Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“That’s a pleasure to work with.”

Li Xu also retracted the gun, and stretched out his hand towards the cross with a smile.

“Pleasant cooperation.”

The cross reached out and held Li Xu together.

New York Continental Hotel.

Li Xu handed over the sports car with the dented front to the hotel attendants, and walked in.

The cooperation with the cross was finalized, but it also stabbed the [Assassin Brotherhood] hornet’s nest.

Before killing Sloan, in order to avoid trouble, he could only stay at the Continental Hotel.

Fortunately, there are also many hospitable female killers in the Continental Hotel.

“Mr. Lucis.”

“Mr. Winston is at the bar, you can go there if you have time.”

The black brother Charon at the front desk stood upright with a standardized smile on his face.


“I’m staying in a hotel for a few days.”

Li Xu put a gold coin on the table.

“No problem, the number room is always reserved for you.”

Charon bowed slightly, and handed Li Xu a room card with both hands.

Li Xu took the room card and went to the bar.

Pushing open the door, the noise in the bar remained the same, unchanged from before Li Xu left.

Li Xu took a bottle of bourbon from Adi and sat on a pair of red sofas in the east.

“Winston, what can I do for you?”

Li Xu poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and looked at the old man Winston who was in a suit and leather shoes and had an extraordinary temperament.

“Remind you to be careful.”

“Kings never charge, Lucis.”

Winston raised his glass and took a sip.

“You are very well informed.”

Li Xu raised his eyebrows.

Not long after that, Winston actually received the news.

“As an old guy who has lived for so many years, there will always be some special channels.”

Winston looked at Li Xu with a smile.

“Anyway, thank you for your kindness.”

“I believe I can handle it.”

Li Xu raised his glass to pay tribute.

It’s polite to be respectful of someone’s kindness, even if he won’t listen.

“All right.”

Winston said no more, anyway, this was not the first time. .

Chapter 4

After chatting with Winston, Li Xu ran to the bar.

At night, there is nothing to talk about with an old man.

The cooperation between him and Winston relied on stable interests.

As long as his foundation can continuously bring benefits to Winston, the relationship between the two will always be in the honeymoon period.

And now it’s only a few years old, for a time traveler, opportunities to make money and invest are everywhere.

For him, experience points are valuable.

It’s a pity that he has tried all kinds of crooked ways, and he only counts if he voluntarily asks him to modify the firearms and pay what he thinks is a reasonable reward.

“Isn’t there business tonight?”

At the bar, Adi’s fingers slid on the back of Li Xu’s hand.

“Now that the business is done, it’s your turn.”

Li Xu grabbed the slippery little hand with his backhand.

Three hours later.

Li Xu came to the bathroom with a refreshed face and took a cold shower.

At this time, the sun had already risen, and Li Xu didn’t plan to sleep anymore.

The addition of professional titles has already made his body reach an inhuman level.

According to his calculation, the [body] of a normal human being is 1 to 100 points. When it reaches 100 points, for example, it is basically the level of strength Tyson speed Bolt, or even higher.

And his physical fitness, which is twice the limit of the human body, is enough to keep him energetic for three days without sleep.

After taking a shower, Li Xu poured himself a glass of wine, leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed, and clicked on the library of the system.

A library with simple decoration appeared in his mind, and the phantom formed by Li Xu’s thoughts pushed the door and walked in.

Inside the library, there are countless bookshelves erected, and there is no end in sight.

Li Xu was not as surprised as he was when he first arrived, and walked straight to his own bookshelf.

Compared with other bookshelves that are full of books, this row of bookshelves only has a dozen or so scattered books, and the titles of the books are more and more strange.

For example, “One Hundred Tips for Firearm Modification”, “Bullet Modification from Beginner to Burial”, “Chemistry and Gunpowder from Beginner to Master”…

He spent points to buy each book.

The source of the points is the cumulative transformation of the experience points obtained by all professional titles.

Li Xu has obtained a total of 1040 experience points so far, and there are corresponding 1040 points in the library account.

But after buying some books, only 580 points are left.

These points were specially reserved by him to buy the new knowledge unlocked after the [Firearms Modifier] was promoted to a high level.

“Continue to read this book today.”

Glancing at the bookshelf, Li Xu took out the thickest “Chemistry and Gunpowder Beginner to Master” and looked through it intently.

This book was unlocked after he became an intermediate firearms modifier. It is worth 150 points. The content is extremely obscure. It is said that it was written by an Allard sharpshooter.

Even if Li Xu’s [intelligence] is a little bit, and his learning ability is far beyond that of ordinary people, it is still very difficult to learn.

Fortunately, the library will provide thinking acceleration.

When reading in the library, the time ratio will reach 100:1, 100 hours of studying here, and only 1 hour outside.

After three years, Li Xu has also developed a habit of spending an hour every day here to study.

One hour outside, and more than four days have passed in the library.

Li Xu, who was sitting on the sofa, opened his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows wearily.


The mobile phone on the table rang suddenly.

Li Xu answered the phone: “Hello, who is it?”

“it’s me.”

“I heard that you have a good relationship with Firefox?”

On the other end of the phone, Cross held the phone in his left hand and pointed a gun at a **** foxy woman with his right hand, with a playful smile on his face.


Li Xu raised his eyebrows: “The Assassin Brotherhood is moving so fast?”

Firefox is also the top assassin of the Assassin Brotherhood, and has had dozens of in-depth exchanges with Li Xu.

“So, what to do with this woman?”

Cross laughed a bit nastyly.

Ever since he came into contact with Li Xu, he has been at a disadvantage, and even his son Wesley has been pinched by Li Xu.

And this time, it was obvious that he had won.

“How to deal with it is up to you.”

“However, Wesley probably doesn’t know that his father is a voyeur.”

“Wouldn’t you be peeping when his ex-girlfriend cuckolded him?”

Li Xu’s tone was calm.

The face of the cross turned black, is this a threat?

“Forget it, come here and take her away.”

“Firefox is also an assassin of faith, just kind of stupid.”

Shaking his head, Cross hung up the phone.

He just didn’t think it was necessary to kill Firefox, not because he was afraid of Li Xu’s threats.

“That stupid woman!”

In the bedroom, Li Xu sighed.

This Firefox woman is beautiful, sexy, and has a great figure.

It’s just that people are a little stupid, brainwashed by the so-called idea of killing one and saving ten thousand.

“It’s hard to find a stupid woman these days.”

Shaking his head, Li Xu picked up his suit jacket and walked out.

On the roof of a shopping mall, Li Xu pushed open the door of the roof.

Firefox was tightly tied up, and there were many fallen corpses around.

“It’s still tied tight.”

Li Xu tugged on the rope of Firefox and nodded in satisfaction.

“Untie it for me.”

Firefox writhed like a salted fish, his tone full of resentment.

“That’s good, you won’t be honest after you untie it.”

Li Xu carried Firefox directly on his shoulders.

“let me go.”

Firefox struggled and twisted.

“Don’t make noise!”

Li Xu took out a handkerchief and blocked her mouth.

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