Movies and TV: a New Class Per World

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

The roar was erratic, and sometimes it seemed to be ringing in my ears, but when I turned around, I couldn’t see anything, only a bare dead tree.

For a moment, the pressure on the mercenaries doubled, and no one could hold back the pressure, and fired a shot with a bang, and the whole team was in chaos.

The gunshots rang out loudly, breaking the loneliness.

The sudden hail of bullets silenced the roar, and the silence before the storm did not last long. Three-meter-high black shadows protruded from the mountain walls, tree trunks, and rocky ground, and rushed towards the mercenaries with their teeth and claws open. .

The monster has long hands and long feet, an inverted triangle body, broad shoulders extending two slender arms, and black bone claws as sharp as knives. The shoulders are directly connected to the head, there is no neck, and there is only one big mouth on the whole face, with several layers of rib-like slender fangs growing inside.

Shadow Guard.

The ghosts who died here, the monsters formed by the curse.

At first glance, these monsters look like giant frogs that have been skinned and doused in pitch, so it’s no wonder that they are especially sensitive to moving objects.

boom! boom! boom! boom-

Les, who originally wanted to stop, saw the shadow guards, and decisively joined the shooting sequence. He disliked that the firepower was not fierce enough, and asked the mercenaries to throw grenades quickly.

To the despair of the mercenaries, the fire sticks in their hands were useless, and the shadow guards were not afraid of hot weapons, and the hail of bullets shot through them directly, leaving no bullet holes.

However, the black shadow guards did real damage to them. Every time they swung their claws, a mercenary was sent flying into the sky. He was in mid-air, with blood and brains mixed and flying, mixed with pieces of internal organs…

During the melee, a pair of **** hands protruded from the ground, pierced the two mercenaries, grabbed their bodies and dragged them down.

After a hiss, the two mercenaries disappeared, and two pools of black blood appeared on the flat rocky ground, which could be vaguely seen as human figures.

The formation was in chaos, and the mercenaries fled in all directions. They were killed one by one amidst screams of terror, their bodies corrupted into blood, and their souls became part of the shadow guard.

Because of cowardice, Les the cat shivered under a dead tree. Seeing a black shadow guard approaching, and looking at the empty pistol in his hand, he closed his eyes in despair.

With heavy panting on his face, Les didn’t feel any pain for a long time. He opened his eyes with slightly squinted eyes, and found that the shadow guard crawled over his head, and his whole body slowly merged into the big tree.

Les touched his body, his limbs were still there, and his heart was beating fast.

not dead.

After watching the shadow guard kill the mercenary and leave slowly, Les found a living creature not far away, a lucky one who was huddled under a tree like him.

He thought about it and made a bold assumption. He believed that due to the surrounding environment, the black shadow guards had degraded vision and were extremely sensitive to moving objects. If they stood still, they would not be listed as targets of attack.

As a scientist, Rice deeply understands the truth that hypotheses can be bold, but verification must be cautious.

He took a photo of the mercenary with a flashlight, and signaled him to move closer to him. The latter was still in a daze. Seeing that there was a living person beside him, he didn’t even think about it, and even crawled towards… .


The sharp claw pierced through the chest, and the mercenary was dragged into the ground, turning into a pool of black viscous liquid.

Rice nodded, after verification, it’s time to find a way to leave this ghost place.

It’s a pity, there are too few baits around, if you give him a few more lives, the probability of getting away safely will definitely increase a lot.

When he was thinking about countermeasures, he noticed a burst of footsteps in shock, and turned his head stiffly. Li Xu and Laura were walking in his sight.

Walking in the courtyard is like going on an outing.

It’s outrageous!

Seeing the two strolling around the back garden of their house, Les felt that they were being targeted. While cursing the two of them, they would be eaten alive by monsters in the next second, while thinking about why they hadn’t been attacked by monsters yet.

It can’t be that the monster is full, right?

Probably not, the ghost place is sparsely populated, and the monsters have lived here for many years, so they must have the habit of storing food.

Why exactly?

Les was puzzled. Seeing the two walking and talking, only their backs remained, he couldn’t bear it and pointed his pistol at them: “Laura, put your hands up, don’t force me to shoot.”

No bullets, but that’s okay, only he knows about it.

“Yo, Les, why are you the only one left?” Laura whistled triumphantly, turning a blind eye to the black muzzle of the gun.


Being ridiculed by Laura, Les was angry and angry, he immediately took a few steps forward, pointed his gun at Li Xu who was watching the show, “Laura, be honest, or I will kill the little boy next to you!” .”

Li Xu: “???”.

Chapter 366


With a gunshot, Les’s forehead was bleeding, and the body slowly fell to the ground.

Failed to land.

Because the black shadow guard came out, opened his **** mouth wide, and between opening and closing his fangs, grabbed half of Les’ body and dragged him into the big tree.

“I hate people calling me little boy.”

Li Xu snorted softly, and inserted the smoking silver-white revolver back into his waist.

“Why didn’t they attack us? You did it?”

Laura was not interested in Rice’s death, but was surprised by the reaction of seeing the shadow guard.


Li Xu looked serious, “They think you are beautiful, so they can’t bear to say anything.”


Laura likes to hear this kind of truth. She immediately stood on tiptoe, smiled and kissed.

The occasion was not right, and after a short kiss, the two left the woods and walked to a stone mound that looked like an ant’s nest.

There were 13 consecutive roars in the forest at the rear, and black shadow guards appeared one after another, roaring at Li Xu and Laura.

The roar was full of anger, but everyone hesitated, as if they were afraid of something.

Laura looked at Li Xu with a smile, wanting to hear what “truth” this guy could make up.

Li Xu was also unambiguous, and immediately said with a serious face: “They must know that there is danger down there, so they specially remind you to be careful.”

“Why are they reminding me?”

Laura laughed.

She knew that this bad guy was behind the scenes, but between lovers, that’s how it is, it’s more interesting to pretend to be confused once in a while.

“Of course it’s because Laura, you are so charming that even monsters can be fascinated.”

Li Xu opened his mouth and came.

The love talk is very dirty, but it doesn’t matter, Laura just likes it.


Hearing what Li Xu said, Laura smiled again and took the initiative to take a few bites.

“Ho Ho!”

The shadow guards couldn’t even look away, and the roar became more and more piercing.

“It’s so noisy!”

Li Xu turned his head and glared at these ignorant guys.


The roar immediately turned into a whine, and the shadow guards lay on the ground trembling, that is, they had no tails, otherwise they would have been wagging by now.

The atmosphere was interrupted, and there was no way to continue.

Li Xu thought it was bad luck, took out the magic ball from his shoulder bag, and threw it into the round hole in the stone mound.

The rumbling ground trembled, and the two of them took a few steps back. After the stone hill collapsed, there was an extra two-meter-wide cave entrance on the ground.

At the same time, the black shadow guard disappeared into thin air amidst the screams.

“Go, let’s go down.”

The Pandora’s Box was close at hand, and Laura immediately became emotional, picked up the rope on her back, and was about to throw it down.

“Need not.”

Li Xu hugged Laura’s soft and elastic waist, and flew her lightly into the cave.

The cave extends in all directions and is dimly lit.

What’s even more amazing is that up and down and left and right are reversed here, and the gravity is in chaos.

“so amazing!”

Laura tentatively walked up the vertical wall.

After a try, it really has a lot of mystery.

When Laura stood on the stone wall, the sense of direction of up, down, left, and right was completely reset. The original stone wall became the ground, and the original ground became the stone wall.

Jumped up and landed straight down, the gravity is no different from the surface of the earth.

Due to psychological reasons, Laura didn’t feel very comfortable. Seeing Li Xu squatting on the wall studying something, she hurried over.

“Honey, are we still on Earth?”

“You can think of it as a gravitational disorder caused by this black stone.”

Li Xu raised his hand and poked the black stone under his feet. The gravity disorder in the cave was directly related to the instability of the space structure, and the cause of the space instability was these ores of unknown composition.

In other words, these ores cause the gravity to be unstable, thus making the space structure chaotic.

“Oh, it seems that I have another good collection.”

Hearing this, Laura’s eyes lit up, she knelt down and took out a dagger, trying to dig a piece of black ore to take home for collection.

no success.

The black ore was so hard that Laura’s dagger poked at it, only sending a string of sparks.

“I still don’t believe it.”

Laura took out the engineering shovel from her backpack and competed with the black ore.

“All right.”

Li Xu shook his head speechlessly, rummaged through the system space, found a vibrating gold dagger, and threw it to Laura.

The vibration gold dagger cut the iron like mud, and Laura soon got what she wanted, and got a large piece of black ore.

The two set off again.

After walking in the ant nest-like cave for a while, I saw a small black pool above my head, and white smoke slowly escaped. In the center was a box that was made of the same material as a magic ball.

The box is no more than 30 centimeters long, and the inside is a cave of light, like a steady beating heart. With the rhythm of the heart, the golden light flickers on and off.

Pandora’s Box!

Laura smiled in surprise, and ran down the wall with the rope in hand, skillfully entangled the magic box in the middle of the pool.

In the next second, the black pool water completely corroded the rope.

“Let me do it.”

Li Xu opened his hand and sucked the magic box into his palm.

“How? Shall we open it?”

Laura looked hesitant and tangled.

Her curiosity wants her to open it, but her sense of responsibility warns her not to open it, because there is a plague that can destroy mankind hidden in Pandora’s Box.


While Laura was still struggling, the sound of the box opening sounded.

She took a closer look and found that it was Li Xu.

“Okay, I’m tangled up in vain.”

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