said.


He thought about tapping the kid’s head and implanting the relevant knowledge. Still, Mark was currently a very fragile and squishy human. In other words, Mark’s brain might dissolve into a puddle and leak through his ears.


“Alright, we’ll start with the basics. Have you ever heard of cultivation?” Vergil asked.


“Like rock gardening,” Mark said.


 “Sort of, but more like cultivating your soul. Follow my instructions, and I’ll see about getting you to the appropriate level. Don’t worry about expensive resources; you must spend money to make money, and what else is a sect for.” Vergil said.


He rummaged through his storage ring and found a cultivation mat he laid down and had Mark sit on. Next, Vergil pulled some void pearls from his storage ring and set them around Mark in a circle. He relayed his instructions while Mark did as he was told, looking completely skeptical.


“Why do I need to do this?” Mark asked.


“You’re going to absorb the power of heaven and earth to cultivate. By reaching the initial stage, you’ll be around 2 times stronger. Follow my instructions, and you’ll grow much more powerful.” Vergil said.


While Mark embarked on the first cultivation step, Vergil looked at his new pop-up.


You’ve Acquired 1 Desciple

Sect Points Awarded 1

Sect Points: 1

Quest Complete Find A student

Quest Reward: 1 skill Die: The Sense

Random Skill Dice: Roll one 20-sided die for a random skill teachable to your sect.


New Quest

Skills On Display

Acquire 10 students in a month

Reward: 2 skill die The Fist, 1 Skill die The Sword


Vergil pulled the sense die out of his storage ring and thought about it. Mark was his flagship, so teaching the guy as many skills as possible would make sense.


He rolled the die.


It fell on 13, and a new skill book appeared. On the cover, it said Overservation Haki for dummies. On the cover, it showed a stick man hitting a blindfolded stickman with a baseball bat.


After giving it an initial read-through, he understood it on a level most people couldn’t reach with a casual read-through. Mind, body, and ki cultivation were advantageous even in the lower realms.


He had to treat Mark to sensory deprivation training and attack him with a stick until mark started dodging. That could wait; he didn’t want to scare the guy off so soon after gaining him as a disciple.


“Sensei, what’s the name of our sect,” Mark asked.


He didn’t want to go too far off the timeline. “We are the Satan Sect. As the first disciple of the sect, you could call yourself Mr. Satan.” Vergil said.


After 6 hours of off-and-on meditation, Mark finally broke through into the initial stage of the prenatal realm. After sensing Mark’s power, Vergil had to admit Mark was abysmal. Void Pearls were a none renewable resource and each increased ki cultivation speed by 25%. He had used 20 on Mark. While Vergil had thousands of pearls, each one lost was one he would never get back.


On the bright side, Mark was twice as strong. In 6 hours, he doubled his strength, and that was without taking body or mind cultivation into account. Mark might be able to train under master roshi and gain a power level on top of his cultivation. That meant whatever power level mark held, he could hit double it. Unless Vergil was completely wrong in his assumption, and it worked entirely differently.


Vergil was still trapped in a dojo with no elders to watch the sect. He couldn’t even expand or move the sect in his current stage of poverty. In addition, the small 50 by 50m room was giving him cabin fever. While yes, it seemed big to a normal human as someone who could cross 50m in the blink of an eye, the room was quite small.


The first chance he got, Vergil was moving his sect to a mountain. He needed more disciples. Mark needed to leave to get more people and turn this situation around.


“Do you feel stronger?” Vergil asked.


“Yes, it's incredible, Sensei. In 6 hours, I’ve done what would have taken months of hard work. Is this really martial arts?” Mark asked.


“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you go and kick the asses of those guys who beat you up and brag about my dojo. If you can get 10 people to join, I have two other cultivation techniques you could learn. How would you like to have 8 times your original strength.” Vergil said.


Mark looked around and then back at Vergil. “Do you have business cards, sensei?” Mark asked.


No, he didn’t, but suddenly, he wanted them.

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