Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“how is this possible!”

Feng Si got out of the car in a hurry, looking in disbelief at the dark cloud-covered and gloomy Shenshuiwa police station.

“It’s a big scene.”

Li Xu drew out the double guns with silver bullets on his waist, and lit a cigarette for himself by the way.

“Axu, be careful.”

Feng Si looked solemnly, and walked into the police station first with a bronze mirror in his hand.

“Keep this sentence to yourself.”

Li Xu curled his lips and walked in front of Feng Si.


As soon as the two came in, the gate of the police station was slammed shut, and it was pitch black inside.

Only the tumbling Yin Qi remained, constantly scrolling through the documents on the desktop.

“Pretending to be a ghost.”

Li Xu raised his gun and fired several shots towards the roof.

The silver bullet exploded with bright and holy light, illuminating the entire police station.

There were faint screams and ghost howls in the air, and the lights were turned on again.

“You are finally here.”

Michiko was wearing a kimono, and she came out gracefully.

At this time, the injuries on her face had recovered as before, but her face was too pale, as if it was a painted human skin.

“The proprietress is still so pretty.”

Li Xu had a familiar tone, as if he wasn’t the one who smashed Michiko’s face with a shotgun.

“If you want, I can draw a picture for you later.”

Michiko’s eyes were gloomy, but her smile was charming and seductive. Matching her pale complexion, it made people shudder.

“I don’t need it.”

“Such a handsome face, I guess you can’t draw it.”

Li Xu raised his two guns and pulled the trigger brazenly.


The silver bullet drilled out of the gun barrel with a terrifying initial velocity, and quickly attacked Michiko.

Michiko remained indifferent, with a coquettish smile on her face.

Just when the silver bullet was about to hit Michiko, a black shadow stood in front of her.


The holy white light lit up.

A burnt black air emanated from Soi Ying’s body.

“Miyake, kill them.”

Michiko took a few steps back and ordered.

The zombie transformed by Chief Miyake howled in the sky, showing four sharp fangs, and flew towards Li Xu.

“Axu, back away.”

Feng Si took a step forward and raised the bronze mirror to look at the zombie.

The densely packed charms in the bronze mirror lit up, illuminating a bright yellow light.


The zombie flew to the side, raising its cloak to block the yellow light.

“It’s not like that.”

Li Xu pouted, took out the shotgun and pointed it at it.


Roaring flames flew out. .

Chapter 44

Just when the flame is about to hit the zombie.

The indoor table suddenly flew up, blocking it.

With a loud bang, the wooden table exploded.

The zombie came out of it, and its sharp black nails scratched Li Xu’s neck.

“Zombies with supernatural powers are wearing vampire-style clothes. What kind of strange mix-and-match is this?” Li Xu complained speechlessly, kicking the zombies away.

“Do you think that’s all?”

Michiko smiled coldly, and shouted sharply: “Red Copper, destroy the seal and release the resentful soul inside.”


At the seal inside the police station, Red Copper hesitated for a while before breaking the seal.


The entire police station trembled slightly.

The three thousand resentful souls in the ghost domain rushed out and swallowed the red copper outside.

“The ghost domain transformed from the land of absolute darkness…”

Feng Si holds a bronze mirror in his hand to protect himself and Li Xu, his eyes are extremely solemn.

“Spirit Devouring Formation, start.”

Michiko turned a chrysanthemum slightly in her hand.

The petals are scattered in the air and slowly blend into the ground.

The dazzling red light suddenly lit up.

The resentful souls who were running around in the police station froze for a moment, and then rushed towards the zombie transformed by Miyake Miyake.

Ho ho!

Zombies float in mid-air, allowing countless resentful souls to crawl in.

The picture is horrifying and terrifying.

“what’s the situation?”

Li Xu frowned, and took out the bazooka from the storage space.

He is not one of those naive protagonists who will wait for the big villain to evolve, and then get beaten up miserably.


The shell hit directly.

However, an invisible shield formed around the zombie, firmly protecting it.

“Ah Xu, this formation is connected to the entire Ghost Domain, so it’s useless to attack now.”

Feng Si frowned.

“Then deal with her first.”

Li Xu pointed his gun at Michiko.


The smile on Michiko’s face leaked out, and she inserted her right hand straight into her chest, digging out the still beating heart.

“You will definitely die here today.”

Michiko smiled strangely, and gradually squeezed her heart into pieces with her hands.

The pitch-black blood spilled on the ground, congealing into a strange black chrysanthemum.

The red light in the police station suddenly became a hundred times brighter than before.

A phantom jumped out of Michiko’s body, and rushed straight into the eyebrows of the zombie transformed by Miyake Miyake.

“No, she wants to use the corpse to revive her soul.”

Feng Si reacted abruptly, and raised the bronze mirror to the air.

It’s a pity that it’s still a step late.

The zombie slowly fell from the air, with a horrible smile on his stiff face: “I said, you will all die here.”

This voice was obviously Michiko.

“I vomited.”

Li Xu shivered.

A zombie with a big beard, but what he said was a charming female voice, he couldn’t bear to look directly at it, like a flower is still like a flower.

“you wanna die!”

The zombie moved like the wind, with both hands straight towards Li Xu, the speed was more than ten times faster than before.

Li Xu dodged it sideways, and took advantage of the situation with a high whip.

But this time the zombie didn’t move at all.

“It’s kind of tricky.”

Li Xu leaped into the air with the help of reaction force, and pressed his knees against the zombie’s shoulders, crushing him to the ground.

“Uncle Feng, let’s go together.”

Taking advantage of Feng Si’s suppression with the bronze mirror, Li Xu stuffed the shotgun into the zombie’s mouth.



The thunderous roar resounded uninterruptedly.

When Li Xu emptied the last explosive bomb.

The upper body of the zombie almost disappeared, and a large charred pit appeared on the ground.

“Should be dead by now.”

Li Xu let out a breath.

But the next moment, the flesh and blood of the zombies on the ground began to squirm, and in an instant they returned to their original state.

“No way.”

Li Xu changed a shotgun from the storage space, then turned to ask the professionals: “Uncle Feng, what’s going on?”

“It can continue to recover with the help of the yin energy in the ghost domain.”

“We lured it out to fight.”

Feng Si held the bronze mirror in his hand, and his breathing was a little cramped.

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of zombie who is almost becoming the zombie king, and it is a bit difficult to deal with it.

“I don’t think it looks that stupid.”

Li Xu frowned, and shot the rushing zombie away.

The strength of this zombie was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Not only can fly, copper skin and iron bones, infinite strength, strong recovery, but also spells.

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