Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 91 Habit

Dom Sheep has completed many important tasks during this time and ran up and down the mountain for a long time.

Lawrence let the two Dom sheep eat hay in the warm house, and he carried a basket on his back to look for some green grass near the house.

If you really can't find fodder, you need to feed grain and beans.

Lawrence dug through the snow near a pine forest more than 20 meters away from his home, looking for grass roots and branches and leaves from under the snow, then cut them off and put them in a basket for collection.

It was a bit difficult to grab the weeds on the ground with both hands, and Lawrence couldn't help but think of Dom's grazing movements.

Dom sheep will bite the hay with their mouths and teeth, and then pull the grass roots out of the ground with force, sometimes making the sound of the roots breaking.

The heavy snow did not kill the plants. If you look carefully, you can find many plants that Dom sheep can eat.

A layer of snowflakes quickly accumulated on Lawrence's body.

After more than ten minutes, Lawrence stood up and straightened his somewhat uncomfortable waist.

The hardships and weight of life are not so easy.

"Maybe we should take them out and let them eat by themselves? You can't really feed them to your mouth, right?"

Lawrence wanted to make it simpler, and forget it if the distance was too far, but it wasn't too far now.

"And...this is fresher, isn't it?"

"It's not too tiring to walk a few more steps. At worst, I'll give you two more eggs to eat in the next two days."

Lawrence quickly went back and pulled out the two Dom sheep who were extremely reluctant to come out.

In winter, Dom sheep don't like to move very much, and they have to pull hard every time they go out.

Fortunately, no heavy objects or saddles were loaded on the Dom sheep this time. After the two Dom sheep were pulled near the pine forest, they quickly lowered their heads to find food.

Laurence held the reins and stood aside to prevent the sheep from chewing the ropes.

It was hard to stand outside in the winter, and Lawrence thought about what to do next.

"The bed needs to be repaired, but I'm not in a hurry. Salil isn't ready yet."

"First of all, let Salil maintain a good habit for a few days. I also brush my teeth and clean my body every day, especially the key parts."

Lawrence wanted both himself and Saryl to be squeaky clean that day, from hair to mouth.

While he was thinking about something exciting, Sophia's shout came from the stone house.

"Master, it's time to eat!"

When Lawrence heard the call, he felt that it was enough, so he pulled the two Dom sheep back.

Although the two Dom sheep were still foraging in the snow, this time they followed Lawrence toward home obediently.

Lawrence found that the two Dom sheep were very obedient. After watching them enter the house effortlessly, Lawrence remembered the crow he often saw nearby.

There was no crow's nest or other bird's nests in the nearby pine forest, but there were squirrel holes and mouse holes.

Lawrence turned around and looked at the quiet vast snow-capped mountains. On a whim, he raised his hands and shouted to the mountains:

"time to eat!"

After shouting once, Lawrence summoned the courage to shout again: "It's time to eat!"

This time there was another pause of more than ten seconds, and then he shouted again: "It's time to eat!"

Lawrence looked at the quiet mountains and the dense forests in the distance, searching for the crow.

The crow did not appear.

Lawrence was a little disappointed.

Salil popped her head out of the house and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Lawrence often talks to himself when he is alone because of his loneliness.

I like to speak in my original language when I am feeding crows on the mountain, and when I am feeding pigs and chickens alone.

Lawrence's language was something Sariel didn't understand, but Sophia did.

Sophia explained: "It means it's time to eat. The master is saying it's time to eat!"

Sariel thought for a moment and said quickly: "I've heard it before, let me think about it... It seems that you said that when you were feeding the crows last time, and I heard it at that time!"

Salil was suddenly very confident, and she was always so sure about such gossip-like speculations.

Lawrence said: "Absolutely. From now on, I will shout like this when feeding chickens, sheep and birds. In this way, it will become a habit over time."

Sariel looked at Lawrence with excitement, "Lawrence, are you taming crows?"

"Yeah." Lawrence simply didn't explain. It couldn't be said that it was just for fun.

He went directly into the house to eat, and Sophia and Salil were very happy.

Sariel discovered that Lawrence always had all kinds of interesting and powerful skills, and she couldn't learn them even if she wanted to.

The three of them ate together. Today they made potato and venison soup. The bread would not be available for a few days. The current staple food was still venison, which was getting more and more uncomfortable.

I only eat one kind of meat every day. If I eat too much, I will feel sick and find it difficult to swallow.

Fortunately, there are still some potatoes and peas to go with it, plus the newly obtained wheat. You can cook the wheat when you get tired of it later.

Sophia drank the hot broth, raised her head and said to Lawrence who was eating: "Master, the vegetables you planted have sprouted. Will we have vegetables to eat soon?"

Lawrence was very surprised, "Did it sprout? Which one is it?"

Lawrence stood up to check his plant box. It was winter now, and the weather was much colder than before. How could it germinate at this time?

Is it hot enough in the house for the seeds to germinate?

Sofia stood up and walked with Lawrence to the wooden box not far from the fireplace.

In the soil of Lawrence's wooden box, a tender green seed has just broken out of the soil, revealing a very little bit of green.

It's probably only the size of a match head, and you wouldn't notice it even if you saw it.

Lawrence looked at this bud of life with joy, "Sofia always finds good things, this garlic seed, we will take good care of it in the future, and when it grows up, we will have garlic cloves and garlic sprouts to eat!"

Sophia lowered her head happily, she was very happy to be praised.

Salil came over curiously, "It turns out that germination can also occur in winter..."

Lawrence quickly said: "In the future, put these vegetable boxes and jars at a higher position to prevent them from being eaten by the sheep. The sheep at this time can't help but see a little green."

Salil and Sophia both agree with this.

Dom sheep in winter see a little green, just like a man sees a woman, and can't walk.

Lawrence thought about where the seeds came from.

"Sariel, do the Cloda people also have vegetables and grass in winter?"

Salil nodded and said: "Although I don't go out at home during the winter, there is indeed no winter there. Even now, there are a lot of vegetables and berries."

"Do you want to go there?" Salil looked at Lawrence, feeling that Lawrence had that intention.

Lawrence explained: "I won't go. I won't go there for the time being. I won't go there unless it is necessary. We'd better not disturb those people too often."

Salil saw that Lawrence didn't want to go and didn't force him, and she didn't want to go now.

"Lawrence, let's play chess, you promised me to play chess with me!" Salil said Lawrence's promise.

Lawrence said directly: "Let's talk about it after we finish eating. Eat first and wash the dishes later."

"Okay!" Salil agreed happily, feeling that such a life was very comfortable.

After eating, Sophia helped with the housework, and then got into bed when she had nothing to do, lying on the bedside with her head exposed, watching Lawrence and Salil play chess, and providing advice.

Lawrence saw that both girls liked this kind of thing, so he decided to spend half an hour after dinner to play chess with them.

Unknowingly, another day passed. At night, when Lawrence was sleeping with Sariel in his arms, he dreamed of Delen, a mature and sexy charming girl in the mountains and forests.

For some reason, I still have a deep memory of Delen's expression when she raised her eyebrows and looked at him playfully.


In the quiet mountain forest, a group of crows hide in a cave and sleep with their eyes closed.

Recently, I can't find any insects, nuts or mice to eat, but I can't beat the big birds in the north and the big crows in the south. Even the grouse on the ground dare to fly up to the branches and scream at them.

When a faint light appeared outside the cave, several hungry crows flapped their wings and flew out.

Either they starve and freeze to death outside, or they find life outside.

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