Moral Degeneration


I pulled into the packed parking lot. These sort of events were exactly as I remembered. Full parking lots, school buses lined up next to the school, quiet everything except for the loud crowd inside the gymnasium. 


In foster care I hadn’t been much for going to high school games, or being a part of sports. My true dad introduced me to the subtle nature of sports. Appreciating the goal and athleticism needed to bring a team to victory. I still thought sports were dumb, but I appreciated them a little. 

Walking inside the familiar smell of a public school hit me. Now that I went to a private school I had to admit the scent was different. My current school was more lemony, this school smelled like lysol and sneakers. Letting out a sigh of appreciation I walked down the hall until I joined the line for tickets. Only women in front of me, mothers watched their daughters, and no one paid attention to me.


When it was my turn for a ticket I pulled down my hood and revealed to the 2 senior girls working the table that I was a boy. “How much?”

“Uh…boys get in free,” one said.

“Really?” I asked. They both nodded. “For you then. You look like you could use sodas.” I dropped a 5 on the table for them and walked away. They didn’t react to seeing a boy like I thought they would. They were accustomed to seeing boys. Talking to me had been a struggle for them though. 


I wasn’t sure why that was until I walked into the gym. Inside there were 2 groups of boys. One on either set of bleachers. Only 4 to 5 boys, they grouped together like fish. Talking and whispering to one another a few wore makeup, all wore tight clothes, and all eyed me as I walked in. 


I had forgotten that the bigger high schools actually had boys. Since rich people paid to adopt them, it was sometimes very rare to see them. But the middle class and lower class all had outliers. I was tempted to sit with them, to learn what it was like for these guys, but as I scanned the crowd I recognized someone. 

Unsure if it was her I walked by a group of boys and made it up the bleachers. She only noticed me when I was a few seats away. 


“Jane, right?” I asked, standing in front of her. Who I guessed was her mother sat just as wide eyed next to her. Jane was a little shorter than me. Long wavy brown hair down to her chest she wore a plain light brown dress. C-Cup bust, her legs were crossed but they began to shake a little bit. 

“Jane, you didn’t tell me you knew a boy,” her mother said next to her. 


“Hi, I’m Russ,” I said, reaching out my hand to her mother. “Jane helped clean my teeth the other day.”

“Oh, you did mention that,” her mother said. “Sorry, I didn’t believe her.”

“No problem, can I sit?” I asked.

“Please,” her mother said, scooting over, Jane did as well so I sat near the stairs. I plopped down next to the practically vibrating girl. “What brings you here?”

“A friend of mine is playing for the Tigers,” I said. 

“Ah, my youngest is playing for the Knights,” her mother said. “I’m Jill by the way.”

“Nice to meet you. Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“No, please. Been so long since I’ve talked to a boy, and how Jane was acting you would think she never had.”

“Can’t blame her. I drive people speechless,” I said. Leaning back I gave the girl a wide smile. She blushed and stammered as her mother and I talked about this or that. The crowd got rowdier and it wasn’t too long until the girls were running out onto the gymnasium. They wore short athletic shorts, loose tanktops, and kneepads. A net set up in the center of the room. This was my first volleyball game to watch where I wouldn’t feel like a pervert. 


People clapped. Jill pointed out her other daughter. A much younger girl she was part of the varsity team, but was taller than Jane. We clapped and the other team was let in. I noticed Julie White right away. At the front of the crowd she led her team the Tigers. I hadn’t seen her since our date when we saw Scream III, but I did make sure to check in with her every other day. 


I hadn’t planned on going to the volleyball game, but after talking with Erica at the prison, this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss. I scanned the gym for my real target but hadn’t seen her yet. I was satisfied to wait as we clapped for the 2 teams. Julie’s team was on the other side of the gym so she didn’t see me, but then I noticed one of her friends pointing in my direction. Julie turned around and locked eyes with me. I smiled wide and she mirrored it. 

Julie had long auburn hair, almost 6 foot tall. She didn’t have a bust, but holy hell she filled out those gym shorts. I could tell she had done a lot of squats, way more than I had, that was for sure. As she waved to me I waved back and she got her head back into the game. 

“Who’s that?” Jill noted, eyeing me then her daughter. 

“A friend of mine. Her grandmother won a date with me in an auction, but the grandmother gave it to her instead. Been friends ever since,” I said.

“That’s sweet,” Jill said. “Jane, are you and Russ friends?”

She blushed more, but didn’t answer. “I think we are,” I said. 


“Then why haven’t you invited him to church?” Her mother asked, as a challenge to me.

“That’s true,” I said, recalling that Jane was very PG with her cursing when we fooled around in the backseat of her car. “Why haven’t you?” 


“I…didn’t think you would be interested,” Jane mumbled.

“If I have time, why not?” I asked with a shrug. “Would be a good first date.” 


“Oh a date, now?” Jill asked. “I would love that. We could have lunch at our house with your sisters.”

“Fine with me,” I said. “But I’d want to take her on a real date afterward. Movie, ice cream, all that.” 

“Really, I think that could be arranged,” Jill said. One thing I knew about Christian girls was to get in the mother’s good graces. Unless…she was a preacher. Preacher’s daughters were a whole other animal. 

“You’re not your church pastor are you?” I asked. 

“No,” Jill said.

“Then perfect,” I said, my smile back on. “Jane, let’s go work out the details.” I grabbed her hand and helped her up. She practically launched upward, following me as we walked down the bleachers and moved to the exit. I waved to Julie as I walked by, but she frowned at Jane behind me. I ignored it and walked out to the concession stand setup in the hall. 


“That was fun,” I said. 


“I can’t believe you agreed to that,” she whispered. 


“Church? Why not?” I asked. 


“I…don’t know?” She asked. “I just never thought a boy would agree. And seeing you again? I thought it would be a while.” 

“It’s a small world,” I assured her. Passing her a bag of popcorn I began walking down the hall away from the gym. She followed. “Do you want me to cancel?”

“No! No, I’d love for you to go,” Jane said. Coming out of her shell a little now that her mom wasn’t there. “I uh, sorry, I got worried you’d say something about…”

“The amazing blowjob you gave me?” I asked. She blushed, but nodded. “No. I had fun. I’m hoping to take you on a real date and talk you into it again.” 

“Was it…really that good?” She asked. Hiding a smile. 

“It was,” I said. “And it helps that you’re gorgeous.” She blushed more. “So tell me, want to go on a real date?”

“I’d love to,” she said, moving her wavy brown hair behind her ear. “When could you?” 

“Not this Sunday. Next Sunday though, for sure,” I said. 


“Okay,” she said. “You um still have my number?” 

“I do. Sorry I haven’t called. I’ll be sure to.” I moved over to a door and jiggled the knob but it didn’t budge. 


“What are you looking for?” Jane asked. 

“I was hoping to find a secluded spot to make out and go down on you,” I said, trying another door. She stopped in her tracks. I turned to her. When she processed the words she grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall. It wasn’t long until we were at a door that opened. Inside was an auto shop. 


“I used to go here. They keep it open for kids working on their cars,” she said quickly. 


“Don’t care,” I said, moving into her. I grabbed her ass and she jumped up onto me. Kissing her deeply she giggled as I walked us to a table. My thighs hitting the table edge I set her down and focused on our kiss. Our tongues in one another’s mouths, my hands were pulling up the hem of her dress. 


“Cheese and rice. My mom could find us,” she said, but that wasn’t a denial. Grabbing the top of her panties I pulled them down and she leaned back on her elbows as she moaned. My mouth was buried between her legs soon enough. It appeared she had shaved since our last encounter. Her pussy practically dripping in arousal. My lips were on hers as I began eating her out hungrily. 

She cried out, her legs shaking as they moved to wrap around my head. It wasn’t long until she was cumming hard. Too turned on she wasn’t quiet as she came. Her yells only made me keep up the onslaught. She tried to push me away when it was over but I grabbed her hands and forced them to the table. 

When she stopped fighting me and began moaning again I released her and ran my hands along her milky thighs. As she got more into the treatment I risked it and snaked a finger into her ass. She cried out louder, cumming again as my finger penetrated her. A full body orgasm moved through her as her hands scratched through my hair. This orgasm was longer but as it finished this time I pulled away to admire my work. 


“Holy rice balls,” Jane mumbled as she laid on the table. Her hand on her forehead she caught her Brest slowly. “That was fuudge!”


“That good huh?” I asked, standing over my work. Her cleanly shaven pussy glistened in the dim light from the hall. 


“I uh never uh-wow,” she said sitting up. “I’m a little light headed.” 


“Take your time. Should we head back to your mother?” I asked. 


Jane looked up at me then down to my groin. “Not till you’re satisfied,” she said. Standing up she moved me to the table. 


“You don’t have to…”


“I want to,” she said, licking her lips she moved down to her knees and undid my zipper. Given yet another blowjob by someone I didn’t expect to get one from, I was more than willing. Undoing my buckle I dropped my pants to let it all hang out. 


Jane’s eyes crossed as she stared at the head. Somehow more turned on by this she took the thick head in her mouth and licked everywhere. From what I remembered about our short interaction on her lunch break she was a natural at blowjobs. She had only gotten better it seemed. 


Practically swallowing my whole dick she was at the base in one gulp. Her eyes staring up at me she took in air through her nose as her hands rested on my thighs. Her eyes fluttering she stayed there for a long time forcing me to buck and curse as she began to slide her lower jaw left and right while raising up. 


“Fu-dge!” I said as she went down the same way. Back and forth. Never stopping she knew what it was doing to me as she went down and came back up. Then her tongue stuck out the bottom of her mouth, licking my balls just barely. “Go-sh dang!”


She smiled wide at the base and moved back up. “I’m going to cum,” I admitted after a few more times. 


“Where do you want to cum?” She asked taking in deep gulps of air. 


“Down your throat,” I admitted. She nodded and went down. Never stopping her administrations as her tongue and lower lips swayed this way and that. It wasn’t long until I was groaning and holding her head down. She stayed rooted at the base for a long time as I unloaded in her throat. 


I almost saw spots as it continued then when I was empty she pulled back and sucked on the head for the last few dribbles. 


“You taste so good,” she said with a giggle. 


“You’re scarily good at that,” I said. 


“Well you get one more,” she said moving back down my dick. I cursed and bucked but was no longer fighting it. Simply laying back and relaxing she tried new things. Holding her head down as long as possible. Licking along the shaft. Glugging as the tip of my dick hit a certain spot in her throat. 


Before I knew it I was cumming again. This time in her mouth for her pleasure. When I was emptied once more she swallowed my semen slowly then stood up. 


“Can I be your girlfriend?” She asked cutely. 


I almost said no, but I had been fighting it too much. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to see you all the time. But every now and then.”


“I don’t care. Whenever you can,” she said cutely. 


“Then yes,” I said. “I’ll make time for you. That was a world class blowjob.”


“So if I’m your girlfriend I get to do it whenever I want?” She asked. I nodded. “Okay. I like it.”


“I f-reaking love it,” I said standing up as I readjusted my clothes. “Where’d you learn that?”


“I don’t know. Just did whatever made you moan the loudest.”


“Well dang. You uh want a kid?” I asked as we walked out. 


“Not really,” she said. “Someday. But I’ve never really dated before.”


“No girlfriends?” I asked. She had been much more willing to do this stuff than Wendy who was my last real virgin. 


“No. I’ve never really fooled around before. But that stuff doesn’t really count. You know, kissing, maybe a little heavy petting. I’m kind of saving myself for marriage,” she said. 


“How does that work? Like marrying a woman?”


“Yeah, kind of. But if I can nab a man…” she bit her lip, eyeing me. 


“I uh can’t really marry one person,” I said feeling a little bad to end this so soon. 


“What do you mean?”


“Like I’ve impregnated a few women. Sorry if that’s a deal-“


“I don’t care about that,” she said, waving what I said away. “My mom was raised Mormon. They got real big about 50 years ago because of polygamy. I don’t really practice but I grew up with a bunch of moms.”


“Oh,” I said thinking quickly. “Oh! So like you wouldn’t care if I…”


“Married other girls? No,” she said. “Don’t tell anyone I told you that though. Some women get a little weirded out.”


“I can’t see why,” I said as we got back to the concessions. “I’m surprised I’m saying this but I’m really looking forward to spending time checking out your church. I think we will get along-“


I stopped talking as I noticed who I was looking for. She was about to walk into the gym as she noticed me as well. She was taller than I remembered. About 5 foot 10. In normal jeans and a long sleeve shirt she wore a hat on her head, hiding the tattoo. I’d seen her a few weeks ago, but she was as Erica described. 


“Hey, uh Jane. I need to talk to someone real quick. You mind saving my spot?” I asked. 


“Uh sure,” she said. After a long pause she walked in. The roar of the crowd sounded from the door until it closed on its own. I walked over to my target. Instead of waiting for me she walked away from the gym. 


Down a hall I followed her without worry as she made a move for me. Grabbing onto my collar the Nightingale pushed me into the wall. I let it happen. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” She yelled a little loudly. The smell of beer on her breath I smiled slightly as I stared at her. 


“Me? I’m seeing one of the volleyball girls,” I said. 




“Does it matter?” I asked. “What are you doing here?”


“None of your business,” she said. Grinding her teeth she shoved me into the wall and walked away. 


“You weren’t seeing your daughter play, were you?” I asked. She stopped in her tracks. “I’m sure you know Florence had me visit her daughter in prison. Nice girl. She told me all about how obsessed with volleyball you were.”


She turned around, rage in her eyes as she made a move for me. “That’s enough manhandling. You touch me again and I’ll take you seriously.”


“Ha!” She barked and lunged for me. Erica had said Eleanor was really protective of her daughter. I didn’t realize how much.  


Moving to the side I extended my fingers out and jabbed her in the throat. She coughed up her breath so I hit her across the head with my elbow. Striking her twice I kicked her knee in and she fell. My hand grabbing a fistful of her hair, I pulled out a knife and pointed it in her eye. 


“You're dead if you do more than breath,” I said with all seriousness. No one would suspect me. 


“Fuck you, boy toy,” she hissed. 


“Lucky for you, talking is breathing in a certain way,” I said. “Now are you done being a dumbass?”


“What the fuck do you want?” She asked, her eye moving from the knife to me. 


“I want you to listen,” I said. I slowly released her hair and stepped away as I spoke. “I know you were on the short list for Florence last go around. How would you like it if I made another fire happen?”


“What?!” She barked, readjusting her collar as she slowly stood. 


“Your Florence fucked with me,” I said. “No one fucks with me. I want her gone and I’m going to make it happen. Question is if you want the spot.”


She was about to talk but someone walked across the end of the hall. She eyed them until they left. When they did she scoffed. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


“I am,” I said. 


“And what if I don’t want it?” She asked. 


“Then you’re smart. No sane person wants to be the boss. You’re actually an idiot if you wanted it,” I said truthfully. 


She nodded with that. “Guess I’m dumb. But what’s stopping me from going to her?”


“Nothing,” I said. “I’ll just work with someone below you to help them be bumped up.”


“How?” She asked. 


“How the fuck do you think?” I asked. “Listen, I don’t have time to play 20 questions. This is commerce. You want something. I want something. We can help each other to make it happen.”


“What do you want?” She asked slowly. 


“I want to not be fucked with,” I said. “The Club is off limits.” She thought about it and nodded. “I want my line on condoms. At your cost still. In fact I want a free shipment. And 2 more things.”


“What are the 2?”


“That I can’t tell you until the time is right,” I said. “They would be in your favor if you were so inclined to help me.”


“You…planning on killing her?” She asked. I was surprised she thought that. Then again I walked into her club and outed a fed and snitch easily. I probably had some credit with all of them. 


“I wasn’t planning on it. Do you want her dead?” 


“Not really,” she admitted. 


“Good. Here is a burner. Keep it at your house or whatever. I’ll call you a day before I need something from you. No talk on the phone besides meeting locations and times. No names. No nothing.” She grabbed the phone and slowly put it in her pocket. I walked back down the hall. 


“When are you doing this?” She asked. 


“Things are already in the works,” I said. Putting my hand in my pockets I walked back toward the gym. I hoped she didn’t tell Florence. This was the biggest risk in my plan. If she talked I’d have to kill her and Florence. And probably have to forget Erica as my Pen Pal. I didn’t want any of those to happen. 

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