Moral Degeneration


Farrah went in late to work reluctantly. I didn’t want to encourage her to sell the Club, but she would make a nice profit. Her mother owned a lot of businesses in the area as well so it wasn’t like she was hurting, but it proved I had to work harder. 

Spoiled after my recent windfall with money from New York I was itching to find more ways to make a quick buck. The trick was to know what opportunities were worth taking. I still had a bunch of tapes from the Menagerie. I considered blackmailing some of the women, but that was always ugly. If I hadn’t stopped the lady from trying, someone else would have found her. They would have the tapes and probably would have killed her as well. 


For now I was sitting on them. Leaning toward burning them, I would watch them all later and make my decision. 


After Farrah’s I went to Wendy’s place. I woke her up but she was more than happy to sex it up then fall asleep in my arms. She had to work in the morning though so there was no church or chance to talk to her mom so I went to my other devout follower. 


Jane Tinfield was a dental tech at Linda’s office. We had fooled around on her work break and I happened upon her once more. She was quickly turning into one of my favorite people in the world. She had a bubbly attitude and was simply happy to hear my voice or know I cared. 


I walked up to her apartment building in the early morning. It was a nice place,  simple and quite close to where I lived. Knocking on her door a few times there was no answer though. I hit it a little louder until I heard her whisper on the other side of the door, “Leave me alone.”

“Jane? It’s me, Russ,” I said. The door opened immediately. Jane was in thin pajamas. With light brown wavy hair, she was usually in dresses and smiling. Now she had a black eye and a scratch on her cheek. 

“Who did this to you?!” I asked coming up to her. She started crying as I put my hand against the cheek that wasn’t scratched. 

“My family,” she said with a struggle.

“Which? Start at the beginning,” I said. Shutting the door I walked her over to the small table and sat her down. Finding a coffee machine I started it up. “Are you hungry?” 


“I-” She said but I was already putting a cast iron skillet on her stove. 


“How do you take your eggs?”

“Uh -you don’t-” She stopped as I glared at her. “Scrambled.”

“Good,” I said and began making her some as well as toast. Setting everything out in front of her I poured her some coffee. She liked it extra sweet and before she knew it was munching on the food. Food always helped. 


“My mom has been stalking me at work,” Jane said as she chewed on the toast. “I told her to leave me alone, but she’s been harassing me. I came out to a rock through my new car window on Friday.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” I asked. 

“I-I thought you were busy,” she said.

“I was, but this is important Jane. What led to the physical altercation?” My hand was on hers stroking it as she continued to eat.

“Last night. My uh half-sisters stopped by. 5 of them. The ones I was closest with. They wanted to ask me to come back. Things were civil at the start. But when I wouldn’t commit to going back to church it got violent,” she said. “I-I couldn’t believe it.” 

“How did they find your apartment?” I asked. 

“Someone probably followed me from work,” she said with a sigh. “Maybe I should just go back.”

“Do you want to go back?” I asked. 


“Kind of,” she said. “I miss my family, but after yesterday… I knew they were upset. But this upset?” 

“So you want to be able to go to church?” I asked. 

“No, I just want to see my family,” she said. “I know I whine about doing all this stuff for them, but they were my life.” 


“I understand,” I lied. In my life if someone hurt me, I hurt them back, or cut them off. But I wasn’t going to sit there and lecture her on that. Jane would live her life how she wanted and telling her how to live it would only push her back to them. “How can I help?” 

“I have no idea if you can,” she said. Her face was placid as she left some of the food on the plate. Her mind was mostly shut down, so it was time to do the thinking for her. 


“I see 3 options,” I said. “Number 1: we ignore them. Which would end up in this happening again, and the harassment to continue. Neither of us wants that.” She shook her head. “Option 2: I put you up in a hotel for a little while. It wouldn’t be forever. We let things calm down, but your mom would probably follow you again, so you couldn’t go back to work.”

“I like my work,” she said. 

“That’s fine. These are just options. Finally, Option 3 is that you and I confront them together. I doubt your dad has a part in this. If he knows about it, I can make it clear that you and I are together. Anything done to you is done to me and will not sit well.”

“You’d do that?” She asked, smiling slightly as she studied me. 

“Of course…but it would take some shock to realize that I’m serious about retaliation.”

“What kind of shock?” She asked slowly. 


“I’d have to hit a few of them,” I said. “Not hard.” I assured myself quickly. “Just the ones that hit you.”

“Oh,” she said, squinting her eyes. “I think I’d be okay with that.” 

“Perfect. Grab your jacket, let’s go have a chat.” 


“Now?” She asked, getting scared. 

“Now is the perfect time, trust me,” I said with a smile. “I’ll take you to lunch afterward. Maybe we could see a movie.” 


“Uh -ooh ah, fine,” she said eventually. A little frantic she got dressed as I cleaned up her kitchen. As she walked out in a new light pink dress she had a small smile on her lips as I grabbed her hand. Walking out together I treated it like any other date. Opening her door, gripping her thigh as I drove us across town.

The church was in session as I thought it would be. Parking at the front she was nervous but I assured her it would all be okay. Practically dragging her inside it sounded like the chorus was going first. I let Jane’s hand go as soon as we were in the main worship area. Hundreds of women all standing and singing from hymns made quite the scene. 


Behind the pulpit was Jim, the pastor, husband to many women there, and father to the rest. A woman playing an organ behind him, there was a group of women leading the chorus. I walked up confidently. Pushing Jim out of the way the man was more than a little lost as I took the stand, and the women slowly but surely quieted. 


“Sorry for interrupting your service,” I said. “If I didn’t get a chance to meet you a few weeks ago, I am Russell Willard. Jane Tinfield’s boyfriend.” I pointed to her. She would have run if she could, but she was frozen in fear as dozens of eyes turned to her. “I decided to make this announcement because of your ignorance. I understand there is only 1 man here,” I pointed to Jim. “There are so many women, I’m sure he simply forgot to inform you that men don’t take it kindly when someone hurts who he is close to.” 


There were murmurings in the crowd. “Yes, quite the shock, I’m sure,” I said. “Now, I don’t want to name names. But someone in this building attacked my girlfriend. Others have been harassing and causing her undo stress.” I turned to Jim. He of course was oblivious. Looking into the crowd as if he could divine the culprits. “Jim, do me a favor and call them forward.” 

“I’m not-” 

“You are,” I said, firmly. “If you don’t, I’ll take their sins as your sins.” I moved closer to him. He was a little taller, but I was young and muscular. He frowned and looked at the crowd. 


“If what he is saying is true. I want those involved to come forward,” he said weakly. I patted him on the back. There were murmurings but a few stood up. Mother and daughter alike. There were 8 of them. 


“You too,” I said, pointing at Jane’s mother. Her face was beet red but she stood and walked out of her seat and to the front. I took big steps off the pulpit and stood in front of the women. The younger ones stared at me defiantly. I considered giving them all black eyes. 


“I expect the harassment of my girlfriend to stop,” I said lowly. Still, defiant stares. I walked to the side and spanked the first girl in the ass as hard as I could. She flew forward and the others yelled and moved away. “Take your fucking punishment!” I roared. I pointed at Jim. “You take a single step and I’ll treat you the same. Line up, ladies. An eye for an eye and all that bullshit. Mothers and daughters, you share the same fate.” 

I grabbed the next girl by the ear and smacked her ass. The mother too. A few ran, but I caught them, uncaring what kind of scene I was making. These were not violent women. Just girls not used to retaliation for their actions. “If your father won’t teach you right from wrong, I will,” I said. 


When all had got what was coming to them the place was in chaos. Women standing and backing away from me. I saved the best for last though. Grabbing Jane’s mother by the ear I kicked her toward the door and she stumbled over to a crying Jane. Instead of stopping there though I grabbed Jane by the arm and dragged her out of the service hall. 


Tossing Jane’s mom, Jill, to the wall she spat, “You son of a bitch. I’ll-” 

“I understand why you’re upset,” I said, cutting her off. “You were scared.” She stopped her reply, locking eyes with me. “Jane is your daughter and she is growing up. You don’t know how to process this, which is only human.” 

I pulled Jane over to me. She wasn’t crying, but was staring from me to her mother, unsure what to do. She was the type that wanted to fix conflict. I had to do this for her though. 


“She tells me you were looking at shipping her off to a different church to try to marry some other man,” I said. “Why would you want that?” Before she could answer I cut her off. “She could end up in a city half-way across the country. You’d never see your grandkids then. Would her new husband even let her leave?” She opened her mouth then shut it. I didn’t think so. In this cult the man was king. 


“I plan to stay in the area,” I lied. “If she and I are together you could see your grandkids. Play with them. Hold them a hell of a lot more than if she was far away.”

“You made her leave the church,” Jill spat. “She never-”

“I asked her to take a break from the church,” I said, taking the blame. “Just so I can see her more, her possible future husband.” She shut up, looking from her daughter to me. “I will make you a deal. If you leave her alone. I will come to church with her 1 Sunday a month. Afterward if you’re civil, we will stop by for lunch. A family lunch. If you can gain her trust back, she might see you more. But I will not stand for this harassment at work. Her money is no longer yours. It is hers. As your husband directs you to give the money where he sees fit. I do the same for Jane, and I want her to keep it.” 


I sat on my haunches in front of her. Eye to eye. “If you can’t agree to this. I will make a scene like this every Sunday. Call you out in front of your husband and the whole church.” She didn’t like the thought of that. “If you stick to it. I’m sure your husband would be more than happy to go to lunch with us if he would have the chance to try to convert another man to his religion.” Her eyes widened. 

It was easy to see they were all desperate for male attention. Not just male, but their husband’s attention. 200 women sharing one man must have been exhausting. Maybe spending more than church time with him once or twice a year. This would probably ensure her more time. 

“Are we in agreement?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said. “If you promise to stop the no contact…” She looked up at Jane shyly. “And…visit. I will stop trying to visit you at work.”

“And stop poisoning the other girls against her,” I said. “These women are as much her family as you are. I could easily invite a few more mothers to these lunches. I’m sure they’d love time as well. You know, as an apology for whipping them in front of the whole congregation.” Her anger was clear to see, but I stuck my hand out. She took and shook it roughly. 

“Perfect,” I said. “See you in a month.” Standing up I grabbed Jane’s hand and pulled her out of the church. She was very quiet, but didn’t fight me. As the Elle came alive I drove away and she finally laughed. 

“I can’t believe you did that,” she said.

“Sorry,” I said. “I figured a public scene was the only way to get them to stop.” 

“No, it was…honestly funny. Now anyway,” she said, still in a daze. Her hands moved to the side of her head as she yelled, “Gah! I-I can’t believe that happened. You spanked all of those girls. And their moms?! Why?”

“Because they had it coming,” I said. She leaned over kissing me on the cheek. 

“Thank you,” she whispered. Not moving away as she sniffed me. “That was…perfect.”

“I assume it was fine to offer your mom a Sunday,” I said. “You could see your family then.”

“And you’ll be there?” She asked, hopeful. 

“I promised,” I said with a nod.

“Gah, I know I barely know you, but I love you,” she said. “Most of my moms met my dad once before they got married. I’ve already seen you like 6 times. C-can we get married?”

“I’m still trying to figure that part out,” I said. “I’m still in high school, remember? I want to wait until I’m a little older to think about that.” 

She frowned. “Ugh, I just want to start my life with you.”

“Jane, I still can’t see you everyday. I don’t want to do that until I have a huge place where we can live together.”

“Do you want my money to help?” She asked. “I don’t mind if it-”

“No,” I said. “Save your money for now. We will have kids someday. If you get a lot I’d like to invest it. But your money is your money. Okay?”

“Yeah,” she said, smiling ear to ear. “Thank you. That was so perfect.” She sat back down, but was still practically bouncing. “Where are we going?” 

“Your place,” I said.

“Oh, want a little fun?” She had a black eye which made me hesitant. But it wasn’t like I did that to her.

“No, we are going to my Autoshop. Getting your car and replacing the window,” I said.

“What? Really?” She asked. 

“Of course,” I said. “I said I’d take care of your problems.” I dropped her off at her car and she followed me to the Autoshop. It was Sunday, but Jess was there working on her Mustang. 


“Didn’t expect you today,” she said as I parked behind the Mustang. 

“Didn’t expect it either,” I said. She cleaned her hands on a rag as Jess pulled up. 

“Jess, this is Jane, Jane, Jess,” I said.

“Which one are you?” Jess asked. “The sister?” 

“Again, I am not sleeping with my sister,” I growled. “It’s my guardian’s daughter.”

“Whatever,” Jess said, rolling her eyes. 

“No, Jane and I actually…don’t have sex,” I said. Jane blushed.

“I’m assuming she’s your girlfriend too,” Jane said. She eyed Jess up and down. I nodded slowly. Then left them to it as I walked to the back. A book listing the different style windows that fit with Jane’s car I found we had a few in stock in the back. Grabbing it, I set it on a table and began to thoroughly clean it as the girls talked. 

“So you haven’t gone all the way?” Jess asked. 

“No, uh, I’m saving that for marriage,” Jane said. “We do other stuff though.” 

“Oh yeah? Like anal?” Jess asked. 

“A-anal? What’s that?” Jane asked. 

“Your butt. You do it in the butt, then you don’t break the hymen,” Jess said matter of factly. 

“Th-that’s a thing?” Jane asked shyly. 

“Oh wow, are you like a Christian girl?”

“Mormon,” she said.

“Oh I like you,” Jess said laughing. “You ever watch porn?”

“No!” Jane said, not angry simply shocked. “What does that have to do with anything?” 

“I’m just curious. You’ve never really sampled Russ’s goods. I’m curious what the attraction is,” she said. I stood up, finished with cleaning the window.

“Don’t be mean,” I said to her as I walked past. Opening Jane’s car door I ripped off the plastic. Glass still everywhere I grumbled and grabbed a vacuum. Cleaning it out as the girls talked. I couldn’t hear them over the vacuum. When I could, their conversation had taken a turn. 


“Wait, you can go all the way to the base?” 

“Mmhmm,” Jane nodded. She was drinking a coffee, sitting on the back of the Mustang as Jess leaned against one of the lifts. “I never really had a gag reflex.”

“Oh, I want to see this,” Jess said. “Can we-”

“I’m trying to work here,” I said as I started prying open the door. “Kind of hard when you’re giving me a hardon.” 

“Poor you,” Jess said. “So who did that to your eye?” 

“My half-sister. She’s always been a jerk. They came over the other day…” And she explained her situation as I worked. It didn’t take terribly long and after an hour the new window was in place and working. 


“Not bad,” Jess said. Admiring my work Jane was all over it, thanking me over and over again. 

“Jane, I’m writing you a receipt for $500 cash,” I said. “I’ll pay it.” I said, writing her a ticket.

“$500 for a window?” Jess asked.

“Just making our first sale,” I said. It was my first instance of laundering money into my place, and it felt good. Pure profit, I would bill my time so it wasn’t taxed as heavily, and the rest would go into the shop. 


“Whatever,” Jess said. “Off to anywhere?” 

“I promised Rowan I’d take her car shopping,” I said.

“Your sister?” 

“The one you’re sleeping with?” Jane asked. 

“I’m not sleeping with my sister,” I said. “Rowan is my half-sister. Luna, is my guardian’s daughter. And yes, I’m sleeping with Luna.”

“Ohhh,” Jane said.

“Whatever,” Jess said. “You uh got time to show me those skills of yours?” She eyed Jane. 

I wasn’t about to say no. I watched Jane blush but she looked around. “Here?” She asked. 

“We have a spot,” Jess said, grabbing her hand. “Can’t believe how fine with this I am. I thought for sure I’d be jealous. But you 2 aren’t really banging. And I gotta see it to believe it.” She dragged the girl over to the couch in the back. I was already pretty hard, this was the first instance with both girls and someone added in. It was a good test to see how they would handle the others. 

“Won’t someone come in?” Jane asked shyly. 


“They haven’t yet,” she said. “You don’t have to. I was just…hoping to learn. Russ has been telling me he has other girls, but he didn’t say they were so cute. So, Ms. Mormon girl. What do you got?” It felt like Jess was actually goading her. I wondered if deep down she was into this a little. 

“Okay,” Jane said with a blush. Grabbing my hand she moved me to the couch and pushed me to sit me down. Getting on her knees she leaned closer but I pulled her to me, kissing her. She moaned in my mouth as she fumbled with my belt and pants. Jess sat next to me, watching as Jane pulled out my rock hard dick. 

“Why does it always look bigger?” Jane marveled as her two hands gripped it. 

“Right? I thought it was just me that thought that,” Jess said. She had a blush on, her eyes locked on my dickhead. I let the two of them take control. Jane hesitated but moved her head down. Sucking on the tip she pulled my pants to be around my ankles. 


Taking a deep breath she moved from tip to base in one smooth motion. Her maw wider than ever she took in my girth and still found room to lick me all the way down. I cursed. 

“Holy shit,” Jess said. Jane mashed her face down into my groin. Her nose in my pelvis as my dick made her throat bulge. She moved up slowly, her lower jaw moving from side to side reminding me why she was the deepthroat queen. “Wow, that’s some technique there.” 

“Thanks,” Jane said, catching her breath, then she was back at it. Going up and down in long motions, her tongue and lips never stopped moving. I fought more cursing as I pulled Jess to me and started kissing her. My dick filling Jane’s throat she hummed happily, knowing exactly what it was doing to me. Jess reached underneath her head and began playing with my balls. 

“Fu-!” I cursed. Jane sped up more somehow. Taking in deep breaths every time she moved to the tip then thrusting her own head down. “I’m cumming!” I admitted. Ashamed and amazed how quickly she could make it happen. 

She nodded and began licking the tip. I began shooting ropes of cum in her mouth. She swallowed the first few but never released my dick. When she came up for air she opened her mouth to show the white semen still there and Jess kissed her. Moaning in her mouth, Jane’s eyes widened, but then they began to use tongue. 


Slurping up the cum out of her mouth Jess lingered on her lips, then plopped off of them loudly. “You taste great,” she whispered and pulled back. Jane looked at me shyly, stunned.

“See, I thought he liked the lesbian stuff,” Jess said. “It helps you’re so cute.” Her hand moved to the side of Jane’s head. “That was pretty great. Mind if I try?”

“Uh no,” Jane said, standing up. But instead of Jess taking her place she straddled my thighs. Leaning back she pulled a condom out of my pocket. 

“You never watched porn. Interested in a live show?” Jess asked, her face blushing the whole time as she acted confident.

“I-uh,” Jane said, but looked to me for permission. I reached forward and grabbed her hand, setting her down next to me. Her eyes were locked on my now condomed dick. I could see her getting turned on as Jess descended down. 

“Holy shit, you feel so good,” Jess said. Her arms draping over my shoulders. I nodded, opening her shirt to reveal her breasts. Jane still watched, amazed as Jess moved down. 

“How does it fit?” Jane asked.

“No idea, but I’m soooo glad it does,” Jess said. She got to the base and shivered. My hand moved over to Jane, slowly moving her skirt up. She yelped but didn’t stop me as I began to inch toward her pussy. “Want to keep kissing?” 

“Me?” Jane whimpered. She looked at me again. 

“Do what you want. She’s right. I think it’s hot,” I said, and I wasn’t a fan of kissing right after they swallowed my cum. Jane blushed but sat on her knees. The girls kissed and I began to work. Playing with Jane’s clit and slowly humping up into Jess the girl’s gasped but took it all. Cumming one by one we had a nice and simple threesome. I couldn’t help but be glad I’d bought the place. It was proving worth the investment. 

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