Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 36 Sled Dog 2

This year's harvest is pretty good, and with the pork and fish that Andrew brought back from the village, winter can pass comfortably.

But this could have been the case, but because of Lawrence's arrival, Salil and Andrew had a lot more to do.

Lawrence woke up early in the morning.

"Andrew, teach me how to drive a sled!"

While Andrew was still sleeping, Lawrence got dressed and called to him.

Huhuhu~huhuhu~ Lawrence was responded to by Andrew's purring.

After Andrew sobered up last night, he secretly drank some wine while sleeping. When he went down the mountain, he secretly hid a bottle of soju while Salil was not paying attention.

For men in the north, no amount of wine is too much.

Drinking, eating meat, and sleeping are all common characteristics of men in the north.

Andrew doesn't need to get up so early every day. He was busy with things before, which belongs to those days of the year when he needs to be busy, and most of the time in winter is a good time to sleep for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Salil opened the door and came in. She showed an annoyed look after smelling the smell of dog hair and alcohol.

It didn't take long for Andrew to come out of the house, his expression a little helpless and worried.

"Andrew! I learned how to drive a dog cart!"

Lawrence ran over with Tim in hand.

There was a rope tied to the big white dog Tim, and behind the rope was connected a field-shaped wooden raft. At this time, Sophia was squatting on the wooden raft and skating.

The nearby snow turned into ice due to melting water. Because the ice and snow were too shallow, it was easy to scratch the sleigh, so Lawrence simply made a wooden board himself.

He led the big white dog Tim, and Tim happily pulled the little one behind him and ran with him.

Andrew was still a little sleepy. At this time, he leaned on the wooden wall of the kitchen, clasped his hands in front of him and yawned lazily.

"What kind of driving are you doing? Doug won't teach you the real skill of driving a sled dog."

Lawrence said confidently: "Of course I know, but it will definitely be dangerous for me to drive a sled dog, and it will be a heavy burden on the three sled dogs. Now it is like using Dom sheep. It is enough to use them as helpers to pull the cart." ”

"You see, as long as I hold Tim, they can help me pull the wood and stones up the mountain on planks. It's much more convenient than it is for me!"

The main function of sled dogs is to carry goods in ice and snow. Although they can also pull people, Lawrence does not need them at the moment.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to drive, as long as you can pull the sled dog and control the steering wheel well.

Of course it would be more convenient if you know how to drive, but you don't have it now, and if you learn how to drive, you won't want to use it on the mountain.

The areas used by sled dogs have always been ice fields, not mountain forest areas.

If you really drive a sled dog down the mountain, you would be irresponsible to yourself and Sophia.

"Sophia, come on, it's time to change the cart, don't be afraid."

Lawrence soon changed places with Sophia, so that Sophia also learned to walk or run with the sled dog.

Sofia stood up from the sled and looked nervously at the panting big dog, "Can I?"

Lawrence encouraged: "No problem, the two of us took the three of them out for a walk today. They have already regarded us as drivers. They will definitely not bite you. Relax and be confident. I will watch from the side."

Sofia nodded and began to take over the reins under Lawrence's gaze.

"Woof!" Tim had a curiosity about this little thing that Lawrence couldn't understand, and soon the big guy wanted to pounce on Sophia.

Sophia stayed where she was, her face turning pale with fear.

At the critical moment, Lawrence, who was standing aside and watching, quickly stood in front of Sophia and pushed Tim, who wanted to come over to get close, to the side of the snow.

Tim quickly rolled around in the snow and then got up again happily.

Lawrence said to Sophia: "It doesn't matter. These dogs are too lively when they are not working. I will pull them today. Sophia, you can be responsible for riding the car."

Sophia nodded quickly, "Okay!"

Andrew looked on and felt that Lawrence treated Sophia not like a slave owner treated a slave, nor like a noble treating a serf, but more like a father treating his daughter, even gentler than many father-daughter relationships.

"Lawrence." Andrew reminded: "Tie three of them on a rope, so they won't run around and pick up people."

Lawrence asked curiously: "Why?"

Andrew said casually: "Why? How do I know why? Anyway, that's how Doug takes care of those puppies. A single puppy always runs around randomly, but if they are all together, there won't be so much curiosity. "

Lawrence had never known this before, and had never thought of doing it.

Especially yesterday, Salil warned not to take three dogs sledding at a time, otherwise the dogs will take them away.

After hearing Andrew's contrary advice today, Lawrence determined that Salil had actually raised and killed several dogs before, and her advice in this regard was not so credible.

"I know. I'm going to collect some hay today to cover the pea seedlings. This should make it through the winter."

"I will teach Sophia and Salil how to write at noon. Andrew, do you want to learn together?"

Lawrence decided to guide the girls' cultural classes today. After all, the three sled dogs were mainly used by himself, and the appetites of these three sled dogs were not small. They ate more than the three people, which was not much for the Andrew family. A bowl of rice.

Andrew yawned, "I don't want to study. I want to sleep at noon."

After finishing speaking, Andrew went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Lawrence and Saryl went to the utility room and took out the equipment for the three sled dogs.

The three big dogs were still very energetic at first and kept trying to escape from Lawrence's control. However, when Lawrence and Sophia took out the ropes, they quickly calmed down.

They must know what the rope is for, and have an instinctive conditioned reaction.

Lawrence tied the three sled dogs to a rope in order. Sure enough, the big dogs who used to choose their own direction when being led alone now all followed the rope obediently.

Lawrence pulled the ropes holding three dogs and found that this series connection was much less laborious than parallel connection!

"Sofia, try again." Lawrence handed the rope to Sophia and encouraged, "I'll be with you next to you, don't be afraid."

Sofia was indeed no longer afraid. She took the rope Lawrence gave her and pulled the big dog like a pony.

"Let's go!" Lawrence shouted, not knowing what the tavern owner Doug usually used to command these sled dogs.

Lawrence didn't need to direct him. When Sophia pulled the rope, Tim followed her obediently.

This time Tim wasn't running around in high spirits or being overly affectionate.

Lawrence said to Sophia: "Sophia, pull them around and don't go too far around the house."

"Okay..." Sophia also felt that these big dogs were much more honest and gained a little more confidence.

Lawrence stood there and watched this time, and while he was watching, Andrew came out of the kitchen.

"Well, it's not bad." Andrew ate the venison and bread, not knowing what the "not bad" in his mouth meant.

Lawrence paid attention to Sophia's condition and said at the same time: "These three dogs look very good."

Andrew smiled and said: "Doug is not willing to lend me his best dog. It is difficult to use the best dog if it has other owners. These three are all ordinary cart dogs. The really powerful one is the one who leads the cart." The leader of the team."

"You see, they are more afraid of people standing in front of their team, even if it is a small person. As long as they are tied in front of the rope, they will follow them."

Lawrence thought that these three sled dogs were the best ones, but now it seems that they are not.

This made Lawrence even more curious about the tavern owner Doug.

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