Moonlight Blue

Chapter 35: A little journey into the past

Now it’s time for the last place. I walk over to the table that’s opposite to me. The table itself is elegant and well crafted. It has beautiful designs all over its legs. The chair has a red cushion on it. Just by touching it, you could feel the softness of a cloud from it.

On top of the desk, there are some parchment documents scattered all over it, an already dried up ink and a quill and finally, a diary. I’m drawn to the diary almost immediately as I hold it within my hand. I then sense a faint magical energy within the diary.

“A form of lock magic to prevent anyone from opening the diary. But it has long deteriorated due to the years.”

Even so, the magical energy is still there so I order Ariel to analyse the leftover magic. It would be cool if I can lock a book, making it assessable to certain people.

After analysing the residue of magic, I open up the diary. The diary seems damaged as some of the pages are either torn, smeared or the ink faded. I look at the first page of the diary and read its contents that are written in the Draconic language.

Entry 1.

The great war against the Great Evil and its army ended with our victory. The human hero, His majesty the Draconic king and her highness managed to successfully seal the Great darkness. With that act, they successfully avenged our people who died at its invasion. We also managed to defeat the Great Evil’s generals. Some of them were completely eliminated while some were sealed.

However, that victory wasn’t without any sacrifice. In this war, we lost His majesty and almost all of our brethren. All this time, the only thing I did was cower. I couldn’t even die besides them. All I could do was craft potions and do research. The princess would always motivate me by saying “you are already doing enough” or “you are indispensable” but that’s just what the strong always say to the weak. I bet she was trying to say I couldn’t compare to her since she’s the ‘Mother of Magic’.

I flip the page only to find some missing pages.

Entry 10.

We managed to create a mausoleum for His majesty and our fallen brethren. At the ceremony, I managed to harvest some of His majesty’s blood when the princess wasn’t looking. The royal bloodline is potent within His majesty. Even the humans who had the honour of drinking his blood before the all-out war had a surge in strength and power.

Of course, due to them being lowly creatures, they couldn’t have known the value of that blood. They couldn’t even absorb its power fully even though it was only two drops each. Of course, I can’t drink the blood yet. Drinking it won’t make me as strong as my fellow brethren, although it would increase my strength.

But I don’t just want a simple increase in strength. I want a body that can rival even His majesty.

I turn the pages again.

Entry 33.

Finally, I’ve succeeded in my project. I managed to craft a potion that should give me the body that I desire using His majesty’s blood as the foundation. It took me quite some time, namely, 55 years to find all the ingredients I needed. I had some failed attempts here and there but I made it.

However, this potion is too potent. I’ve tried to dilute the leftover of the potion to decrease its potency but that was impossible. The potion would just lose almost all it’s effects. If I were to drink this, I would surely die.

Entry 78.

I managed to find a way to drink the potion safely. That way is to find myself an ‘undying body’. After a bunch of experiments on beings that have long lives or are immortal such as elves, giants, vampires, and even the so called ‘first humans’, none survived. They couldn’t even survive three drops of the potion. What useless test subjects.

I then heard of a species of vampires. Special vampires. The Primordial vampires. Along with the first vampire, the ‘Ancestor’, only 4 of them existed. It is said that as long as they have blood, they can’t die. Even destroying its entire body, a Primordial never dies. My plan is simple, find a Primordial vampire. Transfer my soul into its body and drink the potion. Not only would I be indestructible (to some degree) but I would also be immortal.

Entry 80.

After extensive research on the vampires, I found their weakness. Moonlight. They are weakened by moonlight so I started developing weapons, spells and chains that could work on them.

Entry 91.

I failed in capturing even one of them. With that Ancestor bastard still around, he protects his children like there’s no tomorrow.

Entry 95.

I stopped on my hunt for the Primordial vampires. Instead, I received results on my side project. I had managed to steal some blood from one of the Primordial vampires sometime ago and began research. Now that research is bearing fruit.

Entry 102.

I managed to successfully create my GAF formular. GAF stands for Genetical Alteration Formular. This formular allows me to change the genetic make-up of living beings and give them abilities. After experimenting with a ton of monsters and races, I ended up choosing the humans as my main experimental subjects.

Entry 107.

There’s been a breakthrough in my research. My experimental subjects have started to develop abilities. Some developed magical abilities while some developed uncategorised abilities. These pests started worshipping me as they kept saying I provided them with ‘gifts’. Had to change the name of my formular from GAF to Gift because of them.

It's not all bad though. Thanks to this, more people have moved in the village near this place turning it into a town. After hearing that ‘Goddess Casandra’ can grant even the weakest of them abilities called Gifts, they all came flocking. More research subjects for me.

Entry 120.

After a ton of experimentation, I still can’t seem to have control on the abilities that they will acquire. I have also not been lucky enough to create the ‘undying body’ I want. The good thing though is that it seems that the offsprings of these pests also inherit the Gift gene. Some develop their own unique Gifts while others inherit their parents’ Gifts. It depends on the Gifts the people who procreate have.

Entry 130.

I managed to create another formular that can help me predict the type of Gift a person can develop. This formular will save me a lot of time of giving Gifts to people who’ll only develop redundant Gifts or useless Gifts.

Entry 160.

Even after hundreds of experiments, I still couldn’t find someone with the undying body. But luckily, my ‘farming’ project which is basically keeping the humans I’ve experimented on in the same place and let them procreate has seen some development.

Procreating certain people with certain abilities either yielded an offspring with an ability with one or both of their parents or with a completely new ability. And the great thing about it is the fact that my Gift Prediction formular works even on them. So that means, I can just find certain people with compatible Gifts that will eventually lead to one of their descendants developing the undying body.

Entry 165.

The princess visited me the other day under the pretence of checking up on me but I know she came to snoop.

Entry 172.

I managed to find the compatible Gifts that will inevitably result with a descendant that has the undying body. Being of the Draconic race, that means I can live up to 5 thousand years no problem. But the problem is the princess’s snooping and also the results of my calculation.

It seems that the undying body will be born at least 9 thousand years from now or more. I can’t live for that long. The princess probably can live for that long with the use of magic. Should I ask her to use the spell that she used on that angel? Forget it. Anyone under quantum lock literally can’t do anything aside from watching the years go by. And it’s not guaranteed that she would let me out afterwards. I guess it’s time for the drastic approach.

Entry 190.

I succeeded on my gamble, but it was without it’s share of problems. Now my body has started to deteriorate. Well, it makes sense. If the soul is damaged, so will the body. Now, I doubt that I’ll even live a simple 50 years. Maybe I’ll even die sooner considering the fact that the princess found out about my experiments.

It doesn’t matter anyways even if she kills me. I’ll be the winner in the battle of attrition.

That’s where the diary ends.

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