Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 89 Celebration

As we approached Pumixiu Town, a man in his thirties came out of a two-story wooden house at the outermost edge of the town.

"Mr. Lawrence, and Saryl."

Lawrence knew this man as Emma's husband Quigg.

The marriage system of the barbarians is not monogamy, nor is it free love, but it has not developed the concept of being in a household.

The men and women here mainly rely on...brute force!

Slaves and rapists are considered special events, and the normal precursor to marriage is a duel between men.

If multiple men fall in love with the most beautiful girl in the village at the same time, they will duel in front of the collective witness.

The way of fighting is not to directly use weapons, which will not be able to hold up even a large number of people. It is usually to compare strength, endurance and ability to withstand a blow.

For example, a person who thinks he is brave will let others punch him first, and then he will punch the other person again.

Anyone who is knocked down with one punch will definitely be laughed at.

The weak have no right to mate.

From the time they are children, children will take the initiative to exercise their physical endurance, and it is normal to be beaten.

During a duel, the loser will be knocked to the ground holding his stomach or holding his head quietly and pretending to be dead, and no one will pay attention to him.

The winner will embrace the charming girl and take possession of her.

If it is a girl who is not pursued by anyone, there is no need for a duel, but barbarians are not a monogamous system. A powerful barbarian will possess multiple women, just like a beast protecting food.

Under this barbaric system, unless they are the Northland War Gods who have been gifted since childhood, most young girls will be possessed by barbarians who are close to thirty or forty years old.

Strong males are extremely possessive of young women. The combination of an old husband and a young wife is very common. At the same time, because men in their prime are more likely to bring back treasures and food, barbarian women’s concept of mate selection is affected by the Mu Qiang gene and they will actively choose. The spouse with the greatest interests.

Young barbarians could only bring back treasures that would please women if they went out to plunder.

Of course, there are more and more young people who never come back and choose to make their homes in the outside world.

Emma's husband is not a qualified husband. His age and appearance don't matter. The main reason is that he did not show his strength, which hurt Emma's children, younger brother and parents, and he did not bring back a rich treasure. and prey.

Lawrence also had a bad relationship with him, and asked calmly: "Queg, what are you doing here?"

Queeg said arrogantly: "I am a guard here now. Do you know what a guard is?"

Lawrence didn't mean to be angry, and Sariel next to him said directly: "Quig, why would Vip leave this kind of thing to you? Is it because you have never killed anyone?"

Queeg suddenly became angry, as if a scar had been uncovered.

"I've killed people! Killed two people!"

His hysteria was rewarded with Salil's contempt.

Before Salil said anything, a strong fat man came from nearby.

Friesen mocked: "The blood of two Kurdish slaves allows you, a coward, to speak loudly!"

Queeg became much more honest after seeing Friesen. He shrank his head and defended: "I will prove myself sooner or later, I will!"

After seeing Lawrence, Friesen took the initiative and said: "Mr. Lawrence, the chamber pot you gave me is very easy to use. I have been very satisfied with it these past few nights. I like it so much!"

Lawrence smiled and said, "As long as you like it, Doug should like it too."

Friesen patted his bloated belly with one hand and laughed: "Yes, that's right, Kate told me that Doug also likes that thing."

As Friesen finished speaking, he spotted the moose head on a nearby Dome sheep.

“Whose moose is this?”

Sofia quickly said: "My master shot it. This moose was as big as several of you. My master hunted it in the snow. We ate a lot of meat. The rest was given to Emma and asked her to cook it for us. A big blanket!”

Friesen looked at the moose head in amazement, wondering how big it was.

"It's not easy to take such a big moose. Did you knock it down yourself, Mr. Lawrence?"

Lawrence: "Yes."

Friesen was once again convinced of Lawrence's abilities and soon invited Lawrence to his home.

Lawrence quickly went to Friesen's house to have a look, sat for a while and then went to the blacksmith and Wipdog's house to chat.

Salil and Sophia worked with Emma to find women in the town. If such a large animal skin was to be completely made into a quilt, Emma alone would definitely not be enough.

Among the Pumi Xiu people, cooperation is also necessary.

Lawrence quickly learned from Kate what was going on.

Doug is still recuperating in the Domu village, but he brought some of Doug's dogs and other brothers, plus some weak Kur people, and now Doug village is gradually developed into a No. 2 village.

The town harvested slaves and captives from nearby villages. Because Pumixiu Town was a big place here before, most of the slaves were honest and willing to live here.

The previous sneak attack made the Pumi Xiu people realize the importance of guards, so they arranged for Queeg to monitor the outside of the wooden house and take the initiative to issue a warning when strangers approached.

Correspondingly, he cannot drink during this celebration. Someone must wake everyone up after everyone gets drunk.

There will be a lot of wine and meat, as well as bread and fire, and the women and children of Pumisu start preparing in the morning.

Lawrence, Doug and others had some food and it was almost afternoon.

The daylight hours have been getting shorter and shorter recently. Lawrence found that the daylight hours were now less than eight hours, basically stopping at eight o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was getting shorter.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, perhaps feeling that the time was almost up, the Pumixiu people quickly called for the people in the house to come out.

Lawrence and Kate went out together, Kate went home to call someone, and Lawrence found Salyl and Sophia near the bonfire.

Near the roadside, two women in linen clothes were slicing day-old moose meat with knives.

A woman cut off a piece, and a child wearing an animal skin jacket next to her, with a blushing face, raised his head and looked at it eagerly.

Soon the woman squatted down and cut the meat with a knife. The child reached out and grabbed the piece of meat next to the knife and got a piece of raw meat the size of French fries.

Just like Sophia did before, the child reached out and stuffed the meat strips into her greasy mouth, chewing them carefully.

After the children were out of the way, the women happily handled the ingredients while talking and laughing.

From time to time, young children would approach here, and they would soon get a piece of meat. More and more children nearby began to fight and chase each other.

Lawrence walked to Sophia. Sophia couldn't play with those children and always followed Sariel.

"Master!" Seeing Lawrence coming, Sofia greeted happily.

Lawrence smiled and said: "I told Kate that we will spend the night at his place later and go back tomorrow."

"Yes!" Sophia agreed obediently.

Salil and Emma were sitting on a wooden chair aside, talking and laughing.

Emma saw Lawrence coming and said hello: "Mr. Lawrence, can you sell me one of those pots for sleeping at night?"

Lawrence said cheerfully: "Okay, three water jars or two rattan baskets can be exchanged for one."

Emma quickly asked, "Can a wooden jar be okay?"

"Of course." Lawrence was very talkative.

The celebration started soon. Although the weather was dull and dry, the cold was dispelled by the people around, making it very lively.

Lawrence thought of the last time they gathered together, when they collectively took revenge on the Kur people.

This time there were fewer people than last time, but everyone’s faces were filled with a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

The women who had been busy for a long time quickly came out of the only baking room in the town and packed a large amount of fresh hot bread in flat baskets.

Women and children flocked there to grab the freshest bread.

But soon after the blacksmith passed by, the women and children nearby became much more honest and watched the blacksmith take away the first batch of bread.

Lawrence received bread from the blacksmith, and Lawrence and Salil soon received fresh bread and wine.

Emma didn't know when she left and joined the crowded group of women not far away.

Lawrence tore a piece of bread and handed the steaming bread to Sophia.

Salil also gave Sophia a small piece, and also gave Sophia some wine.

In addition to the moose meat brought by Lawrence, there are also fish and pork here, mainly cured ham that has been preserved for a long time and a very small amount of pig's trotters.

Put a few good-looking pieces of ham in the bread, mix it with the bitter and spicy ale in your hand, take a bite of the bread bacon into your throat, and then take a few sips of the spicy wine, and your body will soon warm up.

It didn't take long for the women to begin dancing around the fire, amidst the food and wine and the joy of their recent harvest.

Their dance was very simple at first, just swaying in a happy mood, but as they moved and walked, the originally disorderly movements became orderly.

“As the song sounds, as the fire grows warmer.”

"Let us forget the troubles of the past and drink in this warm home."

"We will forget the troubles of the past and dance to the songs."

"We will forget the pain of the past and raise a glass to honor our partners."

"I am full of joy today, it is a harvest time."

"The girls danced boldly, and the men watched passionately."

"We're going to dance the night away and we're going to remember this great time."

The Pumixiu people sang together, and both men and women joined in. The children were busy eating, and the slightly older boys were watching the enthusiastic girls.

The strong men were laughing and drinking together. Vip was older, and people like the blacksmith and Kate had already harvested female slaves and widows. In addition, the population had been redistributed before, and there were no men who needed to duel today.

The married women held hands, sang and danced, while the unmarried young girls and widows looked at a few very powerful people, and soon everyone found their respective belongings.

Before we knew it, it was a night with a sparse moon and stars, and the harvest celebration officially ended. The women from Vip and Doug's family took the remaining food home, and everyone else went back satisfied.

Lawrence missed many of the enthusiastic girl's widow's explicit instructions and pulled Salil and Sophia to the sleeping area.

If next year's harvest is good, there will be such a lively celebration.

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