Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 99 Busy Spring

The days are gradually getting longer, and there are more traces of birds and animals in the mountains and forests.

Young Lawrence set off with a basket on his back, followed by Salil and Sophia in thick winter coats.

The bloated and thick animal skin robes wrapped the several people tightly. The three people with limited mobility were walking on the snow-capped mountains while holding the Dom sheep, which had not been out for a long time.

The morning sun was dry and dazzling. Lawrence let Saliel and Sophia sit on the sled, and he led them down with the two sheep.

When encountering a downhill road, Lawrence would use two wooden sticks as brakes to prevent the sled from hitting Dom's feet.

After three or four hours, Lawrence finally saw the house that he had not seen for more than a month.

Salil came over and stood with Lawrence. The place where she had lived for many years still looked like the same place, but it gave Salil a different feeling.

It's home, but it's not home.

"The snow under the mountains has started to melt. Let's go to the town today and eat some delicious food!"

Salil regained her vitality and was still essentially a lively girl of fifteen or sixteen.

Lawrence also wanted to eat something other than meat, preferably potatoes and radishes.

Because the most likely ones are potatoes and radishes. There is no cabbage here, and there are no tomatoes, but instead there are various small berries that are only available in spring and summer.

"I also want to eat something delicious. What is there to eat here at this time?"

Lawrence led the sheep close to the house. The Dom sheep next to him seemed to need no pulling, so he walked closer to it at a faster speed than usual.

Lawrence quickly sat on the sleigh and let Dom the sheep lead the way.

Salil sat next to her and said, "There are mushrooms, fish skin, shrimp, and seaweed. We will find out when we go to Emma's house!"

Sofia, who was sitting with her back to Salil, was listening with her ears pricked up. She was hiding in the leeward place and curled up with a small body, covered with a blanket made of wolf skin.

Sophia, like Salil, has a strong interest in delicious food.

Lawrence quickly arrived outside the house. There were many people's footprints on the ground here, and the snow on the ground also had a lot of black muddy water due to melting and trampling.



As soon as Lawrence got close to here, he saw two big dogs running out from inside and running towards Lawrence quickly.

Lawrence stood up quickly, stretched out his hands to grab the two dog paws, and his face showed surprise at seeing his old friend.

"Tira! Tyr!"

Lawrence looked at the two familiar sled dogs and greeted them happily.

At this time, the people in the house also came out, including Kate, the blacksmith, and two other men in the village.

Seravan and Itty also came out of the nearby hut, standing aside and not daring to get close.

Lawrence looked at Kate, "Kate, why are you here?"

Kate said: "We came here three days ago, Lawrence, Sariel, we need the ore here."

Sariel stood beside Lawrence without speaking, leaving the decision to Lawrence.

Lawrence did not hesitate, "Yes, but you have to mine it yourself, and my share must not be less."

Kate looked at Lawrence, "You want to go out with us?"

"Are all the men in the village going out?" Lawrence asked.

Kate thought for a moment, "It's not confirmed yet. We are building ships and making weapons. Vip won't go, and neither will the blacksmith. The rest of us have agreed to come together, but our ship can't hold so many people."

Lawrence looked at the blacksmith, "Why don't you go?"

Not wanting to be misunderstood, the blacksmith quickly explained: "I want to go too."

Kate explained: "My father asked him to continue making weapons, something that only he could do."

Lawrence said quickly: "Although I can do it, I still need to take care of you here in the mountains."

The blacksmith's face looked very ugly, as if he was pale from the cold.

The others were unaware and stood in front of the door chatting about homely matters.

Kate said: "My father's health has recovered. This time we are going out with the Vakiri. My father wants you to stay here in the mountains."

"Where do you live on the mountain? We went to the mountain several times to look for it, but we couldn't find your house."

Lawrence then remembered that neither Emma nor the two slaves had ever been to the house on the mountain.

The two slaves of Friesen should know, but Kate probably didn't think of this, thinking that Seravan didn't know, and neither did the others.

Lawrence looked at the mountains in the distance, "It's closer to Talim Mountain. Recently, a crow lived in my house and has been taken care of by me this winter."

Kate looked at Lawrence with admiration, "Mr. Lawrence, I will tell my father about this, and your reward will definitely not be less."

Lawrence smiled and said: "Let's go into the house and talk. This house is Andrew's home. Don't make it dirty and messy, otherwise Andrew will be angry when he comes back."

Kate walked in and said with a smile: "Of course not, we don't want to offend Andrew."

"Mr. Lawrence, I brought the dog you asked for." After Kate entered the room, she walked to the side and brought a basket with clothes to the dining table.

Lawrence looked over and saw two strong and energetic puppies sleeping inside. There were some food residues and wet water stains near the honest and fat bodies.

But not one, but two puppies, one black and one white.

Salil looked at the little white dog and said happily: "Why two?"

Kate said to Salil: "I was worried that you would die of feeding, so I sent one more."

Salil looked at Kate angrily and complained that this person said something unpleasant.

Lawrence smiled and said: "Two are just right, but one is too lonely."

Kate quickly talked about other things, such as copper and iron mines.

There are not only copper mines here, but also iron ores, but the iron ore deposits are deeper.

Lawrence asked: "There are not many people in the village, how do you plan to mine?"

Kate said proudly: "This winter we captured some slaves from nearby, and the people we defeated and escaped have also come back. From now on, we will leave the farming to these slaves. All we have to do is hold on to the axe!"

In the past, slaves were not captured because there was not enough food, so even if someone surrendered, they would be killed or even eaten.

Now that there is enough food to eat and there are many jobs in the town that require manpower, these slaves naturally survive.

The current town of Pumixiu has annexed two nearby villages and is larger than before.

Lawrence asked: "How many villages are there near us now?"

"There are two more nearby, both small villages." Kate quickly said something he knew very well, "One is a Uge people with more than 100 people, and the other is a Snow Cave people with 200 people."

"These two are no match for us. If we don't get the harvest when we come back this time, we will rob them!"

Lawrence nodded, not surprised at all.

Kate smiled and said: "In the winter, we couldn't eat enough meat, so we went to the Ug people to exchange for wine. They grew a lot of wheat and potatoes there."

Lawrence asked: "What will be planted on the land at the foot of the mountain this year?"

"Just plant whatever you want, it's mainly to pay taxes to the baron." Kate looked at Lawrence in a bad mood when she said this, "I don't know why the baron is still alive."

"But if we don't get the treasure with the Valkyrie this year, and he dares to come over, we will kill him together!"

Kate reveals her murderous intentions.

Lawrence nodded, "I'll help."

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