Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 920-929

Chapter 920: Complexities

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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Many media outlets wanted to interview Xinghe due to her sudden appointment as Hwa Xia’s ambassador. She also wanted to make a statement as soon as possible to put a lid on the increasingly worrying diplomatic issues.

Tong Liang was shocked when she heard Xinghe had been appointed as the new ambassador. How come she had not heard anything about it earlier?

Xinghe was suddenly appointed, rushed through voting, and assumed office.

Tong Liang had always thought Xinghe was someone she had to be careful around. She might be in her twenties but the brilliance in her pair of eyes seemed to be sharper than elders who had seen the world. Every time she came up against her, Tong Liang would subconsciously become guarded.

Now that Xinghe had suddenly been appointed Hwa Xia’s ambassador to oversee this incident, Tong Liang had a sneaking feeling something was amiss. Her instincts told her she had to be a lot more careful around Xia Xinghe, their target…

Tong Liang called an unknown number to report all these happenings.

The news that Xinghe wanted to call a press conference was soon spread across the country. The foreign media stationed in City A had all received a notice and invitation.

The congress hall was filled to the brim with reporters well before the allotted time. The large hall was squeezed with people. Every reporter was curious about this woman who had managed to save the world and had suddenly become Hwa Xia’s ambassador.

This was going to be the first time they had interviewed her, so they’d prepared many questions. However, some of the questions were miles harder than others.

Xinghe was busy preparing backstage with the aid of her fellow ambassadors and secretary. They were giving her last-minute lessons on how to speak, how to face the media, so on and so forth…

They were worried about her because she had no experience in foreign affairs. They wished they could transplant their knowledge into Xinghe’s brain or at least replace her to host this conference. Xinghe understood and appreciated their kindness, so she stood and listened quietly.

Ali and Sam, who were acting as Xinghe’s bodyguards, thought these people had grossly underestimated Xinghe. This was a woman who had saved the world before, so why would she be afraid of a small press conference?

However, Xinghe was humble and was willing to learn from others more experienced than her.

Soon, Tong Liang also arrived at the scene. As United Nations’ vice secretary, her schedule was packed; she had a hand in almost everything. However, that was only in name due to respect for the United Nations; she actually had no power in anything.

Other than Xinghe’s group, who knew about Tong Liang’s dirty laundry, the impression others had of her was a professional woman who loved peace and her country. They welcomed her warmly when they saw her.

Tong Liang had always upheld a graceful and proper image. Her face was never without a smile, giving off the feeling of kindness and friendliness.

She used her position as a senior to chat with Xinghe. “Miss Xia, I was surprised you suddenly assumed a position at Hwa Xia’s embassy. This news is so sudden and unbelievable, so much so that I had not heard any news about it before this.”

Tong Liang’s words were calm and natural, but Xinghe knew Tong Liang was feeling her out and was snidely commenting on the possibility of an inside story behind her sudden appointment.

Xinghe replied with a smile, “Desperate times call for desperate measures. Miss Tong is busy with the work from the United Nations, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Miss Tong missed the news.”

—————–⸮ ゚Ꮂ ゚?————-

Chapter 921: Laughing Stock

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

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Xinghe was a master in the art of speech as well. She too was snidely commenting on Tong Liang’s proclivity to stick her hands into business that did not concern her.

Tong Liang brushed off the sarcasm and smiled. “As Miss Xia said, desperate times call for desperate measures. However, you are completely inexperienced at this job, so you have to be careful lest you bring shame to our country.”

“I had no idea Miss Tong loves our country so much, that is surprising,” Xinghe said with a light smile, but Tong Liang’s face shifted.

“Xia Xinghe, what do you mean by that? What’s so surprising about my love for this country?” Tong Liang demanded in a voice loud enough for the both of them.

Xinghe ignored her and turned to address others. “The time is almost upon us, we can go out now.”

“Okay. Little Xia, I will sit beside you, so don’t worry, you can leave the questions that are too hard to me,” the eldest Ambassador Zhou told her kindly.

“Thank you, senior Zhou,” Xinghe said with appreciation before they moved outside. She had completely ignored Tong Liang’s presence. Tong Liang laughed coldly to herself before moving to catch up to them.

She wanted to see for herself how Xinghe juggled that many reporters. She was ready to see Xinghe make a fool of herself!

As the group of ambassadors came out, numerous reporters seemed to wake up from their slumber as the cameras pointed at them. To be more accurate, all the cameras pointed at Xinghe. She was the main character, the one with all the newsworthiness.

However, Xinghe was not responsible for the opening speech, she left that to Ambassador Zhou. She was only going to speak during the press Q&A.

After they were all seated, Ambassador Zhou started his speech. He first thanked the attendance of everyone there before launching into the topic of the virus outbreak. He ended with Xinghe’s appointment and how she was appointed to smooth over international relations that had gotten rocky recently.

“I know you all are surprised by Miss Xia’s sudden appointment and have many questions for her. The floor is open now and you can ask her any question you like, and she will represent Hwa Xia to answer some important questions.” The moment Ambassador Zhou said that, almost the whole room of reporters raised their hands.

The reporters had media tags before them and were seated according to their affiliation. The area was clearly marked, showing clearly which country they were representing. Xinghe had a clear view of this from her seat.

If she was clever, she would avoid questions from Country W and Country C’s reporters. These two countries were hounding after Hwa Xia recently and thus their questions would be incredibly sharp.

However, Xinghe’s first choice was a reporter from Country W. When she extended her hand to point at the reporter, everyone was shocked. Isn’t she afraid this will make things difficult for her?

The reporter stood up excitedly and purposely posed the question in Country W’s language. “Miss Xia, I wish to know whether this virus outbreak is related to you and your country or not? After all, it is because of your academic competition that this tragedy happened. Therefore, has it not crossed your mind that it is because of you and the fact that you have harmed so many innocent people that Hwa Xia’s relationship with other countries has become so precarious?”

The question was indeed sharp! He was basically openly slandering Xinghe.

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Chapter 922: Wonderful Answer

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Country W’s reporter went after Xinghe so harshly when she had only just been appointed; this was way too fishy. Ambassador Zhou and the rest all frowned unconsciously. Smugness flashed across Tong Liang’s eyes.

This Xia Xinghe really thinks being an ambassador is so easy? She will soon find out this identity will not only not bring her any benefits but will also smear her name. An ambassador’s image is related to a country’s image. If Xinghe answers this question unsatisfactorily, she will make a fool of herself and the entirety of Hwa Xia.

The reporter’s question was unusually caustic and was purposely designed to trip Xinghe who had no prior experience in this field. He wanted to shame Hwa Xia.

Tong Liang was satisfied and excited as she waited for Xinghe’s reply. Before the translator did her work, Xinghe answered directly in Country W’s language with a perfect accent, “Thank you for the question. This virus outbreak did happen during the academic competition held by my academy, and I am deeply shocked, sorry, and saddened by it. Saddened because the sudden outbreak has taken so many lives and has brought so much pain to the citizens of this country and friends from other countries.

“I felt deeply disappointed with myself because I was unable to give them any relief from the illness’ torment. Therefore, the reason I accepted this ambassador’s role is because I wish to step out to tell everyone that, while Hwa Xia and myself personally are saddened by this development, we will also do our best to fight this illness with everything we’ve got.

“I understand your anger and disappointment toward us, so I promise we will not give up on any patients, no matter their nationality, we will not give up on them. We will do everything to save them!

“Therefore, no matter how bad the international relationship and diplomatic situations have become due to misunderstandings or reproach, it will not extinguish our desire to combat this tragedy or our faith to save every patient. Tragedies are everywhere and can strike at any moment. Be it now or in the future, for the sake of world peace, we will only make the correct decision. That is my answer to your question, thank you.”

Xinghe’s calm and collected answer ended in a standstill that lasted for a second before the hall exploded in thunderous applaud. Her answer was wonderful. She did not avoid Country W’s reporter’s question.

She answered his question but not directly. However, she did manage to state Hwa Xia’s standpoint and determination.

She told them that tragedies were everywhere, thus extricating Hwa Xia from the cause-and-effect of the virus outbreak. However, this did not mean that Hwa Xia would not take responsibility because she also promised to value all the patient’s lives.

At the same time, she brought up the possibility of a broken international relationship was due to misunderstandings. Even so, Hwa Xia would maintain its standpoint which was to make the correct decision. They would not abandon any patient due to their nationality and would do anything to save their lives.

She managed to build a peace-loving positive image for Hwa Xia, and this in return, lowered the image of those countries who had been trying to slander Hwa Xia’s name recently.

In any case, Xinghe’s short speech seemed to have solved all the problems facing the country. It also deterred the rest of reporters from asking other sensitive questions like that anymore.


Chapter 923: Raise Your Hands

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

This was because asking those questions would bring to light their pointed hostility against Hwa Xia. That would not put their country in a good light on the world stage.

To everyone’s surprise, Xinghe’s answer was so ironclad and had managed to resolve so many issues at once. The reporters were baffled as thousands of camera lights kept flashing at her.

Ambassador Zhou and his team were shocked before it changed to happiness and pride. Xinghe’s answer flawlessly spoken in Country W’s language was perfect. Ambassador Zhou understood then why Xinghe’s appointment had come so suddenly and without notice. She was an incredible woman with limitless charm.

In the room, another woman was not feeling so well. Even though Tong Liang was clapping, internally, her heart was a mixture of shock and gloom. Xinghe’s response was beyond her expectations; this woman was truly something else! Looks like it is impossible for her to be tripped up by any of the questions today. It will not be easy to smear Hwa Xia’s name.

Tong Liang was proven correct. Xinghe answered a series of questions from the reporters, and she purposely chose the question from all different countries.

Country C and Country L seemed to be rather hostile against her. Their reporters used their own language to pose their questions, which were rather pointed. However, Xinghe managed to use Country C and Country L’s language to deflect their questions. She was proficient in so many foreign languages!

Not only that, her answers were perfection, and from the beginning, she had maintained her composure; her presence alone was enough to impress many, and that was before taking into account her captivating verbal dance with the reporters.

It wasn’t until a reporter asked her a question that her image managed to impress everyone present and all throughout the world.

“Miss Xia, you have been appointed the ambassador at such a young age and it happened so suddenly. I have to respectfully ask whether there is a hidden transaction that we do not know about? Do you have confidence that you can convince everyone to work with you?” The reporter voiced a suspicion that was on everyone’s mind. It was normal to have doubts about Xinghe, a woman who had been appointed to such an influential position so suddenly.

Other than those who knew her personally, others would have their doubts. Therefore, when this question was posed, the media remained silent, waiting for her answer. The citizens watching this over the world in front of the screen also waited with bated breath. They also wanted to see how Xinghe managed to answer this sensitive and pointed question.

The question had a semblance of truth to it; her appointment had certainly been sudden, and she was indeed young.

Ambassador Zhou was about to intervene when Xinghe asked everyone there in a clear voice, “I ask, who here has suspicions about my ability? Please raise your hands!”

The people there were shocked. No one dared raise their hand.

Xinghe turned to the reporter and smiled. “I have answered your question. Thank you.”

Thunderous applause exploded again. The viewers in front of the television joined in, especially those from Hwa Xia; they all cheered her on. Xinghe’s answer was beautiful, powerful, and impressive!

She had solved a world crisis, was the best computer scientist the world had ever seen, and had handled this press conference with a surfeit of grace and tact.

Who dared doubt her? Who dared to insinuate that she was a talentless woman who only relied on her looks to get her position?


Chapter 924: Won Over the Whole World

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

There was no woman or man more capable than Xinghe in the world. No one could challenge her acceptance of the post. Her young age and inexperience did not detract from her ability.

From that moment onwards, no one dared to question her anymore. Her brilliant performance that day had dominated and won over the whole world…

The applause continued for a long time, and Tong Liang had a hard time suppressing the envy and viciousness in her eyes. She had taken so long and wasted so much energy only to garner the support of part of Hwa Xia’s people, but Xinghe had used only one press conference to win over the whole world.

This unappealing comparison caused great fear in her heart. However, no matter how hard she hated this, she had to present a congratulatory and happy face to the world; she had to act happy for Xinghe because it was her responsibility as Hwa Xia’s citizen to do so.

The press conference soon drew to a close. Before the applause ended, Xinghe stood up slowly and used Hwa Xia’s language to announce grandly, “Everyone, before the conference comes to a close, I wish to inform you of some good news. This virus outbreak has been taken care of! Our doctors have successfully researched the cure; this tragedy is over! We have won!”

What‽ Everyone was still in shock. Tong Liang was the most surprised. What is Xia Xinghe talking about?

“Has it really been taken care of?”

“The cure has been found?”

Numerous reporters stormed forward and pressed their microphones before her. Xinghe answered calmly, “Yes, congratulations because we have defeated the virus.”

“How did you know that?”

“When did this happen…”

Finally, the focus of the reporters shifted away from her and to the virus and its cure. Xinghe answered every question patiently. She was surrounded by the reporters, the flashing cameras lighting her up like diamond. The whole world was watching her because she was like an alluring treasure attracting their attention.

Tianxin and others in jail stared at her on screen and felt a curious pain stabbing at their hearts. They were not envious of Xinghe’s glory and glow because they felt, for some reason, that they had lost even the qualification to hate her…

She had moved beyond their realm into a world where they could not touch her. They had lost even the qualification to hate her. This contrast angered them deeply, but at the same time, brought them a heavy sense of helplessness.

Saohuang, though, had a different opinion in mind. He stared intensely at Xinghe on the screen, and there was something boiling in his dark, bottomless eyes. There was something that wanted to escape from his chest.

At that moment, he desperately wanted to leave his cage, but he knew the time was not yet ripe. One day, he would be out there; he had to be out there. Saohuang continued staring at Xinghe inside the television, and his lips curved into a sinful smile…

In the secret that kept He Lan Yuan locked up, a man asked him in a wicked tone, “She has her own unique charm, wouldn’t you agree?”

Staring at Xinghe on the television, the emotions at the bottom of He Lan Yuan’s eyes were inscrutably complicated; there seemed to be heavy doses of both resentment and nostalgia.

He saw a lot of Xia Wa in Xinghe, but at the same time, he was reminded of the fact Xinghe was the biggest mistake in Xia Wa’s perfect life!

Chapter 925: That Drop of Sweat

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Her existence made him feel so dirty. She had no right to exist as Xia Wa’s daughter…

“Don’t forget my condition, I need her dead,” He Lan Yuan announced coldly.

The man smiled thinly. “Naturally, we have not forgotten our contract.”

“Then, make it quick, I can’t stand knowing she is still alive.” He Lan Yuan’s speech turned icier. He really could not wait for Xinghe to die because her existence was a direct humiliation to him!

The conference was finally over. When they returned backstage, everyone came to praise and congratulate Xinghe. Her performance that day had simply been gorgeous. Tong Liang had no choice but to follow suit. “Miss Xia, congratulations, you did a wonderful job out there.”

“This is just a start,” Xinghe stared at her and commented. Her answer was confusing. Before Tong Liang could understand what she meant, Xinghe left. Watching her retreating back, for some reason, Tong Liang felt anxiety cropped up within her.

However, she was going to achieve her greatest dream soon, when that happened, Xia Xinghe would have to bow to her no matter how powerful she was!

Tong Liang could not help smiling smugly, thinking about how close she was to achieving her dream. However, her smile quickly turned into a frown when she remembered the virus had been cured. This was different from planned; it should not have been cured so soon.

Tong Liang soon left the scene, rushing to come up with a solution.

After Xinghe’s group left the conference, they charged toward the hospital. Lu Qi had created the cure, but she needed to know whether Mubai had been given the vaccine or not.

Along the way, Sam and the rest kept heaping on praises, but Xinghe only nodded non-committedly; she just wanted to reach the hospital. When they did arrive, Xinghe practically leaped out of the car to find Mubai. Before she reached his room, she saw Lu Qi.

Lu Qi seemed to read her mind and said with a giant smile, “He has mostly recovered, go on in, he’s inside.”

“Thank you so much,” Xinghe thanked him seriously.

Lu Qi was dead tired, but his smile was as bright as ever. “I should thank you, without you, we would not have been able to create the cure.”

“But without you, the cure would not have been created so soon,” Xinghe said before she rushed into the sickbay.

The moment she pushed open the door, she was greatly assaulted on her sense of sight and smell!

The air was suffused with the smell of disinfectant; it stung her nose. Mubai stood beside the bed and was facing away from her as he disrobed. He folded the white hospital gown carefully, exposing his golden brown, powerful back.

A drop of sweat trickled down following the contours of his back muscles; the view was curiously sexual like there was a heavy hint of testosterone in the air. Xinghe’s sight was fully captured by that one drop of sweat.

She stopped in her motion and froze on the spot. Mubai turned around from the sound of the door opening. The sight of her set his dark eyes ablaze with passion. Xinghe met his gaze, and her mind seemed to overload from multiple stimuli…

When she recovered, she was already in the shadow of the tall, handsome man. Even though Xinghe was not short, Mubai was taller than her; he was at least one head taller than she was.

The man lowered his head and leaned in; the scent of his sweat permeated her surroundings, and to Xinghe’s surprise, she found herself liking the smell!

—————–̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿————-

Chapter 926: I’ve Missed You

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

She stared at him and asked, “How are you feeling?”

Mubai smirked. “I’m fine now, sorry for making you worry.”

“It’s nothing, as long as you’re fine.” Xinghe smiled. Her smile was like flowers breaking through the first frost in spring. Mubai’s eyes suddenly darkened. He extended his tapered fingers to lightly pinch her chin and lifted it up. The next second, he went in to kiss and lick her neck…

Xinghe’s pupils shuddered!

Her neck was her sensitive spot; she felt lost and anxious as he rained down kisses on her skin there. Mubai seemed to sense her anxiety because he suddenly stopped and pulled her in for a hug. Embraced in his powerful arms, Xinghe finally felt her feet landing on solid ground again.

“I’ve missed you these past few days,” Mubai breathed out as he buried his face into her neck. Xinghe could feel his warm breath tickling her.

Xinghe hugged him in return and said, “I’ve missed you, too.”

“I really really missed you,” Mubai confessed in a low mumble. “I could barely feel the physical pain because my heart was empty. Without you beside me, it felt like my heart was emptied, like it was no longer mine.”

Xinghe’s eyes glistened; this was the first time Mubai had exposed his fragile and emotional self to her.

Mubai suddenly released her and asked as he stared into her eyes, “Xinghe, what do you want?”


Mubai’s gaze deepened. “Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you.”

Xinghe laughed in spite of everything. “I already have more than enough.”

“I heard you have been appointed the new ambassador. I saw you appear on television earlier,” Mubai commented. Xinghe noticed there was indeed a television in the room.

Xinghe nodded. “Yes, I was just appointed today. The aim is to unearth this conspiracy.”

Mubai smiled wickedly. “I know you are perfect for this post; you have impressed everyone. What happened when I was out? Tell me everything.”

“Okay, but we can do that later. Go pack your things first.” Xinghe had also learnt how to discuss conditions with him.

Mubai kissed her lightly on her forehead and said in a pampered voice, “Your wish is my command.”

Xinghe knew he had been avoiding kissing her on the lips because he was afraid to pass the virus to her, but he had been cured and she did not mind it.

Just as Mubai turned, Xinghe suddenly pulled his arm. The man turned around in confusion as Xinghe’s soft lips came up to him. Mubai did not evade and stared with his pupils greatly dilating as the woman of his dreams came forward to kiss him on his lips—

Xinghe retreated after a short peck and said as naturally as she could, “Go freshen up, I will wait…”

She could not finish because her mouth was already otherwise occupied!

Everyone was glad that Mubai was feeling better. After a shower and a new suit, he looked ready take on the world; he had to return to the image of the king dominating the business world.

Sam and the rest had not seen him for days as well. Suddenly seeing him again, they were shocked to realize they’d actually missed him… that awareness made the hair on their arms rise.

Along the way home, the few of them kept him updated on the things that had happened recently.

Mubai’s gaze hardened and he said, “In other words, some party is cooking a giant conspiracy?”

Xinghe was surprised he would come to this conclusion with just a few details given by Sam and the rest.

—————–̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿————-

Chapter 927: Earth Shattering Conspiracy

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

She had not spoken a word to Sam and the rest about the conspiracy.

“What conspiracy?” Sam and the rest looked at him with shock. Even though they’d already suspected there was something big at work, it was obvious the conspiracy Mubai had in mind was different than theirs.

Mubai did not answer them directly but turned Xinghe to confirm, “Am I right?”

Xinghe nodded. “Yes, if I’m not mistaken, someone is cooking a giant conspiracy.”

“Xinghe, what is this conspiracy?” Ali asked.

Xinghe turned toward them and announced seriously, “Someone is trying to ruin Hwa Xia.”

“What‽” The few of them widened their eyes in shock. Someone was planning to ruin… Hwa Xia. Hwa Xia currently held an important position on the world stage. It had witnessed a meteoric rise in the recent years, causing many other counties to be envious and cautious about it, but they did not think that people would be audacious and crazy enough to want to ruin Hwa Xia.

It was Mubai as had said, a real conspiracy. Then again, even an Earth-threatening crisis had occurred, what else was impossible?

Sam and the rest did not think Xinghe was pulling their leg. They processed the truth quickly and they believed Xinghe was right.

The virus had plenty to do with Shi Jian and the guys. They were taken away by the United Nations, but this meant that this virus was related to United Nations; this went to prove that certain countries really harbored mal-intention toward Hwa Xia.

Without the cure, the virus could wipe out half of the country, and with the country heavily wounded, any country could come to deal the fatal blow. Therefore, Hwa Xia’s collapse was not entirely impossible…

The more they thought about it, the more worried Sam and the rest became.

“But who wants to come after Hwa Xia?” The answer came to him as soon as the question left his mouth. “It’s Country W and Country C, isn’t it?”

These two countries’ hostility toward Xinghe at the conference was much too obvious.

Xinghe nodded. “Definitely them, but there might be other countries as well.”

“This is horrible. How can they do this after the world just survived a crisis? Humanity should be united, not fighting like this!” Ali said indignantly.

“We have to inform them of the truth,” Cairn reminded everything.

“The top officials already know,” Xinghe said which brought plenty of relief to everything. Xinghe quickly added, “Keep this information to yourself, we don’t want to alert our enemies.”

“Okay, don’t worry, we will keep this highly confidential,” all of them promised solemnly, and Xinghe trusted them.

After returning to the Hills Residence, Mubai continued with the conversation with Xinghe alone. Mubai did not expect Xinghe to stumble across such a hidden conspiracy while he was down with the sickness for a few days. Hwa Xia was at the brink of destruction, and as a citizen of the country, Mubai felt responsible.

After knowing the truth, none of them could stay their hands. After all, if the country fell, they would all suffer a huge blow.

“What did the top officials say?” Mubai asked her darkly.

Xinghe answered mildly, “At least they did not think my warning was unfounded. Security has been heightened and investigations are being conducted in the dark. They also asked for my help since I am familiar with Shi Jian’s group and have solved a world crisis.”

“But they must have planned more than this if they want to destroy Hwa Xia,” Mubai analyzed, “I don’t think they are capable of swallowing us with just one virus outbreak.”

Xinghe nodded. “I think so, too. Therefore, they must have something else lined up.”

“We have to be careful around the Tong family.” Mubai narrowed his eyes. “It is obvious that Tong Liang is colluding with them, but this also means that if we want to know more about their sinister plan, we can use the Tong family as the opening.”

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Chapter 928: Assassinated

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe agreed with him. “Yes, we can only focus on the Tong family and see what they are up to.”

“The Tong family is not as simple as you might imagine; they keep a low profile, but they’re actually very influential. Plus, they have been close to the center of power for many years. They are familiar with the President’s physical condition, or else they would not have come after him this time,” Mubai reminded her.

Xinghe’s eyes shuddered. “Harming the President is part of their plan?”

“They are probably planning something bigger than that,” Mubai said coldly. “I suspect their ambitions are similar to the Lin family’s.”

Xinghe was startled. The Lin family’s ambitions were to take the president’s place; it looked like the Tong family was planning to do the same.

“It’s Tong Liang!” Comprehension dawned on Xinghe suddenly. “She wants that seat! No wonder she has been doing all that ostentatious charity work.”

Mubai smirked coldly. “To think that this woman, for the sake of achieving her own selfish goal, is willing to sell out her own country. If Hwa Xia falls into that woman’s hands, it really will be over.”

“They must be planning to help Tong Liang gain the post and then make use of her by controlling her. After all, Hwa Xia is not a country small enough for them to consume directly. However, if they have a puppet president, they can suck it dry from within. This should their plan; they want to have full control over Hwa Xia.” Xinghe managed to piece the other party’s plan together just like that.

Mubai stared at her in admiration. “It has to be. Then this tragedy is probably more daunting than the one before.”

Earlier, when He Lan Yuan was threatening the world, at least the world was on their side, but this time, their enemy was the rest of the world. In other words, they were being attacked on all sides; their situation was definitely not optimistic. Xinghe’s eyes darkened. For some reason, boiling hot anger surged through her.

“Humanity just survived a crisis, but instead of figuring out a way to cooperate and be strong as a whole, it happens again; in the blink of an eye, they are now using He Lan Yuan to come at us! This kind of heartless scum, we mustn’t let them succeed.”

Mubai was worried about something else. “The virus outbreak was resolved way earlier than they expected, and it barely caused this country any damage. This must have disturbed their plan, and I suspect they will make another move soon.”

The moment Mubai said that, both of their phones suddenly rang. This phone call seemed to be an omen of worse things to come. Instantly, they felt assaulted by a great feeling of dread. Xinghe and Mubai shared a look with each other and accepted the call at the same time.

Soon, their faces shifted!

An attempt had been made on the President’s life, and his situation was critical!

Both of them sprang up from their seats due to the shock value of the news.

“Go to the hospital now!” Xinghe and Mubai exclaimed in unison. No matter how they tried to put themselves in their opponent’s shoes, they would not have thought that the other nations would attempt to assassinate the President.

The news was so shocking and sudden that even Xinghe and Mubai found themselves unable to maintain their composure. They rushed the hospital, and along the way, they saw police cars and armored cars filling the streets.

The hospital was filled to the brim with soldiers, and barricades were set up almost everywhere.

Xinghe’s group needed to pass through many investigations and inspections. However, due to Xinghe’s unique identity, they were eventually allowed access. Normal citizens weren’t allowed to be even near the hospital.

The whole of City A was in panic. No one knew for certain what had happened, but they knew it had to have been something huge.

Chapter 929: Tong Liang’s Father

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

It took quite some time for Xinghe’s group to reach the hospital. However, the security at the hospital was even tighter. Almost no one was allowed entry, not even the most important people.

A military general stood guarding the hospital entrance; his unit was armed with guns, and they looked ready to shoot. Those who got near, whoever that might be, would be scanned from head to toe by their sharp gazes. Even after Xinghe notified them of her purpose and identity, she was shown the door.

“I am sorry, but no one is allowed entry for now! No matter who you are, you cannot enter unless you have the senior officer’s permission,” the general said in a voice that brooked no argument.

“Who is your senior officer?” Xinghe asked.

“Officer Tong Tianrong!”

Tong Liang’s father‽ Xinghe and Mubai looked at each other with shock and they saw the alert at the bottom of their eyes. How come it was Tong Liang’s father who had come to oversee Mr. President’s accident?

It might be a coincidence, but they had to be careful. Xinghe did not insist on barging in but moved away to give Elder Shen a call.

Elder Shen had arrived before them and was already inside. After receiving Xinghe’s call, he requested that Tianrong allow them entry. To their surprise, Tianrong personally came out to fetch them. In his sharp military outfit and powerful gait, Xinghe and Mubai’s first impression of this man with greying hair was that he was not a simple character. Then again, how could someone who wanted to vie for the president’s seat be someone simple?

When he got near, the eyes that regarded them were cautionary and probing. “So, it is Miss Xia and Mr. Xi. Come with me, but only the two of you and no one else. You two will still need to undergo careful inspection,” Tianrong said rather rudely.

Xinghe and Mubai had no issue with that and cooperated fully with their inspection. Then, they followed Tianrong into the elevator.

In the elevator, Xinghe asked him mildly, “Officer Tong, what happened? Why would Mr. President suddenly be attacked?”

Tianrong scanned her sharply before answering in his rude tone, “We are still investigating this, and I am not allowed to reveal any information.”

“How is Mr. President’s condition?” Xinghe switched to another question.

“The doctors are still trying to save him, but no one knows how he is holding up.”

This Tong Tianrong was too much. There was a conceit in his character that went beyond being official. Furthermore, he was too quick to the scene after the attack on the President, so it was hard not to suspect him.

Then again, Xinghe and Mubai had already suspected the Tong family, so everything they did seemed suspicious. However, they did not act on their suspicions and did not pose any more question.

Soon, they arrived at the surgery room and saw Madam President, Elder Shen, and other important characters outside of it. Most importantly, Tong Liang was also there. A shadowy glow flashed across Xinghe’s eyes when she laid her eyes on her.

“Grandpa, what happened?” Xinghe asked Elder Shen. There was obvious sadness and worry in Elder Shen’s demeanor, but he was still holding strong.

He sighed and explained, “We are also quite confused for now. A doctor suddenly came after the President; he wanted to use his surgical scalpel to kill the President. The doctor has been detained, but the President’s life is in danger; they are trying to save him now.”

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